
Chapter 4: I Need you

Choi was laying next to me, and I didn't bother to put my arm around him, because I already feel safe when he's there.

"Yuna, can you stop talking?". Jun asked.

" Well, can you stop listening?". I responded.

I think I'm falling for him, but who wouldn't though. Plus I can't due to what I call it. I need to stay away, but how am I going to do that. I raise my hand to his face and stroke his hair.

"He's very handsome from up close, not that he's not good looking from far away. I'm very happy that you came into my life, but I can't get to close or I'll hurt you". I whispered. I stop touching his face to turn the other way, but he holds my hand up to his cheek.

" Why are your waist so small. he whispers. Don't you ever eat". He was awake. Did he hear me?

I turn around facing the other way, trying not to think of anything. I closed my eye and then open them to see a man. He was tall and had glowing red eyes, standing next to my bed.


"If suffering is the only way to get you to give me what I want, then that's what I'll do". he smirked at me. Then he started to shock me and it was the same burning feeling around my neck. I try shaking Jun but he wasn't there.

" Hey". I said to him. Then he stopped.

" I remember you. You were that guy with the tattoo on his forehead. I'm not trying to judge, but you have a bad taste in tattoos. You could have chosen anything". I sarcastically told him. Then he got angrier.

"If I have to hurt you until you beg me to stop. I will destroy your little life and your little boys too". He punches me on my stomach. It was a burning punch ...the feeling of dying again.

" And stay away from pretty boy jun. If you don't I won't hesitate to kill him.


What was all that about? What did he want?. I try waking myself up but I couldn't, it felt as if my eyes were glued shut.

I forcefully opened my eyes. I finally did. I quickly turn around facing Jun, and I hugged him really tight. He got up and look at me confusedly.

"Are you okay?". he asks, trying to get a glaring view. When he did he asked again.

"Junie, someone was choking me in my sleep and he said he wanted something from me. Even if he has to make me suffer to have me. I was so scared I couldn't get up". I sob into his chest. Living a wet stain in his shirt.

"Junie...where did that come from? ". Jun said confusedly, but he was sorta liked it.

"Sorry". I hesitate. I shouldn't have said that.

"I like it". He smiles proudly. He will kill you if I don't stay away. I said to myself knowing his listening.

" That son of a bitch". He said.

"Huh". I looked up at him.

"Nothing you're okay now, I got you". He said.

And he hugged me. I wasn't happy or sad when he hugged me, just safe. But I had to stay away from him. I have to try...


A few months later...

I woke up feeling great. NOT! I walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

"Yuna, only three more days left of school". Jun screamed in joy. Our last semester.

"You don't really as a school does you". I asked him.

" No...he doesn't. He was forced to go to school because he had to hide his identity". Cole said while coming out of his room.

Has the month slip away. I also started to slip further away from Jun. I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want him to die because of me. Like I did with my parents so I got closer to Cole. Not that I wanted him to suffer, but it's better that way seeing him alive and healthy Is all I need.

"Coca cola...you woke up early today. Do you have plans? I excitedly skip to his side  pinching his cheek at awe. Coles actually a college person. We got along pretty well.

" Why do keep calling me that? Is wasn't my fault". He quickly walks away. "What are you talking about, that night you literally drunk all of the sodas". Jun said going into the kitchen.

" Anyway did you sleep well"? I asked smiling widely at the two.

"I slept well, thanks for asking". He told me.

Jun stands in front of the kitchen counter seeing us get closer and closer each day. He didn't seem to care at first. Maybe he thought it was natural since he did the same to me.

Has time passed, he would get really mad? He wouldn't stay at home and he would speak sarcastically to us. I usually tell him...

"I like both of you the same". He always smirks and walks away.

Cole and I continue to laugh and joke about random things, while Jun leans on the counter drinking coffee staring at us.

"Yuna"! Jun says angrily. Here we go again. "If you like both of us the same. Why do you treat me differently?" he argued.

