
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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The Sealed King of Quincy's Last Stand

Clementine Pov:

I woke up in a cell with Sarah as she cried with her back pressed to the wall.

Clementine: Sarah? What happened? 

I asked as I sat up. 

Sarah opened her eyes looking at me before she ran over to me pulling me into a hug.

Sarah: She knocked you out and took out weapons. Then she dragged you out. But at least she let me choose what cell I wanted to be in. I just wanted to be sure you were okay. 

She explained. 

Clementine: Where's AJ?? And Violet?

I questioned. 

AJ: Mom! I'm here!

I heard AJ's voice as I rushed to the cell door. AJ and Violet were in a cell across from us 

Clementine: Thank God.

I sighed once I saw his face.

Violet: Clem, are you alright? 

Violet asked.

Sarah: Don't talk to her you stupid bitch! This is your fault! You thought we could trust your stupid little girlfriend and look where it got us! 

Sarah growled as she suddenly slammed against the cell doors.

Violet: Minnie's just scared. This is Lilly's fault, she brainwashed her. 

Violet replied.

Sarah: Well Duh! We've been trying to tell you that, this whole time! But you wanted to believe we could convince her. Now we're locked up. 

Sarah snapped angrily.

Clementine: What about Kenny and Yhwach? 

I asked. 

Sarah: The other raiders showed up with Lilly. They had to hide. 

Sarah shook her head.

Clementine: At least the boats not moving. We still have some time. I'll find a way just in case Kenny and Yhwach don't make it back in time. 

I said looking around. I noticed a latch at the bottom of the cell door. 

I looked at the bottom of the door inside noticing that the metal was rusted and corroded. 

I could possibly chip away at it and unlock the door from the inside. I felt my pockets for my knife but it was gone. 

I stood up looking through the bars.

Clementine: AJ, do you still have your knives?

I asked. 

AJ nodded taking out the knife he had.

AJ: They only found the big one. 

He said. 

Clementine: I need you to slide it over to me.

I told him. He nodded and did as told sliding the knife over to me. I picked it up and tried to chip away at the corroded metal. 

Suddenly someone hit the door causing me to drop the knife standing up to see the same woman who was talking to Minerva when we arrived. 

Raider: Whatever you're doing, don't. I promise you, it ain't worth it.

She growled glaring at me. 

Lilly: She awake?

Lilly's voice spoke causing the woman to turn and look towards her direction.

Raider: Yes ma'am.

The woman said as she moved aside and Lilly stepped in front of the cell with Minerva standing next to her. 

Lilly: Where's Abel?

Lilly asked once she was in front of me. 

AJ: He's dead! We killed him. We put a knife in his head!

AJ snapped glaring at Lilly. She turned to him and stepped towards his cell door. 

Lilly: Fuck, You little monster.

Lilly growled as she stepped closer to the door. 

Clementine: Lee gave him mercy. He was pretty banged up after that fall, and he didn't want to turn. So in exchange for information on where you were, we promised not to let him turn.

I called out causing her to turn back around looking at me. 

Lilly looked at me with a glare on her face as she chuckled.

Lilly: Ofcourse he did. Always doing The Right Thing 

she shook her head before aiming her gun at me. 

Lilly: Back up.

She demanded causing me to take a step back, my foot hitting AJ's knife in the process. I quickly kicked it under the bed before she opened the door and stepped inside. 

Minerva opened the cell door Lilly's gun stayed pointed at me as she stepped inside.

Sarah: Please, Don't kill her. 

Sarah pleaded.

Clementine: It's okay, Sarah. Just stay right there. I promise I'll be okay. 

I assured her, holding my hand up signaling for her to stay put. 

Lilly: Normally, the trouble you caused I'd toss you overboard. And where's Lee? If you're here, I know he's close.

She said looking me up and down. 

Clementine: Don't worry about Lee. Just know you aren't getting away with this. Yhwach and Kenny are out there too... Their looking forward to seeing you again.

I spat with a smirk. 

Lilly raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Lilly: Yeah? He was face to face with me before I left the school with Marlon. 

She said as if that changed anything. 

Clementine: You had our friend. He could have been hurt if Kenny and Yhwach did anything. But now...

I smirked looking away.

Lilly: I'm genuinely impressed. First you organize these idiot kids into a fighting force, and kill two of my most experienced soldiers. Then you sneak onto my boat under cover of a herd? I bring a prize like you back to the Delta, it might make this whole ,clusterfuck of a mission ,worth it. Someone like you, so young, with so much potential... 

Lilly stared at me.

Clementine: I'll never fight for you, Lilly. 

I growled. 

Clementine: I won't be another one of your little slaves. You fucked with the wrong people this time, your whole stupid plan, is fucked!

Lilly: And you're still mouthing off, despite being in a cell. That'll change... You know my father? Larry, was a military man, and when I was a kid, he had all kinds of rules. The thing that bugged him most was waste. If I ever left a light on after leaving a room, he'd flip. No matter how much he ranted about the cost of electricity, I could never remember to hit that switch.

She said causing me to shrug. 

Clementine: So what?

I stared at her with a frown.

Lilly: So one day he let our power get cut. He liked. To show that actions have consequences.

She continued. 

Clementine: Sounds like Asshole runs in the family. Is that the consequence? That you're an asshole? I don't care about your stupid story.

I rolled my eyes looking away.

Lilly: The consequence is, I never left the lights on again. 

She responded glaring at me.

Clementine: No, the consequence is , you turned out to be an even bigger dick than he was! 

I shot back. 

Lilly sighed.

Lilly: My father....he had his faults. But he showed me the effectiveness of teaching by example. 

She spoke causing me to scoff, crossing my arms. 

Clementine: Is that what this is? A lesson?

I stepped forward causing Minerva to aim her weapon at me. 

Lilly raised her hand telling Minerva to stand down.

Lilly: I wanna tell you a story. Let's call it...The Parable Of The Twins. 

Lilly: Two girls were taken from their home, and brought to a new place to live.They had to leave their friends and family behind, and that was hard at first. They shed a lot of tears. But the new place was a good place. The people there grew corn and raised pigs, and the twins ate well for the first time in years. They had hot showers, Clean clothes, Beds. They were given guns and trained to use them. The people there were kind to these girls. All that was asked in return, was that they help defend the group. You see, this place had a lot of enemies, killers and thieves, who wanted what they had. They needed help fighting or they would lose everything they built.

