
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime et bandes dessinées
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133 Chs

Unforeseen Lessons: A Day in the Life of Yhwach

A few weeks had passed since Yhwach had started to help out his new students. Jaune had grown in his ability as a Huntsman by leaps and bounds in the short few weeks and Team CRDL were finally getting along with their classmates as well as operating as a team much more effectively. During a short sparring match, they nearly defeated team JNPR but Pyrrha still seemed to be out of all the students league. Cardin had grown as well, shaking hands with Pyrrha at the end of the match and congratulating her instead of plotting to have Rapier Wasps attack her. Or so Yhwach hoped.

However, the school was in a bit of a flux right now. Classes had ceased for a few days due to other teams from the other three schools beginning to show up for the Vytal Tournament leaving Yhwach and Zaegar to their own devices for the short while that he wouldn't be teaching. And right now, he was taking Ozpin's advice and he was exploring the city of Vale.

( Flashback - The Docking Area )

Yhwach stood at the side of the school's docking bay entrance as he watched ship after ship bring in students of all kinds from the other three Academies with Zaegar on his shoulder. Ozpin found his way next to him and they both began to talk as the students filed in.

Ozpin: A magnificent thing isn't it? To see so many young faces trying to help make the world a better place.

Ozpin asked his fellow teacher. 

Yhwach: I still have withdrawal from having children fight, but yes it is nice to see them doing something of their own volition rather than having been forced down this path.

Ozpin: This time of year always brings a smile to my face. It makes me proud to be a teacher here.

Ozpin said, waving to some of the students who recognized him from previous tournaments.

Yhwach: I've only been here a short time, but it does have a certain appeal to it. But I have the feeling you came to talk about something other than my pride as a teacher here.

Yhwach told Ozpin as he turned to the white-haired headmaster.

Ozpin laughed as he was found out.

Ozpin: Always straight to the point. It's nothing of importance, of course, it just occurred to me that you two never ventured out of the school except to the Forever Fall Forest on the one field trip. I only came to suggest that you two should go out and see the city of Vale and get comfortable with it.

Zaegar's face scrunched in confusion.

Zaegar: Why the fuck should we even do that?

Ozpin tapped his staff against the floor under them.

Ozpin: This place will become mostly vacant for the better half of two weeks once Winter break hits and even more so during the Summer. You will need something, other than missions, to dull your boredom Zaegar until the school season starts again after those long breaks and Vale is a great way to do that. You two have another day or two until all the students arrive so I suggest that you both go and explore the city. You may even find something you like there.

Ozpin then held out a card to him. 

Ozpin: Here, it's called Lien. It's currency here in Remnant. Consider this an advancement on your first paycheck.

Yhwach sighed as Zaegar attempted to devour the Lien card Ozpin had handed them. With a gentle yet firm grip, Yhwach restrained the tiny dragon, holding his entire head in his palm.

Yhwach: Zaegar, we don't eat currency. It's for purchasing goods and services in the city.

He spoke in a patient tone, accustomed to Zaegar's antics by now.

Yhwach: Besides, we wouldn't want to ruin our reputation before we've even had a chance to establish it, would we?

Zaegar pouted, his tiny wings flapping in frustration, but he relented and stopped trying to snack on the card.

Yhwach took the Lien card from Ozpin, giving a nod of gratitude to the headmaster.

Yhwach: Thank you, Ozpin. We'll be sure to make good use of this.

Ozpin smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement.

Ozpin: I have no doubt you will, Yhwach. Enjoy your time exploring Vale. And remember, sometimes the greatest discoveries come from unexpected places.

( End of Flashback )

Yhwach looked up at the massive buildings that surrounded them. 

Yhwach: Vale hm? What an interesting place.

He continued down the streets of the city until a loud voice caught his attention. he decided to follow his curiosity to a gathering at the town center. There was a soldier demonstrating something called "Atlesian Knights". Yhwach recognized the Atlesian part as being from the country of Atlas.

Six sets of large crates opened up behind the man and six metal soldiers walked out. The soldier began to describe them to the crowd leaving Yhwach and Zaegar with a bad taste in their mouth. Zaegar let out a quiet sound of disgust which didn't go unheard by a man standing next to Yhwach in the crowd.

