
Work smarter not harder

'Man to think an entire day vanished just like that, just to create the web shooters. But goddamn was I lucky to find a starktech smartwatch thrown away just because it's screen was broken!.

Thankfully the problem with the screen was just some dead pixels, and I needed to trim the screen anyway. But man, to think they made the screen into a polymer that is flexible enough to be cut and still work fine, I always knew Mr Stark was a genius and that this world had much more advanced science, but it still awes me.'

[image here]

'But the problem now is that I have the web shooters but no web fluid, heck I don't even have a proper sample to test the shooters with. For now the web shooters were glorified water guns until I made the web fluid.

But damn, I am not getting any ideas for the web fluid, how the heck did the other Peter's figure it out so fast. Though I atleast have a direction I want to study for the web fluid. Now where would I find the spider silks of different spider species to study without selling my body parts at a garage sale.

Sigh, I am drawing blanks. For now let me get ready to school,maybe I will draw another inspirations like other Peters'

"Is the Sun rising up from the west? How are you up early today Peter? That too on a monday''

"What? Peter is up already? I haven't even called him down yet, I haven't called him down yet did I?"

"No honey, you did not"

"So what's got you in such a good mood that you woke up on time champ?"

"Ha Ha Ha (sarcastic), Very funny Ben and May, though you should try to get used to the new and improved Peter Parker! Now extra punctual and disciplined!"

"(whisper) May I think your meatloaf messed up Peter's head, he is talking about stuff like discipline"

"*Shoulder smack!* Ben! Don't embarrass Peter! I for one am pleased with your decision to improve yourself Peter"

"*chuckle* Me too kiddo. All jokes aside, I am very proud of your decision, it takes courage to acknowledge that you have something that you need to fix but also willpower to take the change through. Just know that if you need any help from us , we are there for you"

"Thanks Uncle Ben, Aunt May, for now I am famished, so what's for breakfast?"

/*Timeskip to bus stop*/

*whisper, whisper, whisper*

'Man to think, so many people are whispering just because I came early, at least the bus is here'


Peter got on the bus along with the others, but the bus didn't start for a while, confused Peter asked the driver

"So what are we waiting for?"

"The Parker kid isn't here yet kid"

Said Bus driver turning towards Peter to answer. However after he turned back, he had a look of confusion before he snapped back looking at Peter and back at the road and did a double take.

Understanding the confusion, Peter just awkwardly waved away. The driver quickly got back his composure and started driving.

As he sat on the bus, Peter couldn't help but feel that he was forgetting something.

'Ah, it would be nice if I had eidetic mem-'

And immediately struck his forehead, because he remembered what he was forgetting.

'How scatterbrained can you be Peter, to forget that you now have cheat code like occlumency. I haven't even gone through the knowledge about occlumency'

Leaning on the bus, Peter closed his eyes, to look as if he was sleeping and willed the knowledge of occlumency to come to him. It was a bizarre experience, one moment he only knew what was occlumency, and the next moment he had known how to practice occlumency all his life.

The best part was, it even came with the knowledge of the theory on how it was developed, and Peter could see that even though a normal human couldn't form mental shields, they could still be able to practice the memory and intelligence boosting techniques of occlumency.

Though, for now, he would share it too, if he ever even shared it. It wasn't like it was too dangerous, practicing the normal part of the technique didn't even have the risks like personality damage like some of the advanced parts of the technique.

Honestly, the first thought on knowing that normal humans could use it, was to give it to Harry. Harry Osborn, has been his best friend since childhood, at least since Peter's childhood. Throughout the entire time that they have been friends, the only paper thin barrier that kept Peter and Harry from forming a life and death friendship is the fact that Harry was jealous of the affection that Norman kept showing towards Peter and his intellect.

With occlumency, maybe Harry could finally be smart enough, in fact probably even smarter than Norman. To be honest, Peter wasn't sure that Norman would still acknowledge that Harry was good enough. Looking back, Peter wasn't entirely sure but he felt Norman didn't actually truly love Harry as a father should a child.

It always felt like Norman blamed Harry for the death of his mother during his childbirth, which was unfair considering it was Norman's fault in getting her pregnant when she was suffering from a genetic disease, a disease which Harry most likely has based on Rahul's memories.

Even if Harry wouldn't get the approval he is looking for from Norman, at least the occlumency would help him revisit his early life through his now mature eyes and see the truth for himself and it probably won't help to see not getting Norman's approval even after getting everything he asked from him.

Back to the technique, after thoroughly going through the knowledge, Peter was somewhat disappointed but also happy. This was because from his inherent impression of occlumency he got from Rahul, Peter felt that he would be doing a lot of work organizing his memory, building his shields, etc.

But whoever gave the knowledge gave him the best version of the knowledge, because unlike conventional occlumency, this version had a method to cut down the time required drastically.

This was done with the help of the knowledge on how to make a mental construct, essentially a golem that lived in your mind do all the dirty work essentially reducing the practicer's only effort to properly construct the golem and then when the golem was finished working, go through the memories to slowly gain control of your emotions.