She said.

Clementine: Sounds more like slavery to me.

I shrugged. 

Lilly chuckled giving me that same evil look Larry use to give to Lee.

Lilly: One of the girls saw that this was a place worth fighting for, and her tears dried. But the other twin could never forget her old home. She rejected every gift, every opportunity, stirred up trouble every chance she got. She convinced her sister to help her steal a raft and leave on the river. Ofcourse, they didn't get far. What happened then Minerva?

Lilly smirked. 

I looked over at Minerva with a frown.

Minerva: I killed her. 

She spoke causing my eyes to go wide.

Violet: Minnie, no...tell me it's not true.

Violet begged from the cell across from ours. 

Lilly: Your own sister? Why would you do that?

Lilly questioned with a fake sad expression.

Minerva: She was twisting my head with her lies. And I made a mistake. I needed to show my loyalty to the place I call home. 

Minerva replied causing Violet to cry out. 

Lilly: Like it or not, your all my people now, Clem. The question is, which twin are you going to be? The loyal one? Or the dead one?

Lilly asked.

Violet: What have you done to her head?! You fucking psychotic bitch! You're evil! You're fucking evil! 

Violet yelled.

Clementine: Violet, calm down. Just stay quiet. 

I suggested.

Violet: Why? So I can become a soldier in the army? Someone who kills the people they love? Fuck that! 

Violet snapped. 

Lilly: Pull the mouthy one out of the cell. She clearly didn't get the moral of the story. We'll just have to help you all understand.

Lilly glared at me. 

AJ jumped in front of Violet holding his arms out.

AJ: Stop! 

He yelled to the raider as she stepped towards him.

AJ: Don't hurt her, or I'll hurt you. 

He spat. 

Raider: Ayo, you better cool it or you're gonna get yourself hurt.

The raiders said before grabbing Violet and tossing her to the ground. She held Violets hand down about to cut off her fingers. 

AJ crept up behind the raider and jumped on her back, biting down on her ear biting part of it off as she knocked him off of her. 

When he landed on the ground, he spit out the raiders ear and then looked up at her menacingly. 

Raider: Son of a bitch!

The raider snapped moving towards AJ.

Clementine: If you fucking touch him I'll make you wish you were dead! 

I growled.

Lilly: That's enough. 

Lilly demanded.

Raider: He fucking bit me! 

The raider protested.

Lilly: I said that's enough. 

Lilly repeated glaring at the raider. She grumbled under her breath as she snatched Violet back into the cell.

AJ: You deserve to die. We'll kill you! 

AJ yelled. 

Lilly looked over at him and started walking towards him. I took a step forward only to be stopped by Minerva with her crossbow still aimed at me.

Lilly: You think you can kill me? 

Lilly asked.

AJ: I know I can. We'll throw you in the river! Or we'll put a knife right to the side of your head! 

AJ yelled.

Lilly: Big talk for a little guy.

Lilly smirked amused.

AJ: I know we can do it. We're stronger than you are. You're a monster... And you know what we do to monster's? 

He asked stepped forward. 

Lilly looked at him with interest as he held his fingers out at her like he was holding a gun. "BANG" 

Lilly crouched down in front of him.

Lilly: You're a tough little guy. I bet you'd make a great soldier. 

She smirked. 

Clementine: No, you leave him alone. This is between you and me!

I yelled as she smirked. 

Lilly: Clem seems to care a lot about you... Come on, let's go have a little chat.

She said as she grabbed AJ's arm and dragged him away.

Clementine: No! Don't you fucking touch him!! Leave him alone!!

I screamed as I ran over to the cell door as Minerva closed and locked it in front of me. 

AJ: Mom!

AJ cried out as she dragged him away.

Clementine: Don't worry AJ! I'm gonna find you. Remember the rules! Remember!

I yelled after him. 

Raider: Keep an eye on her Minerva.

The raider said as she followed Lilly. 

Lilly: Get this boat started, I wanna be far away from here, fast.

I heard Lilly say as they disappeared down the hall. 

Raider: Yes ma'am, I'll start up the boiler.

The raider agreed causing me to glare at Minerva.

Minerva: Don't you dare look at me like that! This is the only way we survive! 

Minerva snapped. 

Violet: Fuck surviving! Look at what you're doing! Minnie Please, just listen to me. This isn't you, you can help us get out, then we can finally all be together again. I'm sorry we never searched for you...for Sophie... Marlon said you were dead and that's what we believed. I swear if I would have known, I would have come for you in a hearbeat.

Violet distracted Minerva as Sarah handed me AJ's knife. 

I chipped away at the rusted metal untill it broke off, and I was able to push the metal plate back. I reached through grabbing the latch and pulling it up, unlocking the door.

Minerva: I know, But Sophie's dead. I have a new family now. You all need to understand. This is the only way. Lay down, stay in line, or you die. The people you love die! If you just do what they say you can live, like I did. You'll see, it's much better than being at that school. 

She said turning just as I stood up.

Clementine: The difference between us, is you gave up on your friends, your family, your own sister. I would never give up on my family.

I spat just as an arrow flew by hitting her in the shoulder. I rammed into the door knocking her to the ground as the door opened. 

I quickly let Violet out as Sarah ran over to free Marlon. Yhwach, Kenny and Lee ran over to us catching their breath. 

Kenny: Sorry it took so long, those raiders are everywhere. We gotta get off this boat fast.

Kenny said. 

Lee: Where's AJ?

Lee asked looking around.

Clementine: Lilly has him, we're not leaving without him.

I explained.

Kenny: I'm gonna kill that bitch, let's go. 

Kenny growled walking passed us. 

Violet held Minerva in her arms as tears ran down her cheeks.

Sarah: Forget her, Clem, let's go. 

Sarah said as she pulled me along with her. We made it to the top of the boat where we spotted Lilly pulling AJ away as he struggled against her grip. 

We kept our cover as we snuck closer to where they were. They had captured James and was trying to intimidate him into joining the group. 

