
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

One Piece: The start of yet another new journey

7th World Decided: One Piece

Author: it's time my wonderful readers, it's time for you to wield some power. You have the honor of choosing the next 3 Schrifts during this new arc.

I must also extend my apologies for the recent lackluster chapters. Due to my busy schedule, I had to rush through them, and I acknowledge that they may not have met the usual standard. If you have any questions or concerns about the story, whether it's regarding the new arc or previous ones, feel free to voice them here. Your feedback is invaluable, and I'm here to address any issues you may have. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


Scene Break - Prison Realm

Inside the confines of the Prison Realm, Gojo lay sprawled on the ground, his mind reeling from the onslaught of Zaegar's cryptic and unsettling words. Each utterance had struck a chord within him

Zaegar: after stand proud opened up his domain he said are you, you are strong because you are I am you or are you to the one who left it all behind and his overwhelming intensity because with this treasure I summon the being simply answered nah, I'd win

Zaegar said out of pure boredom

Gojo, his composure shattered by the relentless barrage of Zaegar's words, snapped. With a mixture of desperation and frustration, he reached out and seized Zaegar by the collar, his gaze pleading for respite.

Gojo: PLEASE!!! Just stop, please!

His words were a plea, a desperate cry for clarity amidst the chaos that had enveloped them. Yet, in response to his plea, Zaegar simply chuckled, his demeanor unchanged.

Zaegar: Nah.

As Gojo's grip tightened on Zaegar's collar, desperation etched into every line of his face, he couldn't help but let out a guttural cry, a plea for an end to the torment of Zaegar's cryptic musings.

Gojo: Why... why do you torment me like this?

His voice wavered with emotion, a raw vulnerability laid bare for Zaegar to see. Yet, despite the intensity of his plea, Zaegar's response was anything but sympathetic.

Zaegar's chuckle turned into a menacing glare as he locked eyes with Gojo, his gaze piercing through the haze of confusion and desperation.

Zaegar: because you lost my coin.

The words hit Gojo like a physical blow Yet, before Gojo could even process the weight of Zaegar's accusation, a flashback swept over his mind, transporting him back to a moment long past.


In the flashback, Zaegar soared through the sky, a magnifying glass in hand as he meticulously scanned the vast expanse of the planet below, its surface nothing but endless stretches of sand.

Beside him, Gojo's frustration was palpable as he voiced his exasperation.

Gojo: Can we please stop? This whole fucking planet is just pure sand! We've been trying to find that stupid coin for 203 days!

Zaegar shot Gojo a withering glare, his eyes ablaze with simmering anger.

Zaegar: Shut up! You were the one that made the coin fall on this planet. You should be helping me, but noooo, you decided to be an asshole.

(End Of Flashback)

As the weight of Zaegar's accusation settled upon him, Gojo's glare intensified, his frustration boiling over into a seething anger.

Gojo: It's just one stupid coin! Why the hell would you torment me like this over a damn coin?!

His voice echoed through the confines of the Prison Realm, each word laced with a potent mix of fury and disbelief. But Zaegar's response was far from apologetic.

Zaegar: I was bored.

The casual dismissal of Gojo's torment only served to further enrage him. For a moment, Gojo froze, the weight of Zaegar's words sinking in. Then, realization dawned on him, and his anger surged to new heights.

Gojo: You... you were bored?! You've been driving me crazy over a stupid coin because you were bored?!

Zaegar: Pretty much.

Gojo's patience finally reached its breaking point. In a fit of unbridled rage, he lunged at Zaegar, his hands grasping for the hollow's throat.

Scene Break - Unknown Island

Yhwach rose from the ground, the dirt clinging to his bloody torn attire as he stood upright, his gaze scanning the island that surrounded him.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You'll need to clean and fix your attire later, Yhwach.

Yhwach nodded in agreement, his attention drawn to the distant horizon where the ocean stretched endlessly. 

( Picture)

Yet, before he could ponder his next move, a faint voice reached his ears from behind.

As Yhwach walked, Ginjo's voice echoed within his mind, breaking the silence with a question.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Do you think that voice was Zaegar?

Yhwach remained silent, his mind preoccupied with the possibilities that lay ahead. Ignoring the question, he pressed forward, his steps leading him deeper into the heart of the island.

Entering a dense forest that loomed before him, Yhwach's senses heightened as the voices grew clearer. Yet, before he could delve deeper into the source of the sound.