Man: Not a fan of the Atlas tech?

The man had red-ish orange hair and a black bowler hat on. He held a cane in both hands similar to how Ozpin normally stood. 

Zaegar: I'm not a fan of any military equipment.

The man let out an agreement in the form of a groan.

Man: Don't have to tell me that twice my lizard friend. Seems kinda pointless with all the Huntsmen we got running around. To be honest with ya, I don't really like them either.

The man told Zaegar. Then Yhwach finally looked at the man.

Yhwach: Is that so?

The man quickly held up his hands.

Man: I don't mean to insult you, I had no idea that you were a Huntsman. It's just that I've seen a lot of them go off their tracks and do some pretty bad stuff.

Yhwach regarded the man with a calm expression, his piercing gaze studying him for a moment before speaking.

Yhwach: No offense taken. It's understandable that there may be differing opinions on the role of Huntsmen and military technology in safeguarding Remnant. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and both serve their purpose in their own way.

He paused, considering his next words carefully.

Yhwach: However, I believe it's essential to remember that true protection comes not just from the strength of arms, but also from the courage and integrity of those who wield them. While military technology may offer security, it's the Huntsmen and Huntresses who possess the resolve and compassion to confront the darkness that threatens our world.

The man nodded thoughtfully, seeming to mull over Yhwach's words.

Man: You make a good point there, Huntsman. It's not just about power, but about the heart and soul behind it. I'll keep that in mind.

Yhwach offered a small nod of acknowledgment, appreciating the man's receptiveness to his perspective.

Yhwach: Thank you. It's always refreshing to engage in meaningful discourse.

Man: Hey, you wouldn't happen to be a teacher at Beacon, would you?

Yhwach: Indeed, I am.

Yhwach confirmed as he glanced back at the presentation.

The man snapped his fingers triumphantly.

Man: Ah, I knew it! I've got a knack for spotting you lot.

Yhwach arched an eyebrow, intrigued.

Zaegar: If that's the best you can do, your "knack" needs some serious tuning, buddy.

The man put a hand over his chest.

Man: You wound me, dear sir! A man can slip up every now and again can't he?

Zaegar said nothing in return. 

On the platform that the soldier was on, a giant hologram of what he called an "Atlesian Paladin" appeared. The man beside Yhwach let out a long whistle.

Yhwach remained silent, his expression impassive as he listened to the man's remarks.

Man: I bet they blew a fortune on that contraption. Must pack a punch though. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

The man's tone was sly, but Yhwach's demeanor remained unchanged. His brow furrowed slightly in puzzlement as he turned his attention back to the man.

Yhwach: What was your name agai-

Before he could finish, the man vanished into thin air. Yhwach scanned the surroundings, but there was no trace of him.

Yhwach let it go and decided to leave the demonstration, its contents were beginning to sully Zaegar's new ears.

He walked on, coming to a corner of a street. He was about to turn when a blur of red crossed his vision and he was hit in the chest by somebody. He stayed upright but the person fell onto their back. 

Ruby: Oh Oum, I'm so sor-Professor Yhwach?!

Yhwach blinked in surprise as he recognized the voice and looked down to see Ruby Rose sprawled on the ground before him.

Yhwach: Ruby? What are you doing in Vale all on your own?

He asked her as he helped her to her feet.

Yang: She's not on her own.

Yhwach turned to find Yang and Weiss running up to them. 

Yhwach: Yang, Weiss.....where is Blake?

Weiss scoffed.

Weiss: Probably off with her White Fang degenerates.

Ruby quickly turned to her teammate.

Ruby: Weiss your not helping!

Weiss got offended and turned to her leader.

Weiss: Oh, so I shouldn't refer to her as what she is? Should I stop calling this street light a street light, or this trash can as a trash can?

Zaegar: Can you both fucking shut the fuck up before I shove this fucking- 

Yhwach swiftly placed a hand over Zaegar's mouth before the tiny dragon could finish his expletive-laden tirade, shooting him a stern look.

Yhwach: Zaegar, enough. Let's maintain some decorum, shall we?

Zaegar grumbled but nodded reluctantly, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

Meanwhile, Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind, the former Substitute Shinigami finding amusement in the situation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ah, Yhwach, looks like you've got your hands full with that fiery little dragon of ours.

