
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Yhwach's Master Plan And The Gladiator Match: The Celestial Dragons

The next few days went in relative peace. Yhwach talked with the large giant he later learned his name was Andrew and anyone else he could find for information, observed the behavior of the nobles from afar, and after finding the library, read books, This world was an interesting place, to say the least. but what Yhwach and Ginjo had found fascinating was Haki it sounded like spiritual pressure, or Killing Intent, that much they knew, but that it could be charged into limbs and even weapons to strengthen them and give damage to otherwise invulnerable enemies. But what really grabbed their attention was the Devil Fruits. It was incredible what abilities they gave, although the descriptions were vague, even in the library of the World Government that he could access without leaving hints of breaking in, which were most.

Devil Fruits were easier studied on those that had some, Probably a lot of the Marines and agents of the World Government, although he had noticed that while Celestial dragons didn't have any abilities, they sometimes fed those fruits to slaves for amusement, having those slaves put on shows for them, going from dance to gladiator-matches which Yhwach has an upcoming gladiator match. During those expeditions, he also learned that all of the nobles were scum of the worst kind and that he would do this world a favor if he reduced their numbers, which he was planning on doing eventually.

Fruit-users were not the only interesting thing he saw. He noticed men and women, slaves or servants, who had odd characteristics. They seemed like crosses between men and different forms of marine wildlife, who, as he found out later, were a completely different race simply known as Fishmen. He also saw slaves with additional joints in their arms or legs, and one man who looked completely normal, only he was bigger than some of the mansion. The most curious find was in a Celestial dragon's pond, where a real mermaid was chained down, unable to leave it. This world was fascinating and Yhwach grew to like it more and more. So far, the only stain seemed to be the Celestial dragons, but Yhwach intended to correct that mistake. He just wasn't sure when.

However, five days after he arrived at Mary Geoise, that decision would be made for him.

The day had begun normal. Yhwach had woken up where he had laid down to sleep, in the slave's quarters, and started another stroll through Mary Geoise, which was a huge city by his old standards. From the outside, one saw houses of lesser nobles surrounding a giant fortress with many towers. In reality, however, the outer wall was basically just that, a wall. Behind that wall, although several floors higher above the ground the 'simple' nobles lived, were large manors, shops, and a little town inside of a building, with the towers and the central headquarters of the World Government watching over them. Yhwach found it pathetic that the Celestial dragons dared be so arrogant while being completely dependent for protection. He was still considering how and when he'd slaughter them, but he'd rather not give up on the library unless something forced him to. Of course, there were other libraries, Yhwach had the plan to visit an island named Ohara when he was out of there since it was mentioned to have a very extensive library, but all in good time.

Scene Break - Slave quarters

As Yhwach approached Andrew in the slave quarters, he found the large man sitting among the other slaves, his expression a mix of weariness and resignation. Yhwach's arrival caught Andrew's attention, and he nodded in acknowledgment as Yhwach approached.

Andrew: Hey, newcomer. What's on your mind?

Yhwach glanced around at the other slaves before leaning in closer to Andrew, his voice carrying a weight of authority.

Yhwach: Be ready.

Andrew furrowed his brow in confusion, his eyes searching Yhwach's face for any sign of what he meant.

Andrew: Ready for what?

Yhwach's gaze hardened as he met Andrew's questioning look.

Yhwach: Ready for anything.

Without waiting for Andrew's response, Yhwach turned and made his way through the crowded room, his mind already focused on his next task.

Approaching the boy who had received medical attention earlier, Yhwach knelt beside him, communicating through sign language.

Yhwach: (Sign language) Stay prepared. Action may be needed soon.

The boy's eyes widened in understanding as he watched Yhwach sign, He nodded in response, his hands mirroring Yhwach's movements as he communicated his readiness to act.

Yhwach: Good. We'll need all the help we can get.

With that, Yhwach rose to his feet, his gaze sweeping over the other slaves gathered in the room. His thoughts raced with the details of the plan he had carefully put together. 

Scene Break - Gladiators Arena

As the day of the gladiator fight approached, Yhwach felt a surge of anticipation. He knew it was the perfect opportunity to set his plan in motion.

Ginjo's voice resonated within Yhwach's mind, his words echoing with a sense of understanding.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) I see. So you're going to fake your death using a flame clone, much like how Aizen faked his death once in the Soul Society arc.

Yhwach's thoughts aligned with Ginjo's, acknowledging the similarities between their plan and Aizen's plan.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Yes, precisely. It's a tactic that has proven effective before, and in a place like this, where appearances are everything, it should serve us well.

