

Neon Adnell, a genius born with an eidetic memory, builds a core meant to evolutionize humanity. In the wrong hands, his creation is a weapon, in the right hands, it is a solution to most of humanity’s problems. Teaming up with his old captain squad, they bring new technology to light in order to save people, not once, not twice. But their technology is seen as a threat to government powers. In order to get rid of this technology…this core, Neon unlocks radiative mutated powers and another new universe, different from what he’d envisioned as a cosmos enthusiast, but worth the exploration. He must face new threats everyday, both familiar and unfamiliar, within his world and between worlds. Between it all, he must navigate the tides of love. **************** EXCERPT He kept on running without looking back. Stopping once in a while to catch his breath. He couldn't let the men chasing him catch up on him. He knew that he was in this predicament because of one silly mistake. And now because of his carelessness, not just him but everyone is now in danger, the whole world probably. 'I must protect this box with my life and never let it fall into the wrong hands.' He silently took that resolution All he needed to do was find a way to send a signal. If his apprentice knew that he was in this situation, he knew that the boy would get him out of here in the blink of an eye, all he had to do was to stay alive until help came. Well with all the survival scenarios playing in his head, he did not realize how deep he had gone into the forest Looking from left to right, forward backwards, Only then did he realize that he was lost. Obviously running into an estranged Forest, what could one expect except getting lost. He pulled out a tiny GPS device just the size of a button, stared at it for a couple of minutes before putting it back in his pocket. Now he knew just exactly where to run to. *********** Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get all your support and critics to improve and deliver you with well-polished content. This is a work of fiction, any similarities to real-life or places is strictly to give the story meaning. don't be surprised to see impossible science theories. HAPPY READING!!!

Karlyn_Wehlma · Romance
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12 Chs

Doom's Day Protocol

" We just activated doom's day protocol."

"Calm before the storm."

We all laughed at the stunt we just pulled but we all knew that nothing would be funny sitting in an interrogation room. 

At least Nathan and +200 lives are saved, with just a few people who sustained first degree burns, including myself. But it was nothing fatal, so it is a win.

The military jets escorted us to the airport. The whole place was filled with the red and blue lights from ambulances, one could hear the sound of sirens from every angle.

 It felt like all the police in the country were deployed here. not to mention how obvious it was that the airport was currently on lockdown.

I bet the relatives of the passengers were probably trying to push through right now. Good thing the media was not granted permission to enter the premises.

" Doom's day protocol huh? I bet your father has already dug a fresh grave for you?" Colin said as he walked beside me.

 We were immediately ushered by the cops as soon as we alighted. Good thing is, Flint immediately took off with TSM. That was my prototype, and I had no plans of sharing its technology with the world…at least not yet.


"It is not programmed to land here," I said to the aviation colonel.

"How is that? Is it a robot?" he asked, stunned.

"Sort of _ its autopilot has a mind of its own, so it lands and takes off without my control.

He stared at me with his eyes wide, mouth open.

"Technology." I bragged. I couldn't let the government get their hands on my baby.


"You talk about fresh graves like there are withered graves" Frank asked while laughing his balls out.

Everyone: "....."

"I sometimes wonder if your brain works on kerosene or diesel," Richard said.

"How did you even manage to become a pilot," Colin asked.

"I still can't believe Neon trusted you to fly that shit," Josh said pointing at the Dreamliner they just alighted from. "What were you thinking Neon?"

"My brain was on pause" Everybody giggled after my comment.

We were literally shoved into the police van. 

The passengers did not stop giving their thanks as we passed by, some even wanted photos, unfortunately, we were one step away from being handcuffed. The reason why our hands were still free was that we agreed to cooperate__ willing.

"I can't believe 'a whole' me, I am riding in this piece of crab like I'm some criminal." Richie Complained. 

"Were you expecting it to be just half of you?" Josh mocked.

"And that Blake of a guy is being treated like the hero, it's like they'll offer him hot chocolate soon." Colin said. We all laughed at that.

 Truth be told, Nathan was immediately wrapped up in a blanket 

as soon as he alighted, but not us __'sad'.

"You know he still has to be reviewed right? I'm sure they should have gotten the black box from the debris by now." Richard said.

"I wonder why this kind of person without field experience and just theoretical shit, sitting their butts down in an air-conditioned office, have to be the ones making calls on us," Frank said. "I'm really pissed off."

"Punch your neighbor!" Josh said.

"You are still on weed right?" I asked Josh, causing everyone to burst into laughter. I was actually the one besides Frank.

Even the poker-face guard smiled for a sec before it faded, I caught it though.

"So... do we need a lawyer," Colin asked.

"Ask Neon, not just was it his idea, but he has been there before," said Richard.

"Touche!" I Chuckled dryly.

"So Neon, what are we to expect?" Frank asked.

"First, we'll get interrogated separately". I said.


"And....?". Richie asked when I did not add anything in a while.

