
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

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33 Chs

Joe's call

VIP room of Hostt club.

Bruce only smirked as he swirled the wine in his hand. "Hey! Don't act like a smart one here. Just hand over the USB".

Drew stared fiercely at the bunch of rich kids in front of him. "Bruce, I don't want to ruined your life. So stop being such a loser".

Upon hearing that Bruce laughed out loud as the surrounding rich kids looked at Drew as if he was a monkey, their eyes full of disdain.

"Are you threatening me? What to do? I am so scared" Bruce sneered. Reaching out, Bruce slapped Drew's face lightly and ridiculed him. "You really are a clueless little hatchling. Just hand over the USB!".

Drew shook his hand off. "In your dreams!" Drew's expression changed for the worse. And to his surprise his body made contact with the floor.

Bruce kicked Drew on his stomach using his right foot, and no one could dare to help him.

Meanwhile in same club Joe quietly slid out from the VIP room. His steps halted as he walked past a room.


Leila took out the electric grilling pan, placed it in the middle of the table, and take out an extension cord and plugs in the power cord.

Looking at the raw meat, it watered Sophi's mouth, craving for it already.

"Are you sure you bought from that Aunty?" Bonie asked.

"Yes. I told you" Leila placed the bowl of cheddar in the middle.

Turning towards Leila, Bonie asked, "Shouldn't Drew be here by now? Why is he late?"

"Don't know! Maybe he is in library now" Leila flips the meat and placed the meat on Sophi's plate.

"Am I too late?" A deep voice echoed in.

Placing the glass down, Bonie said, "Samson, come in!".

Leila smiled radiantly at the man who bought her pizza. "My pizza!" Leila exclaimed.

"Sorry, I was stuck at work." Samson stated.

"Sophi, will you please move a little bit?" Leila asked. Samson sat down between Leila and Sophi.

Opening the pizza box Leila introduced, "This is Samson, our childhood friend. He lives in our rooftop but he rarely stays in home and this is my friend Sophi Wayne".

Samson and Sophi exchanged their greetings silently.

They started enjoying their dinner quietly. Samson lifted his head, saw Leila and Bonie gaping at him with funny faces. He also caught Sophi staring at him with amazement expression.

He asked, "What's wrong?".

Bonie sighed and helplessly shook her head and asked, "How many days did you starve yourself?".

Turning towards Samson, Leila muttered, "Everything is wrong with you. First of all you need to learn how to talk to lady".

"Yes. Not that line....Miss you are under arrest". Bonie added making Samson chuckled lightly.

Sophi slightly straightened her back glancing at the man beside her. The man looks dashing from his side profile. His distinct and dashing jawline made him look even more handsome.

Rubbing her stomach, Bonie sighed, "I always promise myself not to overeat but I always end up eating more than I should."

"I gotta do a few extra scrunches tomorrow while working out." Leila casually typing on her phone while stuffing her mouth. And she was about to put away her phone when it rang and Joe's name flashing on the screen. Her heart started feeling uneasy and panicked inwardly.

"Leila!" Bonie called snapping her out of her thought. She looked at her in daze.

"Answer your phone" Bonie said.


After finding out that Drew get hurt and at the hospital, Leila and Bonie quickly came over.

Drew finally opened his eyes at night, and he saw white walls all around him. He blinked a few times, and he realized he was in a hospital.

"Are you alright? What happened to you?" Leila trembled voice came.

"I am fine" Drew answered as he sat up slowly.

"Your shoulder bone cracked, so you have to rest". Bonie sharp voice sounded from the side.

Drew sighed and paused for a moment. "Did Mom and Dad knows?".

Leila pulled a long face. "Are you worrying about that now?" She snapped. "Why don't you complained to the police instead of making this fuss?" Leila furrowed her brows and looked at Drew quizzically.

Drew lowered my head and mumbled, "I was planning to but their career would be end if I did that".

"How generous of you!" Bonie shot a murderous glare at Drew.

"I will buy something for you to eat...." Leila said. As soon as Leila opened the door, a tall figure in front startled her, and she nearly screamed.

In a daze, Leila stepped aside so that the 'tall man' can enter.

Upon seeing Nicholas, Drew said, "Thank you". Drew was somewhat fazed by the powerful aura that Nicholas unintentionally exuded.

Nicholas casually nodded his head while Leila remain silent with blank expression. She did not quite know what to say. Then, Nicholas casually put the bag, which contained various imported fruits, in his hand on the table.

Leila was beyond shocked seeing Nicholas actions. Bonie raised her brows as she pinched Leila's elbow.