With Ginjo's support bolstering his resolve, Yhwach focused his attention on the upcoming gladiator fight, his mind already calculating the precise moment to enact their plan.

As Yhwach stood poised for action in the Slave's resting room, his focus sharpened as he prepared to execute his plan. With Ginjo's voice echoing within his mind, he summoned the power of his Schrift, H - The Heat, channeling his Quincy abilities to create a perfect flame clone of himself.

The flame clone materialized beside Yhwach, its fiery form flickering with intense heat as it mirrored his every movement. But as the clone took shape, Ginjo's voice interjected with a note of caution.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You do realize that the clone looks like a fire version of you? The Celestial Dragons might think you have a Devil Fruit.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Ginjo's observation, a confident smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Just wait.

With a purposeful stride, Yhwach approached the flame clone, his hand outstretched. Placing his palm over the clone's chest, he activated The Schrift, W - The Wind.

As the power of the wind surged through him, a gentle breeze swept through the room, causing the flames surrounding the clone to flicker and wane. With each passing moment, the fiery aura dissipated until only a faint orange glow remained.

Ginjo's voice echoed once more, his tone laced with curiosity and amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) But now he just looks like an orange version of you.

With a smirk, Yhwach stepped back from the now-orange clone, assessing its appearance with satisfaction. Yet, he knew there was still one crucial step left to ensure its authenticity.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Not yet

Yhwach murmured to Ginjo's lingering presence in his mind.

Turning swiftly, he grabbed a nearby bucket of paint, its contents matching their skin color. With deft strokes, Yhwach meticulously coated the flame clone until its fiery exterior was concealed beneath a layer of paint, rendering it indistinguishable from himself.

Ginjo's voice interrupted once more, his tone laced with jest and curiosity.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) How did you learn to paint, anyway? I thought you failed art school.

Yhwach's smirk faltered for a moment, his brow furrowing in confusion at Ginjo's reference.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Art school? I'm afraid I don't understand your joke, Ginjo. But that's irrelevant. What matters is that our plan is proceeding as intended.

Ginjo's inquiry brought a momentary pause to Yhwach's thoughts as he considered the potential flaw in their plan.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) But what if, once the clone "dies" in the fight and the guards check the body, they'll realize that it's paint and still hot?

Yhwach furrowed his brow, acknowledging the validity of Ginjo's concern. It was a critical oversight that needed addressing, and he couldn't afford to underestimate the Celestial Dragons' scrutiny.

As Ginjo voiced his concern, Yhwach quickly formulated a solution to address the potential flaw in their plan. Yhwach then activates the Schrift W The Wind to manipulate the temperature of the painted clone.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I'll use The Wind again, but this time to cool down the painted surface of the clone. It should feel lukewarm to the touch, eliminating any suspicion.

With a subtle gesture, Yhwach channeled The Wind's power, causing a gentle breeze to envelop the painted clone. As the wind swept over its surface, the heat dissipated, leaving the clone's exterior comfortably warm instead of scorching hot.

Ginjo's voice echoed with approval and curiosity, acknowledging Yhwach's quick thinking.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) That's clever, but what if they still study the clone more closely? They might realize it's painted and staged.

Yhwach's smirk returned, a confident gleam in his eyes as he revealed his contingency plan.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I've already accounted for that. Once the guards carry the "body" to the examination room, I'll be there. Using the Schrift E The Explode, I'll create a diversion, ensuring that any evidence is obliterated.

Ginjo's voice resonated with understanding, yet a hint of concern lingered in his tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) But what if the World Government has spies all over the place? They'll likely figure out it was you who orchestrated the explosion.

Yhwach listened to Ginjo's concern about potential spies within the World Government and nodded thoughtfully.

Yhwach: (Mental link) You make a valid point, Ginjo. However, I've already considered that possibility. If the World Government suspects my involvement

With a confident smirk, Yhwach revealed his additional layer of strategy to address the threat of spies.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I'll create more flame clones, but this time, I'll disperse them throughout Mary Geoise. When the time is right, these clones will detonate simultaneously, creating chaos and confusion.

Ginjo's voice resonated with understanding, acknowledging the effectiveness of Yhwach's plan.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) That's a clever approach. By spreading out the explosions, you'll divert attention away from yourself while eliminating any evidence of your involvement, making it seem like a coordinated terrorist attack.

Yhwach nodded in agreement with Ginjo's assessment, appreciating his support.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Exactly. By creating a widespread disturbance, we'll ensure that any evidence pointing to my involvement is obscured.

