
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Make her your girlfriend.

In YourB's main building...

A man was sitting alone in the conference room. He was not wearing any suit jacket while his tie was loosened and the cuffs of his white shirt were rolled up. This gives another look at the definition of the word 'Gentleman'.

A cup of coffee sat on the table close to his phone, near his arm. He tilted his head to the side and looked at his phone screen. He nonchalantly ignored the call.

"Come in," He said when he heard a knock. His voice sounded very authoritative.

"CEO Nicholas, The meeting is already over" A careless voice came from the door. Nicholas lifted his gaze from his laptop, his eyes narrowed as he glared at his friend Rubben.

"Mr Nicholas Wayne, Please answer your Grandma's call" Rubben stared at him with incredulity.

"What did Grandma tell you?" He asked, returning his attention to the laptop sitting on his desk.

"About your girlfriend that you bought to your villa yesterday" Rubben giggled.

Nicholas raised his head to look straight and fixed his eyes on him. His face seemed to be covered in frost.

"I am just joking...." Rubben replied with a bitter laugh.

"Have you finished Grandma's homework?" Nicholas's lips curved upwards slightly.

"Yes," Rubben replied casually. "Her name is Leila Green, 26 years old. Interestingly, she works in our company in the Marketing department" Rubben muttered in a straight voice.

"Good job," Nicholas said blandly as he rose to his feet.

"But Why did you bring her to your Villa? You already know that Grandma will write her own story" Rubben quickly question him, hoping for some gossip.

"Because she's sick" Nicholas looked disinterested as he took the suit jacket.

"Why don't you take her to the hospital if she's sick?" Rubben shrugged.

"Just ignored Grandma's call" Nicholas raised his brow in dissatisfaction before he walked away briskly.


Leila plonked herself on her couch. Her legs were crossed in front of her and her hair was tied up in a messy bun.

She blinked thrice as a thought came to mind. "Why am I feeling so uneasy?" She let out an exasperated sigh.

"Leila, Can I take your charger?" Leila's sister Bonnie knocked on her door. Bonnie flicked on the light and found Leila rolling on her couch in stupefaction.

Bonnie turned her head to the silent Leila and said, "Why don't you turn on your light?" It's already dark".

Leila sat up straight. "Did you just come back?" She asked.

"Yes. I need to go back after three hours" Bonnie said with a tired tone, her face dull and emotionless.

"Bonnie, Go to sleep for some time. I will wake you up" Mother Serene entered the room saying that.

"Umm... "Bonnie stepped out of the room.

Mother Serene's eyes peered deep into Leila for a few seconds.

"Why?" Leila cranked her neck sightly.

"You slept yesterday at Cherry's place!" Mother Serene inquired in a calm tone.

"Yes... Do you think I am lying?" Leila shifted uncomfortably.

"No...Come and help me prepare dinner" Mother Serene ordered while Leila obediently nodded and followed her.


Nicholas walked to the house carrying two shopping bags with him. The moment he got inside, a maid rushed up to meet him and greeted him.

Then Nicholas sauntered into the living room where his Grandma was probably waiting for him.

"Grandma" Nicholas greeted his Grandma before sitting on the sofa opposite his Grandma.

"Why are you coming here?" Grandma snorted coldly.

"Because Grandma called me" Nicholas pulled a long face.

"I don't need a grandson like you" Grandma eyed him.

Nicholas's lips curled down with dislike as he said, "Grandma, I am sorry that I made you confused but She is not my girlfriend".

Grandma's face darkened. "Yes, I forget for a moment that you are my selfish grandson".

Nicholas swallowed and said carefully, "Grandma, let's not stress about this. Come on! I will cook something for you".

Grandma rested her eyes upon him for a few extra seconds and said, "Make her your girlfriend then".

Nicholas pressed his lips together and then turned his eyes away. The expression on his face was a little complicated.

"Grandma, Talk with some sense.... "

"She is a good girl. Try out with her" Grandma impatiently cut him off.

"Grandma....!" Nicholas's face tightened in anger.

Grandma took a deep breath and shifted to her feet. "Take my words seriously" She warned.

In the night breeze, Nicholas walked to his car in the parking lot with a heavy feeling in his head. He immediately called his sister Sophi but after two rings, the other end hung up.

His face darkened instantly but before he could call her back, he received another call.

With a complicated expression on his face, he picked it up.

"Hey! Do you think that Myra will come back to you after she divorced his husband?" Tina snapped.

"Choose your words carefully, Tina" Nicholas warned sharply.