Yhwach shot Ginjo a wry look, reprimanding him.

Yhwach: Please, Ginjo, let's not encourage Zaegar's colorful language any further. We're supposed to set an example here, not indulge in his outbursts.

Ginjo chuckled, his voice tinged with mischief.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Just trying to lighten the mood, old man. But you're right, we should keep it professional.

Yhwach nodded in agreement before Yang raised an eyebrow, shooting Yhwach a curious glance.

Yang: Uh, Professor Yhwach, who're you talking to?

Zaegar: (in thought) Ah you stupid fucking old man.

Yhwach blinked, realizing that he had spoken aloud without intending to.

Yhwach: Ah, it's nothing, just... thinking out loud.

He offered a reassuring smile, hoping to deflect any further questions about his internal conversations.

Zaegar: I'll take it from here Yhwach, now you all seriously didn't know that she was a Faunus?

Zaegar asked looking them over from Yhwach's shoulder. 

Yang: Wait, you knew?

Yang asked him.

Zaegar: Not only does she smell like a cat she covers her ears with that black cloth on the top of her head.

The Hollow said pointing to the top of his own tiny new head.

Yang: But she wears a bo.....ohhhhhhhh.

Yang went into a sort of understanding as she realized that the bow was her ears.

Yhwach: Now then. Weiss, would you care to explain what your hatred for Zaegar's "new" kind is?

Yhwach looked at Weiss who's eyes widened.

Weiss: He's a Faunus?!

Zaegar nodded, his eyes narrowing as he fixed Weiss with a steely gaze.

Zaegar: Yes, you dumb bitch, what else would I look like?

Weiss's eyes widened in shock, her face turning pale as she stumbled backward.

Weiss: But... but isn't he just Professor Yhwach's pet?

Zaegar's glare intensified, his tiny form trembling with rage as he prepared to unleash a torrent of insults.

Zaegar: You ignorant, prejudiced, entitled little fucking--

Before Zaegar could finish his scathing retort, Yhwach intervened once again, placing a firm hand over his mouth.

Yhwach: Zaegar, that's enough.

Zaegar struggled against Yhwach's grip, his muffled protests barely audible beneath Yhwach's palm.

Ginjo's laughter resonated within Yhwach's mind, the former Substitute Shinigami finding amusement in the chaos.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Can't say I blame him, though, considering the circumstances.

Yhwach shot Ginjo a pointed look, silently reprimanding him for his amusement.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Please, Ginjo, let's not exacerbate the situation any further.

With a deep sigh, Yhwach turned his attention back to Weiss, his expression stern but composed.

Yhwach: Weiss, I understand that this revelation may come as a surprise to you, but it's important to remember that Zaegar is not just a pet. He is a valued companion and an intelligent being in his own right. It would serve you well to treat him with the same respect and dignity that you would expect for yourself.

Weiss's gaze softened, a flicker of guilt crossing her features as she realized the gravity of her words.

Weiss: I... I apologize. I didn't mean to offend.

Zaegar nodded, accepting her apology with a small nod.

Zaegar: Apology accepted bitch. now why the fuck do you hate Faunus kind?

Zaegar asked. 

Weiss: I don't hate them, I hate the White Fang.

Yhwach's eyebrow raised as he stared at her.

Yhwach: Then why do you hate Blake?

Weiss: She lied about who she was. She was probably a White Fang spy or something!

Ruby: Weiss!

Ruby interjected, but Yhwach raised his hand, gesturing for silence. He fixed his gaze on Weiss with a composed demeanor.

Yhwach: Do you possess evidence linking Blake to the White Fang?

Weiss met his gaze, her confidence faltering.

Weiss: Well, uh, not precisely...

Yhwach: Is there any proof she spied on you?

Weiss's resolve waned.

Weiss: N-no.

Yhwach: Are you aware of her reasons for concealing her identity?

Weiss stood silently, her gaze dropping.

Weiss: No.

Yhwach: Then reserve judgment. Faunus endure enough prejudice from society, let alone from their teammates.

Yhwach sighed before turning his attention to Yang and Ruby.

Yhwach: How long has she been absent?

Ruby looked to Yang who was counting on her fingers.

Yang: She's been gone foorrrrrrrrrr...almost twelve hours.

