
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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The Battle of Gods and Devils: Yhwach's Ascension

Yhwach and Tiamat charged right towards Tannin and Crom Cruach. Tiamat flew right through the middle where a gap was big enough to pass through. She extended out her arms while flying passed the both of them as she clawed the side of their bodies. Pools of blood gushed out from both of them, but it didn't do much to them than just leave a stinging sensation.

Tannin flew around out a good distance before flying straight at them. Crom Cruach flew right in impaling her with his claws that barely did anything, but the Iron armor was broken a tad bit.

Tiamat swung around in a circle to tail whip Crom across the face and successfully hit causing a big thump noise, but as soon as she tail whipped him, Tannin slammed his foot right in her face which sent out a gush of air out her body. She was stunned by this kick, but Yhwach took actions of his own while she was stunned. 

Yhwach: I'll deal with these vermin.

He said.

Crom flew right at them, but Yhwach motioned to unsheathe his katana while Tiamat followed the exact motion he did. She pulled out the sword until she swung her sword which sent out wind razors. The air blades that were sent from just swinging the sword flew right past Crom Cruach's wings. A couple of seconds went by before he could feel that his wings were being detached from his body.

He began to descend towards the ground at an uncontrollable speed.

Tannin had enough of all this. He roared out before his power broke him free from the restraints. Flying straight up into the air, he began to charge up a magical attack in his hands. The concentrated magic energy in his hands was enough to destroy an entire city.

Yhwach narrowed his eyes as he observed Tannin charging up his devastating magical attack. With a swift motion, he unsheathed his katana, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the battlefield. Tiamat mirrored his action, her own sword drawn and ready.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1.

Yhwach unleashed a colossal beam of intense fire from his fingertip, the flames roaring towards Tannin with ferocious power. The air crackled with heat as the fiery attack hurtled forward.

Tannin extended his arm, a red beam of energy erupting from his hand to meet Yhwach's fire head-on. The clash created a deafening explosion of power as the two attacks collided, their forces locked in a fierce standoff. The ground shook with the sheer force of their confrontation, and for a moment, it seemed as though neither attack would yield.

Meanwhile, Crom Cruach unleashed a golden flame from his mouth, aiming directly at Yhwach and Tiamat from below. The searing heat of the dragon's breath threatened to engulf them both.

Yhwach's eyes flashed with determination as he invoked the power of his Schrift, W - the Wind. Channeling the wind element, he redirected the incoming attack back towards Crom Cruach with precise control. The golden flame, now turned against its caster, surged upwards in a blazing arc towards the dragon.

Crom Cruach's eyes widened in surprise as his own attack was turned against him. With lightning-fast reflexes, he attempted to evade, but Yhwach's manipulation of the wind was too swift. The golden flame engulfed Crom Cruach, searing his scales and causing him to roar in agony as he plummeted towards the ground below.

With Crom Cruach engulfed in his own golden flames and hurtling towards the ground, Yhwach turned to Tiamat with a commanding gaze.

Yhwach: Go help the others. I'll handle them here.

Tiamat hesitated for a moment, torn between her loyalty to Yhwach and her desire to assist her allies. But a single, stern glare from Yhwach silenced any protests she might have had. With a resigned nod, she reluctantly turned and flew off to aid the others in the battle.

Yhwach descended gracefully to the ground, his gaze fixed upon his opponents with unwavering focus. As Tannin charged at him from above with tremendous speed, Yhwach remained calm and collected. With precise timing, he caught Tannin's fist as it descended towards him, effortlessly redirecting the dragonoid's momentum and throwing him aside with ease.

However, before Yhwach could fully recover, Crom Cruach emerged from behind him, launching a surprise attack. The dragon's massive form loomed over Yhwach as he unleashed another torrent of golden flames, engulfing Yhwach in their searing heat.

Most of Yhwach's remaining iron armor began to melt under the intense temperature, but he remained unfazed. With swift efficiency, he discarded the remnants of his damaged armor, allowing them to fall away as he prepared to face Crom Cruach head-on once more.

Crom Cruach shifted back into his human form to fight him properly.

Crom: Is this all you got, Yhwach? Where is that mighty power that you showed the world?

Yhwach: You talk too much.

Yhwach simply replied.

This pissed him off as he hated being insulted. 

Crom: You insignificant worm! What hole did you come crawling out of? You and your power alone can't change anything. You will only continue an endless cycle of hate for all of eternity.

Yhwach: That's where you're wrong. When you have power, you can make your plans become reality.

Crom: The only thing that power can bring is to control others who are below you. We all know how humans work as they are very delicate creatures. You're showing us all just how much power and greed can corrupt a human.

Crom said with a smirk.

Yhwach responded with a smirk of his own before responding. 

Yhwach: When all is said and done, my battle with you is mere child's play. A trivial game when compared to my fight to the death with Yamamoto.

Crom Cruach pressed his hand against his forehead. 

Crom: Don't you understand? Once you fall by my hands or even Rizevim's, then this will lead us to victory shortly after.

Yhwach: Victory is a distant dream for the likes of you.

Crom: You're just too cocky like everyone else who dreamt like you of achieving overwhelming power to rule the world, Yhwach. How can you be certain that you will come out as the victor after this war? Can you predict the future?

Crom asked while staring at him with piercing dagger-like eyes.

Yhwach chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement as Crom Cruach continued to taunt him.

Yhwach: You amuse me, Dragon. But let me enlighten you. Once upon a time, I possessed the ability to see the future itself. Every twist and turn, every victory and defeat, all laid bare before my eyes.

Crom Cruach's expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and curiosity crossing his features.

Crom: Is that so? Then why did you lose such a precious power?

Yhwach's smile widened slightly, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Yhwach: Ah, but that's a story for another time, For now, let's focus on the present. And in the present, toying with amateurs like you is nothing more than a game to me. The Schrift H the heat and the Schrift W the wind. When these two powers are combined, they can end your life in an instant. So... Allow me to show you... The true meaning of despair.

Yhwach said nonchalantly.

Crom Cruach covered himself in his magic as the ground beneath them cracked in all directions. 

Crom: You lack the wisdom to carry those people that have put their trust in you. You can travel to the ends of this Earth for as many years to come but just remember this... No matter how far you travel, and no matter how many of us you kill, there will always be someone to fill in my shoes to take revenge against you. Your life of peace is nothing more than an illusion within an illusion.

Yhwach sunk his words in as every bit of little speech didn't mean a thing to him. 

Yhwach: You dragons, Gods, Devils, and other evil entities can bark all you want, but it won't faze me... I'll end all your pathetic lives here and now.

He dashed straight towards Crom as Crom did the same.

The two of them clashed with one another before Crom covered himself in a ball before launching out omnidirectional magical spikes. Yhwach was forced to jump back. 

Yhwach: Gale's Grasp (Gufū no Saifū)

He sent out a repulsive wave of air that destroyed some of the spikes that were coming his way.

Crom: Your little tricks won't work anymore!

Crom charged right in before vanishing which caught Yhwach off guard.

In mere seconds, Crom appeared behind Yhwach with a dragon aura infused into his fist. Slamming his fist into his back, Yhwach spat out a big chunk of blood as he fell to his knees.

Yhwach recovered quickly while trying to slash him with the True Longinus, but Crom appeared behind him once again to deliver another devastating attack.

The attack connected once again, but it sent him soaring through the air until he collided with a rock. Yhwach got out of the rock while he also dusted himself off. Slamming the True Longinus into the ground, he took off his ripped-up gloves and threw them to the side. 

Yhwach: This is boiling my blood like never before. Show me more of a fight than that red-headed bastard ever did. Bring that spark back when I fought Yamamoto!

He quickly sprinted right at him as they began to do hand-to-hand combat.

As Yhwach engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat with Crom Cruach, his focus was momentarily drawn away from Tannin, who seized the opportunity to launch a powerful punch, sending Yhwach tumbling backward.

Tannin: Did you forget about me, Yhwach?

Yhwach regained his balance with a sharp intake of breath, his eyes narrowing as he refocused on the two adversaries before him.

Yhwach: Not for a moment, dragon.

With a determined expression, Yhwach braced himself as both Crom Cruach and Tannin charged at him simultaneously, their combined strength a formidable challenge.

As they closed in, Yhwach remained composed, his movements calculated as he anticipated their attacks. With lightning reflexes, he dodged Crom's sweeping strikes and Tannin's powerful blows, weaving between them with graceful agility.

Despite their coordinated assault, Yhwach held his ground, his movements fluid and precise as he countered their every move. With each strike, he retaliated with equal force, his blows landing with precision and impact.

Crom and Tannin exchanged glances, silently communicating their next move as they coordinated their attacks against Yhwach. Sensing their intentions, Yhwach prepared himself for the onslaught.

As Crom Cruach and Tannin charged up a magical flame attack, their combined power surged forward with devastating force, aiming to engulf Yhwach in its destructive blaze. The flames crackled and roared as they hurtled towards their target, consuming everything in their path.

