
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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Holy Swords and Fiery Justice: The Battle Against Kokabiel

Everyone in Yhwach's group fell into silence. No one uttered a word for a while, gripped by shock at what they had witnessed. The notion that Yhwach might be more than human began to circulate among them.

Issei sat on the couch, his mind consumed by thoughts of Yhwach's intense battle against a High-Class Devil.

After enduring the quietude for some time, Issei couldn't take it anymore.

Issei: Okay, is it just me, or did anyone else catch what Mr. Quincy pulled off in that arena?

Freed kept his eyes closed.

Freed: You know, I'm starting to wonder if all this is a dream because no one, and I mean no one, can do what the Boss just did.

Kalawarner glanced over at Freed.

Kalawarner: I actually agree with you on that. But the most terrifying thing about that Large Fireball was its power. I've never felt so speechless or weak in my entire life.

Ddraig: [I agree with you as well, Fallen. That power felt like a Dragon King or even heavenly.]

Issei: He destroyed all those mountains. He obliterated half of the arena, and to top it all off, he killed a High-Class Devil.

Raynare: I'm starting to wonder if Lord Yhwach was actually telling the truth.

Raynare hung her head.

Kalawarner: What do you mean?

Kalawarner inquired.

Raynare: Well, if you guys can recall, after Riser blasted the Master with his full power, he said he'd respond with full power as well. I don't think that was anything close to his full power.

Confusion painted everyone's faces.

Kalawarner: What do you mean, Raynare?

Kalawarner pressed.

Raynare: I-I don't know. I just feel as if he's hiding something from us that he doesn't want to reveal.

Kalawarner: You must be crazy to think that. He sounded like he was telling the truth.

Freed: Forget that. Did anyone else see his eyes? When I looked into those eyes of his, it felt like I was in an endless void where everything is filled with nothing but darkness.

Yhwach emerged from the bathroom, having shed his armor and torn clothes. He adorned himself in the usual attire—a white, double-breasted trench coat with the Wandenreich symbol, paired with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. Over this, he wore a tattered, ankle-length maroon-black cloak, fastened to the left with a single large button, adorned with a red ribbon near the neck.

He made his way to the living room where everyone stood up upon his entrance.

No one said a word unless they were spoken to.

As Yhwach entered the room, Zaegar's presence within his mind became more pronounced. The primordial Hollow's laughter echoed within the recesses of Yhwach's consciousness.

Zaegar: (Amidst laughter) Ah, Yhwach, my dear Quincy King. It seems you've managed to make quite the impression down there.

Yhwach: (Irritated) This is not the time for your petty comments, Zaegar, must you always revel in such chaos?

Zaegar: (Chuckling) Why, of course, my dear Yhwach. Chaos is the essence of my existence. And by the way, I did tell you that the shampoo I suggested was far superior to the one you bought. A shame you don't take my advice seriously.

Yhwach: (Annoyed) This is hardly the time for your banter, Zaegar.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh, but Yhwach, these little moments of banter are what make our bond so special. Don't you enjoy our talks?

Yhwach: (Ignoring Zaegar) I have more pressing matters to attend to.

While Zaegar continued to chuckle within Yhwach's mind, the Quincy King directed his attention to the individuals in the room.

Yhwach: Listen carefully, everyone. Our next steps are crucial, and we are about to enter the second phase of our plan.

He pointed at Raynare.

Yhwach: You and Blueberry will continue your jobs at the school to keep tabs on the Devils in secret. And make sure that no one finds out what you're really doing.

Yhwach looked over to Issei.

Yhwach: The healer and the failure will patrol the streets for anything suspicious. Make sure no Devil or Angel touches a human.

Issei and Asia nodded.

Yhwach: And as for you. I want you to get that Holy Sword no matter the cost. I don't want you to return here unless you have it with you.

Freed crossed his arms and gave him a smirk.

Freed: No problem Boss.

Yhwach: Good, We will begin tomorrow.

He said.

Raynare: So wait, what are you going to be doing then?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach turned his head towards her.

Yhwach: I am going to be here for a while since that bastard thinks he can keep tabs on me by sending someone here to supervise me.

He walked towards his chair and sat down picking up his book.

Raynare: Are you sure you will be alright since you used a lot of power after that match?

Raynare asked.

Raynare: I will be fine, so be ready for tomorrow because our journey to peace is coming very soon.

Raynare understood.

Everyone sat down and did their usual thing.

Freed was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.

Freed: So Boss? I've been wondering? What would we do if the Devils, Angels and the Fallen are all joined up together and made an alliance?

Yhwach: Peace is our goal, our main goal. If that were to happen then there would be fewer problems to deal with if they all joined together as one. I know they will still use humans for there selfish needs.

Freed looked over to Yhwach. 

Freed: And if they didn't heed your warning then what?

Yhwach stopped reading his book and he closed it. He looked over to Freed. Everyone was waiting for what the Master would say.

Yhwach: I left a message to the entirety of Hell telling them that I stand above all. If they continue to take innocent humans to fight for them then there is only one choice.

Issei looked over to Yhwach.

Issei: And that would be?

Yhwach didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

Yhwach: I will start a war between all of the three factions.

Everyone was shocked to hear that. All of them had wide eyes as well.

Zaegar's laughter echoed once again within the recesses of Yhwach's mind, the deep, resonant tones filling the mental space.

Zaegar: (Amidst laughter) Ah, Yhwach, my dear Quincy King! Now that's what I'm talking about! War, chaos, murder – the sweet symphony of discord! We're going to have a blast!

Yhwach, however, remained stoic, his focus on the conversation in the living room.

Yhwach: (Ignoring Zaegar) Silence, Zaegar. Now is not the time for your chaotic musings.

Zaegar: (Chortling) Oh, come on, Yhwach! When is it ever not the time for a little chaos? Just imagine the world aflame, the clash of powers, the screams of despair!

Yhwach's expression remained unchanged, his attention still fixed on the mortal affairs unfolding before him.

Zaegar: (Excited) Picture it! Devils, Angels, Fallen – all pawns in our game. We could orchestrate a masterpiece of destruction!

Yhwach closed his eyes, trying to block out Zaegar's enthusiasm.

Kalawarner: Your joking right?

Kalawarner asked nervously.

Yhwach: All I seek is peace and if they won't stop then I will make sure that they never see the light ever again.

Raynare faced Yhwach and looked up to him.

Raynare: If we do start a war we wouldn't last long at all. They would destroy us in a matter of seconds, my Lord.

As the room fell into a tense silence, Zaegar's laughter continued within Yhwach's mind, seemingly undeterred by the gravity of the situation.

Zaegar: (Amidst laughter) Bitch, please! All we need is the legendary Zaegar, and we would win within an instant!

Yhwach's eyes narrowed, and he shot a stern look towards the primordial Hollow residing in his mind. The others in the room were oblivious to Zaegar's interjection.

Yhwach: (Muttering) Zaegar, enough. Your arrogance knows no bounds. This is not the time for your boasts.

Zaegar: (Mocking) Oh, come now, Yhwach! They fear the mere mention of my name. With my power, victory is assured!

Yhwach shook his head, irritated by Zaegar's audacity.