Yhwach's eyes widen for a moment.

Yhwach: Then we need to find her.

He raised his head to the sky and closed his eyes. He waited for the wind to blow and when he felt the wind hit his face he took a deep breath in. The wind came from the docks, where Yhwach could sense a collection of human and animal-like souls as well as that of Blake.

Yhwach: She's at the docks with several other Faunus. Let's go.

Yhwach told them and began to run towards the end of town. Everyone followed behind, having a hard time keeping up with Yhwach. Weiss began to spout out more controversial sayings.

Weiss: See I told you she was a spy!

Zaegar turned around on Yhwach's shoulder, fixing Weiss with a scathing glare. He shook his head in disbelief.

Zaegar: She just doesn't get it, does she?

His tiny form trembled with fury as he prepared to unleash a torrent of vile insults upon Weiss, his voice dripping with venom.

Zaegar: You ignorant, entitled, privileged little fucking bitch! How fucking dare you spout your hateful disgusting rhetoric without a shred of evidence or compassion?! Do you fucking think you're better than us just because of your fucking family name and your stupid wealth? You're nothing but a pathetic, racist coward who hides behind her ignorance like a shield! You fucking disgust me!

As Zaegar continued his tirade, Yhwach felt a surge of spiritual pressure emanate from him, his Reiatsu pulsating with intense energy. With a swift motion, Yhwach extended his hand toward Zaegar, channeling his spiritual power to forcefully shut the tiny dragon's mouth.

Yhwach: Enough, Zaegar.

His voice was firm, and commanding, as he exerted his will over Zaegar's, silencing the Hollow's hateful words.

Zaegar struggled against Yhwach's spiritual pressure, but he ultimately relented, his rage subsiding as he nodded in begrudging acceptance.

Yhwach turned his attention back to Weiss, his expression stern but composed.

Yhwach: Your words have consequences, Weiss. Think carefully about the impact of your actions and the harm they can cause. We are all responsible for the words we choose to speak.

Weiss's gaze faltered under Yhwach's penetrating stare, a flicker of remorse crossing her features.

Weiss: I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

Yhwach raised a hand, cutting off her apology.

Yhwach: Apologies are meaningless without genuine reflection and change. Use this moment to consider the impact of your words and strive to do better in the future.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, looks like you handled that quite well, old man.

Yhwach shot Ginjo a wry look, his expression tinged with amusement.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Coming from you, that's high praise indeed.

Ginjo chuckled, his voice echoing within Yhwach's mind.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Hey, I may be a troublemaker, but even I can appreciate a job well done.

Yhwach picked up his speed. Ruby was the only one who could kinda keep up with him as Yang and Weiss fell a distance behind.

Yhwach kept his senses trained on the docks, unsure of what could be happening. Then it happened, Zaegar's ear twitched and he heard gunfire. He let out a particularly nasty growl and he floored it. Even Ruby couldn't keep up as Yhwach began to run faster than humanly possible, hurdling over a car as he crossed an intersection. He made it within a minute or two to find Blake and a blonde-haired boy with a monkey tail running away from people with Grimm-like masks. They were firing at them and there were a lot of them.

Yhwach: Blake! Get down!

He shouted out. The cat faunus barely had time to register Yhwach's presence as he launched himself into the air. She managed to look up in time.

Blake: Sun move out of the way!

She pushed the boy next to her out of the way and then dived behind a cargo container. 

Yhwach's senses sharpened as he assessed the situation unfolding before him. Without hesitation, he gathered Reishi to form spiritual arrows with just a flick of his fingers. His movements were swift and precise as he unleashed a barrage of Heilig Pfeil, directing them toward the masked assailants with deadly accuracy.

The arrows tore through the air with incredible speed, each one leaving behind a trail of glowing energy as it homed in on its target. The Grimm-like masked individuals were caught off guard by the sudden assault, their ranks quickly dwindling as Yhwach's arrows found their mark.

Yhwach's eyes remained focused, his concentration unbroken as he continued to rain down arrows upon their adversaries. The blasts of Reishi struck with enough force to create deep cavities in the ground, incapacitating those who were unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.

Blake and the monkey faunus named Sun had taken cover behind a container. 

Sun: Blake, who is that guy?