Yhwach paused, his senses alert, as he sensed the impending danger of falling rocks. Instinctively, he looked up, spotting several birds hovering above him.

Yhwach addressed the birds with curiosity

Yhwach: Who are you?

In unison, the four birds responded with a declaration that absolutely did nothing but cause Ginjo to laugh from within Yhwach's mind.

Birds: We are the Four Kings.

Yhwach regarded the four birds with a mixture of curiosity and impatience. Their claim to be the Four Kings seemed absurd, but he had no time for such nonsense.

Yhwach: I have no time for games. Step aside.

His tone brooked no argument as he attempted to bypass them and continue on his way. However, the birds were not so easily dismissed.

As Yhwach attempted to walk past them, the birds swooped down, blocking his path with a lot of chirps.

Yhwach frowned, his patience wearing thin. But before he could react further, the birds spoke up, their voices surprisingly bold despite their diminutive size.

First King: We ain't scared of no big scary man!

Yhwach's brow furrowed in annoyance, but a hint of amusement flickered in his eyes. Deciding to indulge the peculiar creatures, he allowed his spiritual pressure to emanate.

The birds flinched, their bravado faltering for a moment, but the First King quickly rallied, refusing to show any sign of fear.

First King: Okay, maybe we're a little scared. But we won't back down!

Yhwach chuckled inwardly at the audacity of the avian leader. With a slight wave of his hand, he ceased his display of spiritual pressure, allowing the birds to regain their composure.

Yhwach: Very well. If you insist on accompanying me, then so be it. But do not hinder my path.

As Yhwach walked alongside the Four Kings, a sense of curiosity welled within him. Despite his initial skepticism, he found himself intrigued by these peculiar birds and their claim to royalty.

Yhwach: My name is Yhwach.

The Second King chirped in response, its voice filled with admiration.

Second King: Strong name.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment before turning his attention to the Four Kings with genuine interest.

Yhwach: How did you come to be known as the Four Kings?

The First King, the eldest among them, let out a melancholic chirp before beginning their tale.

First King: Ah, 'tis a tale as old as time, it be. We were once just ordinary birds, peckin' at crumbs and baskin' in the sun. But our lives changed when a celestial dragon enslaved our flock. We fought to break free from their tyranny, and in doing so, we earned our titles as the Four Kings among our fellow birds.

Yhwach's brow furrowed in concern at the mention of the celestial dragon.

Yhwach: Who or what is this celestial dragon?

The Four Kings exchanged knowing glances, their beaks twitching with a mixture of caution and disdain.

Second King: Aye, we've known of them. But make no mistake, they may claim to be the nobles of the world, but in truth, they're nothing but tyrants and oppressors.

Third King: They strut around with their inflated egos, thinking of themselves above all others. But mark my words, true nobility lies in the heart, not in titles or birthright.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, breaking the silence with a question.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Is that Zaegar?

Yhwach scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a familiar figure engaged in combat with a formidable opponent - a Monkey with extraordinary strength.

With a nod of confirmation, Yhwach's attention turned to the Four Kings, who were watching the spectacle with keen interest.

Fourth King: Aye, Yhwach. Before we met you, we encountered a peculiar lizard creature with wings. He was wreaking havoc, destroying everything in his path.

Yhwach listened intently, intrigued by the mention of this strange creature.

Yhwach: What happened next?

The Fourth King continued, their voice tinged with excitement.

Fourth King: The King of the Jungle, Monke, challenged the creature to a duel. They made a bet, although we're not quite sure what the terms were.

Yhwach furrowed his brow in curiosity, his gaze fixed on the unfolding battle between Zaegar and Monke. With a sense of anticipation, he watched as the two adversaries clashed with unmatched ferocity and skill.

Yhwach: What do you suppose the terms of their bet were?

The Four Kings exchanged puzzled glances, their feathers ruffling with uncertainty.

First King: Aye, we're not entirely sure. But knowing Monke, it's bound to be something... interesting.

Scene Break - The Arena

Zaegar's tail lashed out, delivering a resounding slap across Monke's face, eliciting a chuckle from Zaegar.

Zaegar: Seriously? Is that the best you can do? How did a chimp-like you end up calling the shots in the jungle? Wasn't it supposed to be a lion? Who the hell changed the rules? This whole thing is a load of crap, man.

His words dripped with sarcasm as he voiced his disbelief.

Monke, unfazed by Zaegar's taunts, remained stoic. With a focused expression, he coated his arms in armament haki.

Zaegar's smirk faltered as he sensed the surging spiritual energy emanating from Monke's transformed arms.