Yhwach: (Whispering) Keep your delusions to yourself. We will pursue a path to peace, not plunge into your chaotic fantasies.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed, but he kept his composure. Raynare, however, seemed puzzled by Yhwach's sudden change in expression.

Raynare: Is something the matter, Lord Yhwach?

Yhwach shook his head, dismissing it as a passing thought.

Yhwach: Nothing of concern.

Kalawarner: Although, wouldn't that ruin our goal for peace as well, my Lord?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: I will have to remove the problem from this world if I want to achieve peace? And besides, that is the last option on my list. If they didn't heed my warning, then I will show them what happens when you ignore a God's warning.

Kalawarner brought a hand to her chin.

Kalawarner: We also have two other problems as well to deal with, and they are not going to be easy to go around if we do go to war.

Raynare looked over at her.

Raynare: What do you mean? What other two problems?

Kalawarner: Well, if you think about it, we have to deal with Kokabiel because he wants to start a damn war. And he is going rogue at this point. There is also the Khaos Brigade as well to deal with. They are on a whole different scale.

Issei: Khaos Brigade?

Issei was confused.

Freed: They are a group of terrorists, also known as the Army of Disaster. This group consists of the Old Satan Faction and the Hero Faction. There are more, but those two are the biggest ones.

Freed answered.

Raynare: But there is also another group who is in the Khaos Brigade who is trying to kill Great Red.

Raynare said.

Issei brought a hand to her chin.

Issei: Wait, why would they want to do such a thing and who is Great Red?

Ddraig: [Who knows why they would want to kill him, but Great Red is the strongest being in the entire world. He is the True Red Dragon God Emperor.]

Issei: The strongest being in the entire world?

Issei repeated Ddraig.

Ddraig: [Yes, no one has ever defeated him.]

Raynare crossed her arms.

Raynare: He is also called the Dragon of Dreams as well. Everyone fears him and no one can reach him.

When she said that, the air got really dense around them.

Yhwach had the most serious face.

Everyone didn't move a single inch.

Yhwach: Did I hear you say that this Great Red is the most feared being in the world?

Raynare only nodded.

Yhwach: Then it seems that I must show the entire world that they should only fear Yhwach.

Zaegar: and Zaega-

Yhwach: (Muttering) Shut up, Zaegar.

Yhwach looked at Raynare.

Yhwach: Where is this Great Red?

Raynare: Y-You don't plan o-on fighting him are you?

She asked but Yhwach didn't repeat himself.

Freed: You're fucking crazy you know that? Fighting Great Red is like suicide the chances of you coming out alive is zero percent. And plus he only wanders around in the Dimensional Gap.

Freed said.

Yhwach: Where is this Gap you speak of?

Kalawarner: It's a location where lies the different worlds and Khaos Brigade knows how to get there. And if we do enter the Gap we would die in a matter of seconds from the nothingness.

Kalawarner said.

Yhwach: Very well then, we will find a way to get to this gap and find this Great Red. But in the meantime, we will continue as planned. Let us rest for now. 

Everyone understood and went to bed no longer questioning him.


Kalawarner and Raynare were at school, teaching class and keeping tabs on the Devils, as they were told. Kalawarner walked row by row while also reading to the students.

Aika: Ms. Kalawarner, do you know where Mr. Quincy and Mr. Sellzen are?

Aika asked.

Kalawarner: Mr. Quincy isn't feeling well, so he stayed home, and I don't know where Mr. Sellzen is.

She lied to her.

The girls in the class frowned when she said that she doesn't know where Mr. Sellzen is.

Matsuda and Motohama had big grins on their faces. Both of them raised their hands. Kalawarner saw this and picked on Matsuda.

Matsuda: So do you have a boyfriend or what, teach? And how big are your drums as well?

Raynare clenched her fist and was about to hit him until Kalawarner spoke up.

Kalawarner: To answer your questions, I have no right to tell you that. And did Mr. Quincy say something about perversion in this class?

Matsuda was sweating and starting to get nervous.

Raynare was going to say something as well, but she looked over to Kalawarner to see if she felt that as well. Kalawarner nodded and told the class that this would be a study hour.

They both walked out of the class and made their way to the source of power.

When they arrived, they saw two figures with what appeared as weapons on their backs wrapped up in cloth. They walked up to them.

Raynare: Who are you, and what are you doing here?

Raynare asked.

The two figures turned around and took off their hoods, revealing two girls. One had blue hair with a streak of green on her right side, while the other had light brown hair and two ponytails.

Blue-haired Girl: You are both Fallen Angels. What are you doing here in Devil territory?

The blue-haired girl asked.

Raynare: So, Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou, the two Exorcists, have shown themselves in front of a school.

Raynare said.

Xenovia: How do you know our names? Who are you?

Xenovia grabbed the hilt of her blade and was ready to take it out.

Kalawarner: Like you said before, we are Fallen Angels. And weapons are not allowed on the school campus, for your information. It's in the rulebook.

Xenovia was about to yell, but Irina put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Irina: Don't worry about that, Xenovia, because right now, we are looking for Rias Gremory.

Xenovia calmed down and released the hilt, lowering her hand.

Xenovia: Where is Rias Gremory?

Kalawarner: And why do you want to know that? Do you plan on killing her?

Kalawarner asked.

Xenovia: No, we are not. We are just here to talk, and that is all, nothing else.

Xenovia was starting to get impatient.

Irina spoke up this time.

Irina: This is urgent, so please just tell us where she is so we can move on with our day.

Kalawarner sighed and pointed at a building.

Kalawarner: She is over there. Me and my partner over here are going to be coming with you to supervise this all.

Xenovia: Fine, do as you wish, just don't get in our way.

Xenovia started to walk towards the building. The rest of them followed her, and they made their way to the ORC.

They made it to the front door, and Kalawarner knocked three times. Kiba answered the door to see who it was. After he saw the Fallens, he let them in with two other females.

Rias stopped what she was doing and looked over to the two females.

Xenovia: Hello, Rias Gremory, we are here to discuss some things with you.

Xenovia said.

Rias didn't like the feeling she was having with these two.

Rias: Who are you, and how do you know me?

Xenovia: Well, let me introduce ourselves first. I am Xenovia Quarta, and this is Irina Shidou; we belong to the church. We came here to discuss with you the Holy Swords.

Rias narrowed her eyes.

Rias: I am surprised that followers of God are speaking with Devils.

Irina: Three of the Holy Swords have been stolen by the Fallen Angels, and we have come here to tell you that we will deal with this problem, and Devils should not interfere.

Xenovia turned towards Kalawarner.

Xenovia: Listen here, I don't know who you are working for, but if you get in our way, then you will die.

Kalawarner smirked.

Kalawarner: Well, I would like to see you try.

Raynare: Do you know who stole them?

Raynare interrupted them.

Xenovia: We know that it was Kokabiel who stole them.

Xenovia said.

Raynare shook her head in disappointment.

Raynare: I knew he would do something so stupid just to start a damn war. Curse him and his love for war.

Irina: We also had word that Freed Sellzen and Valper Galilei are working with him as well.

Irina said.