Sun asked while Yhwach tore through wave after wave of attackers with zero signs of slowing down.

Blake: His name is Yhwach, he's one of my Combat Professors at Beacon.

Sun: That's your teacher?!

Sun yelled out in shock as the container they were hiding behind was shaken by a faunus getting thrown into it, severely a side of it.

Yhwach stood tall as three faunus charged toward him with their weapons ready to strike. The Quincy king tilted his head to the side as a sword came slicing by his ear, the faunus's eyes widened under his mask as Yhwach pulled back his fist and then brought it straight up into his chin. The faunus went flying back as his comrades moved around him, one with a spear and the other with a set of daggers. Yhwach quickly began to dodge the one with the daggers as he came in swinging violently. Each strike came close, but Yhwach knew that none of them would land. The one with the spear drew his weapon back for a thrusting attack, but Yhwach had a counter to this as he grabbed the wrist of the faunus with the daggers and then twisted the boy and held his arm at an awkward angle behind his back. The faunus with the spear barely managed to stop his spear from colliding with his comrade and then pulled his spear back. Yhwach however, had a different idea and pushed the boy towards his comrade. The one that had the daggers stumbled forward and fell onto his friend while more of his comrades came to attack Yhwach.

Yhwach moved backward as another sword tried to swipe at him. He quickly kicked the one that tried to cut him in the face, sending him flying before dropping to a crouching position to dodge an axe that came flying towards his head. Yhwach quickly threw up his fist and hit the axe wielder in the chin forcing him into the air. The Quincy king then quickly jumped backward into a spin as a mace hit where he was standing. Yhwach landed from the spin and continued to let his arm move.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1

With a quick flick of his wrist, he extended his index finger, channeling his spiritual energy to activate Burner Finger 1. A fiery aura enveloped his fingertip, glowing with intense heat as he focused his energy.

As the assailants closed in, Yhwach unleashed a powerful blast of concentrated flames from his fingertip, the searing heat engulfing his foes in a blaze of fire. The attackers screamed in agony as they were consumed by the inferno, their forms writhing and contorting in pain.

The whole area in front of Yhwach was covered in smoke from his attack and it looked like no more attackers were coming. Yhwach let out a sigh before he heard a feminine grunt from behind him.

Blake: Let go!

Yhwach turned to find the man with the bowler hat from earlier holding his cane under Blake's neck and keeping her from moving. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the man.

Zaegar: You, bitch. I knew something was off about you.

The man laughed.

Man: I guess your knack is just as bad as mine. Now tell you're master to stand down, or the girl gets it.

Zaegar growled before movement caught Yhwach's eye. Sun had taken down the faunus that had distracted him and was now on top of one of the containers surrounding them. 

Man: I said stand down!

The man yelled at Yhwach again.

Zaegar growled at his tone but slowly Yhwach began to get to one knee. Blake looked him in the eye and gave him a nod. She and the boy had a plan.

Yhwach: (In thought) Smart girl.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind once more, a mixture of disbelief and incredulity evident in his tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Are you serious about bending your knee to this scumbag, old man? You're better than that.

Yhwach remained composed, his expression stoic as he responded to Ginjo's disbelief.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Sometimes, Ginjo, one must make sacrifices to protect those we care about. It's not about pride or ego, but about ensuring the safety of others.

Ginjo's laughter resonated within Yhwach's mind, the former Substitute Shinigami finding amusement in Yhwach's reasoning.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, I suppose that's one way to look at it, old man. Just be careful not to let this scumbag get the better of you.

Yhwach nodded inwardly, acknowledging Ginjo's cautionary advice. He focused his attention on the man with the bowler hat, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to take action.

Zaegar, perched upon Yhwach's shoulder, couldn't resist taunting his companion amid their predicament.

Zaegar: (Mental link) Wow, Yhwach, I didn't know you were such a pushover. Bending the knee to some lowlife? Disgraceful.

Yhwach ignored Zaegar's provocation.

Man: That's right, good teacher.

The man said, losing his grip on Blake's neck slightly. Blake took this and quickly threw her head back into the man's nose, probably breaking it. He let out a yelp of pain and stumbled back. Blake jumped away and Yhwach shot forward from his kneeling position, using it as a spring to jump forward and punch the man in the face breaking his nose for sure this time.

