
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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141 Chs

The Fullbringer and A new enemy

Bleach - Unknown location.

A young man knelt before Ichibē Hyōsube, the Leader of the Zero Division. His eyes burned with determination as he gazed up at the legendary Shinigami, his heart consumed by a singular desire for vengeance.

Young Man: Ichibē-sama.

the young man spoke. 

Young Man: I come before you seeking the power to avenge my family, to bring justice to that bastard tyrant who killed them. I seek power to kill Yhwach and everyone he loves.

Ichibē: What you seek is not a simple matter. The one known as Yhwach, the one you desire to confront, has ascended to a position beyond mortal comprehension. He now holds the mantle of the Soul King, the very linchpin that binds the worlds together.

Young Man: You speak of the Soul King as if he is some omnipotent deity, but I know the truth. The Soul King is nothing more than a puppet, a broken shell manipulated by those who seek to maintain their control over the worlds. 

Ichibē's expression remained impassive, though a flicker of surprise danced in his eyes at the young man's boldness.

Ichibē: And how, pray tell, did you come to possess such knowledge? The nature of the Soul King is a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few.

Young Man: That is none of your concern, Ichibē-sama. I have my sources.

Ichibē regarded the young man in silence for a moment, weighing his words carefully. Though the young man's boldness bordered on insolence, Ichibē sensed a deeper conviction beneath his facade—a conviction born of righteous fury and resolve.

Ichibē: Very well, young one. If you are truly prepared to walk this path of vengeance, then I will offer you what guidance I can. But heed my warning—beware the depths of your own rage, for it may consume you before you ever lay eyes upon Yhwach.

Scene Break - Yhwach's Inner World

As Yhwach stirred from his unconscious state, he found himself lying on a sandy shore, the gentle lapping of waves washing over him. Blinking away the disorientation, he rose to his feet and brushed off the grains of sand that clung to his clothing.

Yhwach scanned his surroundings, taking in the beauty of the island that stretched out before him. It was a stark contrast to the dark void he was accustomed to, and for a moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the unfamiliarity of his surroundings.

Bartender: So, you finally woke up, huh? Took you long enough.

A voice called out to him from nearby, drawing his attention. Yhwach turned to see a small, rustic bar nestled among the palm trees, its warm lights inviting against the backdrop of the tranquil beach.

Approaching the bar cautiously, Yhwach took a seat on one of the stools, his gaze fixed on the bartender who stood behind the counter. The bartender was a nondescript figure, his features obscured in the dim light of the bar.

Yhwach's gaze sharpened, wary of the bartender's casual demeanor.

Yhwach: And who might you be?

Bartender: Just a humble bartender, serving up drinks and wisdom to lost souls like yourself.

Yhwach accepted the drink offered to him, though his grip remained tight.

Yhwach: I have no need for drinks or wisdom. I seek answers.

The bartender shrugged, pouring himself a drink before responding.

Bartender: Surely, you recognize this place, Yhwach. After all, it is your inner world

Yhwach's brow furrowed in curiosity at the bartender's words, his mind racing to make sense of the situation.

Yhwach: How do you know of an inner world? Are you a Shinigami?

The bartender's smile widened at Yhwach's question, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Bartender: (chuckling softly) Ah, my dear Yhwach, I am no Shinigami. As for how I know of the inner worlds, let's just say I have my sources.

Yhwach's suspicion grew at the bartender's cryptic response, but before he could press further, the bartender posed a question of his own.

Bartender: But enough about me. Tell me, Yhwach, do you know of an organization called Xcution?

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of Xcution, a name that stirred distant memories within him.

Yhwach: Xcution... Yes, I am familiar with them. They are a group of Fullbringers who possess unique abilities.

The bartender nodded in acknowledgment, his demeanor shifting subtly as he leaned in closer to Yhwach.

Bartender: Well, well, well. Looks like you're not completely lost after all. Now, do you know who's calling the shots at Xcution?

Yhwach: The leader of Xcution... His name is Kūgo Ginjō. 

Bartender: Now, tell me, do you have any idea what Kūgo Ginjō looks like?

Yhwach: (after a moment of contemplation) Ginjō is a tall and lean-built man with black hair and brown eyes.

The bartender's smile widened at Yhwach's description, a glint of amusement flickering in his eyes. With a subtle shift in posture, he revealed his true identity, confirming Yhwach's suspicions.

Kūgo Ginjō: Impressive memory, Yhwach. It seems you haven't lost your touch, even after all these years.

( Picture )

Yhwach's eyes narrowed in recognition as he processed the revelation. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and he realized the significance of encountering Kūgo Ginjō within his inner world.

Yhwach: (in a measured tone) Ginjō... You've taken on quite an unexpected role, haven't you?

Ginjō chuckled softly at Yhwach's observation, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned back against the counter.

Kūgo Ginjō: Well, you know what they say—variety is the spice of life. And besides, being a bartender has its perks. Plus, your inner world was getting a bit dull without any company.

He gestured casually in the direction of a destroyed submarine, half-buried in the volcanic rocks of the island. Yhwach followed his gaze, his expression shifting to one of mild surprise as he took in the wreckage.

Yhwach: (with a hint of chagrin) Ah, I see. It appears Zaegar's last visit left quite the impression.

Ginjō nodded in agreement, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Kūgo Ginjō: Let's just say your inner world needed a bit of sprucing up. Though I must admit, inviting your hollow was probably not the best idea.

Yhwach sighed softly, acknowledging the truth in Ginjō's words. Despite his power, even he couldn't control every aspect of his inner world, especially when it came to the unpredictable nature of his hollow.