" Cole help". I fidget my fingers under the table. I don't know how to answer that question. I know what I'm during isn't fair, but can you blame me.

" I'm staying out of this". Cole whispered. Sometimes I ask myself how is Cole always so chill.

"I'm so sick and tired of this shit. Either you fix your problem or get out of my house". He walks out and slams the door.  I've never seen him act like that before or cursed.

"Choi j Jun! He doesn't mean that". Cole ran after him. "you can't keep being like this. You know why she's doing this. You could die... If she". Cole whispered.

"You don't understand. I'm leaving, I'll go hang out with some friends". Jun argues.

We got used to seeing him running out of the house, but we never saw him like this so we followed him. He took his car and went to pick up some friends and they all went to the club, most of them were girls. Cole and I  saw how sad and low it was and it was my fault.

We didn't want to bother him so any longer, but when we were about to leave. I saw him pull a girl into a deep kiss. She was pulling on his hair. The kiss was getting heated by the second, going down from her neck to her chest. He didn't look like he wanted to stop and I couldn't stand there and watch.

For some reason, I didn't like it. I didn't understand what I was feeling, but I just couldn't watch it. I hate you. I knew he heard me cause he stops and looked around, and then continued. I ran out of the club and Cole followed.

"Why did we follow him? He looks totally fine". I slowly said. I didn't know why we followed him in the firsts place he was having fun all along. I'm so stupid.

When we got home. I didn't know why I was so mad. That's what I wanted. I wanted him to stay away. Then why am I mad.


Jun walks in all sweaty and drunk. I didn't say anything, just watch him walk past me.

"So...your ignoring me now! ". he shouted. "Isn't kissing, hugging and acting sweet to Cole, right in front of me enough". Jun screamed. What got into him? What happened to the sweet and kind Jun?

" Jun you don't understand. I am trying to protect you". I said softly. He was already angry. If I yell it'll just make things worst.

"This...this you call protecting me your not even acting like a friend". he sobs.

" I didn't complain. when I saw you kissing and touching someone else". I yelled. Cole walks out with coke on hand.

"Well! This got real, real fast. I need to sit down". Cole said. We both glared at Cole, but he continues to sip on his soda. It was like he was trying to tell us to go on and continue.

" Wait! You...you saw that. that's fucking good then. Now you see what I have to deal with every single day". he smiles.

"What's so wrong about protecting you? "I screamed back.

"Everything". Jun leaves.

Jun walks into his room. Cole sits there speechless. " He's drunk". He says and gets up. I shook my head sarcastically.

"Choi J Jun! You know why she's fucking doing this. Why are you being like this?". Cole walks into the Jun room. Slamming the door shut. Jun ignored him.

Meanwhile, Yuna wasn't feeling very good, the farther she gets from Jun, the worse the pain gets. Yuna wasn't feeling good so she walks towards her room and took some pills, then Lucifer walked in... She didn't know whether she was asleep or awake.

"Hi, is my baby sad. I would never make you sad if you come with me". he told her. Walking closer.

" How did you... Then he started touching her again shocking her. Worse than before all the pain came at once.

"Please, let me go". she said. "Why! you were mine from the beginning". He said giving her a smile.

I couldn't move my body anymore. The pain makes me feel so numb and sore. Help me...

Choi POV

Jun throws himself on his bed, trying not to cry. When the lights glitches over and over again. " Jun it's happening again. His here I can feel it". Cole said has he run to Jun's room. "Jun your not going to help her his killing her". Cole screamed at him.

"No". Jun yelled. " Why should I help someone who doesn't care about me"? Cole hesitantly says.

"You piece of shit". Cole runs out.

HELP! every light in the house glitches, and it became dark no light. So I decided to fight it and ran out of my room. Not worrying about the pain, since I couldn't see. " Jun f-forgive me, I need you and I am sorry"-

Jun was to hurt. Maybe he wanted to feel how he felt but was it a mistake.