Yhwach stood his ground, his expression unwavering as he faced the impending onslaught. With a calm demeanor, he waited until the flames were mere inches away before he acted.

With a swift motion, Yhwach invoked the power of his Schrift, W - the Wind. Channeling the wind element, he redirected the incoming attack back towards Crom Cruach and Tannin with precise control.

The flames now turned against their casters, surged forward with even greater intensity, their destructive force amplified by Yhwach's manipulation of the wind.

Caught off guard by Yhwach's swift counterattack, Crom Cruach barely managed to evade the redirected flames, his expression contorted with frustration and rage as he cursed Yhwach's name.

But Tannin, unable to react in time, bore the full brunt of the flames as they engulfed him in a blazing inferno. The intense heat consumed him, his form writhing in agony as he let out a guttural roar of pain before finally succumbing to the overwhelming power of the attack.

Yhwach: Zephyr's Embrace (Zefā no Hōyō)

He extended his arm out before Crom's body began to move on its own until his throat was in his hands. The moment he could feel Crom's neck in his hand, he tried to use the iron knife to pierce his throat.

Unfortunately, Crom was fast enough to escape his grasp. The moment he left his grip, the Iron knife came out of his hand.

Before he could puncture Crom's neck, a magic sphere came crashing down in front of him that exploded. Smoke covered the area around him as he couldn't see through the smoke.

Rizevim appeared in front of him. 

Rizevim: You think I'll leave you alone with him? Think again. 

Slamming the back of his fist against his cheek, Yhwach soared through the air once again where he crashed into a boulder this time. Good portions of blood dripped out of his mouth along with a deep cut above his right eye. He pushed himself off the boulder to get back on his feet.

Moving his head from side to side, a popping sound was heard. 

Yhwach: So, the grand bastard has decided to grace us with his presence. How intriguing.

He muttered to himself.

Rizevim flew to Yhwach's location. He didn't give him any time to recover as Rizevim's fist came into contact with his gut. The power that backed up his fist sent out a shockwave that everyone on the battlefield could hear. Yhwach felt his insides unravel like no tomorrow. The power he just felt was similar to the time when he fought against Yamamoto. This was fueling his excitement.

Soon after, Rizevim with his other hand was imbued with magic energy. With Rizevim's magical-infused blow aimed at his neck, Yhwach swiftly gathered his spiritual pressure, channeling it into a powerful surge that radiated outward with overwhelming force. The sheer intensity of his spiritual energy sent Rizevim crashing down to the ground with a resounding thud, his expression contorted with shock and disbelief.

Rizevim: What the?! What did you do?!

But Yhwach paid no heed to Rizevim's bewildered protests. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he advanced towards his fallen adversary, his movements fluid and purposeful.

Yhwach's foot connected with Rizevim's center mass with a force that felt like daggers piercing through his heart. It sent him flying back to Crom Cruach where Rizevim was trembling a bit after getting back up. 

Rizevim: A mere human did this to me? A mere human?!

He felt disgusted and agitated knowing that a lower lifeform inflicted damage to him.

Yhwach: Is this what a Supreme Devil like yourself is capable of? How ugly...

Yhwach mocked him.

Rizevim: Yhwach Quincy...

Rizevim spat out his name with disdain.

Yhwach: Spare your breath. Today marks the end for all of you. Your reign of evil stops here. Your deceit, your manipulation of human lives—it all ends now. You're all rot incarnate, more repulsive than anything I could ever be. Every word you utter reeks of falsehood and betrayal. Like I told your lackey here, your pitiful existence ends today.

Rizevim: Listen up, Yhwach. Devils are beings that have to be evil, wicked, brutal, bad, scum, wrong, and vicious. Copying what's done by a hero. That is something a person who brings justice to this world would say. You know, beings like humans and angels. You do know what we are, don't you? We are evil and bad existences, so isn't it obvious what we have to do?

Yhwach: You're a fool to think so. Open your eyes to reality. Nothing in this world, or any other, unfolds as planned. With time comes only pain, suffering, and the bitter taste of futility. Not everyone begins as evil; it's the relentless march of darkness and despair that corrupts. We choose the path of wickedness, not because of what we are, but because of what we become. You despise humanity for their fragility, but I detest those who manipulate the world for their own gain, condemning the rest to lives of agony and emptiness.

Rizevim: Nothing goes as planned? It seems like everything is going as planned for you.

Yhwach: I'd be lying if I said things are going according to plan... But beggars can't be choosers, right?

Rizevim heard enough out of him. He raised his hand where it began to charge up a silver ball that covered his whole palm. Shooting it out, a massive vortex was heading his way that was ripping and tearing everything apart around them.

Crom Cruach decided to hop in to help him out by shooting out a golden magical beam emission. The two attacks plowed through the ground like it was nothing.

Yhwach: Galvano Blast.

With those words, a surge of electrifying energy coursed through his body, gathering at his fingertips in a crackling display of power. he unleashed the full force of his Galvano Blast, a devastating torrent of electricity hurtling towards the converging attacks of Rizevim and Crom Cruach.

The Galvano Blast surged forward with unparalleled speed and intensity, its crackling energy cutting through the air like a bolt of lightning.

The three attacks all collided with Rizevim's and Crom's. Their attacks broke through Yhwach's attack

As the attacks reached a standstill, Yhwach focused his reiyoku, pouring more and more of his spiritual energy into the Galvano Blast. The crackling energy intensified, surging forward with even greater force as Yhwach exerted his will upon it.

Rizevim: Just how much strength do you have?!

Rizevim yelled out.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to anyone else on the battlefield, Yhwach used the power of the Schrift H - the Heat. With a swift motion, he created a flame clone of himself.

The flame clone that flanked them took hold of the True Longinus that was on the ground before piercing Crom Cruach's back and instantly froze his entire body before falling to the ground. Rizevim noticed this in the corner of his eye. He was startled by this and a bit confused to see Yhwach standing beside him while holding off an attack in front of him.

Without a drop of hesitation, Rizevim unleashed a magical burst of energy that completely changed everything around them. The sky was red as the ground below them was ripping itself apart. His vortex immediately became powerful and more consequential. It shredded through Yhwach's attack as Yhwach dodged Rizevim's attack.

His twelve wings sprouted out of his back and his whole body was covered in nothing but magic. The flame clone with the True Longinus returned to Yhwach's side as the two of them looked at him with seriousness.

Rizevim: Yhwach... You speak of removing every evil bastard from this world... Then allow me to show you the true nature of evil.

Rizevim swung his hand in one fell swoop that disintegrated an extensive portion of Yhwach's followers along with the Devil's and Norse soldiers.

The flame clone turned to ashes as Yhwach grabbed the spear. The moment he blinked, Rizevim was standing right in front of him. Driving his fist right at him made Yhwach use the schrift I the iron to wrap an Iron armor around him. His fist smashed right through the chest plate, but Yhwach used the spear to make him back off which did make him back away.

Rizevim: Stop cowering behind that Holy Spear. Why don't you truly fight me head-on?

Yhwach: Very well. Let's see how you fend against this.

Yhwach slammed his spear into the ground in a vertical position.

Yhwach: Vollständig: Barbarriel (Thunder of God )

As Yhwach activated his Vollständig, the air crackled with electricity, and his form was enveloped in a brilliant aura of green lightning. Six wings formed behind his shoulders, each edged with lightning bolts, as a star-shaped Heiligenschein floated above his head.

Rizevim narrowed his eyes, a mixture of surprise and anticipation crossing his features as he beheld Yhwach's transformed state.

Rizevim: A balance breaker, is it?

Rizevim asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

Yhwach: Don't act all scared like that. Show me what you're capable of, or just stop talking and drop dead where you stand. You told me to fight you, so I'll fight you. Do let me know when you can't dance anymore, I'll be sure to finish the lesson.

Scene Break

Cao Cao was pushing himself passed his limits while fighting off the Devil forces, but circumstances led to another as a foe that stood against Yhwach's dream stepped in. His opponent wasn't any kind of Devil at all as it was one of Odin's sons that was making everything harder for him to progress any further. Fighting a God amid this chaos wasn't on his to-do list. But he knew that if he didn't, he would slaughter everyone behind him.

Rizevim's attack took out more than they thought. The human forces are still strong, but the Angel's and Fallen Angel's are slowly dwindling as more time passes.

Vidar: Come on, Cao Cao. Show me the power of the one who wields the True Longinus! You can't be like this because I heard rumors about you.

Cao Cao: Sorry to break it to you, but I do not have the True Longinus in my possession right now, Vidar... The one who has it is none other than, Lord Yhwach.

Cao Cao said.

Vidar growled before dashing right in front of him where he quickly thrust his fist forward, but Cao Cao used the sword he was given to block that punch. He wanted to experiment a little with the weapon he was given, so he infused some magic into it before a massive gust of wind shot out of the sword and sent Vidar flying across the battlefield.

Vidar soared until his body flew through multiple Devils that opened up a gap in their forces. Finally, coming to a stop, his body was stuck underneath some rubble. He freed himself when his anger and shock kicked in.