When he wouldn't agree, she raised her gun about to shoot him, but AJ grabbed her hand biting down on it. Kenny stood up from hiding and rushed Lilly knocking her to the ground. Sarah sent an arrow through the raiders head that stood near James. 

I saw Lilly's gun and quickly ran to grab it. Instant flashbacks of Jane and Kenny fighting came back to me as I watched he and Lilly fight. 

I aimed my gun, preparing to shoot , when Yhwach placed his hand on my shoulder stopping me. Lilly flipped she and Kenny over raising her fist to punch him but Kenny dodged her hit, causing her to punch the ground instead. 

Lee walked over to them and kicked Lilly in the side of the head watching her fall off of Kenny, before helping him to get up from the ground. 

The two of them looked down at Lilly as Lee held his hand out for the gun. I gave it to him and turned rushing over to AJ making sure he was okay as I pulled him into a hug. 

Lilly: Wait. I... I give up. I will give up. Put the gun down, I'll let everyone leave. My crew and I will leave, we won't bother you anymore.

She begged causing me to turn as I watched Lee hand the gun over to Kenny keeping his eyes on Lilly.

Lilly: No, Lee please. We were family once, remember? 

She begged.

Lee: Family? You were never my family. Your father treated me like shit, and you only made excuses for his behavior. And now, you try to take my daughter from me? You try to take my grandson away from me?

Lee growled as he glared down at her. 

Kenny: You were only trying to help yourself! You wanted to put these kids lives at risk, fighting YOUR battle! 

Kenny growled as Lilly held her hand to her now bloody nose. 

Lee: Kenny, Shut this bitch up.

Lee shook his head. 

James: Wait, she isn't a threat anymore. This is wrong.

James chimed in as he cautiously stepped forward. 

Kenny: Nah, Kid. You don't know this bitch like we do. The second you give her another chance, she'll stab you in the back. Just like her father.

Kenny replied.

Clementine: You didn't see the things she and her soldiers did at our school, You didn't see what she and her father did back in Macon. You didn't see anything but the backs of walker heads. So just shut up and stay out of this. We aren't letting her go again. 

I said stepping in front of James.

James: This isn't right! This is murder. 

James protested. 

Lee: No, Murder is how she put a bullet in the head of someone I cared deeply about. She murdered her.

Lee snapped.

Lilly: Is that any different from what you two did to my dad?? 

Lilly asked glaring between Lee and Kenny. 

Kenny: He was already dead. He would have turned and you would have gotten us, yourself, and clementine killed because you thought you could save him. With his heart condition and his bad temper, be was going to die sooner or later.

Kenny spoke simply.

Lilly: Yhwach you gotta help me remember how you helped me back then? 

Aizen: (chuckling) Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Lilly, the great leader, reduced to pleading for mercy.

Aizen's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind

Yhwach: Lilly, your desperation is pitiful. You thought you could manipulate others for your own gain, but now you're at the mercy of those you sought to control. This is the consequence of your actions.

Lee and Kenny exchanged glances, united in their resolve to deal with Lilly.

Lee: (grimly) Kenny, we can't let her go. Not after all she's done.

Kenny: (nodding) You're damn right, Lee. She's had her chances.

Lilly, bloodied and defeated, continued her attempts to appeal for mercy.

Lilly: Please, Yhwach, you have to understand. I was just trying to survive. We can work together.

Yhwach's voice cut through her pleas with a stern and unforgiving tone.

Yhwach: Survival is earned, not begged for. Your actions have consequences, Lilly, and you must face them. Your attempts to manipulate others have reached their end.

Lilly: Yeah, well I guess karma is a bitch huh? How's your son and wife? I saw the kid get bit, and I don't see your wife so...

Lilly taunted causing Kenny to pull the trigger on the gun, emptying the whole clip in her head. 

James: What the fuck! Are you insane??

Kenny: I might just be, Kid.

He spoke before turning to look back down at Lilly's body with a nonchalant face. 

Clementine: You don't know anything, she wasn't innocent.

I spat glaring at James.

I heard someone speak before they abruptly stopped causing me to look over, seeing Sarah pulling a knife out of a raiders head. She looked up at me and nodded just as the boat began to rock and an explosion went off. 

The boat began to tip to the side causing me to go sliding down. Lee grabbed me pulling me close to him. 

Another explosion went causing us all to fall. My hat came off as the boat tipped more. Yhwach grabbed it before it could go overboard and handed it back to me. 

Kenny: We gotta get off this boat now!

Kenny yelled out. I held onto Lee, while AJ held onto Yhwach as we scooted across the side of the boat. Sarah and Marlon were nowhere to be found but I trusted that Sarah was safe. 

We found a smaller boat attached to the side of the boat we were on. Kenny and Lee helped us on before getting in with us. 

We had to jump from the smaller boat back to the bigger one and climb across the side till we were able to jump on top of the cover over the entrance to the boat. 

I hopped down noticing just in time, the raider aiming their crossbow at me. I ducked as the arrow flew past me and embedded into one of the pillers on the walkway. 

I pulled the arrow out as the raider got closer ranting about us not being able to leave. Kenny jumped down from the top and landed in front of the raider, swinging his fist and knocking the raider out cold sending him falling over the side of the walkway. 

Suddenly the boat exploded sending all of us to the ground. I blinked a few times trying to clear my blurry vision as the loud ringing in my ears died down a bit. I looked up to see a walker slowly emerging from the smoke as it made its way towards me. 

I struggled to get up when the walker suddenly dropped to the ground revealing Louis with a huge rock in his hand.

Clementine: Louis! You made it! Where's Mitch? And Brody? 

I asked as he helped me up.

Louis: They're off in the woods somewhere. I heard the first explosion so I came back. Where's Violet? 

Louis explained before looking around for Violet.

Clementine: She chose to stay behind with Minerva. 

I explained just as I heard Violets voice yelling. We turned to see a walker holding on to her foot and she pushed backwards away from the water. 

I sent an arrow through the walkers head and helped Violet up.

Violet: Clem, where's Minerva? I lost track of her after the explosion. 

Violet questioned as I helped her up.

Clementine: I don't give a fuck where she is, she's not coming back to the school with us, we can't trust her. 

I shook my head.

Violet: We have to find her. She's family.You would never leave your family behind to die. 

