

Good news, I finally finish my collage and now I'm finally a Bachelor of Economic (Sarjana Ekonomi). It's really a long journey for me... 6 years... and now I can do anything I want. I want to correct this trash I made in an attempt to learn English. So, I guess I should start with correcting on my many mistakes on grammar and stories... Thanks ************************************************************ It's a Story about a man who died saving someone and given a second chance at a new life in The World God Only Knows world and there are also many characters from other anime. That sum this story. ************************************************************ This is my first English story please understand the grammar isn't good enough. I did use Grammarly the free version though so I hope it can make my story more readable. ************************************************************ Also please give me support with coffee here ko-fi.com/boy72 as I really need money soon to pay for my college. If you guys help me pay it I will be really grateful and post 5 chapters/day for 1 month. ************************************************************ Rank 1-50 : 1000 Word/Chapter Rank 51-100 : 900 Word/Chapter Rank 101-150 : 800 Word/Chapter Rank 151-199 : 700 Word/Chapter Rank 200 : 600 Word/Chapter Rank 200+ : Up to me. It means it can be more or less as I like. ************************************************************ The Update is always 2 chapters/day. And starting today the update will be at night time. At least in my place, it will be night. Don't really know about the other place's time. I finally have a new laptop that I manage to buy using my wage. So I guess you can expect my story on your library again.

Just_Reading72 · Anime & Comics
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203 Chs


I guess I would have to see where she is going. I doubt that Kanon is here for vacation. No, her schedule is full it seems.

Must be from school. But what is so important? She rarely comes to school. She just has to go doing their test and it's fine for the school as she promotes this place too for them.

"Didn't you think that maybe, just maybe that she remember and want to confirm it with you?" Diana asks me after I told her Kanon is coming.

"That's true I guess, tell you what. Why don't you go get her when it's time?" I didn't really want to go actually.

A yandere is a bit too much.

"And why couldn't you? Listen, just awaken her power like usual. You don't want her in your harem too, what's the problem with that anyway. Just do like you always do!" I frown at that.

"I guess you have points there. Sigh, I will talk to her if she comes to me!" I said simply to Diana.

"Can you change with Tenri?"

"Tenri is sleeping, this is midnight Katsuragi!" Reply Diana.

Well, I still have some time before I need to sleep. MY BEAUTY SLEEP.

"Is there any news from the outpost?"

"No, there is no news anymore. You did send Komachi there, right? Don't worry, she is stronger than she let on!"

"I know about it. After all, this is just a small family too. Not so big that they are important for those big faction!"

"Did the Romans ever call you back Diana?"

She shook her head, "No, they haven't. They don't even care it seems!"

There is not even sadness there so I guess she too doesn't care about them.

"Actually Katsuragi, I was wondering about something. Elsie is devil yes? Why should they actually let you have her here?" She asks me.

"Just take it that it won't be a problem sooner than you think. Trust me, she has her own reason and I have many things I can do to them if they ever take Elsie back in force!" I'm ready to pull EA on them if they did that.

Looking out from my windows the sky is very dark. There aren't many stars out there right now.

'Wonder when Lala come here. Well, I can even fight her many suitors. Though if she falls in love with me is her own choice!' I think that for myself.

Diana finally gets out after sorting some report.

I just decide to wait here for things.

Who knows, maybe I will get some surprise.

"Are you busy Uncle Kusuke?"

"Nephew, I just testing the new device!" The device in question is an armor.

It looks even better than that Iron-man one huh.

"As usual you do make amazing things uncle!" He didn't reply.

"Are you gonna wear them?"

"Yes, I would like to get out and have some fun one or two times!" I just nod at that.

"You have been here for a bit long without proper rest Uncle, you should do just that!" I get out of the research room.

After walking and find nothing that I can do, I finally decide to sleep on my room where Elsie is there already sleeping.