
New World: Becoming The Harem King

After dying, Darius transmigrated in another world. A world that existed only in fantasies. Now he was forced to accept a system against his will. And will be forced to have a harem against will. "Why does this all happen to me only, when there are so many perverts out there?" He cried in fake sadness. (The cover does not belong to me. I can remove if you don't want it here.) Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/Pvezz2kU

RipplingLake · Fantasy
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31 Chs

How to get rid of a wild Tiara.

Fiona had gone to wash dishes, leaving Darius and Tiara in each other's company. Tiara was smiling widely, excited to know that Darius knew magic.

Years ago, when she first accompanied her mother on the hunt and saw a monster utilize magic. She had decided to learn magic no matter what, asking her mother to teach her.

Unfortunately, Fiona herself didn't know any magic causing her dream to be put on hold for the coming years.

Now that a real mage was here, she ceaselessly asked, "Can you teach me magic, now?"

"Tiara," Darius was starting to get annoyed, "I have told you that I cannot teach you right now. Give me some time to think about it."

"Teach me, please~" She childishly requested.

"I need some time, Tiara. Please understand. If I knew--" He stopped, almost letting the cat out of the bag.

However, Tiara was a curious girl. When something caught her eye, she would not stop at anything to know more about it. 

"Teach me!" She demanded, shaking his shoulder in irritation.

"Tiara!" He shouted standing up abruptly, making her flinch.

Her eyes were watery and big. She almost looked to be on the verge of crying. Now he felt guilty, he should not have seen her, "I'm sorry. I shouted I shouldn't have."

He inhaled deeply calming himself, "Fine then. I'll tell you something about magic."

His words were exhilarating, she bounced on her toes holding his hand, "Really?"

'Look at her. So happy like she wasn't sad a second ago.' He sighed for the nth time today, 'Women are mysterious.'

He had a plan for agreeing to her. A plan that would give him a few days of peace to design further. He could not just keep lying to them.

Before him there were two paths; continue his lies and risk getting caught which was inevitable, or turn lie into truth by learning magic.

The first option was not even in consideration, his consciousness would not allow him to betray them like this, especially the ones who did so much to help.

And the second option was doable, he had a system. He only needed a few days to achieve this plan. Which could be procured with the plan he just concocted.

'Time for some bullshit.' He cleared his throat.

"Tiara," He said to acquire her attention, which already remained on him unbroken. "Now I'll teach you the fundamentals of magic.'

"Okay!" She said, excitedly.

He walked slowly with her behind him like a lost puppy, "Magic is abstract." True. According to the novels and mangas.

"To learn magic one has to know nature closely." He peeked at her, and seeing that she was listening intently, he continued in his wise visage, "Every person has potential for magic. The potential could either be high or low. And how far a person can master magic depends on their talent and hard work."

All these words were chosen carefully by him. Abstract enough to trick the listener into thinking that it was true. He, although, was not a mage but to the knowledge of the previous Darius, it could be true.

"Before teaching you any magic spells," He climbed the stairs, knowing that she was behind him. "I need to know your potential so that I can decide what kind of magic is suitable for you."

Tiara squealed, "Quickly! Check my potential."

Her reaction caused the evil, in the depths of his mind, to surface, 'She will do anything. Taking advantage of her is really easy.'

He quickly shook his head, 'Bad thoughts. Go away.'

He looked at her bouncing around with joy flowing through her veins instead of, blood. 

"Now, now, calm your horses." He placated, "I do not have the instruments to check your potential. So, I can not do it right now."

"Aww~" She sulked pretty quickly.


"That is why I need a few days to prepare an ancient ritual that can help me check your potential." He added, with a condescending nose tilted upwards.

"Yay~" She extended her fist up.

"However," He had reached Tiara's and Fiona's shared room and went inside with her behind, "You cannot disturb me during the preparation. In the meantime, I'll teach you how to sense Mana."

He looked outside the window, seeing two moons further apart, at a low altitude. Estimating the time 20:30.

"Now lie down." He pointed to the bed, with his other arm behind him like a military instructor.

Tiara hastily lay and asked, "Why do I have to lie down?"

"The technique I am going to teach requires the person to be in a relaxed state in both body and mind." Wisely, he bullshitted. "Close your eyes."

"Okay." Her eyes quickly shut.

"Now relax your mind." His voice became soft and soothing, like a mother's caress. "Focus your eyes on your crown and feel the energy."

She did as told. Her brain felt ticklish but calming and a while later, her body relaxed on its own.

"Good." His voice sounded ghostly, barely reaching her ears, "Keep your focus there. Feel the energy going around your mind, then down your spine to your core."

A while later, he heard her light snores. He did a victory pose and slowly let himself out of the door.

"Heh." He flicked his hair commenting, "I'm a genius."

I was too tired yesterday to write and upload anything, so here's a chapter.

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