Violet argued but I shook my head. 

Clementine: She's NOT coming back with us. Do what you want but neither of you will be let in if you show up with her. She killed her sister, and was going to stand by while Lilly ordered her soldier to cut your fingers off. You're clearly in denial. It's clear where your loyalty is.

I turned my back on her as I turned seeing Louis staring at me with wide eyes.

Louis: Minnie killed Sophie? 

He asked. I nodded looking down.

Clementine: She killed her to stay with The Delta. Come on let's find the others 

I spoke not wanting to dwell on that too long. 

We made it to the woods where we found Mitch, Sarah and Marlon waiting for us. Brody was on the other side with the carts full of the supplies we took.

The walkers were all going in the same direction, towards two raiders who stood in the woods shooting and drawing more walkers towards them. 

One of the raiders turned and aimed her gun at Brody who's back was turned as she fought off walkers. I quickly aimed my bow and arrow shooting it into her neck. As she dropped, this caught the other raiders attention distracting her as the walkers grabbed her from behind sinking their teeth into her shoulder and neck. 

Suddenly, Minerva appeared as she looked on in shock.

Minerva: No! Get off of her! 

She exclaimed shooting at the walkers with the gun, her raider friend had dropped. 

I looked over at Violet and shook my head. 

Clementine: The Delta is her family now, she can't be trusted. 

I said aiming my arrow at Minerva. 

Violet: Clem, No! Please!

Violet begged but I ignored her steadying my aim. 

Violet grabbed the bow and arrow before we heard a click from behind us. We both looked back to see Kenny, Lee and Sarah aiming their guns at Violet.

Sarah: You can join her, if that's what you want, but we aren't letting her come after us. She chose her family, now it's time for you to choose who's side your on. 

Sarah spoke. 

I turned back around and aimed my arrow again sending it through her leg, she let out a screen stumbling backwards into a walker who took a huge bite out of the side of her face. 

Minnie screamed falling to the ground as more walkers headed towards her. She managed to push herself out of view causing the walkers to follow her.

Violet snatched the bow and arrow away from me causing me to stand up pushing her to the ground.

Clementine: If you want to be stupid, go ahead! But you aren't going to put our group at risk for your girlfriend! 

I snapped glaring down at her. 

Violet: You killed her! You killed Minnie!

She screamed aiming my arrow at me. Sarah pulled the trigger on her gun sending a bullet into the side of Violets head. 

Her body dropped as I quickly grabbed the bow and arrow.

Marlon: Fuck! 

Marlon exclaimed staring down at Violets body with wide eyes.

Sarah: She was going to kill, Clem for protecting the group. I wasn't about to let her do that. 

Sarah shrugged as she replaced the gun and looked over at Lee and Kenny who nodded.

Kenny: She probably would have betrayed us for Minnie, anyway. Maybe this is for the best. 

Kenny agreed.

Louis: Let's... Let's just go, we need to make it back to the school. 

Louis sighed staring down at Violets body with a sad expression. 

Kenny: Lee and I will clear a path. Get ready to run.

Kenny said causing me to frown.

Clementine: No, we can't split up, we have to work together! 

I protested causing Lee to place his hand on my shoulder.

Lee: Sweet Pea, don't I always make it back to you? I'll fight with every muscle in my body to make it back to you, nothing will stop me. 

He assured me as he looked into my eyes. 

I sighed and nodded. 

Clementine: Please, be careful.

I pleaded. He nodded kissing my forehead. 

Lee: I promise, now go, Yhwach keep the others safe, We'll see you on the other side.

He replied as they started shooting the walkers. 

Yhwach: I'll ensure the safety of our group. Let's proceed.

Yhwach pondered Aizen's words.

Aizen: Admirable execution, Yhwach. Clementine's plan unfolded effectively. Yet, the repercussions of this encounter will echo into the future. Her choices bear consequences.

Yhwach: (in thought) Elaborate, Aizen.

Aizen: The Delta may be weakened, but new threats may surface. The world is unpredictable, and you must anticipate what lies ahead. Additionally, consider the impact on those dear to you. Clementine, Lee, and the others—these choices will shape their destinies.

Yhwach acknowledged, recognizing the gravity of the situation.

Yhwach: Understood.

Aizen: Excellent. Power transcends mere physical might it lies in the ability to navigate the intricate tapestry of existence. Stay vigilant, Yhwach.

Once the path was clear, the 8 of us ran into the woods putting some distance between us and the walkers. 

We hit a wall of rocks and started to run along it finding James with his walker mask on standing in front of a cave. 

AJ: James, You made it.

AJ exclaimed. James looked at me with a slightly angry expression before quietly motioning for us to follow him. 

We ran inside the cave having to squeeze through a tight space before ending up in a dark area of the cave. 

I took a deep breath and looked around making sure everyone was here and alright. Marlon, Sarah, Brody, Mitch, Louis, Yhwach, and AJ. Everyone was all here and they all seemed fine despite what just happened. 

Clementine: Okay, We're safe, for now. Not for long tho. It's... It's so dark in here.

I said looking around taking deep breaths. 

James: We can't move forward without a way to see.

James pointed out. 

Yhwach took a moment to assess the situation, realizing the importance of finding a light source in the pitch-black cave. With determination in his eyes, he spoke to the group.

Yhwach: I'll find something to help us see. Stay here and be cautious.

He headed to the other side of the cave, guided by his instincts and the faint echoes of water dripping. Aizen's voice resonated within Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: Yhwach, in the darkness, the mind can play tricks on you. Be wary of illusions and stay focused on your goal.

Yhwach acknowledged Aizen's advice, continuing his exploration of the cave. He eventually stumbled upon a flint, a small stroke of luck in the environment. Picking it up, Yhwach's keen senses led him further into the cave.

As he delved deeper, Yhwach encountered a dead walker. Aizen's voice echoed in his mind once more.

Aizen: The corpse could serve a dual purpose. Tearing a piece of its clothing might be useful. Wrap it around the flint to create a makeshift torch.

Yhwach followed Aizen's suggestion, tearing off a piece of the walker's shirt and skillfully wrapping it around the flint. Soon, he ignited the makeshift torch, casting a flickering light across the cave.

Clementine: Yhwach, you found something?