Rias: Wait, isn't Freed with you guys?

Rias asked.

Kalawarner and Raynare looked at Xenovia with narrowed eyes.

Raynare: Well, you see, Freed betrayed us and joined up with Kokabiel. We would have done something, but he escaped.

Raynare lied.

Kiba clenched his teeth and walked up to the two exorcists.

Kiba: Do you know where Valper is now?

He said angrily.

Xenovia: And who are you?

Kiba: Your superior; nice to meet you. Now tell me where Valper is now?

Kiba summoned his sword.

Rias: KIBA!

Rias yelled.

Xenovia reached for her sword and took it off her back. She unwrapped the cloth around it and pointed it at him.

Xenovia: Then let us have a duel then.

Kiba: Let's take this outside then.

Everyone went outside and started to watch the battle between Xenovia and Kiba.

Kiba charged at her and swung his sword down.

Xenovia: Do you honestly think that sword of yours is enough to defeat me?

Kiba didn't respond, but all he did was swing again, but Xenovia blocked again. She pushed him back and started going on offense. She swung her sword down, but Kiba moved back. She made a small crater in the ground.

Kiba: Ahhhhh!

Kiba charged at her again and collided swords with her.

Kiba: Tell me where he is!

Xenovia moved to the right and kicked him in the side, making him fall to the ground.

Xenovia: Just give up already.

She said, pointing the blade at him. Kiba stood up and charged at her again, but this time Xenovia stepped aside and hit him in the gut with her sword, making him fall to the ground.

Xenovia: I don't know where Valper is, but we might know where his hideout is.

Xenovia covered up her blade and placed it on her back.

Xenovia: Don't get in our way, Gremory.

Xenovia started to walk away. Irina apologized and followed her.

Kalawarner: Now where do you think you're going? I clearly said we are going with you.

Kalawarner said.

Xenovia stopped and turned around.

Xenovia: I don't even trust you one bit. You could be working for Kokabiel.

Kalawarner: Why would I work for someone who is obsessed with nothing but war? I work at a damn school as a student teacher for God's sake. Does that sound like I am working for him?

Xenovia stayed quiet, thinking about what she said.

Xenovia: Very well, but I am going to keep an eye on you.

She turned back around and started to walk away. Kalawarner motioned for Raynare to follow.

Kiba got up slowly and looked at the ground. He clenched his fist and ran off.

Rias: Kiba wait!

Rias yelled out to him, but he didn't listen.

Rias sighed, and she turned around to face her remaining peerage.

Rias: Things aren't going well at all. I am going to report to my brother about Kokabiel and the Holy Swords. Akeno, Koneko, keep things safe here.

Akeno and Koneko: Yes, President.

The both of them said. Rias made a magic circle and teleported to the underworld.

Scene Break

Freed sat in a chair, patiently waiting for Valper to return.

Freed: (In thought) This sucks, I'm so damn bored right now. I can't believe I had to meet up with this fat fuck. What were you thinking Boss?

Valper walked out of a room and made his way to Freed.

Valper: Freed my friend it's been a while since I've seen you. How've you been?

Freed rolled his eyes.

Freed: Cut the bullshit, you know what I am here for.

Valper closed his eyes and he put his hands behind his back.

Valper: I see, very well then.

Valper walked over to a room and went inside retrieving a sword. He walked back out and walked back towards Freed.

He handed the sword to him.

Valper: You better get those other two Holy Swords as well Freed or there will be consequences.

Freed was inspecting the sword.

Freed: Yeah yeah yea, I know there is gonna be consequences if I fail. Kokabiel needs these Holy Swords.

Valper: Indeed, now go retrieve those other swords for me.

After a long walk Freed was getting close to the school where the Devils were. He saw four figures coming towards him. The first two he saw was Exorcists. When he saw the other two behind them he mentally screamed.

Xenovia: Freed Sellzen, it seems we found you. Where is Kokabiel and the other Holy Swords?

Xenovia grabbed her sword and took off the cloth. Irina followed Xenovia's lead and did the same.

Kalawarner and Raynare were surprised to see Freed here. They needed to act undercover so that the Exorcist's don't find out. The both of them made light spears and aimed it at him.

Freed: (In thought) I guess it's time for the old Freed to come out.

He said to himself.

Freed: Hahahaha, do you want to play as well? I have something special for you all.

Freed pointed his Excalibur at them.

Irina: Is that Excalibur Rapidly?

Irina asked.

Freed stuck his tongue out.

Freed: What a smart girl you are. I can't wait to chop you up into a million pieces.

Xenovia: Disgusting as always.

Xenovia said as she charged at him. Freed blocked the attack and he licked his lips.

Freed: Oh, you don't know how bad I want to fuck you and make you beg for me to stop.

Kalawarner: Yep, that's the Freed we all know alright.

Kalawarner said.

Xenovia had a disgusted face.

Xenovia: I am going to remove you from this world. Scum like you should never walk this Earth.

Freed backed up and swung his sword with a lot of force making Xenovia fall to a knee. Irina charged at him but Freed moved quickly and attacked her making her fly back and drop her sword.

Raynare: How is he able to move so quickly?

Raynare asked.

Irina: It's the sword. It enhances both the wielder and the sword extreme speed.

Kalawarner threw her spear at him purposely missing him by an inch. Freed looked over to her and started to walk towards her.

Freed: Do you want to be the one begging for me to stop?

Raynare glared at him and threw her spear but Freed blocked it. He charged straight at them knocking them down. He raised his sword and was about to kill them until a punch landed on his face making him stumble back.

Issei: What do you think your doing Freed?

Issei asked as he had his Boosted Gear out.

Asia caught up to Issei and saw what Freed was going to do.

Asia: Freed what are you doing? Lord Yhwach said no-

Asia felt her hand get grabbed and saw it was Raynare. She was gonna ask what she is doing but when she saw the look in her eyes she understood that this was all apart of the plan.

Freed rubbed his cheek and smiled.

Freed: Now let me do the same to you as well but with my sword.

He was gonna charge at him but a magic circle appeared next to his ear.

Freed: It seems it's your lucky day. You better enjoy it to the fullest.

Freed picked up Irina's sword and took off with extreme speed.

Xenovia saw this and she was gonna chase after him but her leg gave out.

Xenovia: Damn it! He is getting away.

She got up slowly.

Issei: Are you guys alright?

Issei asked the Fallens. The both of them stood up and dusted themselves off. Issei looked over to Raynare and he narrowed his eyes.

Kalawarner walked up to him.

Kalawarner: We're fine but we got a serious problem now.

Issei: What would that be

 Issei asked.

Xenovia punched the lamp post in anger 

Xenovia: That scum has another Holy Sword now and he is running away with it. Do you know what that means?

Issei didn't understand at all.

Ddraig: [What she is trying to say, partner, is that now they have four Holy Swords and they are getting stronger and stronger just by collecting one sword at a time.]

Issei: Ohhhhhhhh Shit.

Raynare: How can someone be so stupid?

Raynare put a hand to her face and shook her head.

Xenovia looked over to Issei's left arm.

Xenovia: Is that the Boosted Gear?

Raynare: Yep, he is the Red Dragon Emperor alright and an idiot as well.