In a single flash, he was floating right at head level before smashing his foot against Cao Cao's cheek and shooting out a gust of air from the impact of the kick. Vidar followed up with another kick, but it was aimed directly at his ribs and pushed him back as his blood just shot out of his mouth. It felt like dumbells were sitting on his chest from the excruciating pain that he was feeling.

Cao Cao used all of his strength to charge right back at him. Vidar did the same before the two clashed with one another.

The two of them smashed their fists against each other's cheek. This made the ground shatter from the sheer force of their punch. Vidar didn't want to give him any recuperating time, so he vanished from his sight before appearing behind him and hitting his back with the palm of his hand. Cao Cao didn't have time to recover as Vidar began to use magic by shooting cosmic shards that were cutting his skin.

Blood drenched his clothes from top to bottom, but the worst part was that he was fighting to stay on his feet.

Uriel: Seems like you need some help.

Uriel said as he got in front of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao: Why are you here? Shouldn't you be helping out Michael, Azazel, and Yasaka to reinforce the rear?

Uriel: I was, but I saw you struggling against him, so I came here to take over. You're human, and I have to give you credit for lasting this long against a God without having your Holy Spear. I'll handle him, so go help out your Fallen Angel friends.

Uriel directed him as he began to get serious.

Cao Cao: I won't be any use since those shards tore apart some of the ligaments and muscle controls in my legs.

Uriel: Have Asia take care of you. Just don't get in my way.

Uriel engulfed himself in flames that raged like wildfire. The rocks around them began to melt.

Cao Cao slowly left the area before Uriel launched himself off the ground and straight toward Vidar at sufficient speeds. Not being able to blink, Vidar felt a scorching fist that was hotter than the sun itself come into contact with his forehead. When his hand hit his forehead, the flames burst all around them.

Uriel constructed a flaming sword out of the flames that were around him until slashing the son of Odin from his shoulder to his lower abdomen. The cut he received burned him terribly and made his muscles convulse. This made Vidar explode with anger until his eyes began to glow. Magic was flowing out of him uncontrollably while his hands were rotating in a parallel motion.

A white ball formed in the middle of his hands. He quickly pressed his hands together while squashing the small ball in his hands before opening them back and extending them further apart to reveal ten small orbs. He released the orbs into the air as he flew up with them. They grew larger and larger while flying up higher into the sky as they were now small planetoids floating in the sky.

Vidar took this chance by launching all ten magical explosive planetoids right at the Angel. Uriel focused all of his flames into his hands to create a shield against the attack. The explosive planetoids hit Uriel's shield which instantly exploded. The ground beneath them turned into a crater while the shockwave of the explosion knocked some of the Devils and humans onto their backs.

A bright white flash covered the battlefield that blinded anyone who dared to look in that general direction.

Uriel blocked most of the explosion, but even with all of his strength, he wasn't able to block an attack such as that. Bruising, scarring, and blood coated his body.

Baldur: Seems like you need some help here, brother.

Baldur called out as he flew up next to him.

Vidar: This Angel is mine, you go ahead and deal with the others.

Vidar said to his eldest brother.

Baldur: You must be joking? Your attack hasn't even killed him yet, so allow me to help you out.

Vidar: Where are Thor and father? 

Vidar asked.

Baldur: Thor should be coming here soon, and as for Father... He should be fighting against Michael, Azazel, Yasaka, Penemue, and Baraqiel.

Uriel: Why are you all doing this? What do you all benefit from by working with the Devils? You all know that they are manipulative people who will betray you later down the road.

Uriel asked.

Baldur flew down to the ground as he began to explain. 

Baldur: Uriel... Do you not understand what an alliance means? We joined up with them to fight off Yhwach and his followers. You all even were a part of the alliance back then before you all betrayed us and joined up with that false messiah. What changed you all to join up with him? Did he give you something that made you worship him?

Uriel: You Gods have it all wrong as usual. Yhwach Quincy has done something with the human race that all of us could have. He united them together to fight off the evils of the world that have deceived and ruined them. My father created humanity to experience life and his beautiful creations along with him, and Yhwach is guiding them on the path of what God wanted them to see and have.

Uriel responded with malice.

Baldur: Every single one of you is blind... How in the world has he sunk his delusions of grandeur into your heads? What do you all see in him?

Baldur asked while his fists began to clench up.

Uriel remained quiet until an answer popped into his head. 

Uriel: I don't know what I see in him... But if I could honestly give you an answer, I would have to say that he has at least given and exposed the truth of what he wanted for humanity instead of what our deceitful brothers Lucifer and Samael never wanted. Hell, even Gods are deceitful because they only care for themselves in the long run.

Baldur: It doesn't matter if he is the same as Lucifer or not, but his ambitions will only destroy the world in the future. Everything that he promised you and the world is nothing but nonsense. You all have to understand that he just wants power. What do you think human nature is, Uriel? They desire something that is above them, so they try to gain power over others because they want to be noticed in the world. They don't want to be sad useless creatures for their entire life, so they make a name for themselves.

Baldur explained.

Uriel: We'll see about that.

Uriel let loose his wings before flying right at Baldur.

Vidar landed on the ground beside his brother as the two raised their hands creating a singular magic circle that shot out beam emission.

The attack spiraled while splitting the ground. He had to get out of the way before that beam vaporized him to ash.

Uriel flew up into the air to get a better advantage over his targets. He began to condense the flames into the center of his hand like what Vidar did, but he slowly began to expand the ball of fire in his hands. It was turning into a miniature sun as he held the attack above his head.

He was about to send the attack at them before a black condensed wave hit him that made all of his magic reside. Uriel started to feel the magic wave crush his bones from how powerful it was.

Vidar and Baldur were caught off guard when they saw the Angel fall to the ground screaming in pain as the sounds of bone-cracking and crunching were heard. They turned their heads to the side to see that Hades was standing a few feet away from them. 

Hades: Did you think that I would die so easily by an attack such as that? I'll give him props for surprising me like that, but a mere human cannot kill the God of the Dead.

With that, Hades clenched his fist causing the black waves to snap Uriel's neck and shred his body.

Baldur: Hades...

Baldur said.

Hades: What is the battlefield looking like?

Hades asked.

Vidar: The humans are being pushed back, but the Angels and Youkai are reinforcing them. Yhwach is fighting with Rizevim and Crom Cruach alone.

Vidar said.

Hades: I see... I'll leave you all be as I go help out Rizevim with the main problem.

Hades said as he teleported away.

Scene Break

The fight between Yhwach and Rizevim escalated to new heights as they were destroying and unleashing Hell upon everything and everyone around it. Yhwach's posture changed when he saw a magic circle appear next to Rizevim to reveal Hades barely damaged.

Yhwach: So you survived That attack that was meant to end everything on the battlefield, I have to say that I'm impressed as to see someone come out of that attack unscathed.

Yhwach praised him.

Hades: Your praise means nothing to me.

Hades responded.

Yhwach assailed Hades by sprinting at him as fast as he could. Hades noticed that he picked up the True Longinus, so he didn't want to take any risks with him having that weapon. He raised his hand before a massive black and purple beam emission was shot out of his hand. Yhwach jumped out of the way, but not before creating a flame clone that was paralleling him as they ran past the beam.

The two of them tried to catch him off guard, but he let loose a shockwave of magic that pushed them away and destroyed the clone.

Rizevim linked up with Hades as the two charged at their most hated enemy, but Yhwach responded with a shockwave of his own. 

Yhwach: Gale's Grasp (Gufū no Saifū)

Yhwach used both of his hands to repulse them away but he used a lot of Reiryoku in this attack that ripped apart the ground around them to fragments.

Yhwach witnessed them soaring through the sky from how much force he used, so he wrapped the spear around his back and lunged himself into the air.

Rizevim created a red ball until he launched it right at him while the sphere grew larger when he let loose the attack.

Yhwach jumped into the air Shortly after, he quickly started to use the schrift H the heat. 

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1 

He shot an enormous beam of fire right at them that had to make them dodge, but the beam of fire hit Hades which instantly exploded.

Nothing too severe, but Hades was starting to get annoyed from all the times that a mere human tried to inflict serious damage on him.

Rizevim sped past Yhwach's vision before in the corner of his eye he noticed him. He had no time to dodge, so he spewed out an Iron knife to try to stab him in the hand, but he grabbed his wrist to halt his movement. Applying all pressure he could, he broke his wrist that didn't do much to him. He knew an attack was going to come, so he strengthened his body. Rivevim simply had enough of this man, so he infused his hand with energy once more that was darker than wine while pulling his hand all the way back.

Thrusting it forward, the energy splashed all over Yhwach before it soon sunk into his skin.

All his organs stopped working for about five seconds from how much power was thrown into the palm of his hand.

Within seconds, Yhwach was sent soaring through the air while he was unable to stop himself due to his muscle controls not working. It felt like a whole system shutdown for him after getting hit by his attack. He finally came to a stop after hitting a big rocky boulder with full force that exploded into smaller pieces. A river of blood came out of his mouth as he could feel that his ribs were severely broken before falling onto his back. 