Ginjo's voice carried a hint of sarcasm as he responded, a characteristic trait that Yhwach had grown accustomed to.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, looks like old age hasn't dulled your wits completely. I was starting to worry you were getting soft in your retirement.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Ginjo's sassy remark, his smirk widening with amusement.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Oh, don't worry, Ginjo. I may be old, but I'm far from senile. If anything, it's sharpened it.

As Yhwach and Ginjo concluded their mental exchange, a sharp knock echoed through the door, interrupting their conversation. Yhwach turned to face the source of the disturbance, his senses sharpened with anticipation.

Guard: (From outside) It's time for your fight, prisoner!

Yhwach's gaze shifted to the flame clone standing beside him, Without hesitation, the clone understood Yhwach's silent command and nodded in acknowledgment.

With a confident stride, the flame clone approached the door and swung it open, revealing the imposing figure of the guard standing on the other side. With a curt nod, the guard motioned for the clone to follow, leading the way to the gladiator arena.

As the flame clone stepped into the arena, a hushed silence fell over the crowd, their eyes fixated on the spectacle before them. Across the arena stood the opposing gladiator, a rather large opponent chosen to challenge the clone in combat.

With a graceful flourish, the flame clone assumed a defensive stance, The other gladiator, emboldened by the challenge, charged forward with a ferocious battle cry, his battle-axe poised for the kill.

The fight ensued with a flurry of strikes and parries, each combatant testing the other's skill and resolve. The flame clone, following Yhwach's plan, allowed the opposing gladiator to gain the upper hand, feigning vulnerability as it dodged and weaved through the onslaught.

The celestial dragons, watching from their lofty seats, reveled in the spectacle unfolding before them, their cruel laughter echoing throughout the arena. 

As the battle reached its climax, the opposing gladiator seized the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow, plunging his weapon deep into the flame clone's torso. The crowd erupted into cheers, celebrating the apparent victory of their champion.

At that moment, Yhwach knew that his plan was unfolding perfectly. With the gladiator believing he had achieved victory, the clone's sacrifice would set the stage for the next phase of their plan to unfold.

Then a group of guards could be seen making their way towards the arena, their expressions unreadable. They had been alerted to the outcome of the fight and were tasked with confirming the demise of the flame clone.

Guard #1: Check if the slave is dead. We need to confirm it before reporting back to the higher-ups.

the guards listened and approached the fallen form of the flame clone, their eyes scanning its motionless body for any sign of life. One of the guards reached out and gently touched the clone, searching for a pulse.

Guard #2: (Examining the flame clone) No pulse.

The confirmation sent a ripple of murmurs through the group of guards, their suspicions confirmed by the lack of a heartbeat. However, one guard spoke up, voicing a concern that echoed the sentiment of the others.

Guard #3: We should take the body to the examination room. We can't afford to lose such a valuable slave without confirming his condition.

The lead guard nodded in approval, his gaze fixed on the fallen flame clone as he issued his orders.

Lead Guard: Agreed. Let's move quickly. We don't have time to waste.

With a collective effort, the guards lifted the lifeless form of the flame clone, carrying it away from the arena and towards the examination room. As they disappeared from view, Yhwach watched from the sidelines, his mind already racing with the next phase of their plan.

Scene Break - Examination Room

As the guards carried the lifeless form of the flame clone to the examination room, a group of doctors and medical personnel awaited their arrival. These professionals were tasked with determining the true condition of the supposed fallen slave, their expertise was critical in confirming the outcome of the gladiator match.

As the guards laid the body on the examination table, the doctors immediately went to work, their trained eyes scanning the clone's motionless form for any signs of life. One doctor, noticing the faint orange glow beneath the layer of paint, reached out to touch the clone, his fingers brushing against its surface.

Doctor #1: (Muttering to himself) Strange... It's warm, but there's no heartbeat.

The other doctors gathered around, their curiosity piqued by the unusual characteristics of the flame clone. One of them, eager to test a hypothesis, fetched a container of water and poured it over the clone's body.

As the water made contact with the painted surface, it sizzled and evaporated almost instantly, engulfing the room in a cloud of steam. To their surprise, the force of the water also dislodged some of the paint, revealing the fiery hue beneath.

Doctor #2: (Examining the exposed area) This is... unexpected.

The doctors exchanged puzzled glances, their suspicions growing with each passing moment. Before anyone could voice their concerns, however, the entire structure of Mary Geoise shook violently, the sound of explosions reverberating through the walls.