Yhwach: (resignedly) Indeed. It seems Zaegar has a penchant for destruction.

Ginjō chuckled, clapping Yhwach on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

Kūgo Ginjō: Well, no harm done. Besides, it gave me an excuse to shake things up a bit around here. And who knows, maybe a change of scenery will do you good.

Yhwach: Perhaps you are right, Ginjō. 

Yhwach's eyes widened in disbelief as Ginjō calmly prepared himself a drink, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of Ginjō's words. As Ginjō finished making his drink, he turned to face Yhwach, a solemn expression on his face.

Kūgo Ginjō: You heard me right, Yhwach. In this inner world of yours, I've become your Fullbringer.

The glass slipped from Yhwach's hand, clattering to the floor as his grip slackened in shock.

Yhwach: What?

Ginjō let out a sigh, shaking his head as he moved to clean up the spilled drink.

Kūgo Ginjō: Just as I said. I've become your Fullbringer.

Yhwach watched in stunned silence as Ginjō wiped up the mess, his mind reeling with the implications of this revelation. Fullbringers were beings with the unique ability to manipulate the souls of objects to their will, drawing power from the remnants of Hollow souls within them. But how had Ginjō become his Fullbringer within his inner world?

Yhwach: But... how is that possible? There's no such thing as an inner Fullbringer.

Ginjō paused in his task, casting a thoughtful glance at Yhwach over his shoulder.

Kūgo Ginjō: Normally, you'd be right. But in this case, it seems the rules have changed. As to how it happened, well, your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps it's Zaegar's doing.

Yhwach considered Ginjō's words carefully, a frown creasing his brow as he mulled over the implications.

Yhwach: Zaegar... Yes, it's possible. His influence within my inner world is undeniable.

Ginjō nodded in agreement, finishing the cleanup before returning to the counter, his expression serious.

Kūgo Ginjō: Well, regardless of how it happened, here we are—I'm your Fullbringer now. And you can bet I'll be pulling my weight in whatever you've got planned, Yhwach.

Yhwach let out a soft sigh, accepting the unexpected twist of fate. Having Ginjō on his side could prove beneficial amidst the challenges ahead.

Yhwach: Agreed. It appears we have matters to address.

Ginjō's expression hardened with resolve as he locked eyes with Yhwach.

Kūgo Ginjō: Absolutely. But let's handle the immediate issues first and then dive into the details. We've got a lot to cover.

Ginjō handed Yhwach the freshly poured drink, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding as they settled into their seats across from each other. Ginjō's demeanor was serious, his gaze unwavering as he awaited Yhwach's next move.

Kūgo Ginjō: Alright, Yhwach. What do you want to know first?

Yhwach took a sip of his drink, the warmth of the liquid doing little to dispel the chill that lingered in the air. He contemplated Ginjō's question for a moment, his thoughts drifting back to the earliest memories of his inner world.

Yhwach: When I first visited my inner world, I believed my inner spirit to be Sōsuke Aizen. However, after my encounter with the Walkers and Zaegar's intervention, I learned that Aizen was no longer present. Zaegar claimed to be my inner hollow.

Yhwach paused, the memories flooding back with startling clarity as he recounted his journey. The encounter with Zaegar, their travels through two worlds together, and the revelation of Zaegar as his inner hollow all came rushing back to him.

Yhwach: Zaegar... We traversed two worlds together, and it was during our journey that I came to realize the truth.

Ginjō listened intently, his gaze focused on Yhwach as he absorbed the weight of his words. The tale of Yhwach's inner struggles painted a vivid picture of the trials he had faced and the lessons he had learned along the way.

Kūgo Ginjō: Two worlds... That must have been quite the journey.

Yhwach nodded, a solemn expression settling over his features as he continued his narrative.

Yhwach: Indeed. It was during our travels that I encountered the ghost of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, the former Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13.

Ginjō's eyebrows rose in surprise at the mention of Yamamoto's name, a flicker of recognition crossing his features.

Kūgo Ginjō: Yamamoto... The old man certainly had a way with words.

Yhwach nodded in agreement, his gaze distant as he recalled the wisdom imparted by Yamamoto during their encounter.

Yhwach: He taught me a valuable lesson, one that has stayed with me ever since.

Ginjō leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued by Yhwach's revelation.

Kūgo Ginjō: And what lesson was that?

Yhwach's expression softened, a hint of introspection coloring his words as he recounted Yamamoto's words.

Yhwach: Yamamoto made me realize that dwelling on the past and isolating myself from the world around me would only lead to darkness. He urged me to embrace the present, to acknowledge the bonds I've forged and the connections I've nurtured.

Ginjō nodded in understanding, a thoughtful expression crossing his features as he absorbed the gravity of Yamamoto's message.

Kūgo Ginjō: Sounds like the old man knew what he was talking about.

Yhwach smiled faintly, a sense of gratitude welling within him for the guidance he had received from Yamamoto.

Yhwach: Indeed. His words helped me see that redemption lies not in isolation but in embracing life and the people around me.

Ginjō raised his glass in a silent toast, a gesture of camaraderie and understanding between them.

Kūgo Ginjō: To embrace life and move forward. May we both find redemption on this journey, Yhwach.

Yhwach returned the gesture, a sense of determination burning within him as he looked to the future with renewed resolve.

Yhwach: To redemption, Ginjō. Let us forge ahead together.

Yhwach turned his attention back to Ginjō, his gaze piercing as he posed the question that weighed heavily on his mind.