I called out from the darkness as Yhwach made his way back to the group, the torch illuminating our faces.

Yhwach: Yes, we have light now. Let's move forward, but stay close and be cautious.

Clementine: There's another tunnel over there.

I called out getting the others attention. 

They all made their way over to see what I was talking about.

AJ: It's too far.

AJ shook his head. 

Clementine: We just have to find something to help us get across.

I assured him. 

Marlon: What about that log over there. If we knock it down, it will move with the current and get stuck on the rocks. 

Marlon suggested. 

James: Then we could use it as a bridge. I'll get it down

he offered making his way over to the log. 

He managed to get the log into the water and it moved down the current, getting stuck on the rocks just like he planned. 

Clementine: Good Job. Now, we just need to go across one by one, we can think what to do once were across.

I said. Everyone began to go across while Yhwach held the walkers off. 

We turned and ran to the log slowly inching across. Sarah stepped off the board when suddenly it stared to shake causing me to fall.

I looked back to see the walkers falling on the log. Sarah held her hand out and helped me off the log just as the walkers made it lift over the rocks, sending it down with the current. 

No one said a word as we moved on through the other tunnel. We ended up in a strange looking room. As we stepped into the weird spiky cave, I immediately started to look around for a way out. 

Suddenly, James placed his hand on my shoulder. I glanced over at him and frowned. 

James: You all brought this in yourselves. 

He said knocking me to the ground. 

He turned and grabbed AJ by the arm dragging him away. 

James: It may be too late for them, but it's not to late for you. 

He mumbled as AJ struggled to pull away from him.

The others pointed their bow and arrow's and guns at James with a glare.

Sarah: Let him go now, or this arrow goes in your head. 

Sarah demanded.

James: No, I won't let you guys turn him into a monster! 

He yelled. AJ bit down on his hand causing him to let him go. 

He ran towards me throwing himself into my arms. 

James: The things you all do around him, is teaching him to be that same way. That old guy emptied an entire clip into that girl's head right in front of him. 

James yelled. 

AJ: It was only half a clip.

AJ corrected him as he rolled his eyes. 

Clementine: Lilly deserved to die! AJ has been through and seen worse than that. Don't lecture me on how I raise my kid, because he's tougher than you and all those raiders combined. 

I argued glaring at him. 

James: You said that AJ knows right from wrong, but it seems like you're all teaching him that right is wrong and wrong is right. You said he wouldn't turn into a monster. 

James shook his head. I opened my mouth to respond when AJ spoke up.

AJ: I liked it... Seeing Kenny kill Lilly. She deserved what she got, and seeing her get what was coming to her... I don't care if it was murder,I don't care if it was anything. It felt good to see. The best feeling I've had in a long time. Maybe ever.

Aizen: Yhwach, did you hear that? The boy's words are unsettling. It's not a typical response for a child his age.

Yhwach: (in thought) Indeed, Aizen. AJ's exposure to violence and harsh realities has shaped his perception differently. He has witnessed the brutality of this world and found satisfaction in retribution.

Aizen: It's a concerning development. Children should not be desensitized to such acts. Clementine, in her efforts to protect AJ, might inadvertently be fostering a mindset that could lead him down a dark path.

Yhwach: (in thought) Clementine has faced numerous challenges, and the choices she makes carry heavy consequences. It seems the line between survival and morality is becoming increasingly blurred.

Aizen: Keep a watchful eye on AJ. His understanding of right and wrong may deviate further from societal norms. As his guardian, Clementine must guide him towards a path of resilience without sacrificing his humanity.

Yhwach: (in thought) I will remain vigilant. The journey ahead is fraught with uncertainties, and our choices will shape the future not only for us but for AJ as well. 

He spoke causing me to sigh. 

Clementine: And it's okay to feel like that, AJ. But only when the person deserved it. The world isn't like it use to be, now you have to be a certain way to survive. Never let anyone change your mind on that.

I said. AJ nodded understandingly

James: You're teaching him to be a monster! It isn't right to murder someone like that when they were already giving up!

James chimed in, causing me to glare at him. 

Clementine: If you don't stay out of this, I swear I'll claw your fucking eyes out! You didn't see the things she did, you didn't see the things her father did! You don't know anything about her, but I do. And I'm telling you, she wasn't going to give up. The moment we would have let our guards down, she would have killed one or more of us. Just shut your fucking mouth and and speak on what you know, not what you think you know.

I spat angrily. 

AJ: Anyone who wants to hurt us, should be dead! And I'm not sorry! And I'm not gonna feel bad for it just because you say it's wrong. And anyone who wants to stop us...

AJ paused, raising his hands like he was holding a gun and pretended to pull the trigger. 

James: This is what you wanted? For him to become a soulless monster?

James frowned at me. 

AJ: Back off, My mom wanted me to be strong, be brave. She taught me that surviving and protecting our group, is the most important thing. Killing Lilly kept us safe... So we could survive . She taught me, If something wants to hurt us, shoot it right in the head! And there's nothing wrong with liking that.

AJ responded. 

Aizen: Yhwach, it appears the child has absorbed the harsh lessons of this world, shaped by the need for survival. He echoes Clementine's teachings and the reality they face.

Yhwach: (in thought) Indeed, Aizen. The dichotomy of their perspectives is a reflection of the moral complexities we navigate. James raises a valid concern about the impact of violence on AJ's psyche.

Aizen: Clementine, driven by the necessity of protecting her group, has instilled a survival mindset in AJ. However, it comes at the cost of desensitizing him to the gravity of taking a life.

Yhwach: (in thought) James' viewpoint is a reminder that the thin line between survival and monstrosity must be tread carefully. Yet, in this world, where choices are often between bad and worse, sacrifices are inevitable.

Aizen: The challenge lies in finding a balance, steering AJ away from becoming a soulless monster while ensuring he remains resilient in the face of adversity.

Yhwach: (in thought) Clementine has faced unimaginable challenges, and her decisions reflect the harsh realities of survival. As AJ's guardian, she shoulders the burden of guiding him through this unforgiving world.

Aizen: The journey ahead will test their resolve and force them to confront the consequences of their choices. The echoes of this conversation will reverberate in the days to come.