Monke: Monke.

The simple utterance carried a weight of determination as Monke closed the distance between them. His eyes glinted with fierce resolve as he prepared to deliver a devastating blow.

Zaegar's laughter faltered, replaced by a sense of intrigue as he sensed the surge of spiritual energy emanating from Monke's form.

Zaegar: Hold on a sec... Are you a shinigami by any chance?

Monke responded with a simple nod, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to unleash his full power upon Zaegar.

Monke: Monke.

With a swift motion, Monke launched himself at Zaegar, his armament haki gleaming in the sunlight as he delivered a thunderous blow aimed squarely at his opponent's chest.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the arena, the force of Monke's attack shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Scene Break - The Forest

The First King glanced at Yhwach, sensing a shift in his demeanor. His feathers ruffled with concern as he addressed the stoic figure before him.

First King: What's wrong, Yhwach?

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, confirming his suspicions with a sense of urgency.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) That's spiritual energy for sure. But it's unlike anything I've encountered before.

Yhwach's brow furrowed in thought as he considered the implications of Ginjo's revelation. If Monke possessed spiritual energy akin to that of the four races, then their encounter held far greater significance than he initially realized.

Scene Break - The Arena

Zaegar's grip tightened on Monke's arm as a wicked grin spread across his face. With a menacing glint in his eyes, he opened his mouth wide, channeling his hollow Reiatsu into a compact sphere of energy between his jaws.

Monke tensed, instinctively recognizing the danger of Zaegar's impending attack. With a swift motion, he attempted to break free from Zaegar's grasp, but the hollow's grip remained steadfast.

With a savage roar, Zaegar unleashed the charged energy, sending a Bala hurtling towards Monke.

Scene Break - The Forest

Yhwach's eyes widened in recognition as he witnessed the explosive burst of reiatsu unleashed by Zaegar.

Yhwach: A Bala. A projectile of hardened Reiatsu, but mere child's play compared to a Cero. Nevertheless, its speed is commendable, approximately twenty times faster.

The Four Kings exchanged puzzled glances, their feathers ruffled with confusion at Yhwach's sudden outburst.

Third King: Is he on drugs or something?

Yhwach ignored their incredulous remarks, his attention focused solely on the unfolding battle between Zaegar and Monke.

Scene Break - The Arena

Zaegar's Bala hurtled towards Monke with blistering speed, the air crackling with energy as the deadly projectile closed the distance between them.

Monke, caught off guard by the sudden attack, braced himself for the impact, his muscles tensing as he prepared to withstand the full force of Zaegar's assault.

With a deafening explosion, the Bala struck Monke head-on, sending him hurtling through the air with tremendous force. The ground trembled beneath the impact as Monke crashed into the arena floor, his body skidding across the ground with a trail of dust in his wake.

Zaegar's grin widened as he observed the aftermath of his attack, a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he reveled in his victory.

Zaegar: Pathetic. Is that the best you've got, Monke?

his posture oozing with arrogance and superiority.

Monke struggled to rise from the ground, his body battered and bruised from the force of Zaegar's assault. Despite the pain coursing through his veins, he refused to yield, because he is Monke

Monke: Monke... not... done...

Zaegar's claws gleamed in the dim light of the arena as he prepared to deliver the final blow to Monke, his eyes ablaze with malicious intent. With a savage grin, he raised his sharpened claws, poised to strike with lethal precision.

But before Zaegar could deliver the finishing blow, a powerful hand seized him by the collar, stopping him from delivering the final blow

Yhwach: Enough.

Zaegar's hollow eyes widened in shock as he found himself face-to-face with Yhwach, his surprise momentarily overriding his arrogance.

Zaegar: Y-Yhwach?

His voice faltered, a rare hint of uncertainty creeping into his tone as he struggled to comprehend the sudden intervention.

Before Zaegar could react further, Yhwach's grip tightened, his expression stern and unwavering.

Yhwach: I don't have time for your constant nonsense, Zaegar.

With a swift motion, Yhwach tossed Zaegar aside, his patience worn thin by the hollow's relentless antics.

Zaegar landed with a thud, his pride wounded by Yhwach's display of authority. Yet, even as he picked himself up from the ground, his irreverent demeanor remained unchanged.

Zaegar: What's your problem, Yhwach? Can't you see I was in the middle of something important here?

Yhwach's gaze hardened as he fixed Zaegar with a steely glare, his voice laced with thinly veiled frustration.