The man rolled backward with several groans. He forced himself to his feet, holding his nose as he did. 

Man: You little.....you broke my nose! Do you know what this face has gotten me out of?!

The man didn't have a chance to charge forward as Sun came flying down with his staff. The man used his cane to block his attack and then jumped to the side, getting back into a container. Blake ran to the other side of Sun and Yhwach walked forward.

Sun: You're trapped. Surrender now and you'll get off with just the broken nose.

The man wiped the blood that dripped from his nose lightly, careful to not hurt his nose any further. 

Man: Surrender? Why would I do that when I have you all right where I want you?

He pressed a button on his cane and then swiped it forward causing a red wave of dust to go flying towards his three attackers.

Sun and Blake jumped out of the way but Yhwach put his hand in the way of the wave and forced it to dissipate just in front of him, cutting the wave in half. The Quincy king looked back to where the man had gone to find that he was now on a ladder hanging from a bullhead. He used a free hand to take off his bowler hat and wave at them.

Man: It was fun Professor! But I'll have to bid you adieu!

He said slightly bowing before putting his hat back on and climbing to the bullhead. It began to fly away and a few others came flying forward, their doors sliding open and men with dust launchers trained their sights on Yhwach.

Not threatened in the slightest, Yhwach looked back to the two behind him. 

Yhwach: You may want to back away.

They did as he said and the launchers fired at him.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as the missiles closed in on him, With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed his Reiatsu, channeling his spiritual pressure to disrupt the missiles' guidance systems. The projectiles faltered in mid-air, their trajectories thrown off course as they plummeted toward the ground below.

As the missiles detonated harmlessly on impact, sending clouds of debris and smoke billowing into the air, Yhwach remained unfazed. He turned his attention to the containers, which had been knocked off balance by the explosions, causing them to crash to the ground in front of him.

Their users dropped their weapons and jaws in shock before they began to yell at their pilots to leave. The former Savior was not allowing it.

As the man in the bullhead realized Yhwach's intentions, panic spread across his face. Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on the aircraft as he extended his index finger, channeling his spiritual energy to unleash Burner Finger 1 and 4 simultaneously.

Yhwach directed his fiery beams toward the bullheads that had fired the dust missiles at him. The intense heat sliced through the air, carving a path of destruction as the beams cut through the metal frames of the aircraft with precision.

The bullheads erupted into flames, their engines sputtering as they spiraled out of control. Yhwach's spiritual power was overwhelming, the sheer force of his attacks leaving no room for escape.

As the chaos unfolded below, Yhwach's focus remained unbroken. With a swift motion, he directed his energy toward the water below, parting it with a massive wave that surged forward with incredible force.

The man in the bullhead with the bowler hat shouted commands to his pilot, desperation evident in his voice as he urged them to execute evasive maneuvers. The pilot responded quickly, banking to the side just in time to avoid Yhwach's devastating attack.

The Quincy king's Burner Finger continued unabated, the beams of energy rocketing past the bullheads and colliding with the water below. A blinding light illuminated the area, casting shadows across the landscape as a massive gust of wind swept through, kicking up clouds of dust and debris.

Blake and Sun shielded their eyes from the blinding light, bracing themselves against the force of the wind. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the shockwave rippled outward, its effects felt for miles around.

The man's bullhead began to shake from turbulence and Yhwach watched it struggle to stay in the air Meanwhile, Zaegar, unfazed by the commotion, sat nonchalantly on what appeared to be a tropical coconut rum cocktail that's on Yhwach's shoulder. Yhwach, deciding not to delve into the peculiarities of the situation, The bullhead straightened and flew off into the distance. as the wind died down, and then quickly turned around.

Yhwach remarked dryly.

Yhwach: Looks like you've dodged trouble for today.

Yhwach took a moment to gather his composure, his expression composed as he surveyed the aftermath of the skirmish. Meanwhile, within his mind, Ginjo's voice echoed once more, his tone a mixture of confusion and amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Alright, Yhwach, I've gotta ask... When and how did Zaegar get himself a tropical coconut rum cocktail?

Yhwach glanced at Zaegar, who was lounging on the cocktail with an air of nonchalance, lazily swinging his tiny dragon tail as he enjoyed his drink. Yhwach shook his head slightly, bemused by the peculiar sight.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) I have no idea, Ginjo. Zaegar seems to have a knack for acquiring unusual items.