Yhwach: Tell me, Ginjō, was it you or Zaegar who halted the existence eraser?

Ginjō's expression shifted, a contemplative look crossing his features as he considered Yhwach's inquiry.

Kūgo Ginjō: That's a good question, Yhwach. The truth is, it was a joint effort between Zaegar and me.

Yhwach's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Ginjō's response, his curiosity piqued by the revelation.

Yhwach: A joint effort? How so?

Ginjō leaned forward, his eyes locking with Yhwach's as he explained the events that transpired during their confrontation with the existence eraser.

Kūgo Ginjō: When the existence eraser posed a threat to wipe you out of existence, Zaegar and I knew we had to act fast to avert such a disaster. Utilizing Orihime's Fullbring, Shun Shun Rikka, and Zaegar's adept control over your body, we successfully halted the threat of annihilation.

Yhwach's eyes widened in astonishment at Ginjō's revelation, a sense of awe washing over him as he grasped the significance of their combined efforts.

Yhwach: So, when you became my Fullbringer, you inherited the powers of all the Fullbringers?

Ginjō nodded, a sense of gravity in his demeanor as he confirmed Yhwach's understanding.

Kūgo Ginjō: That's correct, Yhwach. When I became your Fullbringer, I gained access to all the abilities and powers associated with Fullbring. Orihime's Shun Shun Rikka, Giriko's Time Tells no Lies, Tsukishima's Book of the End... They're all at my disposal now.

Yhwach's expression turned deadpan as he absorbed the magnitude of Ginjō's revelation. The implications of having such immense power at his disposal were staggering, and Yhwach couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought.

Yhwach: So, you're saying that you're essentially the united Fullbringer, with all their abilities consolidated within you.

Ginjō nodded, his gaze steady as he met Yhwach's eyes.

Kūgo Ginjō: That's one way to look at it, Yhwach.

Yhwach's body began to emanate a bright light, causing Ginjō to shield his eyes from the intensity. As the light enveloped Yhwach, he felt a strange sensation coursing through him, as if something within him was shifting.

Yhwach: What's happening?

Ginjō smirked, a sense of satisfaction evident in his expression.

Kūgo Ginjō: It seems Zaegar's control over your body is finally gone.

Scene Break - Garganta

Yhwach's eyes widened in realization as he felt the last remnants of Zaegar's influence dissipate. With a sudden jolt, he found himself awakening in a familiar yet eerie environment—the Garganta.

Yhwach's hand instinctively reached for the hollow mask that adorned his face, a sense of unease gripping him as he heard Zaegar's laughter echoing in his mind.

Zaegar: Oh, Yhwach, I missed you so much. A lot of things happened. Did you know that I—

Yhwach cut Zaegar off mid-sentence, his grip tightening on the hollow mask as he made a decisive gesture.

Yhwach: Enough.

With a swift motion, Yhwach tore the hollow mask from his face and flung it away, sending it hurtling through the void with Zaegar's enraged cry echoing in the distance.

Zaegar: No! You can't—

Before Zaegar could finish his sentence, a strange phenomenon occurred. The Infinite Dragon god Ophis, who was previously fused with Yhwach's cape, began to separate and unravel, its form drawn towards the discarded hollow mask.

As the Infinite Dragon God Ophis was drawn towards the discarded hollow mask, a fusion began to occur, causing a blindingly bright light. Yhwach shielded his eyes as the light engulfed the area, his senses overwhelmed by the intense energy.

When the light finally subsided, Yhwach found himself staring at a peculiar sight—a mysterious egg resting where the hollow mask once lay. With cautious curiosity, he approached the egg and gingerly picked it up, a sense of anticipation stirring within him.

Yhwach: What is this?

Ginjō: (Within Yhwach's Mind) I've never seen anything like it, Yhwach. This is new territory for both of us.

As Yhwach held the mysterious egg in his hands, a faint cracking sound echoed through the Garganta. His eyes widened in surprise as small fractures appeared on the surface of the egg, signaling the beginning of a momentous event. With bated breath, he watched as the cracks spread, gradually revealing what lay within.

As the eggshell split apart, a soft glow emanated from within, casting a gentle light on Yhwach's face. With a sense of awe, he beheld the creature emerging from its confines—a baby dragon, small and fragile yet radiating with an undeniable presence.

( Picture )

The baby dragon's scales shimmered with a deep azure hue, reminiscent of the night sky adorned with stars. Its eyes, bright and full of curiosity, met Yhwach's gaze with a sense of recognition that transcended words.

Without hesitation, the baby dragon crawled out of the eggshell and into Yhwach's open arms, emitting a soft cooing sound as it nestled against him.

Yhwach: (Whispering softly) You are a dragon, aren't you?

The baby dragon chirped in response, its tiny wings fluttering with excitement as it nuzzled against Yhwach's chest. Despite its small size, there was an undeniable sense of strength and resilience in the creature.

Ginjō: (Within Yhwach's Mind) It seems you've gained a companion, Yhwach. A dragon, no less.

Yhwach nodded in agreement, a sense of wonderment filling him as he cradled the baby dragon in his arms.

Yhwach: Indeed. It appears fate has bestowed upon me a most unexpected ally.

As the baby dragon cooed and giggled in Yhwach's arms, a sudden interruption shattered the peaceful moment. Zaegar's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, breaking through the tranquility with a demand that sent a chill down his spine.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Yhwach, massage me.

Yhwach's expression shifted from one of warmth to bewilderment as he glanced between the baby dragon in his arms and the echo of Zaegar's voice in his mind. 