Doctor #3: (Alarm in his voice) What's happening?!

Doctor #4: (Frantically) It must be the Revolutionary Army! They're attacking!

Before the group of doctors and medical personnel could do anything, Their bodies fell lifeless to the ground, their voices silenced before they could raise the alarm.

Scene Break - Darius's Mansion

Saint Darius's eyes narrowed with irritation as the group of servants dared to enter his chamber without so much as a knock. His voice dripped with contempt as he reprimanded them.

Saint Darius: How dare you enter without knocking?! Have you forgotten your place, servants?

The servants trembled under Saint Darius's glare, one among them mustering the courage to speak, though his voice quivered with fear.

Servants: (Trembling) Please wait, Master Darius, we have bad news.

Saint Darius's expression darkened further, his patience wearing thin as he demanded an explanation.

Saint Darius: Well, out with it! What is it that couldn't wait until I summoned you?

The trembling servant took a deep breath, steeling himself before delivering the news.

Servant: Master Darius, it's about the slave you recently acquired. He... he's dead.

Saint Darius's anger flared at the news of the slave's death, his features contorting with rage as he clenched his fists.

Saint Darius: What do you mean he's dead?! How could this happen?!

The trembling servant shrank back under Saint Darius's wrath, stammering out an explanation in a desperate attempt to calm his master's fury.

Servant: P-Please forgive us, Master Darius! W-We don't know what happened! H-He was declared dead after the gladiator match!

Saint Darius's eyes narrowed with suspicion as he processed the servant's words, his mind racing with thoughts of the potential implications.

Saint Darius: Who was responsible for overseeing the gladiator match? And where is the body now?

The servant hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice shaking with fear as he relayed the information he had.

Servant: I-It was the guards, Master Darius. A-And they took the body to the examination room, but...

Saint Darius's eyes narrowed further as he processed the servant's words, his mind already formulating a plan of action. But before he could respond, another servant, a young woman with fear etched into her features, approached with urgency.

Servant #2: Master Darius, forgive me for the interruption, but the Elders have requested that all Celestial Dragons gather in the meeting room immediately. They believe it's for your safety until they can determine who is behind the explosions.

Saint Darius's expression darkened at the news, his features contorted with a mixture of frustration and apprehension. The thought of being summoned by the elders grated on his pride, but he knew better than to defy their orders, especially in such chaotic circumstances.

Saint Darius: Very well. Inform the elders that I will be there shortly.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Saint Darius turned his attention back to the trembling servants before him.

Saint Darius: You, gather my guards. We're leaving.

The servants nodded frantically, their fear palpable as they scurried to obey Saint Darius's command. 

Saint Darius stood by the window of his opulent chamber, his gaze fixed on the chaos unfolding outside. The sounds of explosions echoed through the air, punctuated by the crackling of flames as Mary Geoise was plunged into turmoil. Yet, amidst the chaos, a voice pierced through the room the voice seemingly familiar, drawing Saint Darius's attention away from the window.

Yhwach: Are we going somewhere?

Saint Darius's eyes widened in shock as he laid eyes upon the unexpected intruder standing before him. It was none other than Yhwach, the slave who was thought to be presumably dead.

Saint Darius: You-u... What are you doing here?!

Saint Darius was as ugly as Yhwach remembered, and his sneer was not improving anything. 

Yhwach: I believe you have something that belongs to me. My belongings, if you please.

Saint Darius's rage boiled over at Yhwach's audacity, his features contorted with fury as he snarled in response.

Saint Darius: Your belongings?! You dare to demand anything from me, you insignificant worm?!

Saint Darius's face contorted with rage as he bellowed for his guards.

Saint Darius: Guards! Guards, seize this insolent slave at once!

A group of at least twenty men barged into the room, all armed to the teeth, and after a moment to analyze the situation, charged at Yhwach. Yhwach just rolled his eyes. 

Yhwach: Excuse me for a moment, this won't take long.

Indeed, after two seconds, it was over. Yhwach had dashed forward, and in one moment crashed through their line, snapping necks and impaling soldiers on their own weapons. Without sparing the corpses so much as a glance, he turned around, acting as if he had not just committed small-scale genocide. He grabbed Darius by the throat, smashing his helmet, and effortlessly lifted him into the air with one hand. 

Yhwach: Now, where were we? Ah yes, you were about to answer all my questions, and you were going to do it very well if you value your life.

Saint Darius choked, but his arrogance was too deep-seated to be broken this easily. 

