
chapter 11

I was surprised when I found out Pain let us go to the festival. He just told us not to stand out and attract attention, mingle as much as possible. I laughed to myself, thinking that s-rank criminals had fun at a festival.

I just finished my hair when I heard a knock on my door. "Sarah, are you ready to go, hm?" I heard Deidara's voice. I checked my reflection once again then immediately opened my bedroom door.I smiled at Deidara who stared at me without blinking. "Yeah, I'm ready. Sorry to keep you guys waiting"

Deidara cleared his throat and looked away. "N... No problem! Let's go, hm"

I nodded and followed him. "You look... Different, hm" Deidara commented.

I blinked and glanced at the dress I wore. "Ah, maybe because of this dress" I said. "You look different too. We always wear Akatsuki's cloak, maybe that's why we look different tonight" I added.

Deidara chuckled. "Yeah, boring old cloak, hm"

"Oh, they're here!" Hidan exclaimed. He whistled when he saw me. "Well, who is this lady?" He joked. I chuckled and we decided to go right away.

"The last one who get there is a loser!" Deidara said as he started running.

"Oh, let me prove who's the f*cking loser!!" Hidan immediately ran to catch up with Deidara.

"Tobi is not a loser!!" Tobi yelled and ran. Kisame, Itachi and I continued walking, uninterested in their little game.

"How immature. I understand why Sasori and Kakuzu refused to join us" said Kisame who walked next to me.

I laughed. "I'm quite surprised you and Itachi want to come" I said, stealing glances at Itachi who was walking next to Kisame. The simple gray yukata he wore suited him well.

"Well, I think I have to protect my sister" Kisame grinned.

"Thank you. I'm glad that i'm not alone" I smiled.

"That dress looks good on you, by the way" Kisame complimented.

I twirled happily. "Kakuzu bought it for me"

Kisame's eyes widened, even Itachi seemed surprised. "He bought it for you?" Kisame asked in disbelief.

"Mhm" I hummed. "I was surprised too" I grinned.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the festival. It was very crowded. My eyes light up when I saw all the games and food stalls. Kisame won the game and he gave the prize to me. I laughed when I saw him holding a panda doll beforehanding it to me. Itachi bought some dangos, and he kindly shared it with Kisame and me.

With a panda doll in my left hand, a sweet candied apple in my right hand, and a big smile plastered on my lips, we continued to walk around, playing some games. Well, Itachi didn't play. It looks like he just came for dangos. Still, I'm glad he's here. We gave up on finding Deidara, Hidan and Tobi. It's hard to find them in a crowd like this.

My eyes fixed on the ferris wheel as we passed by. "So beautiful" I whispered.

"Do you want to ride the Ferris wheel?" Kisame asked.

I shook my head slowly. "2 people max" I pointed to the rules near the ticket booth.

"You can go with Itachi, I think i'm too tall for that"

"N... No, I don't-"

"Itachi!" Kisame called Itachi who was standing near the sword stall. "Would you mind accompanying Sarah to ride the ferris wheel? It seems like I'm too big to fit in that small space" Kisame explain.

Itachi glanced at the ferris wheel. "...Okay. I'll go buy the tickets"

In less than 5 minutes, Itachi returned with two tickets. "Let's go"

I walked behind Itachi, then stood behind him to wait our turn. Itachi shifted slightly, motioning for me to stand in front of him. I lowered my head, trying to hide my flushed cheeks. Finally, our turn came. We entered and soon the ferris wheel started moving.

There's a moment of silent. I feel awkward being in this small place with Itachi, so I turned my attention out the window. The view is very beautiful from up here. I can see a lake not far from here, its surface glistening because it reflects the starlight in the sky. Without realizing it, my lips formed a small smile.

We were at the top when suddenly the Ferris wheel stalled then stopped. "What happened?!" I panicked.

Itachi looked down. "There seems to be a slight problem. It's okay, I heard this happens a lot at festivals"

I frowned. "It is?"

"Yes, I'm sure we'll be fine" Itachi assured me.

I was stuck alone with Itachi. I didn't know if this was a disaster or a blessing.Maybe both.

"Looks like you got along well with the other members" Itachi said. I'm grateful that he started the conversation so we didn't just sat there awkwardly.

"Y... yeah" I responded. "They're nice to me"

Itachi hesitated for a second. "Did I do something wrong to you?"

I was surprised when I heard his question. "What do you mean? Of course not"

Itachi looked me right in the eye. "Then why are you avoiding me?"

My eyes got bigger. He noticed?

I avoided his gaze. "I... I don't understand what are you talking about"

"You avoiding me. You don't look me in the eye when we talk. Stuttered while talking to me. You're uncomfortable around me"

See? He was amazing at reading people. Yes, I'm not comfortable around him. I was afraid he would hear my pounding heart when he's around. I'm afraid he saw my cheeks flushed when I was near him.I'm afraid of falling for him even more.

I gave him a nervous laugh. "I'm not"

"You lied" He stated. "It's okay if you hate me, but-"

"I don't hate you!" I shot back quickly. "I... I just..."

Suddenly, the ferris wheel moved. I lost my balance due to the sudden movement so I staggered forward and Itachi caught me.

"Tell me" He demanded.