"They would process Nathan, maybe make other pilots do simulations to confirm if Nathan took the right decision as the pilot." 

"Everyone is alive, why the whole procedure thing? I don't get these people." Frank complained.

" But the aircraft is dead, you don't want us talking about the cost now, do you?" Josh said.

"They'll process the passengers and the rest of the crew," Josh added.

"How long can the whole processing stuff take?" Frank asked

"About a month," I said with zero enthusiasm.

"A what...?" Frank screamed.

"One freaking month, don't you understand simple English?" Colin asked.

"Say it in French, maybe he'll..."

"Guys, I did not fuck'in sign up for one month in jail..!!" Frank cut it.

"I said, a month for processing. I don't remember saying only a month of jail time." I said.

"What do you mean by 'ONLY'???"

Frank literally panicked-scream.

 He sprung up from his chair, this action caused Mr guard to go on alert mode.

"Sit down Frankie, do you want to make this kid here…" referring to the guard, "...lose his job?" I asked calmly.

Josh whistled, "looks like somebody skipped the terms and conditions of the contract."


Another round of laughter followed. well except for Frank who was not finding anything funky.

"There was no damn contract, talk less of terms and shitty, shitty crap..... bullshit!!!" Frank cursed.

We threw gazes at each other and decided to hold our tongues.

"What are you scared of, dude? Josh asked Frank, still smiling.

"You are a hero, your mother would be proud of you," Colin said jovially.

"My mother is dead. And she'll be pissed with me because she told me that selfish people live longer, and I guess she was right." Frank said.

The boys couldn't hold it in any longer. The laughter didn't die down until we got to the station.

"I thought the interrogation was to be done at the aviation station right?" Josh whispered close to me as we stepped down from the van.

"That procedure is only for Nathan, we are presently off duty, so...." I explained.

"What kind of questions would they ask?" Josh whispered again.

"You'll see," I said.

"You are not helping, punk!" he retorted.


As soon as we were done with the interrogations, I Walked out to come face to face with my angry mother.

"Why is it that anytime I see you on TV, you must have done something out of the ordinary?" My Mom scolded me.

"Rest in peace bro," Richard said as he tapped my shoulder and walked by.

 Colin just smiled. "Good afternoon Mrs Adnell.

"You boys are crazy, you know that right?" She said pointing at each of us.

"It was Neon's idea, ma'am. He loves Nathan unconditionally." Richard chuckled.

"I noticed," Mom said, throwing me a killer-stare.

"Mother, I'm alright," I said when my mom pulled my head down to inspect me closely.

"Allow me to conclude on that myself." Mother said as she continued to inspect me, lifting up my hand and putting it back down, doing the same to the other arm.

"I know that you want to save people, I am proud of that, but I don't want you putting your life on the line, it scares me" 

"I know Mom, I don't want to die either" She hugged me tightly.

"Did I survive all that just to be killed by a simple hug?.... Mom....jeez___ you are gonna suffocate me." I said tapping her to release me.

"Mama, That's enough."

" Allow me to hug you, idiot!! I need to calm my heart." She said, not still letting me go.

"Mother!! unhand me, I need to go see Nathaniel now." I said while actually struggling with my breath.

"Fine, but be home for dinner," she said, finally releasing me.

I couldn't help but stretch my neck muscles a little.

"Let me drive you"

"What!! ... No!! ... go home Mama," I said seriously. I knew what she was up to.

"You don't have a ride, chillax and hop on in." She said waving her keys in the air as she walked towards the parking lot.

"I'll take a cab." I argued and walked in the opposite direction.

"Hop in, punk!"


Mom said through the car window, staring at me.

I couldn't help but shake my head in defeat as I finally got in.

We arrived at the aviation station in about 20 minutes. I went inside alone while Mom stayed outside.

Stepping in the lobby, I saw all the Blake's waiting outside, I guess they were not yet done with Nathan's proceedings.

"Uncle eyebrows?" I heard Noah, Nathan's son, spring from his mother's arms and run towards me.

'Uncle eyebrows,' that was the name baby Blake gave me because of my huge eyebrows.

All eyes were on me as the boy ran up to me.

I carried him in my arms.

"How are you buddy?" I asked, rubbing his head.

"I am fine," he said in his toddler's voice as he giggled in my arms.

I smiled back at him.

"Would daddy be ok?" He asked me.

"Daddy is very okay," I assured him cheerfully.

He smiled innocently. He had his father's cheerful nature.

"Thank you so much Neon." Ally, Nathan's wife said to me as she closed up on me.

I put Noah's feet gently on the floor.

"For nothing, Ally, he deserved it." I smiled.

"Still... if not of you, we'll be standing here for other reasons that I don't even want to imagine right now." she sobbed

" Don't imagine it please." I offered her my handkerchief.

"Thank you so much, Son." This time it was Mama Blake who spoke, hugging me. I was taken aback by the hug, but I tried not to show it.

I looked over Mama Blake's shoulder, and there