Saint Darius: You dare... raise your hand against... me, a descendant of the world's crea-GURARGH?

Yhwach tightened his grip around Saint Darius's neck, his expression turning to one of utter disdain.

Yhwach: Silence, fool!

Yhwach said clearly disgusted.

Yhwach: Only children hide behind the achievements of their ancestors, and you are no child. You are nothing but a parasite, feeding off the glory of those who came before you. You know of your ancestor's deeds, yet you do nothing to uphold their legacy. I would be doing your lineage a favor by putting an end to your shameful existence. Now, I ask you again. Where. Are. my. BELONGINGS?

Saint Darius: Outside... downstairs third floor... crate... thrown away...

Saint Darius barely said since there wasn't enough air for complete sentences.

Yhwach nodded. That was really all he wanted to know. He dropped the coughing Celestial dragon and turned to leave when the man spoke again. Didn't this guy know when to shut up?

Saint Darius: You will regret this. Assaulting a Celestial dragon in Mary Geoise while causing destruction, all three Admirals will come to punish you.

Yhwach paused, without looking back. 

Yhwach: These Admirals, are they strong?

Saint Darius blinked. This was not the reaction he had anticipated. 

Saint Darius: What? Of course, they are nearly invincible, there is only one man stronger than them!

Yhwach's head turned, and the grin on his face would have made the devil cry for his mommy.

( Picture)

Yhwach: Wonderful.

With that one word, Saint Darius finally understood. This man was not just some punk, this man lived on the battlefield. Wherever he came from, that place was buried in war, and the man had grown up to the symphony of slaughter. He did not fear death, he did not fear pain, he craved both. This man, while seemingly able to exist perfectly fine in peace, it was in war that he truly lived. As such, one could not threaten him by saying someone would come and kill him, the idea of a powerful opponent was a sweet promise in his ear. It was possible he had attacked Saint Darius just to provoke the response of the Admirals. Had Saint Darius not already been sitting, he would have dropped on his butt.

Yhwach surveyed his surroundings with a calculating gaze.

Yhwach: Now, there's just one question left. What am I going to do with you? You comprehend that I cannot allow you to continue living, now that you know I'm alive. Ah, yes, this will suffice. At least your efforts weren't entirely futile.

He reached for a branding iron, its glow still a fiery red.

Yhwach: Didn't they say this mark signifies its bearer as beneath human? Quite fitting, wouldn't you agree?

Saint Darius crawled back. fear evident in his eyes.

Saint Darius: You wouldn't dare!

Yhwach gave him an almost kind smile. 

Yhwach: Don't worry, I have no intention of ending your life merely because you know I faked my death.

Saint Darius sighed in relief.

Yhwach expression turned emotionless and then Yhwach said in a chilling tone that made Saint Darius's body freeze.

Yhwach: I never had any intention to let you live to begin with.

Saint Darius: What?! Why? WHY!!

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as Saint Darius pleaded for an explanation.

Yhwach: Why? Because I can, and I want to.

With that, he pressed the hot iron into Saint Darius's face, the familiar scent of burning flesh and the agonized howls of the dying man bringing back memories of great victories and terrible losses. After a minute of slowly increasing the pressure, he finally felt the skull cave in, though just to be sure, he crushed the Celestial dragon's ribcage with a single stomp. Then, as if nothing happened, he walked out to get his possessions, making a short stop at the slave quarters to tell the poor souls that their employer had recently passed.

Scene Break - Streets of Mary Geoise

Yhwach: Finally, I am whole again.

He had found his clothing now fixed, and even his sword and a few Iron knives, and almost giddily climbed out of the rags he had worn so far. Now it was time to hunt Celestial Dragon.

However, it seemed that someone else had a similar idea, as Yhwach noticed that some of the houses were burning, slaves running through an open gate towards freedom, and everyone else running around like a headless chicken, nobody giving him a second glance. Almost bored, he snatched a saber from the scabbard of a marine running past and seeing that it was a blade of inferior quality, buried it into the chest of a Celestial Dragon running past, his suit on fire.

Yhwach swung open the door to the human slave quarters, his demeanor falsely cheerful.

Yhwach: Attention, everyone! I bring tidings of joy! Mary Geoise is ablaze, and your contracts are null and void. You're free to go.

A sense of exhilaration washed over Yhwach as he delivered the news. The chaos and turmoil reminded him of battles long past, stirring a nostalgic yearning within him, but that thrill when one faced an enemy one-on-one, that rush when both fought with all they had... he missed that.