Yhwach: (Mental link) We are in a new world, Zaegar. Your antics are no longer amusing. We have more pressing matters to attend to.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his irritation evident in his tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Zaegar, why do you always have to be like this? Can't you take anything seriously?

Zaegar scoffed, his wings fluttering with disdain as he settled on Yhwach's shoulder, his gaze fixed on the guards approaching to carry Monke out of the arena.

Zaegar: (Mental link) Yeah, yeah, I'm not blind. I know we're in a new world. That doesn't mean I have to stop goofing around.

With a resigned sigh, Yhwach turned his attention to the guards, his mind already occupied with the challenges that lay ahead.

Yhwach: Let's go. We have much to do.

Yhwach leaped off the arena, his movements fluid as he landed gracefully on the ground below.

As he ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, the Four Kings soon caught up to him, their wings beating rhythmically as they flew alongside him. The First King, his feathers ruffled with curiosity, addressed Yhwach with a question.

First King: Do you know of this lizard creature, Yhwach?

Zaegar, perched on Yhwach's shoulder, shot the First King a withering glare, his patience wearing thin at the persistent misidentification.

Zaegar: For the last fucking time, I'm not a fucking lizard! I'm a dragon.

The Second King chimed in, nodding in agreement with Zaegar's assertion.

Second King: Clearly, if he knew, he wouldn't have called you a lizard.

Zaegar paused, conceding the point with a begrudging acknowledgment.

Zaegar: Fair point.

Yhwach sighed, his patience tested by the ongoing bickering between Zaegar and the First King. With a resigned expression, he gestured towards the Four Kings, introducing them to Zaegar.

Yhwach: Zaegar, meet the Four Kings. And Four Kings, meet Zaegar.

Zaegar let out a boisterous laugh, his voice echoing through the forest as he addressed the avian royalty with mock incredulity.

Zaegar: Kings? Since when did birds become kings?

The First King bristled at Zaegar's mocking tone, his feathers ruffling with indignation as he squared off against the hollow.

First King: Watch your tongue, lizard. We earned our titles through valor and bravery, unlike some...

Zaegar and the First King continued to butt heads, their exchange escalating with each passing moment. Meanwhile, the Third King glanced between them, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes.

Third King: Should we stop them?

The Fourth King, however, remained unfazed, his expression one of amusement as he watched the spectacle unfold.

Fourth King: Nah.

Timeskip - Outside of the forest

As they emerged from the dense foliage, Zaegar's keen eyes caught sight of a bustling town in the distance. With a flick of his tail, he pointed it out to Yhwach, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Zaegar: Hey, look over there. Seems like there's a town nearby.

The First King nodded in agreement, his feathers ruffled with a sense of determination.

First King: I think we'll stay here for a while. There might be clues about the celestial dragon and its whereabouts.

Yhwach acknowledged the First King's decision with a nod, understanding the importance of their quest. 

Entering the bustling town, Yhwach couldn't help but notice the curious glances thrown his way by the villagers. Their eyes lingered on him, and whispers spread through the crowd like wildfire.

Villager 1: Is he a pirate?

Villager 2: Probably not. Pirates don't usually travel with... whatever that thing is.

Yhwach furrowed his brow in confusion, intrigued by the mention of pirates. Turning to Zaegar, he voiced his curiosity.

Yhwach: Pirates? What era are we currently in?

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone filled with knowledge and insight.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, judging by the townspeople's clothing and the architecture of their houses, it would seem we're in the pirate era. Pirates are essentially seafaring outlaws who roam the seas in search of treasure and adventure.

Yhwach nodded in understanding, his gaze sweeping over the bustling town as he took in the sights and sounds of this new world. Posters adorned the walls, displaying bounties for wanted individuals, confirming Ginjo's theory.

Yhwach: Interesting. Let's see what else we can learn about this world. And Zaegar, try to keep a low profile. We don't want to attract unnecessary attention.

Zaegar nodded in agreement, his wings folding against his body as he nestled into the folds of Yhwach's cloak.

Zaegar's eyes gleamed with excitement as he spotted a lively bar nearby, the sounds of laughter and chatter spilling out onto the street. With a mischievous grin, he turned to Yhwach, his voice laced with anticipation.

Zaegar: Hey, Yhwach, how about we check out that bar over there? I bet we could gather some valuable information.

Yhwach: No, Zaegar. Every time we go to a bar with you, it ends in chaos. I'm not in the mood for dealing with the aftermath of another one of your escapades.