Marlon: Not at all little man. If there's one thing Clem has taught us all, is that if we don't have to kill, we won't, but if it's life or death, aim for the head. Lilly would have definitely come back for us and killed a few of us on the way out, if Kenny hadn't killed her. You just don't know her like we do.

Marlon chimed in.

James: I can't listen to this anymore! It's clear none of you know how to teach him!

James yelled trying to reach for AJ again but I went to punch him in the face 

Yhwach swiftly intervened, his hand firmly grasping James' and Clementine's, putting an end to their escalating conflict.

Yhwach: Enough! This bickering will get us nowhere. We must focus on the challenges ahead and find common ground.

His stern voice resonated in the cave, commanding attention and silencing the heated exchange. Yhwach glanced between James and Clementine, his gaze unwavering.

Yhwach: James, your concerns are valid, and Clementine, AJ's perspective is shaped by the world we live in. We need unity, not division, to navigate the dangers that lie ahead.

He released their hands, his presence a calming influence in the tense atmosphere.

Yhwach: Our paths are intertwined, and the choices we make affect us all. Disagreements won't strengthen us; cooperation will.

Clementine: We teach him to protect himself. If you don't agree with that, you can go your own way. We won't stop you. But if you try to touch AJ again, We will turn you into one of the very monsters you protect.

James: Fine, I'll go my own way, but the next time you need some help, ask someone else.

He growled in response. 

Clementine: And when you lose that mask and can't blend in with your Family, don't come to us.

Mitch and Marlon pushed James towards the tunnel and stood watching him as he walked away. 

I turned seeing AJ picking something up from the ground. 

AJ: He left his mask.

He spoke handing the mask to me. 

Clementine: Guess he'll see soon what I meant.

I shrugged.

Suddenly one of the tunnels began to howl as wind flowed through it, signaling that it lead outside. We all ran through the tunnel coming out in the woods again. 

I took a deep sigh of relief and we all continued on.

Louis: Hey, Clem. I just wanted to thank you.

Louis said as he walked next to me. 

Clementine: For what?

I questioned as we continued to walk.

Louis: Thanks, for coming to us. You taught us the right way to survive and... Almost all of us have made it. We lost one person so far and that's all because of you and your family. Thank you.

He repeated with a smile. 

Clementine: Oh, don't mention it. You guys took us in when you could have left us to die. We had to at least help you guys defend your home... It just happened to become a home to us along the way.

I replied.

Louis: I'm glad I met you, Clem. You made life...worth living. 

He smirked causing me to chuckle shaking my head. Soon we arrived at a bridge with a truck in the middle. 

We all stopped and took in our surroundings

Clementine: Alright, just take your time. And keep moving forward.

I instructed as we all slowly made our way over the bridge. 

We climbed over the truck that was parked in the middle, blocking the way, but to our demise, there was a huge hole in the bridge, just beyond the truck. 

Yhwach slowly stepped towards the hole and looked down to see the deep water below. The rest of the group cautiously stepped forward and looked down. 

AJ: That's...far.

AJ pointed out.

Sarah: Step back, AJ. We don't need any accidents.

Sarah said pulling AJ back a little. 

Mitch: It's okay, we'll figure something out. We always do.

Mitch smiled at me causing me to nod. I opened my mouth to speak when the sound of a woman singing, broke through the silence of the woods over the sound of rushing water. 

Minerva: Never mind the darkness, Never mind the storm..

The voice sang as it got closer to us, emerging from the woods. 

Louis: That's Minnie...

Louis said with wide eyes. We all looked towards the woods as Minerva slowly appeared out of the darkness. 

She continued to sing untill she looked up noticing us. She glared with a slight grin on her face. 

Minerva: You... I was looking for Tenn, but I found you instead.

She growled at me. 

Clementine: You did this to yourself Minerva. You could have helped us free Marlon and got away, you had the chance to see Tenn and you blew it, for a group who didn't care if you died or lived.

I responded. 

Walkers emerged from the woods behind her as she glared ,raising her gun in the air, and pulling the trigger.

Minerva: Don't you speak about my brother! None of you! 

She yelled.

We all quickly hid behind the truck as Brody shook her head.

Brody: Minnie! Please! You don't have to do this! 

She pleaded. 

Minerva: But I do, I need to get to my brother, he needs to be with his family, and you all will just stop that from happening.

She growled in response. 

Aizen's voice resonated once more within Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: Yhwach, observe how Minerva's determination persists even in her undead state. The desire to reunite with her brother transcends death itself. A potent force that challenges the conventional boundaries of survival.

Yhwach: (in thought) It's a testament to the strength of familial bonds, even in the face of the supernatural. However, her actions pose a threat to the group, and we must prioritize our safety.

Louis: Minnie! Listen to us, we're your family! Your friends! Please just put the gun down. 

Louis spoke up 

Minerva: You can try to stop me, but I'm not going anywhere without my brother. The night will be over soon

She said, singing the last part. 

She was too far gone. She only had one thing left in her mind, and that was getting to Tenn, no matter what. 

Sarah: Tenn's back at the school. You won't make it in time. You'll be dead before you can get passed the safe zone.

Sarah called out causing me to look over at her. 

Minerva was silent for a second before she spoke again, in a sinister voice.

Minerva: I may be dead, but my body won't be. I'll get to Tenn, even in death. 

She spat before the sound of walkers grew closer. 

Yhwach: (in thought) Aizen, the emotional intensity in her pursuit is undeniable. The need for connection persists even in this state of existence. It's a stark reminder of the humanity that lingers within the undead.

Aizen: Indeed, Yhwach. It seems the complexities of human emotions persist even in the face of death. An interesting observation.

I peeked over the back of the truck, seeing that she had pulled back into the herd, that was now headed right towards us. The only thing blocking us was the truck. 

Clementine: Yhwach and I will hold off the walkers, Sarah, get AJ over that hole. And the rest of you do the same. Go now!

I yelled as Yhwach and I aimed our bow and arrows. 

We fought off the walkers for a second when I noticed Minerva standing just in the center of the herd. Her eyes were on Yhwach as she aimed her gun at him. I pointed my arrow at her and sent it into the side of her head. 

Louis: Everyone is across, let's go!