The people looked at him, frightened, and Yhwach sighed and then walked around, unlocking collars with the keys he had looted no the correct term would be pickpocketed from the guards actually now dead guards. It wasn't like they'd need them, or anything else, in the foreseeable future

Yhwach: Listen to me, each and every one of you! Today marks the end of your enslavement, the end of your suffering at the hands of tyrants. You have endured humiliation and oppression, but that ends now! Retribution has come, and freedom beckons you back into its embrace! But heed my words: there are still those who seek to shackle you once more. Mary Geoise is engulfed in chaos, offering you a chance to slip away unnoticed. Seize this opportunity, for it may never come again! I implore you, RUN! Flee and never look back!

Yhwach was adept at commanding an audience. Leading as a king demanded such skill.

The slaves obeyed and ran. They ran like the hounds of hell were after them, through broken walls and gates opened so that help could enter and the Celestial dragons could escape.

Scene Break

Yhwach looked around. This was the type of battle that left him wishing for peace. It was not a clash of two enemies of great power and skill, this was slaughtering sheep, something that sickened him. Apparently, rumors spread fast, as troops were starting to look for someone who killed the Celestial Dragon. Currently, he had the blood of nine on his hands, plus that of a few soldiers who saw him. A lone Marine ran past him, and Yhwach grabbed his gun while sinking his other hand into the man's guts. He collapsed and didn't get back up. It's obviously the marine died.

He looked around for a suitable target and smiled. 

Yhwach: What do we have here?

He muttered. It was an entire flock of Celestial dragons, two men and two women, three of them wearing round helmets, the last man wearing what looked like the top half of an egg. Yhwach aimed for that one

As Yhwach took aim at the Celestial dragons, his finger tightened on the trigger, and the crack of gunfire echoed through the chaos of Mary Geoise. One by one, the bullets found their mark, piercing through the armor and flesh of the unsuspecting targets with deadly accuracy. The Celestial dragons fell to the ground, their arrogant facades shattered by the sudden onslaught.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone filled with both awe and amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Damn, Yhwach. Remind me not to get on your bad side. You make taking down Celestial dragons look easy. Maybe you should teach me how to use a gun.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Ginjo's suggestion, his amusement evident in his voice.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Oh, Ginjo. I don't think a gun would suit you. You're more of a hands-on kind of fighter, aren't you?

Ginjo's laughter reverberated within Yhwach's mind, his amusement mirroring Yhwach's own.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Fair point. Besides, I've got my Fullbrings to rely on. But hey, never hurts to learn some new tricks, right?

Yhwach nodded in agreement with Ginjo's sentiment, his thoughts already turning to the next phase of their plan.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Indeed, Ginjo. But for now, let's focus on the task at hand. There are still more Celestial dragons to deal with.

Yhwach's attention snapped as he heard a voice behind him. Turning swiftly, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword, he found Agent Astra behind him, his expression a mixture of disbelief and grim acknowledgment.

Agent Astra: I heard the news, I just didn't want to believe it. To think that you, in just a span of a week, could cause this much chaos and destruction... it's unprecedented. Not even Rocks D. Xebec did something like this.

Yhwach regarded Agent Astra with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. The name "Rocks D. Xebec" meant nothing to him, and he made no effort to hide his ignorance.

Yhwach: Rocks D. Xebec? I'm afraid I've never heard of him. But if he's anything like me, then perhaps he was a force to be reckoned with in his time.

Agent Astra's eyes widened in surprise at Yhwach's lack of knowledge about Rocks D. Xebec, but he quickly composed himself, realizing that he was dealing with someone who operated on a different level altogether.

Agent Astra: You truly are a mystery, But regardless of your origins or your past, your actions here cannot be ignored. The World Government will not take kindly to what you've done.

Yhwach's gaze hardened as he regarded Agent Astra.

Yhwach: The World Government's reaction is of little consequence to me. Their authority holds no sway over my actions, nor do their threats instill fear in my heart. I care little for their petty notions of justice or order.

Yhwach said as he pointed his sword toward Agent Astra, his stance radiating a silent challenge. Agent Astra, recognizing the danger in Yhwach's demeanor, tensed in response, his hand hovering near his own weapon.

Agent Astra: You've said-

Before Agent Astra could finish his sentence, Yhwach vanished from his spot, reappearing in front of him with startling speed. With a swift motion, Yhwach seized Agent Astra's bird mask, wrenching it from his face and slamming him to the ground with a forceful impact.