Ginjō: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Did he just...?

Yhwach: Massage you?

Zaegar's voice persisted, its tone impatient and demanding, urging Yhwach to comply with his request.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's Mind) Yes, massage me! What are you waiting for bitch?

Yhwach's expression remained unreadable as he regarded the baby dragon, his thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, Zaegar had been a constant presence within his inner world, guiding and advising him in times of need. But on the other hand, the idea of massaging a baby dragon—Zaegar no less—seemed absurd and nonsensical.

With a heavy sigh, Yhwach made a decision. he released the baby dragon from his grasp.

The baby dragon let out a surprised chirp at its sudden descent, its eyes widening in confusion as it looked up at Yhwach with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Zaegar's voice grew increasingly frantic as he called out to Yhwach, his demands falling on deaf ears as Yhwach continued to distance himself from the baby dragon. With each step he took, the echoes of Zaegar's protests faded into the background, swallowed by the vast expanse of the Garganta.

Zaegar: Yhwach! Wait! You can't just fucking leave me here!

But Yhwach paid no heed to Zaegar's cries.

As Zaegar flew towards Yhwach with his new tiny wings, he landed gracefully on Yhwach's shoulder, a look of contentment spreading across his tiny dragon face.

Zaegar: (excitedly) Yhwach, I'm so glad to have you back! It's been too long since we've had some real adventures together.

Yhwach opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, a sudden crack echoed beneath them, causing the ground to split open.

Yhwach: (startled) Zaegar, what have you done this time?

Zaegar's eyes widened in alarm as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Zaegar: (sheepishly) Oops...

Their descent was chaotic and comical, with Yhwach and Zaegar flailing through the air in a tangled mess. Despite the danger of their situation, there was a hint of amusement in Yhwach's voice as he exchanged banter with the mischievous baby dragon.

Yhwach: (grumpily) Remind me to never listen to your ideas again, Zaegar.

Zaegar: (cheekily) Aw, come on, Yhwach! Where's your sense of adventure?

As Yhwach and Zaegar tumbled through the air, they found themselves hurtling towards a dense forest below.

Yhwach's eyes widened in alarm as he braced himself for the impending impact, while Zaegar let out a gleeful chirp, his tiny wings flapping frantically as they descended.

Yhwach: Brace yourself, Zaegar! We're about to crash into the forest!

Zaegar: Wheeee! This is gonna be fun!

With a resounding crash, Yhwach and Zaegar smashed through the canopy, branches snapping and leaves scattering in their wake. They tumbled through the dense foliage, bouncing off tree trunks and narrowly avoiding collisions with jagged rocks and twisted roots.

As they came to a stop amidst the chaos, Yhwach groaned softly, his body aching from the rough landing. Zaegar, however, seemed unfazed by the ordeal, his tiny form bouncing with excitement as he surveyed their surroundings.

Zaegar: That was amazing, Yhwach! We've never had such a thrilling ride before!

Yhwach struggled to his feet, dusting himself off as he surveyed the forest around them. The air was thick with the scent of foliage, and strange creatures flitted about in the shadows, their eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Yhwach: (grimly) We've landed in quite the predicament, Zaegar. This forest seems to be teeming with life, and not all of it appears friendly.

Zaegar: (excitedly) Perfect! I've always wanted to explore a mysterious forest filled with strange creatures!

Yhwach raised an eyebrow at Zaegar's enthusiasm, but before he could respond, a rustling in the undergrowth caught his attention. With a wary glance, he readied himself for whatever might emerge from the shadows.

Yhwach: Stay alert, Zaegar. We're not alone in this forest.

Zaegar: What are you bitches? You seem like Hollows but feel far too weak to even be a Gillian.....

As they cautiously made their way through the dense underbrush, they soon encountered the inhabitants of the forest—grims, shadowy creatures with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws.

Zaegar: (excitedly) Look, Yhwach! Maybe it's our welcoming committee!

With a shrill cry, a massive Ursa Grimm lunged forward, its jaws snapping hungrily as it targeted Zaegar's tiny form. In a split-second reaction, Zaegar attempted to dodge, but Ursa's claws caught his wing, sinking into the delicate membrane with a sickening crunch.


The air around Yhwach crackled with power as his Reiatsu surged, exerting an invisible force that bore down upon the Grimm with crushing intensity. With a deafening roar, the Grimm's form contorted and twisted under the weight of Yhwach's overwhelming power, its shadowy figure crumbling into nothingness.

From the forest, another Grimm made his appearance, this one more powerful and more aggressive. 

Zaegar: Yhwach... stand back this one is mine...

Zaegar stood defiantly, his tiny form puffed up in an attempt to appear imposing. With a determined expression, he let out a roar, but instead of the fearsome sound he intended, only a cute, high-pitched squeak escaped his throat.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Even Ginjō, within Yhwach's mind, couldn't contain his laughter at Zaegar's adorable attempt to intimidate their foe.

Ginjō: (Laughing within Yhwach's Mind) Looks like our little dragon friend needs to work on his roar a bit more!

Meanwhile, the Minotaur Grimm, initially taken aback by Zaegar's comical attempt at intimidation, let out a deep, guttural laugh, echoing through the forest with a sinister edge.

Zaegar's embarrassment quickly turned to determination as he infused his voice with his spiritual power, channeling his Reiatsu into a powerful roar. This time, the sound reverberated through the world with a force akin to Ichigo's Vasto Lorde roar.

What Yhwach and Zaegar didn't know is that Zaegar's roar got the attention of some individuals. 