Zaegar, sensing the conversation within Yhwach's mind, grinned mischievously and continued to enjoy his cocktail, unaffected by the bizarre turn of events.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Just call it my little surprise, Ginjo.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, I must say, it's certainly unexpected.

Zaegar, still lounging on his tropical cocktail, swung his tiny dragon tail playfully, attempting to slap Yhwach's face in a teasing manner. Yhwach shot Zaegar a warning glance, his patience wearing thin.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Zaegar, if you don't stop that, I'll drop both you and your drink on the ground.

Zaegar's tail froze mid-swing, and he looked up at Yhwach with an innocent expression, feigning innocence.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Aw, come on, Yhwach, I'm just having a bit of fun!

Before Yhwach could respond, Ginjo's voice interrupted their exchange, his curiosity piqued by Zaegar's antics.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You know what, Zaegar? I wouldn't mind a drink myself.

Zaegar snapped his tiny dragon fingers with a grin, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Coming right up, Ginjo! One tropical coconut rum cocktail, just for you.

Ginjo chuckled appreciatively, his amusement evident in his voice.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Thanks, Zaegar. You always know how to lighten the mood.

In an instant, a tropical coconut rum cocktail materialized in Ginjo's hand within Yhwach's inner world. Yhwach observed the bizarre occurrence with a bemused expression, choosing not to comment on the surreal turn of events.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only sane one here.

Zaegar and Ginjo burst into laughter within Yhwach's mind, their camaraderie evident in their shared amusement.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Oh, Yhwach, where's the fun in being sane?

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Exactly! Embrace the chaos, my friend.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at their lighthearted banter, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Perhaps you're right. In any case, let's focus on the task at hand.

Zaegar raised his tiny dragon claw in a mock toast, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he sipped his drink, seemingly content with the chaos he had caused within Yhwach's mind.

Sun and Blake moved their arms and watched Yhwach walk past them before turning back to the peer. Their eyes widened as they saw there was a massive chunk of the dock was missing and that the water had a massive curve that went for miles in it that was slowly coming back down.

Sun: T-that's your combat teacher?

Sun asked, repeating his question from earlier while looking back at the Quincy king who was walking towards the building that they were in earlier. Blake couldn't even answer as she watched the water return to normal. If he had done that the first day they had met, she wouldn't be alive right now.

Yang: Blake!

The owner of the name turned around only to be tackled by Ruby and Yang. She let out a yelp as she was forced to the ground

Ruby: We were so worried about you!

They continued to hug her for a small while before they let her up. She smiled before she saw Weiss coming towards her. 

Blake: Oh boy.

Weiss stopped in front of her, a scowl on her face. 

Weiss: Do you know how long you've been gone?

This is not what Blake was expecting.

Blake: Uhhhhhhh-

Weiss: Twelve hours...I've had twelve hours to think it over, and you know what...I don't care.

 She told her teammate. Blake was taken aback by that.

Blake: You don't care?

Weiss: I don't care if you're a Faunus or not, I don't care if you were with the white fang as long as you're not with them anymore.....are you?

Zaegar growled loud enough for everyone to hear him while Yhwach looked over the people he had knocked out, searching for information.

Blake: No I'm not.

Blake assured her. 

Weiss: Then I don't care. Just don't hide anything from us again, alright?

Weiss prompted. 

Blake: Alright.

Blake said smiling a little now.

Weiss: Good. Now don't ever do that again.

She said before hugging her friend, showing that she was obviously worried about her. Blake stumbled for a moment but quickly hugged her back.

Sun: Soooooo.....I'm here too.

Sun said walking up to the team. Weiss looked him over.

Weiss: I'm not sure how I feel about you.

Sun just chuckled nervously before putting his hand behind his head.

Sun: The name's Sun.

As Zaegar lifted his sunglasses, he fixed his gaze on Sun, his eyes narrowing as he shouted, 

Zaegar: Sun?

Inside Yhwach's mind, Ginjo sighed audibly.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh boy.

Zaegar wasted no time in destroying the coconut drink and the sunglasses with a swift motion of his tiny dragon claws. He then materialized in front of Sun, grabbing him with his tiny hands and lifting him up in the air, glaring at him intently.