Yhwach: Haha... Hahaha... Who k-knew that bastard was t-this strong.

Yhwach knew for a fact that the title of Lucifer or Super Devil belonged to him because of how much power he had. He deemed him worthy of being a powerful foe that he ever faced. Throughout his life, he has encountered a handful amount of people who had incredible strength. Fighting against a God and a Super Devil at the same time proved to be troublesome.

The pain he was feeling at this very moment felt like a truck was sitting on top of him.

Yhwach: That bastard...

Rain began to fall as he looked up into the sky with a blank expression.

Yhwach was beginning to experience a memory from his past. Fighting Yamamoto in the place where he met his end the memory that was engraved into his head. His past was only a memory to everyone back in his world. A mere relic of the past. This second chance at life was always a mystery to him as he couldn't understand why he brought him back to life but in another world. His thoughts drifted to the afterlife as that's where he should be right now.

His life was already drowned in sin along with pain, suffering, and emptiness. No matter where he looked, the feeling of emptiness and pain would always grab hold of him. This was his reality. The constant cycle of war was always a familiar pattern wherever he traveled.

Giving this world a fresh start will be his biggest gift to everyone before passing it on to the afterlife for good. He was growing tired of all this war and bloodshed.

Yamamoto: That pain and guilt will always remain, no matter how far you run away.

Yamamoto's voice resounded next to him.

Yhwach turned his head slightly to see Yamamoto lying down beside him in the same position.

Yhwach: Leave me be... This was better when there was nobody around.

Yhwach responded curtly.

Yamamoto: I have something to tell you. I failed in my duties long ago, sparking the endless cycle of bloodshed between us. Ichigo stopped that cycle, and you can too. The Soul King granted you a second chance because he believes you can end the bloodshed. Don't give up just yet... I can see you're weary of it all.

Yhwach: I don't need a lecture from you, Shinigami.

Yamamoto: Very well. I'll leave you with these final words. If you're tired of this cycle of war, change your destiny. Your bloodline comes from the Soul King; do something with it. Become what you're destined to be. You're Yhwach, King of the Quincy and Ghost of the Quincy.

Yamamoto said, gazing at the rainy sky.

Yhwach remained silent as raindrops pelted his body.

Yhwach: Your constant bickering reminds me of Aizen. If only I could remove you from this place.

Yamamoto chuckled softly.

Yamamoto: I'm only in your head, a phantom attached to you. Lying down won't get you anywhere. Remember, Yhwach, power is not just will; it's the phenomenon of physically making things happen.

Yamamoto quoted him as he vanished into thin air.

The moment Yamamoto vanished, another figure appeared beside him. 

Ophis: Why are you lying on the ground, you should be getting back up and responding. This is what happens when you fight a God and a Super Devil at the same time.

Ophis said as she was sitting on top of a rock next to him.

Yhwach was a bit surprised to see her here of all places. 

Yhwach: I don't have time to chat with you. I can handle myself as I have my ways of recuperating. Help out the others if you have time to talk.

The more he spoke, the more it felt like a sharp knife was piercing his heart.

Ophis jumped down from the rock and walked over to him before crouching down next to him. 

Ophis: I came to ensure your well-being. Our contract binds us, no matter where you go. I sensed your life waning and had to intervene. You can't break our pact by perishing.

Yhwach: How could I forget? I carry the world's burden. I'll grant the life you all desire, even if it means bearing the world's pain alone. I'll end the cycle of bloodshed by eradicating every evil.

Ophis: You are mysterious. You have done things that not all Gods, Devils, and dragons have done as you have. You alone have the power to shift the tides of war, but with your current power, you won't be able to do anything against Rizevim and Hades. Fighting the son of the original Lucifer and the God of the Dead was stupid, but you held out for quite some time.

She said.

Yhwach tried to get up, but the pain knocked him back down.

Ophis: Your followers are losing the war as many strong warriors are taking them out. And the True Longinus that you hold can't truly be used to its full potential because you are unable to use that power with your current strength. So what other secret weapons do you have hidden away? Whatever you're hiding, you better use it before you truly lose everything.

She asked as her empty and soulless stare pierced his eyes.

Yhwach: ...

He remained quiet while he kept his gaze on her.

Ophis didn't budge as she too just stared back at him.

He took in the words that Yamamoto said to him before making a decision that would change everything. 

Yhwach: When we made our pact for your home's return, I meant it. But consider this: do you truly desire eternal emptiness and silence?

Ophis: Great Red stole my home. I'll do anything to reclaim it. I didn't ally with you for your reputation alone. Your strength has proven formidable.

Yhwach smirked.

Yhwach: You seek tranquility while I strive for peace. Allow me to grant your wish in exchange for greater power. My strength falls short of fulfilling this world's desires. Grant me the strength to realize them, while you find solace.

Ophis: You seek my power?

Yhwach: Indeed.

Ophis contemplated.

Ophis: With this, you'll surpass Heavenly Dragons, Dragon Kings, and Evil Dragons.

Yhwach: If it means fulfilling this world's desires, so be it.

Yhwach extended his left hand towards Ophis, his eyes gleaming with determination as he prepared to absorb her power into himself. Ophis, in turn, reached out and placed her hand in his, a solemn expression on her face as she prepared to transfer her strength to him.

As their hands touched, a surge of energy began to flow between them, creating a swirling vortex of power around them. Black aura emanated from both Yhwach and Ophis, intertwining and merging as they initiated the transfer of power.

Ophis: Then accept this from me.

Her voice echoed with a mix of determination and resignation as she channeled her immense magical energy into Yhwach. The magic flowed into him like a torrential river, overwhelming him with its intensity.

Yhwach gritted his teeth against the sheer force of the magic, his entire being trembling under its weight. Despite the pain and strain, he remained steadfast, his will unwavering as he accepted Ophis's power into himself.

The ground beneath them quaked with the sheer force of the magic, and the air crackled with energy as the transfer reached its climax. Yhwach's form became enveloped in a brilliant aura of dark energy, his silhouette pulsating with newfound strength.

Yhwach: I accept.

His voice resonated with power as he embraced the influx of energy, allowing it to merge with his own. The magic surged through every fiber of his being, infusing him with unparalleled strength and potential.

Ophis spawned a large magic circle beneath them, its intricate runes pulsating with ancient power. Magic flowed from the circle into Yhwach, adding to the already overwhelming surge of energy coursing through him.

The transformation was agonizing, yet exhilarating, as Yhwach felt his body and soul transcending their previous limits. With each passing moment, he could feel himself becoming something greater, something more than he had ever been before.

All the wounds he sustained were healed. His Reiryoku was leaking out of him, but there was another substance within his body. Along with the Reiryoku in his body, he could feel magic power flowing through him. It felt endless to him as every bit of chakra and magic flowing out of him just keeps replenishing. 

Yhwach: Is this what infinity truly feels like?

He clenched his fist before opening up his hand until doing it again as he did this process about five times. 

Yhwach: This power... I can feel it... This overwhelming strength and energy...

Black aura was surrounding his whole body as the power of both Quincy and infinity were beyond imaginable for him.

Within Yhwach's mind, Ophis was surrounded by darkness. There was no noise, no people, and no Great Red. She knew she was within him, but the place she was in was filled with quietness and emptiness.

Yhwach raised his hand causing the True Longinus to come flying from his back and into his hand.

Yhwach: Now then... Let's reshape this world's destiny once and for all.

All the realms of every mythology felt something they shouldn't have felt. Everyone who was fighting felt their bones hardened which made everyone's body freeze from the overwhelming pressure. Rizevim who was in command of the Devils and of this operation froze. All his life that he has lived was there never a moment where he just froze. The pressure he was feeling was beyond the power of a Super Devil or Archangel.

He glanced over to the place where Yhwach was to see a black and white pillar shooting up into the sky. Rizevim looked over at Hades to see that he was just as surprised as him. Trying to take a step forward, something made him unable to move. He felt numb throughout his whole body while his eyes looked down at his hands that were not responding.

Rizevim: Hades, what is going on here?!

He asked with frustration.

Hades: I do not know! Do you not feel it? That familiar feeling?!

Rizevim: What familiar feeling? I just know that my body won't do what I tell it to do.

Rizevim said.

In a single blink of an eye, about fifty Devils faded to dust right before them. 

Hades: What just happened?!

Hades yelled out.

Rizevim widened his eyes when he saw someone standing before them in a menacing stance with both light and dark energy flowing in spirals around him. Something felt off about him while trying to maintain a defensive stance. 

Rizevim: Who are you?! 

Rizevim asked.

Yhwach: Surprising that you haven't discerned it yet. Is blindness and insignificance inherent to your kind, or is it just your personal trait?

Yhwach retorted with disdain.

Hades: What... It can't be... Yhwach? You were heavily injured, how did you recover on such short notice?

Hades asked.

Yhwach: One would think the God of the Dead possesses a vast understanding of the various abilities in this world. Yet, you seem to share the same caliber as those pitiful Devils.