Scene Break - Beacon Academy 

Inside an office, a white-haired man was enjoying his usual cup of coffee. 

As he was looking through some papers, he was ready to take another sip from his cup, he suddenly stopped, his eyes widened hearing an unholy roar in the distance followed by an unnatural amount of power. 

Ozpin looked through the window into the forest in the distance trying to maintain a calm expression. 

Ozpin's expression remained composed, though a hint of concern flickered in his eyes as he observed the distant forest where the roar had originated.

Ozpin: (thoughtfully) This level of power... It's unlike anything we've encountered before. Could this be a new breed of Grimm? Or perhaps...

His thoughts trailed off as he considered the implications of such a powerful presence in the forest. Though he remained outwardly calm, Ozpin couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at the edges of his mind.

Scene Break - Land of Darkness.

Meanwhile in the land of Grimm, in the dark side of Remnant.

There laid a castle filled with darkness, there resided the one who rules and controls the creatures known as Grimm.

Sitting on her throne waiting for any news from her lackeys, she then jolted from her throne widening her eyes and hearing the unholy roar sending shivers down her spine. 

Salem: Such malice..., just what kind of beast is this? No, a monster far worse than my Grimm...?

She then took a seat back on her throne, looking into the distance, the roar still echoed throughout the realm, and Salem tried to calm down. 

Salem: Ozpin, is this your doing? Another attempt at ending this war? Hehehe, or is it something completely out of your control? Maybe it could be of use...

Having an evil smile, she sat with crossed legs, thinking victory and whatever caused that roar was in the palm of her hand. 

Scene Break - Forest

Zaegar stood victorious on top of the corpse of the beast-like Grimm who started to disappear. 

Yhwach, still chuckling at Zaegar's victory over the Grimm, approached the tiny dragon with a playful glint in his eyes. With a mischievous grin, he reached out and gently grabbed Zaegar by his tail, lifting him up into the air.

Zaegar let out a dramatic gasp, his eyes widening in mock horror as he feigned distress.

Zaegar: (fake crying) Yhwach, you brute! How dare you assault my beautiful tail! It's the epitome of dragon elegance, you know!

Yhwach rolled his eyes playfully, his grip on Zaegar's tail tightening slightly as he continued to walk through the forest.

Yhwach: Oh, stop your whining, Zaegar. I'm sure your tail can handle a little tug.

Zaegar pouted theatrically, his tiny wings flapping in protest as he squirmed in Yhwach's grasp.

Zaegar: But Yhwach, you're ruining my majestic aura! How can I inspire fear and awe in our enemies if my tail is all ruffled?

Yhwach chuckled softly, his expression fond as he regarded the tiny dragon in his hand.

Yhwach: I'm sure you'll manage just fine, Zaegar. After all, you've already proven yourself quite the formidable warrior back there.

Zaegar preened under Yhwach's praise, puffing out his chest proudly as he basked in the attention.

Zaegar: Why, thank you, Yhwach! I must say, it's quite exhilarating to be hailed as a hero of the forest!

Yhwach chuckled again, his footsteps echoing through the forest as they continued their walk.

Yhwach: Just don't let it go to your head, Zaegar. We still have a long way to go before we can call ourselves true champions of this realm.

Zaegar: Fear not, Yhwach! With you by my side, there's nothing we can't overcome!

They spent a while walking, Eventually, Zaegar looked up and saw smoke. 

Zaegar: Yhwach look there's Smoke. That means fire, and maybe food.

Yhwach followed Zaegar's gaze, spotting the faint plumes of smoke rising above the treetops in the distance. His interest piqued, he nodded in agreement with Zaegar's observation.

Yhwach: You may be onto something, Zaegar. Where there's smoke, there's often fire... and where there's fire, there may be food, or perhaps even shelter.

Zaegar: Exactly, Yhwach! Let's go check it out! Maybe we'll stumble upon a cozy campsite with some friendly travelers who can share their food with us!

Yhwach chuckled at Zaegar's optimism, his own curiosity piqued by the promise of a potential encounter.

Yhwach: Well then, lead the way, Zaegar. But let's proceed with caution. We don't know what awaits us beyond that smoke.

With a nod, Zaegar fluttered his wings eagerly, his tiny form radiating with energy.

Zaegar: Don't worry, Yhwach! I'll make sure we stay safe and sound. After all, I'm not just any ordinary dragon—I'm your trusty partner in crime!

They made their way to the source of the smoke. Yhwach and Zaegar slipped behind a tree to take a look at anyone they may have to go through to get to their prize. Zaegar's nose picked up the scent of a deer and a mix of some kind of vegetables or greens.

He looked behind the tree to find two men sitting at the edge of a cave. One had two swords strapped to his back and the other wore armor and had a mace. In front of them was a pot full of soup which was making the aroma, but the ones doing the cooking were young, teenagers. Easy prey. Zaegar thought.

Zaegar got ready to make his move but the sound of voices stopped him. Two more teenagers came and sat down next to their comrades. 

Zaegar: (In thought) Four versus one. Such bullshit, Yhwach had to fight more enemies on his own without breaking a sweat and now with a new physical form, I have to fight 4 stupid fucking teenagers for food?

Yhwach came around the corner and the armored man saw him, 

Armored Man: Hey! Who the fuck are you?

The rest of his team got up on the defensive. Zaegar came out of hiding and stood proud.

Zaegar: Leave now weaklings and you may keep your lives.

The teenagers burst into laughter at Zaegar's bold proclamation, their amusement is evident in their mocking expressions and taunting remarks.