Louis called out grabbing my arm and pulling me away. We jumped across the hole and ran off the bridge, heading towards the woods. Suddenly more walkers emerged from the woods causing us to stop. We were trapped. 

Lee Pov:

Kenny and I hadn't made it to the school for more than 30 minutes, before Sarah, Brody, Marlon,Louis, and Mitch ran inside the gate out of breath. 

Lee: What's going on? Where's Clem?

I asked looking around, not seeing Yhwach and her or AJ. 

Sarah: We got separated. There were just... Too many walkers.Her, AJ and Yhwach went off in a different direction. I... I couldn't get to them.

Sarah explained through panicked breaths. 

Marlon: Clem will be fine. She knows how to handle herself and Yhwach is with her and AJ.

Marlon said trying to calm everyone down. I shook my head whistling for Sam. 

Sam stood from the ground next to the fire and ran over to me.

Lee: I'm not leaving my daughter out there alone! I'm gonna find her. 

I said bending down to rub Sam's head. 

Lee: Find, Yhwach, Clem and AJ. They need us.

I said to him before following him out of the front gate.

Sarah: I'm going with you. 

Sarah demanded but I turned and shook my head. 

Lee: No, stay here.

I refused. Sam and I headed further into the woods untill Sam caught a scent and took off running. 

I ran behind him untill we began to hear the sounds of walkers. Sam ran towards the sound barking and growling.

Just when I was about to give up hope, Clem and AJ came running towards me. 

Lee: Oh, Sweet Pea, you okay? AJ? Come here, let me look at you.

I said trying to steady my breathing as I checked them. 

Clementine: We're okay...

Clem replied as she looked down at Sam who was wagging his tail and whimpering as he danced circles around her. 

Lee: Where's Yhwach?

Clem looks down and tells me what happened.


Yhwach, Clementine, and AJ sprinted towards the cliff, creating a path for the others to escape. Yhwach, using his strength, boosted both AJ and Clementine up the cliff, ensuring their safety. As he began climbing himself, Aizen's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, alerting him of imminent danger.

Aizen: Yhwach, Danger approaches.

Yhwach swiftly looked down and saw a walker lunging towards him. With precise timing, he kicked the first walker's head, preventing it from biting him. However, a second walker managed to sink its teeth into his other leg before he could react.

Aizen: Quickly, get up! Reach AJ and Clementine!

Despite the searing pain, Yhwach pushed through, climbing up to join AJ and Clementine. Once inside the safety of the cliff, AJ questioned Yhwach about his bitten leg, revealing the grim reality.

AJ: What happened to your leg, Yhwach?

Yhwach, suppressing the despair, showed them the bite.

Yhwach: There's no time to dwell on this now. We need to keep moving.

As they pressed forward, a few hours passed, and the sun began to rise. Yhwach continued to fight off the relentless walkers, determined to protect Clementine and AJ. They stumbled upon James' empty barn, providing a temporary refuge.

AJ: Look! James' barn! It's empty now. We'll be safe in there.

Clementine rushed to the door, opening it as AJ followed. Yhwach, with visible effort, killed the pursuing walkers before making his way to the barn. With Clementine and AJ covering for him, they managed to close and lock the door, securing their temporary haven.

Inside the barn, Yhwach, visibly fatigued and wounded, leaned against the wall, letting out a heavy sigh. Aizen's voice resonated within Yhwach's mind, expressing concern about his condition.

Aizen: Yhwach, your condition is deteriorating. The bite's effects are taking hold.

Yhwach, acknowledging the severity of the situation, contemplated their next steps.

Yhwach: We can't stay here. We have to find a safer place, away from the walkers. 

Clementine, observing the severity of Yhwach's injuries, felt a surge of desperation. She looked at Yhwach with a determined expression.

Clementine: Yhwach, you're a Quincy or something, right? Can't you use your powers to heal yourself?

Yhwach sighed heavily, a mix of exhaustion and frustration evident on his face. He glanced at Clementine, explaining the limitations of his abilities.

Yhwach: Clementine, my powers are sealed. I only possess a fraction of what I once had. Healing myself is beyond my current capabilities.

Clementine's eyes widened with disbelief and fear.

Clementine: But... but you said you'd protect us. You can't die like this.

Yhwach, still leaning against the barn wall, revealed the full extent of his injuries. He lifted his bitten leg and arm, displaying the gruesome wounds.

Yhwach: It's not just one bite. They got me when we were running. A legless walker surprised me, another got my other leg, and when I went to fend off another, a third got the jump on me and bit my whole arm.

AJ's eyes widened in shock, and he took a step back, unable to comprehend the dire situation.

AJ: No... Yhwach, you can't die. You said you'd always protect us.

Clementine, her voice trembling, pleaded with Yhwach.

Clementine: Yhwach, you can't leave us. You promised you'd be here for us. Please, there has to be something we can do.

Yhwach, despite the pain and despair, mustered a reassuring smile.

Yhwach: Clementine, AJ, I won't let this be the end. We'll find a way through this. But we need to keep moving. We can't stay here.

Clementine, her eyes welling up with tears, grabbed Yhwach's uninjured arm.

Clementine: You can't die, Yhwach. You promised to protect us. You have to make it through this.

Yhwach, mustering a small, reassuring smile, gently placed a hand on Clementine's shoulder.

Yhwach: Clementine, I... I will do everything I can to ensure your safety, but we must keep moving. There's still a chance for us.

Yhwach, determined to press forward despite his deteriorating condition, attempted to get up. However, his weakened legs gave way beneath him, and he stumbled, nearly collapsing. In a panic, Clementine rushed forward, grabbing Yhwach just in time to prevent a harsh fall. She gently sat him down against the barn wall, her eyes reflecting panic and desperation.

Clementine: Yhwach, you can't give up. We'll find a way to help you. Just hold on.

Yhwach, his strength waning, looked at Clementine with a mixture of gratitude and resignation.

Yhwach: Clementine, sometimes, we must face the reality of our situation. This might be the end for me.

Clementine and AJ, witnessing Yhwach's struggle, were overwhelmed with despair.

AJ: No, Yhwach, please! You can't leave us. We need you.

Clementine, her voice trembling, pleaded with Yhwach.

Clementine: Yhwach, you can't just give up. We can find medicine, a way to heal you. You promised to protect us.