Rizevim was feeling two different powers radiating off of him. The first was Yhwach's, but the other one was a feeling he'd felt before. He squinted his eyes to see better at the man who was supposed to be a broken doll. Noticing the infinity symbol patterns going across his outfit, it clicked, he understood what the other source of power was. 

Rizevim: You absorbed the Infinite Dragon God's power?!

He screamed out.

Yhwach: I didn't absorb her power, we became one with each other.

Yhwach felt the surge of power leaking out of him like an endless faucet. It was hard to stabilize this power due to him not knowing magic, but being the host of the Infinite Dragon God has changed a lot of things. The magic she has and the Reiryoku have been having a difficult time working with each other.

But even with small problems like that, he could feel that his body was filled to the brim with energy. Rizevim broke free of his statue demeanor as he just brought his hand back and launched it forward exploding a massive beam emission.

Yhwach didn't look amused by this futile attempt. He raised his hand before a magic circle appeared at the palm of his hand that formed an infinity symbol. 

Yhwach: Shadow Blast.

A black and white circle quickly spun in a circle in his hand before a beam emission of his own was shot out that shattered Rizevim's attack like butter.

Rizevim used all his speed to move out of the way to see the beam incinerate everything in his path along with leaving a giant fissure on the ground where the beam was. The Devils that were around Hades and Rizevim began to charge Yhwach without even thinking as they used their magic and weapons to try and inflict a fatal blow on him.

Yhwach didn't want to put in any effort against simple lowly foot soldiers that were not even worth his time, so he used his spiritual pressure to end them as he slowly walked over to Hades and Rizevim's location without batting an eye at the foot soldiers.

Devil after Devil charged in trying to swing their weapons with all their force to just have their weapons shatter upon contact with Yhwach's aura.

Hades took this chance to cast a massive green serpent around him and Rizevim. An intoxicating aura oozed off the serpent. Hades swung his hand forward causing the serpent to lunge straight at him with intense speed.

Yhwach raised a single finger towards the giant serpent that was slithering its way towards him.

Yhwach: Gale's Grasp (Gufū no Saifū)

With a mere finger, a repulsive wave of air was shot out of his finger, but it was more devastating than the original power it held. It was as if a sonic boom went off that ruptured the internal organs of everyone around him. The ground was pulverized to mere specs of dust as this gust of air vaporized the serpent to mist.

The soldiers that were hit by this exploded from the inside out. Rizevim and Hades had to fuse their magic to create a powerful barrier against the sonic boom. It didn't do much due to the sheer catastrophic power against that repulsive wave of air. The barrier crumbled apart as the two of them were sent kilometers away from the main battlefield.

Yhwach gently leaped off the ground before flying towards the two.

Odin, Baldur, Vidar, Zeoticus, Serafall, Falbium, and Sairaorg all looked over in the direction where that overwhelming power came from. They saw Yhwach flying towards the direction of the Devil Cities, so they all quickly rushed over to catch up with him.

Rizevim and Hades slammed roughly against the buildings before they toppled to the ground next to each other. The Super Devil spat out a big chunk of blood before another chunk of blood came gushing out of his mouth.

Hades' vision became weird as he was seeing double.

Without wasting any time, Yhwach appeared floating in front of them. His eyes were colder than any ice shards that the world has to produce, Right behind him, the opposing leaders arrived before him. Odin, Baldur, Vidar, Zeoticus, Serafall, Falbium, and Sairaorg all arrived at their aid. They all felt uneasy standing before him as this was something that was never recorded throughout their history.

Zeoticus: Is that Yhwach?

Zeoticus asked.

Hades: You don't even need to ask that because that aura of darkness of his clearly shows that it's the bastard.

Hades explained with pain resonating through his voice.

Yhwach's attention was piqued. 

Yhwach: Oh, what's this? The other big children are coming to the aid of their fellow friends who can't take care of themselves. What a pitiful sight to behold. Seeing two supernatural beings who were at the pinnacle of their respective kingdoms be on their knees before me. This is truly a captivating sight to behold. But... I'm not done with you in the slightest... It's not time for you to kneel. Get on your feet, I'm gonna have the entire universe watch as I strip everything away from you. Your title, power, and most of all... Your kingdom.

Hades clenched his fist after hearing that.

Yhwach: Before we begin this little dance, I want you all to engrave this into your minds even in your graves. All the evils you have done will come to an end because all the lies, betrayals, deceits, corruption, and suffering will end here within a single instant. All those people who have done nothing against you and were wronged will finally come to an end because there is finally a God who is watching and walking amongst them.

Rizevim: You can't be serious about that. You have to know that evil will always exist no matter how much you want to erase it. Conflict is in constant circulation no matter the era. This is a fate that can never fade away as evil has engraved itself into this world from the very beginning. The blood of Billions has stained this Earth to the very core. Whatever the era, there will always be someone who wants someone dead.

Rizevim explained while trying to get back on his feet.

Yhwach formed a smirk before letting out a menacing laugh that made them all take a step back.

Zeoticus: What's so funny?

Zeoticus asked.

Yhwach: Those words... They remind me of an old friend who used to say the same thing.

Zeoticus gritted his teeth. 

Zeoticus: I don't care what those words do for you, but you have been a thorn in my side ever since Rias took an interest in you. Killing my son was the final straw that changed everything for me. I will make sure that everyone who loves you will watch you die as their last drop of hope fades within their eyes.

Zeoticus said.

Yhwach shot him a glare as he just realized something. 

Yhwach: I just realized something... None of you are on your knees. It's a smart move to bow before a king.

Serafall jumped in. 

Serafall: I thought you said that you wanted us to be on our feet. Now you want us to kneel? Can't you make up your mind?

She commented.

Yhwach shifted his gaze over at her. 

Yhwach: The rest of you aren't much of a concern for me as the two of them behind you. Those two should be the ones on their feet... As for the rest of you... What adult goes full force on mere amateur children? Fighting all of you is nothing more than a game to me. Your times will come, but you are not worth much right now because I take no interest in fighting mere children.

This severely pissed them all off.

Baldur: Who are you calling a child?! Let me show you what a real God is!

Baldur and Vidar ran right at him in sync as their magic engulfed them and began to crack the ground around them.

Yhwach quickly delivered a nasty blow to their midsection that pushed them back.

Sairaorg and Zeoticus tried to attack from the rear, but Yhwach appeared behind them.

They were sent flying towards the ground by Yhwach as all four of them surrounded Yhwach. 

Yhwach: Is this all you can do? I expected better from all of you.

Odin summoned his spear to his hands where he quickly swung to pierce his heart, but Yhwach used his True Longinus to counter his attack. Serafall clapped her hands together and a ball of water was formed in the center of her palms. She quickly motioned her hands around the ball like some crystal ball until a hydro pump of sheer high pressured hot steamy water was blasted out.

Odin backed away from the attack as the steamy water collided with Yhwach. Everyone's eyes widened like there was no tomorrow as they witnessed him absorbing the blast like it was clearly nothing.

Serafall felt like the wind just got knocked out of her.

Yhwach put the spear on his back before clapping his hands together. 

Yhwach: Galvano Javelin.

He threw his hands forward where lightning generated in the tips of his fingers until it shot outwards towards them all.

Odin and his sons managed to block the attack with all of their power while the rest felt an excruciating amount of pain surge throughout their entire bodies.

He quickly stopped shooting lightning to sense another presence near him, but it was too late as he was sent to the ground creating a crater the size of a volcano. 

Diehauser: Seems like things are getting interesting here.

Diehauser said calmly.

Falbium formed multiple magic whips that he began to move all over the place as each whip had enough power to sever a limb with a single touch.

Hades stood back up on his feet. Raising his hand out, his staff appeared as the aura all around him blasted away the ground, buildings, and everything else that was around him. His eyes gleamed a bright red as the gravity became much stronger the more power he released. The aura of his magic started to change into a creature that was hard to tell what it was.

Its eyes glowed the same red, but this creature of aura generated a massive scythe in his hands. 

Hades: You love dancing, so let me show you what the power of the God of the Dead can really do.

Hades with his other hand opened a portal where soul after soul came flying into the massive strange creature.

It was fueling the creature with raw power as it started to grow bigger and stronger. Its appearance changed as more souls flew into it until it finally formed a full body. The size of the creature towered over everyone.

Hades was floating in the middle of its head while controlling the strange magical creature. Hades commanded it to spin its scythe before smashing it on the ground and sent out a shock wave until a straight line went across the whole Underworld where it split the land into two regions.

All of the Devils in the area fell to the ground in shock and confusion. This was beyond their comprehension because the magical energy around them was too much. It was enough to wipe out an entire continent if he so desired to. 


Hades screamed out in absolute rage.

Yhwach lifted himself off the ground to feel a wet substance going down his head after getting hit by that sneak attack. Without any effort, the blood vanished while the wound patched itself up. He got out of the crater where he instantly let loose a black aura that surrounded him.

Yhwach emerged from the crater, his eyes ablaze with determination as he faced Hades and his monstrous creation. With a swift motion of his hand, he summoned the large azure-flamed sword, its blade crackling with energy.

