
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urbain
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33 Chs

Leila declined to meet Nicholas.

YourB foundation.....

Leila could clearly sense that all her colleagues were looking at her differently. She simply kept her head buried in work, ignoring them.

Leila went to washroom to refresh herself. She overheard conversations from several colleagues in the washroom.

"Poor Leila! She seems like a hard-working person. Besides, she always looks so innocent" A girl chuckled dryly.

"Why would Nicholas Wayne be with a ordinary looking woman like Leila?....Ah well, people nowadays are willing to do anything to succeed and climb up the social ladder. Leila is just one of the girls who climb Nicholas Wayne's bed".

"Who knows she might be the one behind that photos of her and CEO.....to get everyone attention!" All of them laugh arrogantly.

Nicholas colleagues' gossip drifted into her ears loud and clear. Upon hearing that, Leila merely felt a surge of fury rising within her to the point where she felt like murdering someone.

In elevator, everyone frantically glanced at her with pitiful eyes. Without looking back, She walked out in her usual confident steps.

Leila had only taken a step towards Manager's room where she saw Julia already been waiting for her.

"Miss Green, Please come to the basement parking. Sir would like to see you" Julia informed.

"Sorry. Please tell Sir that there's nothing to talk between us" Leila declined without an ounce of hesitation.


Belle lazily laid on her big king sized bed as she flipped through a fashion magazine.

Slamming the door shut with a loud 'Bang!', Rubben stormed inside Belle's room.

"Please knock!" Belle's pupils constricted.

"Belle, Did your throw your mind in trash?" Rubben sneered and his eyes were bloodshot by that point.

"Why are you so over-react?" Belle sat up from the bed with calm expression.

"Why are you so stupid, Belle? What if Nicholas release a statement? It will be end of your career! Have you thought about that?" Rubben swallowed because he could already imagine Nicholas's temper.

"You know how much I like him.....As your sister...Why can't you just happy for me?" Her heart sank seeing her brother's expression.

"Belle! Get your sense together! You are playing in this game alone" Rubben shouted in fury. The room door slammed shut and Belle slumped onto the bed in tears.

Meanwhile Leila was enjoying her time alone in a cafe. A shadow suddenly loomed over her, Leila looked up, she happened to lock eyes with Nicholas's deep eyes. The sight of the man made her subconsciously rose to her feet.

He was standing tall and quietly on the spot while maintaining a calm and steady aura as his forcefulness attracted the attention of people in the cafe.

"Miss Leila, Can I have a word with you? Please follow me" Nicholas trained his gaze on her face, and there was a hint of warning in his tone.

"Sir. Let's talk here" Leila politely replied.

Nicholas's gaze quickly swept over her eyes, but the calmness and indifference in them was enough to make him furrow.

Noticing the look reflected in Nicholas's face a dangerous feeling crept into her heart.


Leila tucked the hair that had been brought to the front by the breeze behind her ear. Softly, she uttered, "Sir, If we are going to talk about cancellation of contract. Can we talk tomorrow?" Leila said.

Nicholas raised his handsome brow, and the corners of his thin lips turned up slightly, as if he was amused. "Is there anything new to talk about contract?".

His handsome facial features and the outline of his face appeared even more sculpted and clear-cut when illuminated by the streetlight; his elegance, which contained a hint of steadiness and nobleness.

Leila's eyes showed how puzzled she was, and she replied, "I have a good conversation with Grandma. So of course I didn't tell on her about the contract. She is ready to accept whoever Sir brings as her grand-duaghter-in-law".

A cold glint surfaced in his gaze for a moment before it disappeared as he narrowed his eyes. "Miss Green, Don't never ever forget that you are my girlfriend. And one thing you should remember is that you don't have any right to cancel the contract!".

Saying that Nicholas simply glared coldly at her, sending chills down her spine with the icy-cold aura that he emanated.

At that moment, a black motorcycle drove toward them. The man who was on the motorcycle drove in high speed.

"Be careful!" Nicholas screamed.

A pair of strong, sturdy arms wrapped her waists and pulled her into a firm embrace. The faint mint scent contained a man's masculinity entered her nose.

Without any hesitation, she quickly walked a few steps away, distancing herself from Nicholas.

"Leila, Is that you?"

Leila turned around immediately and saw Drew walking towards them. She quickly took a glance at Nicholas before she asked hastily, "Hi...Drew! What are you doing here?".

"I was on my way to home..!" Drew replied before his gaze shifted to the familiar man who stood straight under the streetlight.