
Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot

"And don't forget class you have to submit your assignments to me before tomorrow's last class, I don't care if you send it with your friends or mail it to the school, if I don't have the assignments before I leave school, get ready to get an F.

There will be no grace extensions, unless you can get me a medical certificate signed by both the principal, the doctor and your parents. So don't think I will take it easy on you and Peter please stay behind"

"So What is it Mr Warren?"

"You remember Dr Curt and Martha Connors from our field trip to Empire State University last year?"

"Ah! Y-yes Mr Warren, well they have recently been searching for an intern to share their workload at their lab and I wanted to recommend you. I just wanted to know if you were interested"

"Wow! Thank you for the opportunity Mr Warren! I would of course be very interested, but I would like to request you to give me some time to ask my guardians their permission"

"No worries Peter! You have until tomorrow to let me know. Here, have my number. You can call me or you can just tell me before the first period tomorrow. Now go along, otherwise you will be late to your next class, I think it was Kyle's Gym class? Here take this permission in case the teacher asks you."

"Yes, once again thank you for your opportunity Mr. Warren"

'Wow, who said pies don't fall from the sky. This is just the perfect thing to happen to me, I remember Dr. Connors is also researching genetic augmentations and he also had many different spiders for testing purposes. There is also the fact that knowing that Dr Connors is likely to turn into the lizard, I can prevent it'

"Hey Harry,Hey Ned"

"So What did Mr Warren want to talk about?"

"He wanted to offer me an internship at Dr Connors lab at ESU"

" Dr Connors? You mean the guy with only one...hand?"

" Seriously Harry you need to keep your mouth in check half of the time Mr Norman gets angry at you its because of stuff like this. But Yes, the one with only one hand"

" Hey you know me Pete, sometimes truth just rolls off my tongue"

"Hey guys, hear this Puny Parker got an internship with the one handed doc we went to last year"

" Well atleast Peter's got a future, who do you have Flash? You still haven't been selected by any college to get in with a sports scholarship. So you should worry about your future first before Peter's"

'Wow, Ned's got some sick burns!'

"Hmph, Just you wait till I get into a college through the sports scholarship and then we will see who is laughing. Come on guys, let's go."

" Harry, Ned, you two can also head out, I will catch up with you guys after I finish getting changed up"

"Okay then, don't take too long"

'Phew, I avoided changing in front of other people for now, but I wouldn't know what to say if people saw my new muscles. People don't get jacked up this good within 2 days'

/*Timeskip to back home*/

"Hey Aunt May, I am home!"

"I have some some apple pie on the table but first go take a bath and put your clothes in the hamper"

"*groan* But May, I am hungry and I don't need to bath twice a day"

"I don't know how you will live after leaving my home young man, but as long as you live here, you will have to bathe twice a day and weren't you saying that you were going to be more disciplined? Don't you think that bathing twice is a good habit?"

"Fine, Fine, I won't argue with you on this topic May. When is Uncle Ben coming back today? I have something to talk about with you both."

"He will probably be back in another hour,"

"Oh Ok then, I am heading for that bath"

/Timeskip after the bath and eating the apple pie/

"Wow, This place is a mess."

Peter said as he was looking at his room.

"Well, I still have another half an hour till uncle Ben comes back, I think I can do this fast. Just need to borrow some cleaning tools"

/One cleaning montage later/

"Now that's better! But it looks like I have found some interesting stuff"

After cleaning up his room he found some money, as well as a laptop bag. Peter recognised this bag from one of the spiderman movies from Rahul's memories. Honestly if he had known he was going to be Peter Parker in his next life Rahul would have at least watched more marvel content other than just the movies. Heck, he didn't even watch any series except the netflix series.

Peter looked through the laptop bag until he finally found the hidden pouch. He opened and took out a file, and a calculator just like the movies. He opened the file expecting it to be an equation just like the movies but it was worse, much, much worse.

In bold capitalized letters it was written on the page Venom. Venom at least according to these files is a protoplasmic suit his mom and dad along Eddie brock Sr created as a cure all. It would be a suit that bonded with the user and kept the user in their optimal body state at all times.

They were able to take the project till stage two before they decided to form a partnership with Trask industries who saw the potential for the suit as a weapon and sought to take control of the project.

This changed a whole lot, like in the movies, Peter tried to open the calculator and found the coins at the old train station. A quick search for abandoned train stations named Roosevelt quickly gave him a location in brooklyn.

"What's up with my life being the amalgamated mess it is? Well, at least I have my secret base covered for now."

"Peter, Dinner's ready and Ben also came home!"

"Coming Aunt May!"

*Going down steps*

"So what's for dinner?"


"Nice! Uncle Ben, How was your day?"

"Oh, we will talk about it later, first tell me what you wanted to tell me, May said you looked very excited when you came home."

"Well, today after class Mr Warren asked me to stay back"


"He said that there was an opportunity for me."

"Punk, if you make any more of these pauses see if I will cut your allowance"

"Ok,Ok, sheesh, people can't take a joke these days. He said that Dr Connors from ESU for looking for an intern and Mr Warren was thinking about recommending me, I said I will talk back to him after I get your permission, supposedly they work a little late so I may come home a little late."

"Oh! That's wonderful news Peter!"

"Good! I am very proud of you Peter! You don't need to worry about us, we give you full permission."

"But how will you get around Peter?"

"I was thinking that I could borrow Ned's old bike"

"See if he is okay with lending it to you, otherwise we can always rent one from someone, or outright buy it if necessary"

"Sure uncle Ben, So, Now tell me how was your day"

"Well, today I went to work at a house, you wouldn't believe how poor their cable management was! I had to untangle them for at least an hour before I could even...."

/One Family Dinner Later/

"Hey Mr Warren? Yeah It's me Peter. Yeah I talked with my Aunt and Uncle and they agreed. Yeah, Sure, Tomorrow after school? Yeah I am free, Of course, Once again Thank you Mr Warren, Bye"

"Hey Ned! So I got the internship, yeah thanks Ned. So I was wondering if I could borrow your old bike? I would have to commute to the university. Thanks Ned, you are a lifesaver, can I swing by your house tomorrow? Thanks, See you tomorrow at school then, Bye"

'Good, Now that everything for the internship is set up, I think I need to spend some with my parent's files on Venom. If it is possible I want to complete their work, but if the venom is an artificial one here, then is there no Knull in this universe?

Sigh, this is so confusing. It would have been better to have no knowledge of the cosmic threats than to have half knowledge of them, Rahul's memories are also of no help, whatever knowledge of spiderman he has, has come from the movies or from reading articles on sites.'

"Peter can you come down for a moment, I have someone you have to meet"

"Coming Aunt May!"

'Wonder who she is talking about? I have already met most of May and Ben's friends, did she mention meeting anybody new? She did say she was meeting someone on the day I went on the field trip. She didn't seem to have mentioned any name how-'

As he came down the stairs and saw who May wanted him to meet, he couldn't help but go slack jawed. Standing before him was a bombshell of a woman, with beautiful red hair, dressed in a pink top and a bluish green skirt.

[image here]

"Peter, meet Mary Jane Watson, she is Anna's niece. She will be attending at midtown high starting tomorrow"

"Face it Tiger! You just hit the jackpot!"