The creature controlled by Hades swung its massive palm at Yhwach, aiming to crush him beneath its weight. But Yhwach was quicker, dodging the attack with a graceful leap to the side. As he landed, he felt the surge of magical energy as the creature prepared another assault.

Before the creature could unleash its attack, Yhwach swung his sword with incredible speed and precision. The blade sliced through the air with a deafening roar, sending out shockwaves of energy that picked up debris from the ground.

This attack annihilated the city as it was erased from the map. Hades' creature charged up the blade of the scythe where it also swung horizontally sending out a magical wave that smashed head-on with the other attack that obliterated each other's attacks out. An explosion appeared where the two attacks came into contact with each other.

Lava began to cover the grounds they were on.

Odin reunited up with his sons and they retreated a ways back due to the amount of power that was being sent out between the two of them. Zeoticus, Diehauser, Sairaorg, Falbium, Serafall, and Rizevim all flew back with Odin and his sons to watch the battle between them.

Yhwach was starting to get irritated as this battle is just getting out of hand at this point, but he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't enjoying this. Souls were powerful things that humans could have, but charging up his own creature with thousands of souls is just like having your own sun in your pockets.

Yhwach made another large azure-flamed sword. Yhwach instantly made an X shape with his swords before swinging them downwards which created multiple azure-flamed slash marks to come out of the swords. Hades and his creature formed another serpent where the giant snake wrapped its body around the giant creature for defense.

The slash marks exploded when they came into contact with the serpent created big lumps and hills from the sheer force of pressure and air that came from the explosion of the slashes. Luckily, the creature was fine, but the snake's body was heavily damaged, but it kept itself wrapped around the creature.

Hades began to charge up every soul in his possession to the maximum like some nuclear fusion. The creature also extended its hand out and a gigantic magic circle appeared at the front of his hand.

Yhwach: The era of Devils and Evil gods shall return to nothing as your stories have been written, told, and now need to be finished. So I'll be the one to end your story. 

Yhwach: Burner Finger Infinity 1

Yhwach said as he blasted out a colossal-sized hyperbeam that was hotter than the sun.

The air and sound that was sucked away instantly returned from a bright flash of light until a sonic boom that sounded like thunder just struck a thousand times in seconds roared across the entire Underworld.

The beam tore through everything, but just the outer rim of the blast was incinerating all forms of life that were just near it. The mountains slowly began to melt from how pure and hot this beam was.

Hades responded as well. Commanding his creature, it too blasted out a colossal-sized hyper beam that was charged to the brim with souls.

The two beams collided with one another as a colossal-sized hydrogen bomb explosion erupted upon contact. This blew a massive-sized hole all the way to the deepest parts of the Underworld where it severely damaged good portions of every layer of Hell. The mountains turned to specs of dust, the lava that flowed like streams of water evaporated, and the surrounding cities that were near them were wiped away from the map.

Hades' creature was destroyed by the sheer extreme power of the blast radius that came from the attack. A decent-sized portion of the humans, angels, Fallen Angels, Youkai, Devil, and Norse warriors were wiped out as well while the rest tried to block the attack with all their strength and effort, but the blast was too colossal that not even their strongest defensive constructs would have been able to defend against that.

They were not killed, but the damage they received rendered them useless.

The explosion was so destructive that caused the tectonic plates to shift significantly.

Scene Break

Kuroka, Koneko, and Akeno who were all in the human world reached the royal palace. The moment they reached the palace, the entire ground shook without remorse as the tides of the ocean began to splash onto the streets, buildings began to break apart, and fissures began to form on the roads.

They made a portal to enter the Underworld where they all jumped in. They crossed to the other side where they got hit by a bad stench of blood. Bodies were everywhere they looked, but the thing that stood out the most was a giant mushroom cloud far out in the distance. 

Kuroka: What has happened while we were topside?

Kuroka asked as she crouched down to look at one of the bodies.

Akeno: Don't tell me this was Yhwach's doing.

Akeno asked.

Koneko gazed towards the mushroom cloud before an interesting question came flying out of her mouth. 

Koneko: What is the point of all this? Why is a human going so far for people like us and the human race? What does he intend to gain from all this?

Akeno: I've been asking that question for the longest time.

Akeno stated.

Kuroka: He doesn't want anything...

Akeno and Koneko turned to look at Kuroka with a curious expression. 

Akeno: That has to be a joke. No human in the entire world will do something and not ask for something in return.

Akeno commented.

Kuroka: I thought so as well at first, but when I was captured, I suspected that he would want to do something that most people would have done. But... I was wrong. He stated that he wouldn't do anything to me as he just wanted to talk, of course, I didn't believe him as I tried to escape, but no matter how much I tried to escape, That was when I truly saw it... The way his eyes looked that day painted everything. The eyes of a person who didn't care about a damn thing anymore because I had the same look he had when you and I were chained to that Devil bastard.

Akeno: Are you saying that he's doing this because he no longer cares? What was all that bravado when he spoke about removing evil from this world?

Akeno asked.

Kuroka shook her head. 

Kuroka: Until you get to truly know him, you will understand. He is mending this world back together with all of his strength and knowledge while destroying his own tormented heart even more. In his eyes, he believes that there is nothing more for him in this world than saving it. He reunited us, sisters, back together, and got the Angels, humans, Youkais, and Fallen Angels to work together. Established an empire. And is trying to fix this broken world. What more can you ask of him?

Kuroka asked as she was entering a small daze.

Vali: That bastard is actually doing it...

A voice was heard to the right of them that warranted them all to turn their heads.

Standing next to them was none other than Vali.

Kuroka: Vali?! What are you doing here?

Kuroka asked.

Vali: Hello, Kuroka. Are you here to join the fight?

He asked.

Kuroka: I am, he needs all the support he-

She was cut off.

Vali: Don't bother... You'll only get in his way like everyone else who is supporting him. He's become something else entirely because the Yhwach we all know has become a different being entirely. His aura changed. Do you know what's messed up? I can't even get a read on his magic, it's like it exploded into different types of categories of magic. Light, dark, water, fire, wind, etc...

Vali tried his best to explain.

Akeno: I'm confused, what are you trying to say?

Akeno asked.

Vali sighed. 

Vali: Well, I was able to sense him out before without much trouble, but with this new profound power that he has achieved completely disorientated everything about him. When I try to get a read on him, it's like another entity just formed that is the same as him, but holds an element of its own. It's beyond any human's comprehension if they even tried to understand it. This is gonna sound weird, but it's like I'm sensing thousands of different Yhwachs at the same time.

Vali continued.

Koneko: I thought he already had all those abilities from the get-go.

Koneko said.

Vali slipped his hands into his pockets as he turned his head to the side. 

Vali: He does, but it's different... All his attacks have been amplified, but with this amplification, he has fused multiple powers into one. All kinds of elements are spiraling around him because Ophis the Infinite Dragon God has become one with him.

This made all the girls widened their eyes. Kuroka was the first to comment on hearing that. 

Kuroka: Lord Yhwach and Ophis have fused?! That's why his powers exploded into different types of categories. He is using magic along with his own powers. Lord Yhwach has enough destructive capabilities on his own to sink a faction to its knees, but having the power of the Infinite Dragon God to back up those powers he could...

Akeno: Destroy any opposition or continent with ease if he feels like it.

Akeno finished it for her.

Vali: That's not all, Yhwach with his newfound power is different. He is commanding both light and dark forces at his will that surrounds every living thing from the Earth to the very universe itself. With the True Longinus in his hands, he has been sapping the power from the spear. With that, he could even use the forbidden technique for that weapon with the amount of power he has now.

Vali said as his eyes narrowed significantly.

Kuroka: Wait... If he manages to do that, then wouldn't that mean...

Vali: Yes, Kuroka. You will feel the presence of both Yhwach and the remains of God at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised to see if the remaining essence of God in the True Longinus were to become one with him.

Everyone stood still in silence as they let their minds process that information.

Vali: You know how you want strong genes for your future children? Well, Yhwach's power, the strength of the Infinite Dragon God, and the remaining power of God will make the Quincy bloodline the most devastating throughout the entire world for years and years to come, so there is the meal ticket that you desperately want.

Vali pointed out.

The words that Vali spoke hit her mind like a wrecking ball. She didn't even think of the other benefits that her children could have other than inheriting the same abilities. If she were to birth a child, it would be a child of a prodigy while possessing powers of a Quincy, Nekomata, Devil, Infinite Dragon God, and a little bit of God. It sounded unreal and terrifying at the same time.

She thought about it and thought about it for minutes. With just a single child to be born, The Quincy would be at the pinnacle of the world.

Vali decided to leave as he had no business left to do with them.

Akeno: Where are you going?

Akeno asked.

Vali: This is no longer my jurisdiction anymore. The Underworld will become a complete mess to the point where it won't be able to be fixed no matter how hard you try, I don't want to be here when that happens.

Kuroka: Are you not going to stay and see your grandfather perish?