Teenager 1: (snickering) Did you hear that, guys? This little runt thinks he's some kind of tough guy!

Teenager 2: (chuckling) Yeah, look at him! He's barely bigger than a squirrel!

Teenager 3: (mocking) What are you gonna do, huh? Breathe fire on us? Give us a nasty paper cut with those tiny claws?

Their laughter echoed through the clearing, mingling with the crackling of the fire and the rustling of the trees. Zaegar's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he bristled at their mockery.

Zaegar: (defiantly) You dare to mock me, you insolent fools? I may be small, but I am mighty! And I won't hesitate to unleash my fury upon you if you don't heed my warning!

Zaegar: (In thought) Fuck I sound like Goldilocks right now.

Yhwach placed a reassuring hand on Zaegar's shoulder, his expression calm yet firm as he addressed the teenagers.

Yhwach: (calmly) It would be wise for you to heed Zaegar's warning. We seek only sustenance and mean no harm to you or your companions. Allow us to partake of your food, and we shall leave you in peace.

Armored Man: Would you listen to this guy, we're here on a mission raggedly Ann. And what could you do to the four of us? We're huntsman in training and you're completely unarmed and that weak little lizard ain't shit.

The leader told them.

Zaegar gritted his teeth at the armored man's dismissive words, feeling a surge of indignation rising within him. The comment about being a "weak little lizard" struck a nerve, and Zaegar's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at the leader.

Zaegar: (through clenched teeth) "Weak little lizard," huh? Don't you fucking dare compare me to those lizards! I am nothing like them! While it's true I have their body, it doesn't mean jack shit, you fucking asshole!

With a swift movement, Zaegar unfurled his wings and propelled himself forward, his tiny form darting toward the armored man. Ignoring the startled exclamations of the teenagers, Zaegar aimed his head straight for the leader's chest, intending to deliver a powerful headbutt.

The leader's eyes widened in surprise as Zaegar's attack connected, the force of the impact knocking him off balance and sending him stumbling backward. The other teenagers watched in shock as their comrade staggered, momentarily stunned by the unexpected assault.

Armored Man: You fucking did it now! Let's get him.

The leader told his team. They all drew their weapons and charged. The worst mistake of their lives.

The one with the duel swords made it first, only for his swings to be dodged as Yhwach tripped him into the base of the tree behind him. He grabbed the dazed boy's leg and used him as a flail to knock the other two boys away. The leader launched himself at the Quincy king only for his mace to be caught by the man he was attacking. Yhwach kneed the boy in the gut, knocking the air out of him even with the armor, before throwing him into the rest of his team. Yhwach turned and wrapped his arm around a tree. With a grunt, he pulled the tree out of the ground, roots and all. He turned to the team of four with the tree in hand, their faces in utter terror. 

Zaegar: Last warning, leave or die. you fucking weak little bitches.

The team scrambled to their feet and off the soaked ground, rushing to the campsite to grab their bags before running away as fast as they could. Yhwach waited for a moment, making sure they were gone before tossing the tree to the side. Yhwach and Zaegar made their way to the camp before sitting down. 

Yhwach watched as the teenagers fled into the distance, their panicked footsteps fading into the night. With a sigh, he turned to Zaegar, his expression a mix of amusement and concern.

Yhwach: Well, that was certainly... eventful.

Zaegar, still buzzing with adrenaline from their encounter, grinned triumphantly as he settled down beside Yhwach, his tiny chest puffing out with pride.

Zaegar: Did you see the look on their faces, Yhwach? They never stood a chance against us!

Yhwach chuckled softly, shaking his head at Zaegar's exuberance.

Yhwach: Yes, you certainly made quick work of them, Zaegar. But let's try to avoid unnecessary conflicts in the future, shall we?

Zaegar's grin faltered slightly as he regarded Yhwach, a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Zaegar: But Yhwach, they were the ones who provoked us! They insulted me and called me names. I couldn't just let them get away with it!

Yhwach placed a comforting hand on Zaegar's shoulder, his expression gentle yet firm.

Yhwach: I understand, Zaegar. But not everyone we encounter will be as... accommodating as those teenagers. We must choose our battles wisely and avoid making enemies whenever possible.

Zaegar's shoulders slumped in resignation, his earlier excitement giving way to a sense of understanding.

Zaegar: I suppose you're right, Yhwach. I'll try to be more discerning in the future.

Yhwach smiled reassuringly, squeezing Zaegar's shoulder affectionately.

Yhwach: That's all I ask, Zaegar.

Scene Break - Hours later at Beacon Academy

Team CRDL came running into Beacon Academy. They weren't badly hurt, but they were afraid. They were soaked from the rain and Cardin's chest piece was badly dented. Being taken to the infirmary, Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch began to figure out what had happened to them.

Glynda: What happened to you four?

Glynda asked them. A groaning Cardin answered.

Cardin: It was this guy and his pet fucking lizard. They just showed up and demanded for us to leave. that Lizard told us to leave or die.

Cardin winced as he grabbed his side. 

Cardin: We told them we were on a mission, but that lizard just threatened us again. We attacked them to try and get them to leave, but the big guy just took us out in seconds. All he did was kneed me and it crushed my armor, he uprooted an entire tree with one arm. He's a fucking monster.

Ozpin: Mr. Winchester, can you describe your attacker?

Ozpin asked the team leader.

Cardin: The big guy.. he had a black cape. H-he has a trench coat with a weird symbol and long black hair, and the lizard looks weird he has tiny wings and weird eyes That's all I could make out, the only light was coming from the fire.