Agent Astra grunted in pain as he collided with the hard surface, his breath knocked out of him by the sudden assault. Yhwach loomed over him, his expression unreadable as he delivered his ultimatum.

Yhwach: If you have time to talk, then you have time to fight.

Agent Astra's eyes narrowed as he pushed himself to his feet, despite the pain coursing through his body. he drew his weapon, preparing to face Yhwach in combat.

Agent Astra: So be it. If it's a battle you seek, then I won't hold back.

As Agent Astra utilized Soru to dart behind Yhwach, intending to catch him off guard with a surprise attack, Yhwach's heightened senses alerted him to the incoming threat. With lightning-fast reflexes, he effortlessly caught the blade aimed at him before Agent Astra could land a strike.

Yhwach's grip tightened around the blade as he countered with a powerful kick aimed at Agent Astra's chest, sending him hurtling backward with tremendous force. Agent Astra crashed to the ground, the impact knocking the wind out of him.

As Agent Astra struggled to regain his footing, Yhwach sensed a sudden spike in reikaku, indicating the presence of numerous Cipher Pol agents converging on their location. Without hesitation, Yhwach activated the Schrift T - The Thunderbolt.

With a focused gaze, Yhwach unleashed Galvano Blast, a devastating surge of electricity that erupted from his outstretched hand with staggering force. The crackling energy surged outward, engulfing the surrounding Cipher Pol agents in a torrent of lightning.

The air sizzled with the intensity of the attack as the Galvano Blast surged forth, The unfortunate agents caught in its path were overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the electrical surge, their bodies disintegrating into nothingness as the lightning consumed them.

As Agent Astra's eyes widened behind his mask, a realization dawned upon him. He understood why Yhwach possessed such formidable lightning powers. In his mind, he speculated that Yhwach must have consumed the Goro Goro no Mi, also known as the Rumble-Rumble Fruit. This Devil Fruit granted its user the ability to generate, control, and become lightning itself.

Agent Astra: So, you possess the power of the Goro Goro no Mi... Impressive.

Yhwach's lip curled into a sneer of disgust as he heard Agent Astra's assumption.

Yhwach: You truly are ignorant, aren't you? What makes you think I would ever consume a Devil Fruit?

Agent Astra's confusion was evident as he struggled to comprehend Yhwach's words.

Agent Astra: But... your powers... they're...

Yhwach cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand, his tone dripping with disdain.

Yhwach: My powers are not the result of some cursed fruit. I have no need for such crutches.

Agent Astra's expression shifted from confusion to realization as he processed Yhwach's words.

Agent Astra: Then how...?

Before he could even register what Yhwach said, Yhwach vanished from his sight with blinding speed, leaving behind only a faint afterimage.

In the next instant, Yhwach appeared directly in front of Agent Astra, his form wreathed in crackling electricity as he prepared to unleash his devastating technique.

Yhwach: Electrocution.

With a swift and fluid motion, Yhwach channeled the immense power of electricity around him, concentrating it into a focused blast of energy that surged toward Agent Astra.

Agent Astra's instincts kicked in as he recognized the imminent danger, but before he could react, the electrifying blast struck him head-on, enveloping him in a torrent of searing lightning.

Agent Astra found himself engulfed in a maelstrom of searing lightning. The intense pain threatened to overwhelm him as the electricity coursed through his body, searing his flesh and burning his very soul.

But even in the face of such agony, Agent Astra refused to stand down. With every ounce of strength he could muster, he activated his Haki, attempting to shield himself from the devastating onslaught. The strain was immense, pushing him to the brink of his limits, but he refused to falter.

As the torrent of lightning subsided, leaving behind a smoldering crater where Agent Astra once stood, Yhwach remained still. Though the aftermath of his attack was evident, he knew better than to underestimate his opponent's resilience.

With a silent command, Yhwach exerted his reiatsu, his spiritual pressure radiating outward in a palpable wave of force. The invisible energy washed over the area, suffusing the surroundings with his overwhelming presence as he sought to confirm Agent Astra's demise.

The response was immediate. As Yhwach's reiatsu enveloped the fallen agent, there was no sign of movement, no hint of life remaining within him. 

Without a word, Yhwach extended his index finger, his focus shifting inward as he began to gather the ambient reishi surrounding him. The spiritual particles coalesced around his outstretched finger.

In a swift and fluid motion, Yhwach unleashed Heilig Pfeil, a barrage of sacred destruction arrows, The arrows streaked through the air converging upon the smoldering crater where Agent Astra lay.