Raynare said.

Issei turned towards her and gave her a dirty look.

Irina made their way towards them and she saw someone she hasn't seen in a long time.

Irina: I-Issei? Is that you?

Issei turned around and looked at the girl for a bit before replying.

Issei: Do I know you?

Irina looked at Issei with a confused look. 

Irina: What do you mean Issei? It's me, Irina.

Issei only had a confused look on his face.

Issei: Irina... I don't know anyone by the name Irina.

Issei kept on thinking but nothing appeared in his mind.

Irina: It's me, your childhood friend.

Issei closed his eyes shut and thought really hard. After some time it finally clicked. 

Issei: Your Irina? I thought you were a dude.

Irina: Haha, no I am a girl Issei.

Issei started to stare right at her tits. 

Issei: You seem... quite... mature now.

Irina covered her chest.

Irina: You pervert!

She yelled.

Irina: I can't believe you're the Red Dragon Emperor. It's really hard to believe such a thing.

Issei only smiled nervously.

Issei: Y-Yea... It seems a little bit weird.

Irina: I want to hug you so bad right now.

She was gonna for a hug, but Xenovia stopped her going any further.

Irina looked to her right.

Irina: What's the matter Xenovia?

Xenovia: Don't touch him, he isn't human at all. He is a Devil.

Irina was shocked out of the world.

Irina: Is this true Issei?

Her Bangs covered her face.

Issei kept on smiling nervously. 

Issei: Y-Yeah... I am a Devil.

Irina moved her bangs out of the way. She started to tear up.

Irina: H-How could y-you Is-Issei?

Issei's smile was gone.

Issei: Well maybe, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't killed by her!

He yelled in anger while pointing at Raynare.

Irina looked over at Raynare.

Irina: All you Fallens are evil people.

She charged right at her.

Asia stepped right in front of Raynare. Irina saw this and stopped in her tracks.

Asia: Don't attack her please, She only did as she was told.

Asia begged.

Xenovia: Your Asia Argento, are you not?

Xenovia asked.

Xenovia narrowed her eyes.

Xenovia: Why are you with a Devil if you're supposed to be pure and innocent, but here you are with a Devil. Your not a child of God, you're a witch.

Asia looked down on the ground with tears in her eyes.

Issei: Hey! Don't you dare speak to her like that you bitch!

Issei yelled in anger.

Issei: She is pure and innocent. She hasn't done anything to you guys. So why are you treating her like this?

Xenovia: She is walking around with a Devil. That is not pure and innocent.

Xenovia said.

Kalawarner crossed her arms underneath her tits and she cleared her throat.

Kalawarner: Ummm guys, I hope that you're done fighting because he is getting away.

Xenovia turned towards her.

Xenovia: Curse you Fallens.

Kalawarner raised her arms in the air.

Kalawarner: I don't know what we did, but all I'm saying is that there getting away.

Raynare sighed heavily.

Raynare: Can we go before it's too late and we all die by a psycho maniac.

Kalawarner: You're probably right, we should go before anything bad happens.

Kalawarner agreed with her.

Raynare: Now if you will excuse us, we have somewhere to be right now.

Raynare said as she was about to leave with Kalawarner.

Xenovia: Now where do you think you're going Fallens? We are coming with since this deals with Holy Swords.

Xenovia said.

Raynare: Then stop arguing and let's go because I don't have all day you know.

Raynare said.

Xenovia only clenched her fist.

Issei: We're coming along as well.

Issei said.

Kalawarner: Very well then, let's go, we are on a schedule you know.

Kalawarner responded.

Issei and Asia nodded and followed them to catch up with Freed.

Scene Break

Yhwach lounged in his living room engrossed in a book. Feeling hungry, he closed the book, strolled to his fridge to scout for a meal.

Opening the fridge revealed emptiness. Closing it, he headed to his table, grabbed his keys, left the house, and secured it.

On his way to the convenience store for a snack, he selected ramen and approached the cashier. The clerk, scanning the items, disclosed the price.

Clerk: That will be 1000 Yen.

Yhwach reached in his pocket and pulled out 800 Yen and placed it on the counter. He checked if he had more but he didn't.

Yhwach: This has to be a joke right? Why am I so broke?

Zaegar's mocking laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind, a sardonic symphony that grated on his nerves. The Quincy King, accustomed to grandeur and power, found himself subjected to the ridicule of his own inner spirit.

Zaegar: (laughing) Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The great King of the Quincy reduced to a pitiful teacher, scraping for a few Yen. How poetic!

Yhwach scowled, clenching his fists, his patience wearing thin. He shot a fierce mental glare at Zaegar.

Yhwach: If you have nothing constructive to say, Zaegar, then kindly shut up. I don't need your commentary on my current circumstances.

Zaegar continued to chuckle, his incorporeal form seemingly unaffected by Yhwach's irritation.

Zaegar: But, my king, it's just too amusing. The mighty Yhwach, ruler of the Sternritter and master of the Quincy, struggling to afford a simple meal. Perhaps you should teach your powers to generate wealth instead of wasting time on those insignificant humans.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed, his patience tested beyond its limits.

Man: Here you go.

A man put 500 Yen on the counter.

Man: Keep the change.

The clerk took the money, bagged his food, and handed it to him.

They both left the store.

Man: It seems you have it rough out here, man. Where do you work?

Yhwach didn't look at him.

Yhwach: I am a teacher.

Man: Damn, I guess it sucks?

Yhwach didn't respond at all.

Man: You want to come over to my place and have a drink?

Yhwach: Sure, as a thank you, I guess.

The two walked to his house. Upon reaching it, he opened the door, and they both entered.

Yhwach took a seat while the man went to his kitchen for a drink. Yhwach closed his eyes and leaned back in the seat.

Man: Does Sake work?

But he didn't respond.

Man: I'm gonna take your quietness as a yes.

He walked over and placed two glasses on the table and filled them up.

Azazel: Where are my manners; my name is Azazel.

He opened up his eyes.

Yhwach: I am Yhwach Quincy.

Azazel spilled a little while pouring his drink.

Azazel: Wait, you're Yhwach Quincy who beat Riser Phenex... no, killed him, am I right?

Yhwach: Indeed, I am. I don't recall you being at the arena. Are you a Devil by chance?

Azazel laughed.

Azazel: Oh no, I'm not a Devil. I am a Fallen Angel.

Yhwach got ready to attack him.

Azazel: Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. I just wanted to talk and have a drink with you, that's all.

Azazel: Well, let me fully introduce myself. I am Azazel, leader of the Fallen Angels.

Yhwach: You're the leader of the Fallen Angels?

Azazel only nodded.

Azazel took a drink.

Azazel: I'm truly surprised to see the man who killed Riser sitting in my home drinking Sake with me.

Yhwach had a bored facial expression.

Yhwach: Well, this is actually interesting then. I wanted to have a chat with you, actually, since I already chatted with that bastard of a Devil King.

Azazel looked intrigued by his words.

Azazel: Well, here I am. What is it you want to talk about?

Yhwach: I don't want you to have humans fight for you and your pitiful war anymore.

Azazel was shocked a little.