Ozpin: I see. That description is more than enough for an identification Mr. Winchester. You and your team should rest now.

Ozpin: (In thought) is it possible that man Cardin described the one behind the roar or could it be the lizard no that's not possible.

The two professors left the team to recover and they discuss the man who attacked them.

Glynda: What are you thinking Ozpin?

Glynda asked the headmaster. 

Glynda: That we need to go find this man. I do not completely believe that Cardin is telling the entire story. We both know how Mr. Winchester is.

Glynda sighed

Glynda: That is...true. But if this man and his supposed pet actually did as Cardin said, what are you going to do once you find him?

Ozpin: What I do best, miss Goodwitch, is Negotiate.

Scene Break - The next morning, team CRDL's campsite

As the sun shone down on Zaegar's face, he groggily blinked his eyes open, momentarily blinded by the brightness. With a grumble, he sat up, rubbing his eyes with his tiny claws as he tried to shake off the remnants of sleep.

Zaegar: (muttering) Ugh, stupid sun... always ruining my beauty sleep.

Yhwach chuckled softly as he finished cooking the deer meat over the fire, the savory aroma filling the air around them. He tossed a piece of cooked meat towards Zaegar, who caught it in his jaws with a delighted chirp.

Yhwach: Enjoy your breakfast, Zaegar. So, what bizarre idea did you come up with this time? And what's with your obsession with setting fire to the sun?

Zaegar: (excitedly) Oh, Yhwach! You won't believe the idea I had last night! What if we built a giant catapult and launched ourselves into the sky to challenge the sun? We could show that fiery ball of gas who's boss once and for all!

Yhwach raised an eyebrow at Zaegar's wild suggestion, a bemused smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Yhwach: (amused) A giant catapult, huh? And what exactly do you hope to achieve by challenging the sun, Zaegar?

Zaegar: (determined) Why, to prove our dominance, of course! If we can conquer the sun, then we can conquer anything!

Yhwach chuckled softly, shaking his head at Zaegar's boundless enthusiasm.

Yhwach listened intently as Zaegar recounted his unexpected journey into a Holy Grail War as a Foreigner-class Servant. His eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as Zaegar described his summoning and the peculiar circumstances surrounding his arrival in this new world.

Yhwach: So, you were summoned to a Holy Grail War as a Foreigner-class Servant? That's quite unexpected, Zaegar. And what happened next?

Zaegar nodded eagerly, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he relayed the details of his encounter with his new Master, Emi Enishi, and their unsettling exchange.

Zaegar: Yeah, it was a real trip, Yhwach! This Emi person summoned me with some crazy incantation, talking about bringing forth chaos and destruction. And let me tell you, she's one creepy BDSM enthusiast. But get this, I sort of won!

Yhwach's interest was piqued, his expression reflecting a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Yhwach: Fascinating. You managed to assert dominance over your Master and gain control. Impressive, Zaegar. But what exactly is this Holy Grail War you speak of? 

Zaegar's grin widened at Yhwach's inquiry, eager to share his newfound knowledge with his companion.

Zaegar: Well, apparently, this Holy Grail War is some kind of murder death kill where Masters summon powerful Servants like myself to fight for control over a wish-granting artifact called the Holy Grail aka the MacGuffin. It's like a free-for-all where everyone's vying for ultimate power!

Scene Break

Ozpin sat in his office, his expression serious as he waited for Team RWBY to arrive. The recent incident involving the mysterious man and his peculiar pet had left him deeply concerned, and he knew he needed a capable team to investigate further.

As the elevator chimed, signaling the arrival of his students, Ozpin looked up to see Team RWBY entering his office.

Ruby: You wanted to see us, Professor Ozpin?

Ruby's eyes sparkled with curiosity, eager to hear what their next mission would entail.

Yang: What's the scoop, Prof?

Yang's tone was casual, but there was a readiness in her stance, indicating her readiness for action.

Ozpin: Indeed, I have a mission for you all.

The mention of a mission immediately piqued their interest, and Ozpin could see the anticipation building in their expressions.

Ozpin: But I must warn you, it's not without its dangers.

Weiss: We're ready for anything, Professor.

Weiss's voice was determined, her confidence unwavering as she spoke.

Ozpin smiled faintly at their enthusiasm, appreciating their readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ozpin: Very well, let me brief you on the situation.

Standing up from his desk, Ozpin leaned on his cane as he began to explain the events of the previous night.

Ozpin: Team CRDL returned from their mission in the Forever Fall Forest, shaken but thankfully not seriously injured.

A brief snicker escaped Yang's lips, earning a playful elbow jab from Ruby.

Ozpin continued, unperturbed by the interruption.

Ozpin: They reported being confronted by a lone individual and his reptilian companion, who threatened them and forced them to retreat from their campsite under threat of harm.

As Ozpin finished his explanation, he observed the reactions of his students, noting the mixture of concern and determination in their expressions.

Ozpin: This man is dangerous alongside his pet. All of this being said, do you still want to take the mission?

Scene Break - Forever Fall Forest

Yhwach and Zaegar came to a stop near the same open field from the previous night, there was a flying machine that had landed nearby and five people were getting out of it. Four girls and a man, all armed with different weapons. The girl in the red cloak had a scythe, the blonde girl had gauntlets of some kind, the girl in black had a sword, the girl in white had a rapier, and the white-haired man had a cane.

Ruby: So where was Cardin and his team camping?

The little one in red asked the white-haired man. 

Ozpin: Somewhere in the woods around here. They said it was to the east, let's start our search there.