Ginjo chimed in from within Yhwach's mind, his tone filled with skepticism.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) He's got a point, Zaegar. Remember what happened last time?

Zaegar pouted, his wings drooping slightly as he tried to appeal to Yhwach's sense of adventure.

Zaegar: But come on! We might find some valuable information about this new place. And who knows, maybe we'll even stumble upon some treasure!

Yhwach sighed, realizing that Zaegar's persistence had won out once again.

Yhwach: Fine, we'll go to the bar. But Zaegar, this time, no burning down the place, understood?

Zaegar: No promises.

Scene Break - Inside of the Bar

Yhwach stepped into the bustling bar, his presence causing a momentary pause in the lively chatter and clinking of glasses. All eyes turned towards him, curious gazes lingering on his imposing figure before the patrons returned to their meals and conversations.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, amused by the reaction of the bar's patrons.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, that was something. Seems like you've made quite the impression, Yhwach.

Yhwach sighed inwardly, accustomed to drawing attention wherever he went. Ignoring the lingering stares, he made his way to the bar, Zaegar peeking his head out from under Yhwach's cloak with eager anticipation.

As Yhwach approached the bartender, the man eyed him warily, sizing up the unfamiliar newcomer.

Bartender: What can I get ya, newcomer?

Zaegar popped his head out from Yhwach's cape, his voice surprisingly loud for his tiny size.

Zaegar: Gimme the best drink you got!

The bartender blinked in surprise, taken aback by the tiny dragon's unexpected request. He glanced at Yhwach, unsure of how to respond to the peculiar creature nestled in the folds of his cloak.

Yhwach, unfazed by the bartender's confusion, simply nodded in agreement with Zaegar's request.

Yhwach: Get him the drink.

The bartender hesitated for a moment, slightly intimidated by Yhwach's stoic demeanor. With a reluctant nod, he turned to prepare Zaegar's drink, muttering under his breath about the oddities of the world.

As the bartender went about his task, Yhwach sighed, resigned to the fact that Zaegar's antics would always manage to draw attention, no matter where they went.

The voice, gruff and weathered, broke through the din of the bar, drawing Yhwach's attention. Turning to his right, he laid eyes on an old man wearing a cowboy hat, his weathered features lined with age and wisdom.

Old Man: You're not from around here, are you?

Yhwach regarded the old man with a measured gaze, his instincts on high alert. Before he could respond, the old man chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Old Man: But then again, you already knew that, didn't you?

Yhwach's brow furrowed in confusion at the old man's cryptic words. How could he possibly know?

Yhwach: How do you know?

The old man's chuckle grew louder, his laughter echoing through the bar as he shook his head in amusement.

Old Man: I don't. But your reaction just now confirmed it.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his laughter ringing in Yhwach's ears as he teased him for his momentary lapse.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like you're not as infallible as you thought, Yhwach. Slippery slope from here, buddy.

Yhwach's jaw clenched in frustration at Ginjo's mocking tone, but he quickly composed himself, his expression once again stoic and unreadable.

Yhwach: Well played.

The old man's grin widened at Yhwach's admission, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Old Man: Just an old pirate's intuition. Now, what brings you to these parts, stranger?

Yhwach's gaze hardened at the old man's words, his disdain for the concept of celestial dragons evident in his expression. Ignoring the old man's attempt at small talk, he cut straight to the heart of the matter.

Yhwach: Where exactly are we?

The old man chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Yhwach's curt demeanor.

Old Man: We're on the Red Line, to be exact. This entire island was recently enslaved by a celestial dragon.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed at the mention of the celestial dragon once again. His curiosity piqued, and he interrupted the old man before he could continue.

Yhwach: Celestial dragon... Again, who or what exactly is a celestial dragon?

The old man sighed, as if resigned to Yhwach's ignorance, and began to explain.

Old Man: This world that we currently live in was founded by great kings. These kings, in their blood, held superiority over all other races, and the ones who inherited that blood are the celestial dragon. They're basically the nobles of the world, and people view them as gods.

Yhwach's lip curled in disgust at the notion of a select few considering themselves superior to others by birthright alone. His distaste for such arrogance was palpable as he contemplated the implications of the old man's words.

Yhwach: And they enslave just islands?

The old man shook his head, his expression grave.

Old Man: No, they can enslave anything they want, even a baby.

