

Good news, I finally finish my collage and now I'm finally a Bachelor of Economic (Sarjana Ekonomi). It's really a long journey for me... 6 years... and now I can do anything I want. I want to correct this trash I made in an attempt to learn English. So, I guess I should start with correcting on my many mistakes on grammar and stories... Thanks ************************************************************ It's a Story about a man who died saving someone and given a second chance at a new life in The World God Only Knows world and there are also many characters from other anime. That sum this story. ************************************************************ This is my first English story please understand the grammar isn't good enough. I did use Grammarly the free version though so I hope it can make my story more readable. ************************************************************ Also please give me support with coffee here ko-fi.com/boy72 as I really need money soon to pay for my college. If you guys help me pay it I will be really grateful and post 5 chapters/day for 1 month. ************************************************************ Rank 1-50 : 1000 Word/Chapter Rank 51-100 : 900 Word/Chapter Rank 101-150 : 800 Word/Chapter Rank 151-199 : 700 Word/Chapter Rank 200 : 600 Word/Chapter Rank 200+ : Up to me. It means it can be more or less as I like. ************************************************************ The Update is always 2 chapters/day. And starting today the update will be at night time. At least in my place, it will be night. Don't really know about the other place's time. I finally have a new laptop that I manage to buy using my wage. So I guess you can expect my story on your library again.

Just_Reading72 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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203 Chs


Waking up by Elsie, she told me to get ready for school.

Without really having so much choice I grab my towel and go to my Bathroom.

"I hear Kanon is here!"

"She is in this city yes, she should be in her apartment!" Life as an idol sure is hard huh.

Must be difficult for her too.

Having that much work without something like my advantage.

"Will she join us?"

"She should, she has Apollo. An advantage we can't ignore. We should get her as soon as possible before anyone else grab her!" I said my piece about that before anyone can object actually that's why I told Diana to meet her too as she has her own way so that her sister can see her just fine.

"I mean us, as in lovers!"

"Ah, so that's what you mean. Actually, I don't really know about that. If she joins our organization it's good and if she joins us it's her choice. Well, I won't really mind. But she is yandere!"

"The first time I hear you want someone in your harem!"

I just shrug it off, "Nothing like that. Besides this much is fine right? You guys are my lovely girlfriends. I won't set you guys aside for the other!" Right at that moment, the other comes to me and we go to school like usual.

But... There is no Kanon at school.

"She isn't here!" At school I mean.

"Must be in her apartment, this report is from your uncle Kusuo. I doubt he is joking about this, he may tease you sometimes but I didn't think he will lie about this one!" Said Komachi.

I nod, "Most likely she is in her apartment, who should go get her? I nominate Tenri and Diana!"

Tenri just sighed at that, "No need, I will go there myself even if you want me to, Diana told me about this!" Good.

With that nothing truly happen at school, I also meet with Kazuto.

"So, your uncle told you already huh!" He seems down for that.

"Listen, I'm sorry what happen with your gramps, he was a good man!"

"Now, it's pass down to your uncle. I have met him a few days ago. What will you do?" After hearing his passing a few days ago I haven't seen this guy too. They swore themselves to me too. SIgh.

"I don't know man, I just, it seems unreal!"

"Hey, don't think too much about it. Maybe you will meet your fate this way. Ahahaha!"

I don't even know what am I talking about.

"Keep practising, you have a bright future if you do. Trust me!" That's the only advice I gave him after that.

Leaving him practising I just smile that before long all these strong pieces will be with me. With my organization.

Not only Kazuto, Nariyuki too have grown strong with his practice. And soon they all will bring the other to me for protecting this place. For growing my organization.

Everything is as it should be!