Azazel: Interesting, I don't take humans to fight for my cause. But the Devils do that a lot.

Yhwach: Don't lie to me, you fool. I know all three factions take humans to fight for them.

Azazel: I will admit, we did take a few humans to fight for us because they had Sacred Gears.

Yhwach: And that is the sole reason why I will remove such a system from this world and remove anyone who uses humans for their selfish needs.

Azazel closed his eyes and sighed.

Azazel: That's a big goal you have there. How will you even do such a thing when you know that no one will listen to your dream?

Yhwach: You know it takes more than just words to convince some people.

Yhwach said.

Azazel had a huge smile.

Azazel: I like you; you seem truly interesting, but out of everyone in the world, you are the only person who wants world peace.

Yhwach smiled at this.

Yhwach: I am doing something that no one else will.

Azazel: I truly want to see you reach your goal for world peace. I'd rather have peace than war.

Yhwach: I take it that you're a smart man, Mr. Azazel?

Azazel: Of course, I am.

Yhwach leaned forward.

Yhwach: Then, do you know anyone that can get to the Dimensional Gap?

Azazel brought his hand to his chin.

Azazel: There is someone I know, but trying to talk to her is gonna be a problem. But mostly anyone else who can go to the Gap is the Khaos Brigade.

Yhwach got intrigued by this.

Azazel looked at him.

Azazel: Is there a reason why you want to know this information?

He said as he took a sip of his drink

Yhwach: I want to meet this Great Red.

Azazel spat out his drink.

Azazel: Are you nuts or something? Meeting Great Red is impossible; you wouldn't survive in the Gap for at least a minute.

Yhwach: I already know; just tell me their name, and I will figure the rest out.

Azazel: Alrighty, the first way to get there is with a Khaos Brigade member. The second way is going to the city of Kyoto and meet up with the Youkai leader.

Azazel: But I highly doubt that she would let that happen.

Yhwach narrowed his eyes.

Yhwach: And who is their leader?

Azazel: The Nine-Tailed Fox, Yasaka.

Yhwach: Interesting the Nine-Tailed Fox you say?

Azazel smiled.

Azazel: Indeed, if you need to meet Great Red, then you need to speak with her.

Yhwach stood up and was about to leave.

Azazel: Where are you going? We haven't finished our drinks yet.

He stopped at the door.

Yhwach: I have to go meet this Nine-Tailed Fox you speak of.

He opened the door and left without saying anything else.

Azazel leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling.

Azazel: What an interesting guy.

Scene Break

Freed made it back with another Excalibur.

Freed: Hey fat fuck, I returned with the sword.

Valper walked out of a room and smiled. 

Valper: Very nice, we have now four Holy Swords. Now you need to go back and get the other one.

Freed sat down in a chair.

Freed: Alright, I will get that other sword from the other girl but I just returned. Let me take a damn break.

Valper wasn't happy with his response.

Valper: He has told me to retrieve those swords quickly as possible.

Freed: Fuck me.

Freed stood up and grabbed his Excalibur and left the building going back to find Xenovia.

Freed made his way back slowly.

Freed: This is some horseshit.

He kept on walking until he encountered someone along the way.

Kiba: Freed Sellzen, what a coincidence meeting you here.

Kiba said with an angry tone.

Freed smiled sadistically. 

Freed: Ohhhh, a Devil appeared in front of me, this should be a blast killing you.

Kiba looked over at Freed's right hand and he clenched his teeth at what he was holding. 

Kiba: I'm gonna kill you and after I do that, I will destroy that sword.

Freed: Hahahaha, you think you can destroy this sword little Satan's pawn? You have guts I will give you that.

Freed lunged right at him colliding swords with him. Freed still had his sadistic smile on his face. 

Freed: Come on little Devil.

Kiba jumped back and stabbed the ground with his sword.

Kiba: Sword Birth!

A bunch of swords made there way towards Freed.

Freed started to cut the swords right to left. He jumped back avoiding any more swords coming towards him.

Freed: I can't wait for you to be on the ground begging for mercy but... I will show none.

He lunged again right at him colliding his sword with him again.

They both backed off making some distance between them.

Valper: Freed, that's enough for now.

Valper appeared out of the darkness.

Freed: Fat fuck? What are you doing here?

Valper: Well as you can see, I have come here because he is arriving soon.

Freed smirked at that.

Kiba's eyes were narrowed.

Kiba: Valper Galilei!

Valper turned around and looked at Kiba.

Valper: That's me in the flesh.

Kiba clenched his sword.

Valper: I think it's time we get out of here.

Valper said as he looked over at Freed.

Freed moved his hand inside of his jacket and pulled out a small ball. he threw it on the ground making a huge puff of smoke.

After the smoke cleared they were gone. Kiba made his sword disappear and he started to walk away until Kalawarner and Raynare's group appeared.

Issei: Kiba? What are you doing here? 

Issei asked.

Kiba: What are you all doing here?

Kalawarner spoke up. 

Kalawarner: We were chasing after Freed since he took another Excalibur.

Raynare: You know, I think we should get the Devils to help us out.

Raynare said.

Xenovia didn't like the sound of that. 

Xenovia: No way, I am not going to resort to those Devils for help at all!

Raynare: What other ideas you got then? If I'm not mistaken, They have four Holy Swords now and there way more powerful now.

Kiba: I'm not going back until I kill Valper.

Issei walked up to him and grabbed the collar part of his shirt. 

Issei: Listen Kiba, if you go alone you will die. Do you honestly want that?

Kiba didn't respond.

Xenovia: Alright then, let's go ask the Devils for help then.

Xenovia agreed.

All of them started to head back to the school. As they approached the school they met up with Akeno and Koneko.

Akeno: What are you guys doing here? Kiba is that you? 

Akeno asked.

Kiba looked away, avoiding eye contact. 

Raynare: That's not the problem right now, Freed got another Excalibur and he escaped with Valper.

Said Raynare.

Akeno: I am going to report this to Rias.

Akeno made a magic circle and contacted her telling everything they told her.

After the chat, Rias returned back to the human world. 

Rias: Hello, why has everyone returned back to the academy?

She looked over and saw Kiba with Issei.

Rias: Kiba, are you hurt at all?

But he only stayed quiet. 

Rias: I'm relieved that you're okay.

She looked over at Issei and she frowned a little. She was gonna talk to him but she got interrupted.

Xenovia: Well Rias, we have returned because we need your help.

Xenovia said.

Rias sighed at this. 

Rias: Fine then, we will work together for now but after this, we will no longer be allies.

Xenovia: I am fine with that. Follow us, we might know where Freed and Valper are hiding.

Xenovia said.

Rias: Alright then, I will contact Sona to help us out with this.

After she asked Sona they left the school and made their way on a dirt path.

As they continued to walk Freed walked out in the path. Everyone got ready to attack him.

Freed put up his arms. 

Freed: Woah now, I'm not here to fight I came here as a messenger.

Everyone stayed quiet waiting for him to continue. 

Freed: Well, the boss want's to speak with you all.

A Fallen Angel appeared above Freed. Everyone looked up at him while Raynare and Kalawarner had wide eyes. 

Koneko: He has ten wings.