Zaegar: Are you related to THE SUN?

Sun blinked in confusion, caught off guard by Zaegar's sudden aggression.

Sun: What? No, that's just my name.

Zaegar's glare intensified for a moment before he dropped Sun, allowing him to land unceremoniously on the ground below. With a nonchalant flick of his tail, Zaegar reappeared on Yhwach's shoulder, remaking the coconut drink and sunglasses. He lazily climbed into the drink, swimming around and basking in the warmth of the tropical cocktail.

Yhwach: If you're all done with your little reunion, I could use some assistance sorting out these individuals. I'm keen on uncovering the identity of that man.

Yhwach remarked, casually tossing aside an unconscious faunus. The team's laughter tapered off nervously as those who hadn't witnessed Yhwach's prowess turned to see the aftermath of his actions.

Yang: Woah, what happened to the docks?! It looks like a bomb went off!

Yang cried out at the massive missing chunk of the dock.

Blake: Yhwach did it.

Blake said pointing to their teacher. 

Ruby: What?! How?!

Ruby shouted out in shock. 

Zaegar: (Sarcasm) Magic!

Zaegar lazily said.

Blake: That guy that we were fighting, his name is Roman Torchwick.

Blake told the Quincy king. 

Yhwach: Roman Torchwick?

Blake nodded confirming the name of the man that got away.

Yhwach: What business does he have here, associating with this... White Fang?

His tone held a mix of curiosity and suspicion as he tried to piece together the situation.

Blake: He was trying to sell them weapons in exchange for dust. Sun told me about the meeting so we came to stop it.

Yhwach shook his head, a hint of reproach in his voice.

Yhwach: And it didn't go as planned, did it? You two are fortunate I arrived when I did.

As he approached them, his demeanor retained a sense of authority.

Yhwach: It was reckless of you to undertake such a mission without proper... supervision. And what's your name, young man?

Yhwach directed his question toward the monkey faunus, Sun.

Sun: Sun Wukong, Sir Yhwach Sir.

He said bowing mostly out of fear of being scolded by the Quincy king. 

Yhwach only raised an eyebrow at the boy's actions. He shook it off and returned his gaze to Blake.

Yhwach: Regardless of your choice of companions, it was reckless. If you intend to pursue such endeavors again, at least ensure you're accompanied by your team.

He gestured towards the other three members of team RWBY, who stood nearby with smiles on their faces.

Yhwach: Advising against recklessness seems futile with your group. I suspect you'd proceed regardless of my counsel.

The laughter of the five students confirmed Yhwach's suspicions.

Yhwach: Instead, let's make a deal.

Their curiosity piqued, and they all turned to him.

Everyone: A deal?

They asked in unison. 

Yhwach: Keep me informed about any discoveries regarding Torchwick and his arms trafficking network. In exchange, you'll have my backing and endorsement to pursue and thwart him. Do we have an agreement?

Team RWBY quickly nodded.

RWBY: Deal.

Yhwach turned to Sun, his gaze piercing.

Yhwach: You're new here. Are you here for the Tournament?

Sun: Yeah. I'm from Haven.

Sun told him.

Yhwach: Where is the rest of your team?

Sun laughed a little before answering.

Sun: I went on ahead of them, they'll be here in a few days.

Yhwach: Hm. So you're lending a hand to these four, out of personal whims or plain boredom. I care little for the motive. Just know, you abide by my terms, Or else.

Yhwach told him. Sun let out a little bit of sweat.

Sun: Or else....what?

Yhwach didn't answer and began to walk off. 

Sun: Or else what?

Sun tried again, fear creeping into his mind.

Sun: Do you guys know what he's talking about?

Sun asked turning to his new friends. His face paled as he saw the worried expression on their faces. 

Sun: Guys?

Ruby, Yang, and Weiss walked away, just shaking their heads. Blake put a hand on Sun's shoulder.

Blake: If you mess up...I hope you've lived a full life.

She told him before going after her friends. 

Sun: Wait what?!

He shouted out at her.

Sun: What does that mean?!

Sun cried out chasing after them. Zaegar let out a laugh as he heard the worry in his voice from Yhwach's shoulder.

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