
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urbain
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33 Chs

Elevator scene.

YourB foundation.....

Taking out a stack of documents from her bag, Leila started scanning through them.

"Girlfriend, How was your day?" A soft and silvery voice sounded in her ears.

Leila looked to the owner of the voice and she pursed her lips in annoyance. "Do you want to die? What if someone hears that?" She snapped.

"Alright. Just kidding!" Barry said with a dry laugh. His gaze fell on her files and then trailed back up to her face to look at her.

"Did you see me for the first time?" Leila muttered under her breath.

With a tense sigh, Barry asked. "You are going to keep your promise, right?"

Leila rolled her eyes and flipped through the file. "Hey! I don't have the time to talk about your identity. Moreover, You better not slip out about yesterday" She threatened with her eyes.

Barry gave a grim smile. "I will not. What do you think of me? I always keep my promise".

Leila stare at him and gave a half smile. Inside, She kind of feels uneasy for no reason. But she decided to put that episode on the back of her mind and play dumb.


YourB conference room...

"Set out for the meeting twenty minutes later," Nicholas said while adjusting his necktie. He stepped out of the room followed by his secretary and PA.

Nicholas looked towards the man following him and asked, "Secretary Joe, arranged the meeting with Mr Hiddleston tomorrow"

Meanwhile, Leila hurriedly walked toward the elevator. She entered the elevator and the doors were about to close until an arm reached in to hold them open. Leila was slightly taken aback at Nicholas's secretary's sudden appearance.

She greeted Secretary Joe with a courteous smile. In the next moment, she straightened her back stiffly when her gaze landed on a pair of endlessly dark orbs.

"What the hell?" She swallowed dryly. "Why did he show up suddenly?" Leila rolled her eyes inwardly.

As though he sensed her gaze, he briefly appraised her before taking one long stride into the elevator. She quickly composed herself and tried to be invisible by pressing herself to the side of the elevator.

She watched in silence as the men swiftly stepped into the elevator. The elevator chimed as Leila arrived on her floor. She smiled at them before quickly getting off.

After finishing her work Leila went into the toilet and stayed there for a while. She took a look at her wrist watch and a frown appeared on her face. After she had washed her face and calmed down, walked out of the restroom. When she walked out of the restroom Leila was surprised when she realized that there was someone familiar standing in front of her.

"Miss Green" A woman flashed a polite smile.

"Yes...Who?" Leila asked confusedly.

"Hello, Miss Green. I am Julia, CEO's assistant" A charismatic woman in her 40s introduced herself.

"Yes... " Leila anxiously answered.

"CEO Nicholas Wayne wanted to see you in private," Julia said. "Miss Green, I hope that you can come with me. It will only take you five minutes."

"Me...?" Leila muttered soundlessly under her breath. Her heart almost gave out and the world started to spin.

"Okay... " She couldn't maintain her expression.

As she followed after the Personal assistant towards the VIP parking area, she could feel her legs turn to jelly.

"Why am I so anxious?" Leila asked herself silently.

The Lamborgini's door was opened for her. Julia politely urged her to get in.

"Miss Green, please get in the car."

Leila heaved a long deep breath trying to calm down before she reluctantly get inside the car while Nicholas regally and elegantly lounged in the back seat. His tall and broad frame made the spacious car look small. He did not look at her but gazed coolly ahead. Leila was about to greet him when the man spoke up, "Do you know who am I?".

Leila flashed him a smile and replied, "Of course. I know you, Sir".

"Why he is asking me that? Of course, You are CEO" Leila chided in her mind.

Leila took a glance at him, she could only see his side profile, which was clean and as sharp as a knife. Leila's breathing slowed slightly in nervousness. It's not the first time that Leila ran into him and exchange greetings but she never talks to him personally.

"I apologize on my Grandmother's behalf. Please don't mind her" Nicholas spoke gently as he brought his gaze to hers.

Leila lifted her gaze to him, and replied, "No. I don't mind" but she quickly downcast her gaze.

"Thank you for understanding" Nicholas shot a meaningful look at her. Her eyes began to dart to and fro in uncomfortable with his gaze.

"And I hope this is only between us" Nicholas stated in a meaningful tone.

Leila nodded her head. She paused for a moment before she said sincerely, "Thank you for saving me that day".