Koneko said.

Rias: Yes, he is a leader class, Fallen Angel.

Rias said with worry.

Kokabiel: Hello Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri, I am Kokabiel. It's a pleasure to meet you all.

Kokabiel moved his eyes away from the two High-Class Devils and looked at Raynare and Kalawarner. 

Kokabiel: It seems that you two are failures to me and Azazel.

The two Fallens lowered their head down in shame.

Kokabiel: But, I can forgive you if you kill both the Gremory and Sitri.

Kokabiel tried to convince them.

Raynare looked back up at him. 

Raynare: Sorry, but we no longer are apart of the Grigori anymore. We serve someone else entirely.

Kokabiel: Hahahahaha, Don't be a fool ladies. There is no one out there that will take two low life Fallens like yourselves.

Raynare smiled. 

Raynare: But you see, someone already did Kokabiel. Soon your life will cease to exist, and we will be the ones laughing.

Kokabiel: Ohhh, and where is this person then? I would like to meet this person you speak of.

Raynare: He will come soon... I hope.

Kokabiel: It doesn't matter at this point. I will destroy you all with that school of yours as well.

Kokabiel flew towards Kuoh with extreme speed.

Freed licked the sword he was holding, and he looked at all of them. 

Freed: I guess I'm going as well.

Freed ran in the woods making his way to the school.

Rias: We can't let them hurt the students.

Rias said.

Kalawarner: Then we should go.

Kalawarner said as she ran towards the school with Raynare.

Rias and Sona followed them with there peerage behind in tow.

They reached the school and they saw Kokabiel sitting on a chair in the air.

Kokabiel: It seems you arrived, but I think your a little late to the party.

Sona put up a magic barrier with the rest of her peerage. 

Rias: Koneko, take these students to a safe place.

Rias ordered.

Koneko nodded, and she took the students to a safe place.

Kokabiel rested his head on his fist. 

Kokabiel: Shall we begin the fun Gremory? Then I will let you play with my pet

He snapped his fingers and a magic circle appeared below him.

A three-headed dog stepped out of the magic circle and roared. 

Issei: What the hell is that?!

Issei yelled.

Rias: Cerberus, these beasts are also known as Guard Dogs of Hell.

Rias said.

Asia: What are we going to do?

Asia asked.

Kalawarner: We're gonna kill it. But we all need to work together if you don't want to die.

Kalawarner said.

Issei summoned his Boosted Gear. 

Issei: Yo partner? You got any ideas?

Ddraig: [Well, I would probably start with cutting off its heads so it would lose visibility, then go in for the kill.]

Issei: Not a bad plan.

Kokabiel: Go ahead and start combining the swords now Valper.

Kokabiel said.

Valper smiled at that and pulled out three Holy Swords and started to fuse them. Kiba saw this, and he made his way towards him.

Rias: Kiba!

Rias yelled but he didn't respond. Xenovia and Irina went with Kiba.

Raynare: I will go as well.

Raynare announced as she flew over to Valper's position.

Kiba summoned his sword and tried to cut him but Freed stepped in stopping his attack.

Freed: Nuh ah ah, shall we pick up where we left off?

Kiba clenched his teeth. Xenovia charged in and tried attack Freed but the both of them got pushed back.

Xenovia: Irina!

Xenovia yelled out making her turn towards her. She threw her sword at her making her catch it. Xenovia stuck her hand in the air, and she started to pull out a sword that had chains all over it.

She pulled it out and the chains were gone. 

Xenovia: Now, let's see how you do against Durandal.

She charged again and struck her sword against Freed's making him fall to a knee.

Rias and Akeno were blasting the dog with full power but it didn't do anything.

Akeno: Rias, we better do something or we will be his next meal.

Akeno said.

Ddraig: [Hey partner, why don't you transfer your power over to Akeno and Rias. It should help them against that Hell Dog.]

Issei: Not a bad idea.

Issei ran over to Akeno and Rias.

He touched Akeno and gave her some power. 

Ddraig: [Transfer]

He touched Rias and transferred some of his power to her. 

Ddraig: [Transfer]

Both Akeno and Rias felt the power flowing through them. Akeno moved her hand in front of her and blasted the dog with full power making the dog not able to move.

Rias: Good work Akeno.

Rias charged up her attack and blasted the far left head of the dog leaving only two heads of the dog.

Kokabiel: So it seems that boy is the Red Dragon Emperor of this Generation, how amusing.

Kokabiel said.

Freed was behind Valper trying to maintain a magic shield in front of Valper. 

Valper: It's complete! Now Freed, give me that sword and the power of four Holy Swords will destroy them all.

Freed smiled at this. He put down the magic shield and slowly walked towards Valper. 

Valper: It's all over for you Devils. You all don't stand a chance.

Valper said.

Freed raised his sword and stabbed Valper through the back. Everyone was shocked at what they were seeing except everyone in Yhwach's group. Valper spat out a lot of blood. 

Valper: W-What a-a-are you d-doing?

Freed: Sorry, you fat fuck, but I don't take orders from you. I really hated taking orders from you in general. Always do that always do this it was starting to really piss me off.

Valper: B-But what about the H-Holy S-Swords then?

Valper asked.

Freed: Oh that, I was just working with you so I can collect these swords from you fat fuck. My Boss needs these swords soooo yea.

Kokabiel: What are you doing Freed? Why have you betrayed me?

Kokabiel asked.

Freed: Like I said man, I got a new Boss. And now, I have fulfilled my duty.

Freed moved the sword upwards cutting Valper in half.


Freed walked over towards the swords. 

Kalawarner: It's about damn time you returned.

Kalawarner said with a smile.

Raynare: I would have preferred if you didn't come back.

Raynare said.

Xenovia: Wait, you're telling me that those attacks he did, stealing those swords, and working with Kokabiel and Valper was all a lie from the get-go?

Raynare: Yep, Freed works with our Master. There is no way in Hell that he would be working with these people.

Raynare said.

Xenovia: This doesn't make any sense? Who do you work for?

Xenovia asked.

Freed: Well, that's enough of that. It's time for me to collect the weapon that the Boss asked for.

Freed took his Holy sword and combined it with the three other swords making a huge bright light making everyone look away.

Freed: Haha... Hahaha... Hahahaha, I did it. I have four swords now instead of one. What an accomplishment.

Freed grabbed the hilt of the sword and felt the power surging through him. 

Freed: Ohhh, I am so masturbating tonight.

Everyone had a disgusted look on their faces.

Raynare: Freed, You're a nasty piece of shit, you know that?

Raynare tried to confirm this with Freed, but he ignored her.

Kokabiel gritted his teeth. 

Kokabiel: Damn you Freed.

He stood up from his chair and flew down to the ground in front of his Hell Dog.

Kokabiel: I will kill you myself!

Freed appeared behind Kokabiel with extreme speed. 

Kokabiel: Why yo-

Kokabiel felt his stomach get cut.

Freed was smiling at this. 

Freed: Ohhh, how I waited for this moment.

He cut him again.

Kokabiel clenched his fist as hard as he could, and he flew up into the air. 


He made a light spear and it slowly became bigger and bigger.

