
chapter 12

"Tell me" He demanded.

I know my face looks like a boiled crab now. "I don't hate you..." I paused. "It's... the opposite.." I covered my face with my hands. I really hope the earth will devour me this time.

Itachi pushed my hand away, causing me to look directly into his eyes. "Please don't" his voice is serious. "Please don't fall in love with me"

I had anticipated this, but still, I felt hurt when I heard those words leave his mouth. Suddenly, the door opened. Turns out it's time to got off the rides. I immediately walked out, almost running, leaving Itachi behind. I can heard Kisame calling out my name in a confused tone, but I ignored it. I just wanted to go back to the hideout as soon as possible. Suddenly, I bumped into someone, common occurrence in the crowd.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, still looking down.


I froze when the person I collided with just called my name. I lifted my face and saw Akio in front of me, stared at me in disbelief.

"You're Sarah right?! Oh my God, where have you been?!" She hugged me.

I really wanted to return her hug, but instead, I let go of her hug. "I'm sorry, looks like you have the wrong person"

Akio grabbed my hand. "What?! It's me, Akio!! Don't you remember me??" Akio's eyes met mine, her eyes filled with tears. "What happened to you? have you lost your memory?"

I brushed her hand away and immediately left, ignoring Akio's disappointed gaze piercing my back. I can't involve Akio in my new life.

I'm sorry Akio.

I feel tears running down my cheeks and I wiped it roughly.

what a great day.


I heard a knock on my door, but I had no intention of opening it.

"Sarah?". It was Kisame's voice.

"Sorry Kisame, but please leave me alone" I replied tiredly.Kisame didn't listen to me and entered my room, making me curse myself for not locking the door.

"Didn't you hear me? Leave me alone!" I almost screamed. I took a deep breath, regretting that I raised my voice to him. "I'm so sorry Kisame..." I said earnestly. "...It's been a tough day for me" I choked on the following words as I tried not to cry.

Kisame sat beside me and put his big hand on my head. "It's okay, I understand. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. I just want you to know that it's okay if you cry when you want to cry"

I inched closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and let my tears flow. Kisame embraced me and we were silent for a few minutes.

"I feel better already" I wiped my tears. "Thank you, really" I smiled weakly at him.

Kisame flashed his usual grin. "That's what an older brother does, right?"

"Yeah" I smiled at him. I'm really grateful Kisame made me his sister.

"Did Itachi say something to you?" I asked quitely.Kisame hesitated for a moment. "Yes, he told me what happened"

I buried my face in the pillow. "I'm so stupid, aren't I?"

"There is nothing wrong with loving someone" Kisame said. "I hope you can understand Itachi too. He has his own reasons for telling you that" Kisame added.

"He has his own reasons?"

"Yeah, but... Sorry, I can't tell you. I respect him and he has trusted me, I don't want to break his trust in me. I hope you understand"

I nodded. "Okay..."

"I'm sure someday you will hear it from Itachi himself"

I'm not sure, but I just nodded my head again.

"Is something still bothering you?" Kisame asked.

I hesitated for a moment. "Kisame, actually... I met my old friend earlier" I sighed. "She hugged me, but I brushed her off. I don't want her to get involved with me, it's too dangerous for her. I disappoint her, Kisame" I tried fighting back tears. "I made her sad and hurt her feelings..."

"Sarah" Kisame said. "You did that to protect her. You've become a good friend to her"

"...Am I?"

"You are. You also protect her from Akatsuki, even Akatsuki itself" Kisame said comforting me.

Kisame's words make me feel better. I protected Akio from Akatsuki and I didn't exposed Akatsuki to anyone.

Kisame stood up. "Now, you should get some rest. Goodnight, Sarah"

"Goodnight, Kisame"