Yhwach and Zaegar jumped down to the ground and moved behind the tree they were sitting on. 

Weiss: Should we be on our way professor?

The white-haired girl asked the man. 

Ozpin: Wait a moment, I thought I heard something.

Zaegar put his tiny claw on the tree and started to channel a tiny bit of his magic energy which he got from Ophis to his claw.

The white-haired man barely managed to roll out of the way as the tree went flying towards him. Zaegar walked out into the field with narrowed eyes and a cute scowl.

Zaegar: Leave this place. This will be your only warning.

Ruby let out a delighted squeal as she scooped up Zaegar in her arms, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Ruby: Oh my Oum, you're so cute!

But before Ruby could react, Zaegar nipped at her head, causing her to yelp in surprise and quickly release him from her grasp.

Ruby: Ow! Hey!

Yang's eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the exchange between her sister and the tiny dragon.

Yang: Hey! Leave Ruby alone, you little—!

The blonde girl came running at him only for Yhwach to appear and to stop her punch with the palm of his hand. He twisted her away from him before grabbing her wrist and tossing her to the side.

Ruby: Yang!

The red-cloaked girl yelled out before stabbing her scythe in the ground. Yhwach crouched down slightly, unsure of what she was going to do. The girl pulled a trigger on the handle of the scythe and Yhwach was suddenly hit with something in the shoulder. He recoiled slightly before looking at his shoulder. He let out a small groan before looking up at the girl who shot him. She was wide-eyed at the fact that it didn't send him flying.

Ruby: Uh..oh.

Yhwach didn't have the chance to charge as the girl in black came slashing down at him from above him. The Quincy King grabbed her wrist as she came down keeping her from slashing at him. The blonde, apparently called Yang, came around to hit him while he was distracted. The girl he was holding seemingly turned into a shadow before reappearing on the other side of him. He pushed the blonde aside again before bringing up his foot and slamming the girl's blade to the ground when she tried to slash at him.

The girl in the cloak hit him with another bullet into his side, which he dodged, The blonde came around for another hit but Yhwach grabbed her fist and brought her over his head, throwing her into the girl in red. The girl in black used this to get up and away from him. Suddenly a white blast hit Yhwach's arm, freezing it to his elbow.

Weiss: One limb down.

The white-haired girl said before taking a battle stance with the rapier pointed right at him. 

Yhwach: This ice is weaker than Esdeath's...

With a surge of his Reiatsu, Yhwach shattered the ice encasing his arm, causing everyone to gasp in shock at his display of power. As the shattered ice fell to the ground, Yhwach turned his gaze towards Weiss, his expression a mix of determination and curiosity.

Yhwach: Impressive, but you'll have to do better than that to stop me.

The white-haired man finally made his move and got between the girls, Zaegar and Yhwach. 

Ozpin: Wait!

Yhwach didn't attack but did not drop his stance. 

Ozpin: We didn't come here to attack you! Four of my students came back to my school injured by a man and a pet lizard that fits your description. We came to see who you were and why you attacked them.

Yhwach lowered his stance slightly, though his gaze remained sharp as he regarded Ozpin and his students. He mulled over the headmaster's words carefully before responding.

Yhwach: I see. You must be referring to the encounter in the woods last night. My apologies for any harm caused to your students, but they were the ones who instigated the conflict.

He glanced briefly at Zaegar, who stood beside him with a defiant expression, before returning his attention to Ozpin.

Yhwach: As for our presence here, we were merely passing through the forest when we stumbled upon their campsite. We sought nothing more than a meal and shelter for the night. Their hostility towards us forced our hand.

The one called Yang gripped her fist and started to move but the white-haired man threw his hand out stopping her. 

Ozpin: I apologize for team CRDL's response, but I was told you're "Pet" threatened them to either leave or die.

Zaegar: That's exactly what I fucking did. Humans don't generally take to my presence well. That is the same choice I have been given many times over. The ones that gave that choice aren't anyone's problem now.

Ozpin: I see, I didn't realize that you were a faunus.

He told the tiny hollow. 

Zaegar: Faunus? What kind of fucking creature are you mistaking me for?

This confused them

Ozpin: You...don't know what a faunus is?

Both Yhwach and Zaegar shook their head

Zaegar: Never heard of them.

Blake: Faunus are humans with animalistic traits.

The girl in black told him. Zaegar's inner thoughts formed into Ophis's dragon form and he let out a quiet rumble.

Zaegar: I see, then yes you could consider me of that kind.

Ozpin: In that case, please forgive team CRDL. They have been known to harass faunus kind. That is something I have yet to teach out of them.

Yhwach gave the teacher a look before sighing. 

Ozpin: Would you like to come with us? We can provide you with food and shelter.

The white-haired man asked them.

Yhwach paused, considering Ozpin's offer for a moment. However, his resolve remained firm as he glanced down at Zaegar, who stood beside him with a determined expression.

Yhwach: Thank you for the offer, but we must decline. We prefer to keep to ourselves and avoid unnecessary entanglements.

As Yhwach began to turn away, Ozpin raised his cane, pointing it directly at Zaegar with a stern expression.

Ozpin: I understand your desire for solitude, but I must warn you. If you choose to remain in this forest, the authorities in Atlas will be informed of your presence here.

Zaegar's eyes narrowed at the threat, his tiny form bristling with defiance as he glared at Ozpin.

Zaegar: You wouldn't dare bitch.

Ozpin's expression remained impassive as he held his gaze steady.

Ozpin: Try me.

To be continued

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