Kokabiel: Hahahaha, now let's see you block this.

Akeno: What are we going to do now?

Akeno asked.

Everyone was scared. They couldn't do anything.

Yhwach: It seems that you all are having fun here.

Yhwach said as he was holding his bag of ramen.

Everyone in Yhwach's group looked at there Master/Boss and was surprised to see him here.

All of them ran to him a kneeled before him. 

Freed: I have retrieved the weapon for you Boss.

Freed held up the Holy Sword he was holding.

Raynare: We have learned some valuable information as well my Lord.

Raynare said.

Yhwach: Why has your return taken this considerable amount of time?

They all looked at Kokabiel. Yhwach saw this and he looked up in the sky to see a man with ten wings and a huge light spear in his hands.

Irina: Who is that? And why are they kneeling in front of him? 

Irina asked.

Xenovia: No, the question is why are they kneeling to a human?

Xenovia said.

Kiba: That's Mr. Quincy, he is one of our teachers here at Kuoh.

Kiba said with narrowed eyes.

Irina: Quincy? Why are they all kneeling to a teacher? It doesn't make any sense at all.

Kiba put away his sword. 

Kiba: Well, the reason why they all are kneeling is that they all fear him since he killed Riser Phenex and all of his peerage with no remorse.

Irina: Wait, he killed Riser?

Irina asked.

Kiba nodded his head. 

Kiba: But that's not all, he calls himself a King. Some people believe that he actually is one and some believe that he is a human with big dreams.

Xenovia: How many people know of him?

Xenovia asked.

Kiba: Most of the underworld and some higher-ups in the Fallen and Angels.

Xenovia didn't say anymore so she looked at the man who appeared.

Kokabiel: Ohhh, what do we have here? A new fighter has come to challenge me. You're already too late to the party since I will destroy everyone here!

Kokabiel said.

Yhwach: Hold this.

Yhwach handed the bag to Kalawarner, and he walked passed them.

Yhwach slowly started to walk towards him.

Kokabiel: Kill him Cerebus.

Kokabiel ordered.

The dog charged at Yhwach but he only kept on walking towards it. 

Yhwach continued his deliberate advance towards Cerberus, the three-headed dog charging at him with ferocity. As the monstrous beast lunged, Yhwach reached into his flowing cape in a single, fluid motion, revealing a gleaming blade.

With impeccable timing, Yhwach swung the blade, and it sliced through Cerberus with astonishing ease. The creature's halves fell to the ground, twitching momentarily before dissolving into nothingness. The sudden display of power left everyone, including Kokabiel, stunned.

Kokabiel: Impossible! How did you...?

Yhwach interrupted, his voice calm and resolute.

Yhwach: In my world, everything is possible.

As the words left his lips, Kokabiel gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He then conjured a massive light spear and hurled it towards Yhwach with tremendous force.

Kokabiel: You think you can stop me? Then block this!

The spear hurtled through the air, aiming directly for Yhwach. However, Yhwach calmly extended two fingers, their tips coated with the distinctive power of the Schrift "I - The Iron." With precise control, he effortlessly caught the incoming spear, halting its deadly trajectory.

Yhwach: Your attacks are futile against me.

Kokabiel smiled at this.

Kokabiel: Good catch, but how good are you at protecting yourself from explosions?

The spear started to glow.

Yhwach: Hehe, you little Devil.

Yhwach chuckled. The spear blew up, causing a massive explosion.

The girls had to hold down their skirts because of the strong wind. Issei was staring at the underwear they were wearing.

Ddraig: [You fucking dumbass! You're staring at chicks' underwear at a time like this?!]

Issei: Hey, you gotta enjoy the moment, you know.

Ddraig: [Enjoy the moment, my ass! We're here fighting a Cadre Class Fallen Angel, and you're trying to enjoy the moment? What the fuck, partner!]

Issei: What's wrong with that?

Ddraig: [Why, of all people, have I become partners with a damn fool?]

Kokabiel: Killing Cerberus was luck, but your chances of surviving this are very low.

Kokabiel said with a smirk.

Xenovia: And here I thought he was actually something.

Xenovia said.

Kokabiel: Now, it's time to get rid of you all.

Kokabiel declared.

Just as he prepared to summon another light spear, an intense fire bullet emerged from the smoke, heading straight for him. Kokabiel swiftly dodged out of the way.

Kokabiel: What the hell?

He exclaimed in surprise.

Kokabiel was surprised to see him still standing. 

Kokabiel: How are you even alive?

Yhwach stood in the same spot with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face.

Yhwach: Let us begin our dance recital.

Kokabiel persisted, puzzled by Yhwach's survival.

Kokabiel: How are you even alive?

Yhwach: I am a God. Do you honestly think that a little explosion will stop me?

Kokabiel laughed derisively at Yhwach's claim.

Kokabiel: Do you honestly think you're a God? Let me tell you something... God is dead.

The revelation shocked everyone except Yhwach.

Raynare: You're joking, right?

Raynare sought clarification.

Kokabiel: No, I am not joking, you traitor. He and the four original Satans died during the war.

Asia: No, this can't be.

Asia started to form tears in her eyes.

Xenovia: I will not accept this at all, Kokabiel!

Xenovia yelled with anger.

Yhwach: Why are you all crying? Do you all honestly think God is dead? I think you all forgot something... I'm still here.

Zaegar: (Within Yhwach's mind) Do you really believe in your own hype that much?

Yhwach: I am the hype, Zaegar.

Suddenly, Yhwach grabbed Kokabiel and slammed him to the ground with full power. As he tried to get up, Yhwach stabbed him right in the stomach.

Kokabiel: AHHHH!

He spat out blood.

Yhwach stood in front of him, staring down with a piercing deadly glare.

Yhwach: Ugly, you cannot even dance anymore.

Kokabiel: W-Who a-are you?

Yhwach: I am Yhwach.

Kokabiel's eyes widened at hearing that.

Yhwach: I will change this world from the ground up. I will become the messiah of this world. But, you won't live to see it.

Vail: That is enough, leave him to me.

A man said, wearing white armor.

Yhwach looked up at the newcomer.

Yhwach: Who are you?

Vail: I am the White Dragon Emperor; I am here for him.

He pointed towards Kokabiel.

Ddraig: [It's the White One, partner. I wasn't expecting him to appear so soon.]

Issei looked at his rival with narrowed eyes.

Yhwach: Sorry, but he will burn for all eternity.

Yhwach said nonchalantly.

Vail: And why do you say that? He will be sealed away forever.

Yhwach smiled at this.

Yhwach: This is why.

Yhwach looked at Kokabiel.

Yhwach, with a stern expression, pointed his palm at Kokabiel's chest. The atmosphere grew tense as spiritual pressure built up around him.

Yhwach: Völlstandig: Uriel, ( Fire of God ) - 0.2 seconds Special Move: Flame Seraph's Radiance!

In an instant, Yhwach entered a heightened Völlstandig state, his form surrounded by an ethereal aura of divine fire. The flames danced around him with an otherworldly brilliance, signifying the awakening of Uriel's power.

Kokabiel struggled on the ground, weakened and unable to comprehend the impending threat.