Yhwach's anger simmered beneath the surface as he absorbed the old man's explanation. The injustice of the celestial dragons enslaving entire islands not just islands but people even a baby fueled his fury, but he forced himself to remain composed. He couldn't afford to lose control, not when there was still so much he didn't know about this world.

Taking a deep breath, Yhwach pushed aside his emotions, his mind focusing on the task at hand. He needed information, and the old man seemed willing to provide it. With a nod of gratitude, he gestured for the old man to continue.

Yhwach: Tell me more about this world.

The old man nodded, With a flick of his wrist, he grabbed a weathered map from behind the bar, spreading it out before Yhwach with a flourish.

Old Man: As you can see, our world is covered mostly with water, with many islands of varying size, but only one supercontinent, the Red Line, which goes from north to south around the entire planet, separating the oceans. Most of the Red Line's shores are 10,000 meters above sea level.

Yhwach's gaze traced the lines of the map, his mind processing the information as he absorbed the details of this vast and unfamiliar world.

Old Man: Aside from the Red Line, which goes from north to south, there is also a giant current going from east to west, the Grand Line. The only safe way to reach it is through River's Mountain, as the Grand Line is boxed in on both sides by the Calm Belt, an area with absolutely no wind, and it is the breeding ground of the giant Sea Kings.

The old man stated before continuing.

Old Man: The Oceans are the North Blue, the East Blue, the South Blue, and the West Blue. If you're looking for pirates, those can be found everywhere, although the Marines keep them in check.

Yhwach nodded, his interest piqued by the mention of pirates and the Marines. It seemed that this world was far more complex than he had initially realized.

Old Man: Anyways, Mary Geoise is the seat of the World Government and the home of the Celestial Dragons.

As they stepped outside of the bar, Yhwach and Zaegar were met with a cacophony of shouting and screaming coming from a nearby crowd. Yhwach's brow furrowed in concern at the commotion, his instincts urging him to investigate further.

The old man sighed, shaking his head at the unfolding chaos.

Old Man: If you want to check it out, you're on your own, stranger.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze fixed on the source of the disturbance. Without another word, he turned on his heel and strode purposefully towards the crowd, Zaegar fluttering after him with a disgruntled chirp.

Zaegar: Hey, I'm not done with this drink yet!

But Yhwach paid him no mind, his attention focused solely on the scene unfolding before him. As he pushed his way through the throng of people, he caught glimpses of panicked faces and frantic gestures, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

As Yhwach pushed through the crowd, his gaze fell upon the disturbing scene unfolding before him. A 12-year-old boy cowered on the ground, his body bruised and bloodied, while a celestial dragon loomed over him, a cruel smirk twisting his features as he brandished a whip.

The celestial dragon's menacing presence loomed over the trembling boy, his cold gaze piercing through the fear-stricken child as he raised his whip once more. The boy's pleas for forgiveness fell on deaf ears as the celestial dragon sneered in disdain.

Celestial Dragon: Did I allow you to speak, peasant?

His voice dripped with contempt as he silenced the boy's desperate cries with a cruel hiss. Turning away from the quivering child, the celestial dragon addressed his guards with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Celestial Dragon: Grab him!

The guards wasted no time in obeying their master's command, moving swiftly to seize the helpless boy. With rough hands, they dragged him to his feet, their grip tight and unforgiving as they prepared to carry out the celestial dragon's cruel punishment.

Yhwach's jaw clenched in frustration as he watched the scene unfold before him. The sight of a celestial dragon brutalizing a defenseless child ignited a fierce anger within him, his instincts urging him to intervene. However, The old man stepped forward and placed a firm hand on Yhwach's shoulder.

Old Man: Hold your horses, stranger. You can't just go charging in there. Not now. Not like this.

Yhwach's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at the old man, his voice dripping with contempt.

Yhwach: And what makes you think I shouldn't? Do you enjoy seeing children get beaten up by these bastards?

The old man's gaze hardened in response to Yhwach's accusation, his tone cold.

Old Man: Of course, I don't enjoy seeing children get beaten up. But if you dare to touch that celestial dragon, you'll be signing the death warrant for everyone on this island. Your reckless decision almost led to disaster just now, and if I hadn't stopped you, this whole place would have been razed to the ground.

Yhwach stood in tense silence, grappling with the old man's words. Should he heed the old man's warning, or should he ignore it and help the child? The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air, the fate of countless lives resting on his choice.


Here are two decisions Yhwach could make:

Decision 1: Heed the old man's warning and refrain from intervening.

Decision 2: Disregard the old man's warning and confront the celestial dragon to protect the child.

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