Yhwach, though weakened, tried to comfort them.

Yhwach: I've done all I can, Clementine. My powers are sealed, and the infection is spreading fast. I won't make it much longer.

AJ, tears streaming down his face, couldn't accept the harsh reality.

AJ: No, please, Yhwach. You said you'd protect us from anything. This can't be how it ends.

Aizen's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, a somber tone underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Aizen: Yhwach, the emotional turmoil surrounding you is palpable. Your determination has touched even me.

Yhwach, acknowledging Aizen's words, looked at Clementine and AJ with a mix of gratitude and sadness.

Yhwach: Clementine, AJ, you two must carry on. Find safety. Survive.

Clementine, refusing to accept defeat, shook her head.

Clementine: We can't just leave you here, Yhwach. There has to be something we can do.

Aizen: Yhwach, even in this state, your presence is a source of strength for them.

Yhwach, despite the emotional turmoil, responded to Aizen within his mind.

Yhwach: Aizen, they need someone who can protect them, someone who won't succumb to the infection. I can't be that person anymore.

As Clementine continued to plead and AJ's despair deepened, Yhwach, with a finality in his voice, addressed them.

Yhwach: This is the end for me. You two must go on without me. Find safety, survive. That's the promise I can still keep.

Clementine, her voice breaking, clutched Yhwach's hand.

Clementine: Yhwach, please... don't leave us.

Yhwach, looked at Clementine and AJ with a heavy heart.

Yhwach: Clementine, AJ, I've tried my best, but my time is running out. Promise me, you'll keep moving forward, even without me.

Clementine and AJ, their faces filled with sorrow, nodded through their tears.

Clementine: We promise, Yhwach. We'll keep moving forward, just like you said.

AJ, trying to be strong, added with determination.

AJ: We won't forget you. We'll survive, for you.

Yhwach, mustering a small, reassuring smile, interrupted them.

Yhwach: That's all I need to hear. Go, find safety, survive. Don't look back.

As Clementine and AJ turned to leave, Yhwach pulled himself up against the barn wall, summoning the last reserves of his spiritual pressure. The energy surged around him, causing the surrounding walkers to collapse to the ground, either instantly dead or in the process of dying.

Clementine and AJ, a mix of fear and awe in their eyes, turned back for one last glance at Yhwach. The tears streamed down their cheeks as they watched him, knowing this was a farewell. Yhwach, exhausted and weakened, met their gaze one final time, a silent understanding passing between them.

Yhwach: Go now. Survive.

With a heavy heart, Clementine and AJ ran, leaving Yhwach behind. The echoes of their footsteps mixed with the anguished moans of the fallen walkers.

As Yhwach slumped against the barn wall, his strength ebbing away, the spiritual pressure around him began to shift. Aizen, sensing the pivotal moment, decided to manifest in front of Yhwach. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as Aizen materialized, his form taking shape before Yhwach's weary eyes.

Aizen: Yhwach, the curtain is drawing to a close. How does it feel to face your own mortality?

Yhwach, though weakened and battered, met Aizen's gaze with a mix of exhaustion and resolve.

Yhwach: Aizen, my time is running out, and the weight of my failures weighs heavily on me. But even now, I won't surrender to despair.

Aizen circled Yhwach, his expression inscrutable.

Aizen: Mortality suits you, Yhwach. It's a stark contrast to the godlike power you once wielded.

Yhwach, his voice steady despite the pain, responded.

Yhwach: Power means nothing in the face of mortality. In the end, we are all bound by it.

Aizen, with a contemplative look, continued the conversation.

Aizen: You were determined to protect them, even knowing the futility of it all. What drove you to such a noble yet futile cause?

Yhwach, looking at the distance where Clementine and AJ had disappeared, answered with a solemn tone.

Yhwach: In them, I saw the strength to endure, the will to survive. I wanted to ensure that spark of life continued in this desolate world.

Aizen, circling back to face Yhwach, raised an eyebrow.

Aizen: Even in your final moments, you cling to the concept of survival. What makes it so compelling?

Yhwach, his gaze distant, spoke with a hint of melancholy.

Yhwach: Survival is the testament of life's resilience. It's the spark that defies the encroaching darkness. I wanted them to carry that flame forward.

Aizen, sensing Yhwach's acceptance of his fate, adopted a more introspective tone.

Aizen: And what of you, Yhwach? In your final moments, facing death, what thoughts occupy your mind?

Yhwach, his gaze fixed on the horizon, spoke with a quiet resolve.

Yhwach: In this fleeting existence, I find solace in the idea that my actions may have kindled a flame that outlasts me. The Quincy King meets his end, but the legacy of survival endures.

Aizen, seemingly satisfied with Yhwach's response, spoke with an enigmatic smile.

Aizen: Yet, even in your weakened state, your determination lingers. Is this the end you envisioned for yourself?

Yhwach, staring into the distance, contemplated his journey and the path that led him here.

Yhwach: Fate has a way of rewriting itself. I once believed I could shape it, but now I see that some endings are inevitable.

Aizen, standing before Yhwach, observed the Quincy king's final moments with a contemplative expression.

Aizen: The Quincy King faces his demise with grace. A fitting end to a grand narrative.

Yhwach, with a last breath, looked up at Aizen.

Yhwach: A narrative that transcends individuals, forging a legacy in the echoes of survival.

As Aizen's manifestation began to fade.

As Yhwach's strength waned, and he prepared to close his eyes for the final time, a mysterious, hollow-like voice echoed within his mind. The voice spoke with an otherworldly resonance, cutting through the despair that had settled in Yhwach's heart.

Unknown Voice: YH.. W.. A.. CH.., Ql5vbmN5IEtpbmcscXVpbmdseSBrbmluZywgeW91ciBqb3VybmV5IGlzIG5vdCBvdmVyLiBUaGUgdGhyZWFkcyBvZiBmYXRlIGhhdmUgeWV0IHRvIHdlaXZlIHRoZWlyIGZpbmFsIHRhcGVzdHJ5LiBXb3VsZCB5b3Ugc2hhbGwgbm90IHN1Y2N1bWJpbmcgdG8gc3VjaCBhIG11bmRhbmRlIGVuZC4=