The ground trembled beneath the onslaught as the Heilig Pfeil rained down upon the remains of Agent Astra's body. The impact was devastating, each arrow striking with unerring accuracy, tearing through flesh and bone with relentless force.

As the barrage subsided, the air was thick with the scent of ozone and burnt flesh, the aftermath of Yhwach's devastating attack. The once-proud agent lay broken and lifeless, his form reduced to little more than a charred husk.

Yhwach then closes his eyes for a moment then opens them and says.

Yhwach: My work here is done.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone filled with a mix of admiration and awe.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) That was quite the display, Yhwach. You never fail to impress me with your words of wisdom and power. Taking down Agent Astra and those Cipher Pol agents... it's like you're playing with them.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he listened to Ginjo's commentary, his mind already shifting to the next course of action.

Yhwach: (Mental link) There's no room for mercy in times of war, Ginjo. They were obstacles that needed to be removed.

With a focused gaze, Yhwach activated Hirenkyaku, the Quincy technique allowing him to move at incredible speeds. In an instant, he vanished from his current location, reappearing at the docks of Mary Geoise.

As Yhwach surveyed the area, his eyes fell upon a solitary rowboat bobbing gently in the water. Curiosity piqued, he approached the vessel, his senses alert for any signs of danger.

Upon closer inspection, Yhwach noticed a small envelope tucked beneath one of the oars. With a hint of curiosity, he reached for the envelope and unfolded the note contained within.

Yhwach's eyes scanned the handwritten message, his expression softening slightly as he read the words penned by a 12-year-old boy. The note expressed gratitude for Yhwach's intervention on the island and thanked him for freeing all the slaves.

Yhwach's gaze lingered on the note for a moment, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It was a rare moment of acknowledgment.

With a sense of fulfillment, Yhwach tucked the note into his pocket and turned his attention back to the rowboat. Without hesitation, he stepped into the vessel, pushing off from the dock and setting a course for the open sea.

Scene Break - Outside of the forest

First King: (sighs) It's been a whole week since we've heard from Yhwach. I fear something may have happened to him.

Second King nodded in agreement, his expression grave as he shared the First King's concern.

Third King glanced around the room, his feathers ruffled with uncertainty as he voiced his own apprehensions.

Third King: Do you think he's in trouble? Should we go look for him?

Before anyone could respond, Zaegar spoke up, his tone casual as if the matter was of little consequence to him.

Zaegar: Oh, Yhwach? Yeah, I forgot about him.

The other Four Kings stared at Zaegar incredulously, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and exasperation.

Fourth King: Forgot about him? How could you forget about your master, especially when he's missing?

Zaegar shrugged nonchalantly, his demeanor unchanged as he dismissed their concerns.

Zaegar: Eh, he's a tough guy. I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. Besides, we've got more important things to worry about right now.

First King's feathers bristled with frustration at Zaegar's nonchalant attitude, his tone tinged with irritation.

First King: Zaegar, our comrade's well-being is of utmost importance. We cannot simply brush aside his disappearance as if it were inconsequential.

Zaegar rolled his eyes at the First King's scolding, his tone unapologetic as he defended his indifference.

Zaegar: Relax, First King. Yhwach can take care of himself. If he needs our help, he'll ask for it. Until then, let's focus on getting Monke to join us to burn down the bar, let's get all the animals to fight against the humans

Third King exchanged a concerned glance with the other kings before speaking up, his voice laced with skepticism.

Third King: Perhaps Zaegar has had a bit too much to drink. He might not be thinking clearly.

Zaegar scoffed at Third King's suggestion, shaking his head dismissively.

Zaegar: I'm not drunk. I told you before, I can't get drunk no matter how much I try. My dragon body burns up the alcohol faster than you can say "hangover."

Fourth King couldn't resist interjecting, a smirk playing at the corners of his beak.

Fourth King: Bullshit. You're just a mutant lizard with wings. What makes you think you're immune to alcohol?

Zaegar's eyes narrowed dangerously at Fourth King's comment, his patience wearing thin as he shot back a sharp retort.

Zaegar: Shut the fuck up, Fourth King. I'm not a lizard, and I'm definitely not some mutant freak. I'm a dragon, and you'd do well to remember that.

First King stepped in before the tension could escalate any further, his tone firm as he addressed the group.

First King: Enough bickering. We have more pressing matters to attend to than arguing about Zaegar's drinking habits. Let's focus on finding Yhwach and ensuring his safety. Then we can discuss our next course of action.


Well, how was it? What do you think Yhwach's bounty will be? any predictions?