
New World: Becoming The Harem King

After dying, Darius transmigrated in another world. A world that existed only in fantasies. Now he was forced to accept a system against his will. And will be forced to have a harem against will. "Why does this all happen to me only, when there are so many perverts out there?" He cried in fake sadness. (The cover does not belong to me. I can remove if you don't want it here.) Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/Pvezz2kU

RipplingLake · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Potential Rankings

Darius collapsed onto the bed, exhausted from the exertions of the day.

"What a long day." He moaned stretching his body while laying.

[Indeed. The day lasted 15 chapters.]

"What are you talking about?"

[Nothing. I said some notifications are yet to be opened.]

"What notifications?"

A panel appeared in front of his face.


The exclamation mark expanded into words.

[Hell Wolf slayed +300 experience.]

[Assisted in slaying Hell Wolf +50]

[You have levelled up!]

[LV 3→4]

[One-Handed Sword Arts levelled up!]

[LV 4→5]

The status screen opened.


Name: Darius Black

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Level: 4 (50/400)

Race: Human

Job: Adventurer (F)

Shop Tokens: 0

[Statistics] {Available Stat Points: 3}

HP: 57/57

MP: 40/40

Strength: 24

Dexterity: 30

Vitality: 27

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 30 (+50)

Magic: 10

Spirit: 20

Charm: 26


[Born during the Eclipse (S)]

Description: Growth will be extremely slow. The person with this ability will be much weaker than the average person if not trained.

• – 70% Growth Speed of Stats

• – 70% Experience Gain

• – 50% Learning Speed

[Genius (Rank: B)]

Description: A genius born once in a decade. Boosts the learning speed of any skill and knowledge.

» +100% Comprehension Speed

» Eidetic Memory (Passive)

» +50 Intelligence

» Skills requiring Mana i.e. Magic skills, Martial arts based on usage of mana, gain 2x more experience. 

» +100% Learning Speed

[Skills] {Available Skill Points: 6}

• One-handed Sword Arts (Rank: F) (XP: Max): LV 5

» Description: One-handed sword arts are taught to novice adventurers and soldiers to build the foundation for advanced one-handed sword arts. Maximum level: LV 5

» Damage with one-handed swords increased by 2%

» Advanced one-handed sword arts gain 3% more experience.

• Observe (Rank: D) (Mana Cost: 5MP) Cooldown: 2 seconds) (XP: 15%): LV 2

» Description: Analyse objects or people to acquire more information about them. Maximum Level: LV 15

» Become better at analysing objects, people or situations (Passive).

• Battle Sense (Rank: E) (XP: 30%): LV 1

» Description: Acquire battle experience equivalent to a Rank: E Adventurer.


He had put 5 stat points in his Agility before battle, and from the level raise he received 3 stat points which he would save for another time.

The skill Battle Sense was bought before his ambush on Hell Wolf. As it was mentioned before, he had no experience in fighting the monsters.

He could not make a mistake during that moment otherwise it could cost either of their lives. Thus, he purchased this skill that he had seen when searching for Observe.

It cost him all his ST but it was worth it. He could fight better due to this skill and not get injured.

A shiver ran throughout his body, his throat dried when he thought of the battle. Those Hell Wolves were half as big as him and their strength was unlike anything he had ever seen.

If he had to face them alone, he would be butchered. Even a single wolf was impossible for him to take on.

He needed strength. A lot of it.

Speaking of the battle, he was reminded of Fiona. The way she moved and efficiently killed those wolves was inspiring to say the least.

He could learn from her. She might agree to help him become strong if he asked nicely.

Which made him recall the function, "Reputation Menu.", he said.

The panel appeared with the title "Reputation" and two names engraved onto the screen.


{Fiona (Rank: E)}

{Affection: 15 (Acquaintance)}

{Tiara (Rank: E)}

{Affection: 23 (Friends)}


"What is this, system?"


"Why is there a rank after their names? What does it mean?"

[Oh, right. I forgot to give you the tutorial on this function.]

"How are you, a system, forgets about this?" Darius raised his eyebrows, lips pursed and asked in astonishment.

[I may be a system, but I too have a soul and mind. The only thing I lack is a physical body.]

"Damn." He said reflexively.

"But that still doesn't explain how you forgot."

[Don't blame me. Blame the one who created me. That guy's an idiot. Can't even make a good system.]

The panel glitched for a second followed by [Ow.]

"What was that?"


[Anyways, here's a tutorial.]

[The Reputation Menu shows the host a list of people whom the host has met so far, in this case, two women.

The people are sorted by their genders making only two lists, Male and Female.]

"So, no LGTV shit?"

[No LGTV shit.]

"Noice." He gave a thumbs up.

[The rank that you mentioned before is only applied to women. It is a rank to know the potential of the woman.

This ranking will assist you in making a strong harem.

Women are divided into 8 ranks: SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F.]

"Fiona and Tiara have below-average potential." Darius said, "Then how is Fiona so strong with such low potential?"

[Potential means level cap. They can not raise their levels any further than LV 25.]

"I see." Darius nodded, "What's Fiona's level?"

[To know that, you need to add them to your harem.]

"Well, that was informative." He smiled, "You're not so useless now, System."

[Whether I am useless or not, you will still die if you prove yourself incompetent.]

"Fuck you."

[Fuck you too.]

With the words of love spoken, Darius covered himself and closed his eyes, immediately arriving in the world of dreams.

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