Peter was disappointed because he had imagined all the work he would have needed to put into occlumency and was constantly hyping himself up by imagining the end result, but him not requiring to do any heavy lifting certainly improved his mood by a lot.

He opened his eyes for a slight bit to check how much time he had to reach school, by the looks of it, he had at least 20 mins more which was going to be more than enough to make the constructs.

He closed his eyes again, but this time Peter was slowly meditating according to the instructions from his occlumency to access to his mindscape. Slowly he felt he was sinking into the blackness behind his eyelids until eventually he was completely submerged only to wake up on the "other side of his mind" in his mindscape.

"Woah! This feels unreal!"

His voice echoed across the black void which was his mindscape filled with orbs of his memories floating around.

"Now to make the mental construct"

Peter was having a hard time deciding on what to model his mental construct after, however after thinking it through, he finally decided on the very spider that bit him and gave him powers. Because in a way it was responsible for the current him and made him go through the most change in his entire life.

Having it also be responsible for the change in his mindscape kind of felt poetic. From there, Peter slowly followed the instructions from his occlumency knowledge to create the construct. When he was done making the construct, Peter carried the construct and moved through his mindscape until he reached an orb floating in the sky.

Unlike the other memory orbs, this one glowed a bright white as if it was the sun. This was supposed to be his personality core. This was something that was formed naturally with the help of his memories.

Peter took the spider construct and slowly connected a string of web from the spider to the core and immediately the spider sprang to life. The spider was basically running a live copy of his personality. It combined with the knowledge of occlumency that was fed into the golem when it was made, would be constructing the mindscape.

This meant that it was essentially a copy of himself that was always in the mindscape, and when the mindscape was complete, the golem would allow him to run two thought streams at once. The golem immediately sprang into action, as it would shoot webs to the memory orbs and bring them to itself, and then place the orbs in an area in an organized manner.

From what he saw, Peter figured the final mindscape would look like a giant spider web. For now his work was done so he woke up to find that they were already very near to the school. Within no time they were at the school.

When he got down, the first thing that he saw was Flash and his gang. To be honest, one of the things Peter regretted most about after getting Rahul's memories was his relationship with Flash.

Flash and Peter had been best friends all the way till middle school when Flash and him started drifting apart. Peter always thought that this was because Flash was getting into the cool crowd and this was also when he started bullying.

In retrospect, it was probably because his dad had gotten abusive and Peter, not knowing this tidbit, spoke of Flash's dad with reverence many times. Of course this didn't mean that it gave Flash a free pass for all the bullying he did, but at least now he understood where it went wrong.

"Helloooooo! Earth to Peter Parker!"

Peter immediately snapped out of his thoughts to see Harry standing in front of him waving his hands.

"Sorry Harry, I was just lost in some thoughts."

"You have been staring at Flash and his group for quite some time, so what happened"

"Nothing! I was just remembering the time Flash and I used to be friends in middle school and was wondering where it went wrong."

" Well, I don't know what to say about that because I didn't know you back then. But whatever happened between you two back then, if he and you are going to restart your friendship he has got a lot of stuff to apologize for."

"Well, I wouldn't put any bets on us becoming best friends anytime soon Harry. So how was your trip to Europe?"

"Boring! I was just being dragged behind Dad and couldn't even roam around freely. So how are you feeling today? I heard you took the day off because you got a fever"

At the mention of the fever, Peter instinctively rubbed his forehead remembering the pain he was in during that time.

"Thanks for asking Harry, but I feel perfectly fine! In fact, I feel better than ever I could probably take Flash and his group in a fight and still win"

"Heh, good to see you at least your humor is working again Pete!"

"Well, Well, Well, Look who it is! Puny Parker and Osborn!. Hey Liz! Did you know that Puny Parker here, nearly fainted when he got bit by a spider? So how are you feeling Parker? Does lwitlle Pweter Pwarker need a bwandaid for the lwittle owie?"

Immediately Flash's friends started laughing.

"Hey! Back off Flash! It isn't funny! Peter's life could have been in danger!"

"Don't forget what happened last Tuesday Flash! I hear Mr Banks is looking to get you off the team for getting laid with his daughter"

"Heh! Don't think just because you are rich you can tell me what to do Osborn! And you don't get to call me out and who I get laid with, atleast I get laid Ned. Whatever, I don't have the time to waste by chatting with you nerds, I have to get to my class. See you later losers!"

"Don't take his words to heart Peter, you know Flash is a jerk."

"No worries Harry, the day I take Flash's words to heart is the day I start visiting a psychiatrist because something is obviously wrong with my brain!"

"Heh! Anyway, it's time for class, let's go in, before Mrs.Swanson doesn't let us in"

"Hey guys, I heard from one of the school staff that we are going to get a transfer student to our school and I hear its a girl and she is a senior"

"Didn't we have the same rumor last year too?"

"But this time it's legit cause I heard it myself, you I was walking to the...~"

Ah! School, it was a living hell for those in it, but a wonderful experience for those who were out of it and as a Senior I have at least one more year here until I can get into a college, what a joy! (Sarcasm)