Yhwach focused his reishi, drawing upon the essence of the Schrift "H The Heat". The flames intensified, swirling with a combination of white and golden hues, embodying both purification and destruction.

With a commanding gesture, Yhwach directed the torrent of ethereal flames towards Kokabiel. The Flame Seraph's Radiance erupted in a celestial burst, engulfing the fallen angel in a majestic display of divine power.

Kokabiel began to scream in pain and horror. 


Yhwach looked back at the newcomer.

Vail: You will regret that.

He was about to fly down and start a fight with Yhwach, but Sirzechs appeared.

Sirzechs: I think that's enough, for now, White Dragon Emperor.

Sirzechs said.

Vail: Very well then, Devil King.

He looked towards Issei.

Vail: I am looking forward to our fight Red Dragon Emperor.

He flew off with extreme speeds.

Sirzechs walked up to Yhwach.

Sirzechs: I thank you for this, but If you touch Rias at all I will erase you from existence.

Yhwach turned around and started to walk away from him. 

Yhwach: I wouldn't speak to a God like that.

Yhwach walked towards his group.

Yhwach: Let's go.

Yhwach was about to leave, but Xenovia stopped him.

Xenovia: You're not going anywhere unless you hand that Holy Sword over.

Yhwach: Prove to me you are a better dancer then I will gladly hand this sword over until then, you are nothing more than a mere woman who can't defend herself.

He started to walk past her, but she grabbed his arm. Freed pulled her hand away from him. 

Freed: Nobody touches the Boss.

Xenovia: You think you can just talk smack and walk away huh? I don't think so, Mr. Quincy.

Yhwach walked past Freed. He stood in front of Xenovia. He pointed behind her making her look at what he was pointing. As she did that Yhwach hit her in the back of the neck.

Xenovia: D...amn y...ou.

Xenovia said before passing out. Irina ran up to Xenovia.

Yhwach: You should maybe put a leash on her since she isn't fully tamed, yet.

Yhwach said as he walked away from the both of them.

Yhwach: Now, let us begin our journey to a world of peace. 

Yhwach said.

Scene Break

After everything settled down they teleported Kokabiel's burning body to the underworld. They couldn't extinguish the flame so they sent his body to the pits of Hell itself.

The magic barrier came down and everything was back to normal, they were all back in the clubroom. 

Sirzechs: Sorry I couldn't arrive sooner.

Sirzechs apologized.

Rias: Don't worry about it brother.

Sirzechs face turned serious. 

Sirzechs: We must worry because Yhwach has four Holy Swords in his possession. I don't know what he is planning, we need to retrieve those swords from him as fast as possible.

Rias: I don't know anymore, I think we should leave him alone.

Rias said.

Sirzechs looked at his sister as if she is crazy. 

Sirzechs: I will not allow that Rias. He is too dangerous to leave alone.

Rias didn't say anything else.

Sirzechs: And besides, he killed Riser Phenex a High-Class Devil and a Cadre Class Fallen Angel. Soon he might go after the leaders of the factions.

Akeno: Why do you say that my Lord?

Akeno asked.

Sirzechs: He will do something I promise you that. But the question is what? All we know about him is he works at the school, and he has servants that do his bidding. There has to be a weakness to him?

Ajuka: I might have found a solution to stopping him.

Ajuka said appearing behind them.

Sirzechs: Ajuka? What are you doing here?

Sirzechs asked.

Ajuka: To give you an answer to Yhwach's weakness.

Sirzechs had a surprised look.

Ajuka: I think that if we remove his hands his powers go away. You see when he summoned that large fireball his hands were coated in a weird pattern. Here, take a look at what I mean.

He handed him a tablet of the match he had with Riser.

Sirzechs: You're saying we take away his hands, then he will be powerless?

Ajuka: Bingo, but the problem now is how are we going to remove his hands?

Ajuka asked.

Rias: You can't just take someone's hands away, brother. He hasn't done anything to us to deserve this.

Rias said.

Sirzechs: He is too dangerous Rias, He has four Holy Swords the Red Dragon Emperor on his side and to make it all worse he could be working for the Fallens.

Rias: He clearly said that he doesn't work for anyone.

Rias said with little anger.

Sirzechs: He could be lying to us Rias. What if he finds the other Holy Swords and forces Heaven to work for him? That is why we are going to take action.

Rias lowered her head down. Akeno saw this, and she spoke up for her. 

Akeno: Lord Lucifer Lord Beelzebub, Should we wait first to see what he does before taking action?

The both of them stayed quiet. 

Akeno: Besides, if you attack now you could fall into a trap.

Akeno said.

Sirzechs brought a hand to his chin. 

Sirzechs: Alright then, we will wait until he does something. But when he does, we are going after him.

Sirzechs said.

Rias looked up at her brother with a happy face.

Sirzechs: Don't get too happy now Rias. Now the hard part begins now.

Sirzechs said as he looked out the window.

Scene Break

Yhwach was sitting in his chair reading while everyone else was getting ready for step two of the plan. 

Raynare: Lord Yhwach, why did you come to us? You said this was our mission.

Raynare asked.

Yhwach: You were taking too long so I had to finish what you started.

Yhwach said nonchalantly.

Kalawarner: Are you not worried?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: Worried? No, what is there to worry about.

He said not looking away from the book.

Freed: You killed a leader class, Fallen Angel like it was nothing. You could have a bounty on you.

Freed said.

Yhwach: Let them come then, they will only be in the way for our goal.

All of them sighed at this. 

Raynare: So what's step two, my Lord?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach put down his book on the table beside him. 

Yhwach: We go to Kyoto.

Everyone looked surprised to hear that from him. 

Kalawarner: Why are we going there? The only thing I can think of being there is the Nine Tai-

Kalawarner's eyes went wide.

Raynare: Don't tell me, we are going to see the leader of the Youkai faction?

Raynare asked.

Yhwach smiled at this. 

Yhwach: You are right, We will meet the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Asia: Why are we going there? Does she have something that we need?

Asia asked.

Yhwach: She has the gate to the Dimensional Gap, and we could convince her to join us.

Yhwach said.

Freed: Where did you get this information from when we were gone?

Freed asked.

Yhwach: A man named Azazel.

The two Fallens fell to the floor at what they just heard. 

Kalawarner: Why did you go speak to the leader of the Fallen Angels?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: It doesn't matter, I think I can trust him to keep a secret or two.

Freed: When are we leaving Boss? 

Freed asked with a smile.

Yhwach: Next week, I guess we can make it a field trip to Kyoto.

Issei: I have a question?

Issei asked making Yhwach look at him with a death glare. 

Issei: How will we find this Nine-Tailed Fox? Also, what are we going to do if we find this fox?

Yhwach: Leave that to me, but in the meantime, let us catch some rest before we do anything.

Everyone stood up and headed towards there room except Issei and Freed.

Yhwach: Failure, go home to your parents since I do not have anything for you to do.

Issei did as he was told and left Yhwach's apartment.

Author's Note: Greetings, dear readers! I have a straightforward inquiry for each one of you, and I would greatly appreciate your responses.

Question: What are your thoughts and impressions regarding the character Zaegar?

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