Kuroka asked her former team member.

He stopped his feet from moving. He was quiet as the silence was making her anxious and nervous.

Vali: Even though Yhwach has begun his conquest of the Underworld, I'm not gonna get in his way... Even though... I should be the one that kills that bastard from what he has done, so-

Vali stopped talking as he instantly dropped to his knees while panting heavily as if he had run ten miles without a single break.

Kuroka: Va-

Kuroka tried to help him out, but the same effect hit her along with Akeno and Koneko. They were all on the ground with their pupils shrinking to the size of an ant while trying to catch their breath as best as possible.

Koneko: Wh-Wh-What's go-going o-o-o-o-on?

Koneko asked as her muscles just gave out as her whole body just fell to the ground.

Vali turned his head, but the moment his eyes witnessed the scenery, his body gave out before becoming the same as Koneko.

The sky was a dark wine red while the air was just gone completely. The conditions were so bad that all of them were beginning to see blurry images from the immense pressure that was compressing down onto them.

Albion: [Vali, you need to leave... Something isn't right. The atmosphere is in complete disarray where I can't sense any magic powers or anyone around you.] 

Albion said.

The ground they were on cracked before it completely collapsed to the ground where it made them all fall to the other layers of Hell. They fell far enough to the point where they entered the restricted parts of Hell where all the High-Class Devils avoid entering. None of them were able to see each other or sense each other's magic due to the overwhelming pressure that was surrounding them.

Vali hit his head against some debris that drew blood from his forehead. He tried to recover but the pain was preventing him from moving too much. His left eye got covered in blood as it just streamed down only one side of his face.

Koneko and Akeno managed to see each other, but there was a large river of lava separating them. They weren't able to use any of their abilities or let out their wings. The pressure in the area was continually compressing down onto them it felt like their bodies were just shutting down. 

Koneko: A-Ak-Akeno... W-Where a-a-are we?

Koneko asked while she remained on the floor.

Akeno: I-I do not know... I can't even raise a finger from this atomic pressure.

Kuroka managed to use all her willpower to lean up against one of the rocks while holding her wound on her stomach. She didn't draw any blood, but there was a big bruise mark on her belly from the hard fall. 

Kuroka: T-This is just g-great.

Her head swiveled to the right a little before seeing a person slowly walk up to her.

Man: What do we have here? Another Devil managed to reach this floor? Just how many of you plan to come down h-

The man stopped speaking when he looked up to see a massive crater that went right through all the floors of Hell. 

Man: What a bewildering sight to witness. Yhwach's power is getting quite out of hand.

She tried to get a good look at the strange figure while fighting the pain, but her body gave out before passing out.

With time passing by, she finally woke up. Her eyes tried to remove the blurriness from her eyes before giving the place a scan to see that she was in a very dark place with massive pillars paralleling each other that were extending all the way to some throne. She could tell that the only source of light was the light coming from the lava from the outside that illuminated small portions of the room.

Soon enough, she realized that Koneko, Akeno, and Vali were with her. Trying to reach out to them, she felt something pull her back. It quickly clicked inside of her that she was chained up against the wall. 

Kuroka: Shirone... Akeno... Vali... Wake up!

She quietly yelled at them.

There was no response from them until the sound of footsteps could be heard getting closer and louder. Her attention focused on the place where the footsteps were coming from before a figure appeared in front of her. 

Man: I see that you're awake. Please forgive me for having you chained up, but the Master of the place doesn't like unwanted guests coming to his home who do not know.

Kuroka: Where are we? And who are you? What is this place?

She bombarded him with questions.

Man: I must say, for an SS-Class Stray, you are quite a chatty one. If I remember correctly, you must be, Kuroka.

Kuroka: Since you already know who I am, can I know who I am speaking with?

She asked with caution.

Man: I'm a nobody, Miss... I am merely only a small tool for the Master to use as he wishes. I have no name, no background, no family, no friends, and no affiliation with anyone. My only purpose with the life I have is to serve and obey every command the Master gives me.

Kuroka: Sounds like you're more of a slave than a person.

He remained silent before pulling out a handkerchief to clean off any dirt or blood that was on her.

She moved her head away from him. Her eyes filled to the brim with caution.

He showed her that it was only a handkerchief that made her guard drop only a tad bit.

Kuroka: Why are you being nice? Is this some reverse psychology or something?

His lips quickly turned into a smile. 

Man: Oh, no, no, no... I'm just trying to clean you up and your friends up a bit before meeting the Master. I can't have you all be looking like bums when being in the presence of him.

The sound of groaning filled up the room as the rest of them all began waking up to see that everything around them was different. They were all able to see perfectly fine as darkness wasn't a problem for them, but the figure in front of them made them all raise their guards even though being chained up.

Koneko looked over at her sister to see a man really close to her. 

Koneko: KUROKA! Get away from her you vile beast!

Man: Dear me, I didn't mean any harm towards your sister, Koneko Toujou. Or should I say, Shirone? I met your mother once, she was an astonishing woman as I have never met anyone so kind. I wonder what happened to her? Fujimai lived in a fascinatingly complex world of her own.

Kuroka: Don't you dare speak her name!

Kuroka said aggressively.

Man: I can see the resemblance, but the attitude you have is nothing like hers. She would be disappointed in you if she saw the way you were acting. That leads me to the conclusion that you probably got that from your father.

Kuroka tried her hardest to break the chains around her to the point where blood was beginning to show.

Koneko didn't buy his gentle and carefree nature. 

Kuroka: You bastard, don't play innocent with us. You act like you were friends with our mother, but you were probably the same as the rest of those evil bastards.

The man gave her a look before turning his attention towards Akeno. 

Man: I knew your mother before the two of you were even born. I speak the truth of what I said because that woman was something else entirely. It's a shame that she disappeared without a trace.

A woman in a maid outfit that was perfectly dressed without any flaws in any part of her body. Her hair was properly straightened out and her clothes were extremely clean without a single spec of dust on it. Her eyes looked as if they were staring at an endless void deprived of everything. 

Maid: Sir... They have arrived. Your presence is needed.

She said before turning around and walking away.

The man sighed painfully before snapping his fingers and removing the illusion of being imprisoned. Koneko looked down at her wrists to see that they were no longer chained as she took this chance to lunge right at him, but he simply pressed his hand against her fist and shifted her power towards one of the pillars.

Kuroka did the same thing as her sister, but the man focused his aim on her belly where the injury was. With a single strike, he made her drop to the ground while writhing in extreme pain.

Akeno got back up on her two legs where she quickly raised her hands. Trying to summon lightning to her side to vaporize him didn't go the way she was hoping as her ability to summon forth her lighting was being restricted still. No magic was able to form no matter how hard she tried.

The mysterious man used his pointer and middle finger to shoot out focused air that sent her flying against the massive double doors.

Kuroka and Koneko used their fast reflexes to regain their ground before charging at him together. Koneko ran a little faster to cause a distraction which made the man jump back, but Kuroka was expecting him to retreat a bit, so she ducked into the shadows while he was focused on her sister before reappearing into the light to deliver a solid hit to his face.

His body flew across the main hall before smashing against a pillar.

Kuroka: Are you alright, Shirone?

Kuroka asked.

Koneko: Yeah... It's just hard to breathe in here.

The man shook his head to get the debris off his head. Once all the debris was gone, he stood up with a calm expression. 

Man: That actually caught me off guard. Very impressive from the two of you. Your powers are greatly heightened when you work together as sisters rather than alone. I can see what Yhwach sees in the two of you like no one else does. A bond stronger than the strongest metals in this entire world, a bond that goes beyond any insignificant ant's brain could comprehend.

Kuroka: Then you know what great power and knowledge he possesses. He tends to see things that not everyone else sees. If I were to speak honestly, it's pretty weird how he does it. He finds ways to break the limitations of human growth as he thrives on expanding his knowledge pool. No matter the brick wall that is put in his way, he either breaks through that wall or makes himself bigger than the wall ahead of him.

Kuroka responded.

He let out a chuckle from hearing how much she was praising him. 

Man: The way you speak of him makes it sound like you love him, but that's enough talk about him, I have to end things here.

A gust of air hit them before a white aura surrounded him as his eyes glowed a bright white. Ten Devil wings sprung out his back which caught them off guard.

Akeno: What?! How does he have ten wings? What family do you come from? 

Akeno asked as she got back up.

Man: I already told your friend here. I have no name, no background, and no family.

He twirled his hands in a circular motion which created a ball of light in the center of his hands. Giving it a few more twirls, he extended his hands out where a beam was shout out right towards them.

They weren't able to move out of the way as they were still caught off guard from seeing a ten-winged Devil in their presence.

The beam inched closer until it was right in front of them, but Vali managed to get in front of them. 

Albion: [Divide, Divide, Divide, Divide, Divide, Divide.]

Nothing was left as the beam simply didn't exist after absorbing the attack.

Man: Vali... The White Dragon Emperor. Your family lineage is quite messy, but being a Lucifer with the power of the Vanishing Dragon is a gift that is beyond your imagination that you are beginning to contaminate.

The man said.

Vali: Contaminate? What are you getting at old man? Better yet, who in the Hell are you? Are you hiding away in this place because of what Yhwach is doing up there? That would make sense because every capable Devil is trying to fight him off, but they are just too weak.

Man: Hiding? I am not the one hiding. I am simply obeying the commands of my Master.

Vali clenched up his fists. 

Vali: Then call that bastard out here. Let's just see how terrified that little Master of yours is.

He stood in silence because the words that left his mouth just doomed him and his friends. 

Man: I cannot do what you ask because not even I can disturb him.

When those words left his mouth, the main hall became colder than the coldest of winter nights. The pressure that was there just increased by a hundredfold as they all fell to the ground. The butler powered down along with his wings retracting back. All of them looked ahead to see red beaming eyes in the shadow as they were getting closer and closer. They couldn't get their bodies to do what they wanted as the figure stepped into the light.

The mysterious overwhelming presence made itself known to the group.

The butler bowed with high esteem. 

Butler: Forgive me for making such a loud commotion, Lord Lucifer.

The moment they heard that name, the blood in their systems felt like it froze. Goosebumps ran across their whole body as their heartbeats began to slow down.

Lucifer: I can care less about who you fight, but when you do it inside of my... Prison... You should know what the punishment is. But... With the guests we have here, I can't just kill them on the spot. Kuroka the SS-Class Stray and one of Yhwach's lovers are lying on the floor before me along with her sister. Akeno Himejima, the lady who cannot decide if she wants to join up with Yhwach or stay with Rias. And lastly... Vali Lucifer... My great-grandson. What a party we have here.

Lucifer said while giving them all a deadly glare.

Vali was speechless. Lucifer was standing right there, the one who revolted against God himself. The real Devil who was rumored to be dead was standing before him.

Lucifer: Yhwach has grown even stronger. This... Power... It's faint, but I felt it before... Father...

Lucifer realized that he was getting out of hand to the point where no one would be able to stop him.

No one dared to move in the presence of the Prince of Darkness.

Lucifer: That's not all... Even the Infinite Dragon God is one with him. He actually did it... The crazy bastard did it. He has officially become God. Hahahahahaha...! Truly, human potential never ceases to amaze me! Very well, then... Yhwach Quincy. I wonder what your true desire is. If you exist within this world, then the power of chaos will engulf the world you live in. Surely, with power, you can shape the world to how you see fit. Such a world where only the strong exist. Is that what you're after? Such a place would surely be more of interest to you than this mundane existence.

He spoke to himself.

Butler: Sire, while you were away, the prison that your father constructed for you has been severely damaged from the battle that is going topside.

The butler said.

Lucifer: So what... Why should I care if this prison has been damaged? I can't escape from this damn place anyway because of what my father did. 

Lucifer retorted.

Butler: Sire, just hear me out. You have been imprisoned in this place since the end of the war. Nothing should be able to damage or destroy this place other than those powerful existences that outrank God himself.

Lucifer: Just get to the damn point already.

Butler: Forgive me, Sire. After that massive blast, I am quite sure that you even felt it that some of God's divine power reached down here and damaged the cage enough that the warding was severely damaged as well.

Lucifer's eyes widened where he was getting at. 

Lucifer: What are you trying to say?

Butler: Sire, the warding on this place could be damaged enough to the point where you no longer need to stay imprisoned here.

Lucifer didn't respond to that as he walked over to the massive doors before pushing them open. He slowly extended his hand out, but nothing happened as he fully extended it out.

With nothing happening, he took his first step out of the prison that entrapped him for so many years as divine light passed right through him. He was set free back into the world as nothing was holding him back anymore. 

Lucifer: This is it... Finally... I'm FFFFFRRRRRREEEEEEE!

A massive explosion blasted everything to smithereens as his aura skyrocketed to unmeasurable levels. His eyes glowed brighter than the brightest stars in the known galaxy. 

Lucifer: Thank you, Yhwach. You just freed me from this God-forsaken place. As a gift for freeing me, I'll let you play God for a little bit longer.

Kuroka's eyes were filled with tears while both Koneko and Akeno felt like their worlds had just been destroyed as this was the worst thing that could ever happen to them and to the person that the feline truly admired. Freeing the Prince of Darkness into the world was going to bring an end to everything. Stories and rumors of Lucifer's reign of chaos were told to children as bedtime stories for young Devils, but with him being alive, those stories were no longer just stories.

She knew the story of the light-bringer falling from grace and becoming one of the most terrifying entities in the world as history portrayed him soared throughout history.

After the war, rumors of his death spread around as his Generals took over the throne of Hell for themselves and tried to continue his work. But after so long, the rumors of his death were simply just rumors in the end. Her thoughts wandered to places where they shouldn't wander. Being a simple Devil herself, she was nothing compared to the one who created the Devils.

She looked over at her sister to see her staring at the ground in absolute fear. The worst part of this was that even Vali who was a descendant of Lucifer was paralyzed with fear while Akeno was in her own world of terror. She tried her best to turn her head to look over at him, but the moment her eyes made contact with his, her entire body wanted to turn into small particles after getting a good look at who was with him.

The Four Horsemen were standing next to Lucifer in a menacing stance.

Lucifer: It has been such a very long time... How long has it been? How long has it been since I committed homicide with the four of you? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? I can't seem to recall... It doesn't matter though... All I know is that Yhwach along with everyone else who is with him and against him shall vanish back to nothing as if they were never born.

Kuroka used all of her courage and strength to inflict at least some damage, but Lucifer slammed his fist right into her gut sending her all the way to the throne.

Vali had enough of being scared and useless, so he activated his Balance Breaker and lit up the whole room. Right as he was about to even make a move, his armor was shattered into a million pieces by the Horsemen of War.

Vali: WHAT?!

Vali screamed with surprise. 

Vali: How is that possible? How can a mere single Horsemen destroy my Balance Breaker?

Vali questioned.

Lucifer: Your competent brain can't understand that the power that the five use hold. When all the Horsemen are together, what do you think would happen? It's like putting all the pieces of the puzzle together to have the final product, but... When all five of us unite, you couldn't possibly even fathom the power we hold all together my useless descendant.

Lucifer explained.

Akeno realized that their opponent was The Devil, so she had to try and erase the fear in her head while trying to conjure up a light sword to stab him right in the heart. Managing to create the sword, she ran right at him to pierce his dark and cold heart.

Lucifer barely moved his body as he caught the sword with his bare hand. Her eyes widened the moment he caught the sword, but what was throwing her off the road was the fact that it wasn't burning him in any shape or form like every other Devil who usually gets hit by a light weapon. 

Akeno: W-What's going o-on? Why isn't it burning you?

She asked.

Lucifer shook his head at her lack of knowledge. 

Lucifer: I find this completely infuriating that people of your status don't even know my history. Everyone forgets that holy magic as simple as this doesn't affect me. When they think of Lucifer, they instantly think of The Devil, but they also forget that God was my father and that I am still an Angel even though I fell from grace.

Lucifer explained.

Akeno took a step back. 

Akeno: You're an abomination...

She replied.

Lucifer: Sorry, but that title would go to Trihexa. You see, I do go by many names as one of them is called the light-bringer.

Lucifer extended his hand out and a light sword that was engulfed in flames materialized in his hand. Giving one downward slash, Akeno was split in half while the fire spread across the remains of her body and burned her to dust.

Vali took a single step before someone called out to him. 

Koneko: Don't be foolish, Vali! Lucifer and the Four Horsemen aren't our opponents. We can't do anything... It's hopeless.

Koneko said.

Letting out his eight wings, he began to charge up his power before charging at him. It was a fruitless effort as all five of them powered up to the point where it was just not possible to move anymore. Falling to the floor, his wings retracted back. Lucifer walked up to his descendant to grab him by the neck. Lifting him in the air, he looked into his eyes before conversing.

Lucifer: It's such a shame that my bloodline has become this tarnished. Having the blood of a human in you disgusts me. But no matter... I'll extinguish my bloodline to the point where I am the only Lucifer. The true Lucifer. I am going to end this contaminated bloodline that has gone on from generation to generation.

With his free hand, he created a light spear as he let go of Vali before chucking the spear that pierced his heart and sent him flying all the way back towards the throne where he was impaled against the wall.

Lucifer: Famine and War, go grab those two cats and bring them with us. I believe it's time to make a name for ourselves once more. Oh, I nearly forgot. We should free my brother as well while we're down here. Having Samael on my side could prove useful as we return to the ways before human civilization contaminated this world with their filth.

The two Horsemen went over and flung the two cats over their shoulders.

Lucifer: At long last... After so many years of containment. The blood within my body is raging out for blood, murder, and annihilation. This pent-up energy, rage, and frustration have lasted long enough. Earth will pummel into the age of darkness once more, but this time... You can't get in my way like in the past Father because I CRAVE RUINATION! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. As a side note, the temporary power boost Yhwach received from Ophis will not endure, as I prefer to maintain a singular power system for consistency.

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts