
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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Echoes of Liberation

Yhwach, his resolve unyielding, seized the moment with a swift and calculated counterattack. In a blink of an eye, he moved with preternatural speed, disarming Carver with a deft twist of his wrist. The gun clattered to the ground, and Yhwach now stood between Carver and Luke, his stern gaze fixed on Carver.

Yhwach: (firmly) Your threats won't sway our course. We seek a resolution, not bloodshed.

Carver, momentarily caught off guard, glared at Yhwach with a mixture of frustration and surprise. The enforcers, uncertain of their next move, hesitated as the dynamics of the confrontation shifted.

Carver: (snarling) You think you can defy me and walk away unscathed? This changes nothing!

Yhwach: (calmly) It changes everything. We don't wish harm upon your people. There's still a chance for a peaceful coexistence.

As Yhwach spoke, he assessed the situation, ready to react to any sudden movements from Carver or his enforcers. The storage area remained a tense battleground, the air thick with the unspoken threat of impending conflict.

Carver, unwilling to concede defeat, spat on the ground and gestured to his enforcers.

Carver: (shouting) Get them! We're not letting these outsiders ruin everything!

The enforcers, now rallied by Carver's command, rushed forward, guns raised. Yhwach, undeterred, braced himself for the renewed onslaught. With a focused gaze, he prepared to defend against the imminent threat, determined to navigate this perilous encounter with minimal casualties.

In the dimly lit storage area, the clash resumed, the outcome uncertain as the struggle for survival and coexistence reached a critical juncture. The fate of Luke, the group, and their mission hung in the balance, the echoes of gunfire and the clash of blades reverberating through the compound.

As the enforcers closed in, Yhwach and Luke fought with newfound determination. The storage area became a battleground, the clash of blades and the discharge of firearms echoing through the compound. Yhwach's movements were a symphony of calculated precision, deflecting blows and incapacitating enforcers without inflicting fatal harm.

Luke, undeterred by the pain in his knee, fought alongside Yhwach, leveraging his own skills to evade and counter the armed adversaries. The rhythm of combat flowed through them, a dance of survival against the backdrop of Carver's oppressive regime.

Yhwach: (calling out) Luke, we need to find a way to break out our group. Focus on the guards; I'll handle Carver.

Luke, recognizing Yhwach's voice, nodded in agreement. Together, they strategically pushed through the enforcers, gradually gaining ground in the dimly lit storage area. Yhwach, facing Carver with unwavering determination, sought to dismantle the oppressive structure that held their friends captive.

Carver, now devoid of his weapon, resorted to physical confrontation. He lunged at Yhwach with raw aggression, but the Quincy King skillfully parried each blow, his movements flowing seamlessly.

Yhwach: (firmly) Your reign ends here, Carver. We won't be prisoners any longer.

As Yhwach engaged Carver, Luke focused on creating an opening among the guards, providing a distraction that allowed the group a chance to escape. The compound, once a fortress of oppression, now echoed with the sounds of resistance.

In the midst of the chaos, the imprisoned group, alerted by the commotion, stirred from their uneasy slumber. Clem, Kenny, Lee, and the others, bound by the shared desire for freedom, awaited an opportunity to break free from the chains of Carver's control.

The enforcers, outnumbered and caught off guard, struggled to contain the relentless onslaught of Yhwach, Luke, and the prisoners. As the tide of the battle shifted, the imprisoned group recognized the pivotal moment and seized the opportunity.

Kenny: (whispering) This is our chance. Everyone, be ready to move.

The group, though weakened and battered, rallied their strength. The bars of their cells became both a cage and a symbol of impending liberation.

Amidst the clashes and struggles, Yhwach, Luke, and the prisoners' coordinated efforts began to pay off. The enforcers, now disoriented, found themselves facing an unwavering force determined to break the chains of oppression.

Yhwach: (shouting) We must create an opening for our group to escape!

Luke, hearing Yhwach's call, intensified his assault on the remaining guards. Meanwhile, Yhwach, with calculated precision, continued his confrontation with Carver, gradually gaining the upper hand.

Carver, realizing the unraveling of his control, grew desperate. He barked orders at his enforcers, attempting to regain command of the situation.

Carver: (frustrated) Don't let them escape! We can't afford to lose control!

Carver: You wanna disrespect me, fine. You wanna throw away the life... I'm trying to build for us all... Then fuckin' fine! You wanna run off with this dog shit group of crippled fucks, then fine! Be my guest. But I will put a bullet in you and that baby before I let you leave again with my child!

Carver yelled. 

Rebecca: It's not yours!

Rebecca shouted back.

While Carver was busy ranting he was kicked away by Yhwach from behind

He stumbled right into Kenny, who punched him in the face causing him to fall backwards into Luke who grabbed the gun and pointed it at him. 

Luke: Get back!

He yelled holding the gun to Carver.

Carver: Come on Luke, This ain't none of your business.

Rebecca: Clementine, where's Alvin? Why isn't he with you?

Rebecca asked staring at clementine

Clementine looked away not knowing what to say and she gasped lightly.

Rebecca: Alvin..

She trailed off sadly looking down. 

Luke: Rebecca... I.. I'm so sorry.

Luke sighed. 

Rebecca: Kill him.

She growled angrily. 

Luke stared at her before Carver spoke up.

Carver: Rebecca, Rebecca sweetie, my God, how did we get here, you and me? This is just a bit of a custody battle we have on our hands , here.

Clementine: Just shoot him.

Clementine said looking up at Luke. 

I noticed Lee inching his way to the front with a glare on his face and Sam creeping close behind him.

Luke: What? No. I d-

he started to speak but the sound of a gun shot going off caught our attention stopping him mid sentence. 

Carver doubled over groaning holding his leg. everyone looked over to see Lee still aiming the gun with a wild look on his face. He pulled the trigger again his face scrunching up in anger. This time in his other leg.

Everyone was silent as we watched Lee walk over to where there was a crow bar laying on top of a table and picking it up.

Lee: Wait outside. This is between me and Carver.

He growled staring down at the crowbar. 

Luke: Lee, I know you're upset, but is this really necessary?

Luke asked causing Clementine to look up at him. 

Yhwach observed the unfolding scene, his eyes narrowing at the escalating violence. He stepped forward, his presence commanding attention.

Yhwach: Lee, the path of vengeance and bloodshed is not the solution. We seek a resolution, not an endless cycle of violence. Killing Carver won't bring back what was lost; it won't erase the pain we've endured. As warriors, we must rise above our basest instincts.

Lee's grip on the crowbar tightened, his jaw clenched with anger. Yhwach continued, his voice firm and resonant.

Yhwach: Violence begets violence. We must break this chain, not perpetuate it. Consider the example we set for those who look up to us, especially the younger ones. There is strength in restraint, in finding justice without losing our humanity.

Lee's gaze wavered, caught between the impulse for revenge and Yhwach's call for restraint. Yhwach approached him, placing a hand on Lee's shoulder.

Yhwach: Carver will face the consequences, but we can be better than him. Let justice prevail without sacrificing our principles. Our struggle is not just for survival; it's for creating a world where humanity thrives, not succumbs to darkness.

The weight of Yhwach's words hung in the air. Lee, conflicted yet visibly moved, lowered the crowbar. Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the internal battle Lee faced.

Lee: You're right... It's just hard to let go, to forgive.

Yhwach: Forgiveness is not weakness; it is a strength born from wisdom. It liberates us from the shackles of hatred. We move forward, not burdened by the past but driven by a vision of a better future.

Lee nodded, his gaze shifting from the wounded Carver to the group gathered in the storage area. Yhwach's plea for a measured response resonated, and the group, albeit tense, embraced the chance to break free from the cycle of violence.

The tension in the room slowly dissipated as Lee, guided by Yhwach's words, chose a different path. The focus shifted to the collective effort needed to escape Carver's clutches and forge a path toward a new beginning.

Rebecca glared at Carver, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and rage. Carver, wounded and writhing in pain on the ground, sneered back at her.

Rebecca: You took everything from us. My husband... Alvin deserved better.

Carver: (mocking) Oh, spare me the melodrama. He was weak. Couldn't protect what was his.

Rebecca tightened her grip on the gun, her resolve unyielding.

Rebecca: You're the one who's weak. Weak enough to think you can control everything, but you've lost. You've lost everything.

Carver chuckled defiantly, blood oozing from his wounds.

Carver: You think killing me changes anything? There's always someone stronger. Always another Carver.

Rebecca hesitated, contemplating her next move. Her eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, and then, with sudden determination, she pulled the trigger.

The gunshot echoed through the storage area, drowning out Carver's final words. The room fell silent as Rebecca, breathing heavily, stared at the lifeless form of the man who had caused so much pain.

Clementine, who had been watching silently, approached Rebecca cautiously.

Clementine: Are you okay?

Rebecca nodded, her gaze still fixed on Carver's body.

Rebecca: I did what I had to do. For Alvin.

Clementine: It's over now. We need to focus on getting everyone out of here.

As the group continued their escape, We followed Lee and Yhwach outside to find it infested with walkers.

Nick: Man, we'll never make it through this.

Nick complained as looked around at all the walkers.

Luke looked at him and shook his head. 

Luke: You kidding me? If Clem can handle it, you can. 

He replied.

Kenny stepped forward with Lee and Rebecca examining our options.

Kenny: Shit, I thought they were coming from the south.

Kenny said confused. 

Rebecca: They did... Looks like we're in the eye if it now.

Rebecca responded. 

Kenny cursed with a sigh. 

Kenny: Fuck... This is fucked

Mike gritted out. 

Luke handed Clementine a hatchet.

Luke: Here. Your gonna need somethin.

He said. Clementine thanked him and prepared to kill the walker closest to her. Once one began to approach, She raised the hatchet and swung it into the walkers head watching it fall to the ground. 

She bent down slicing into the walkers stomach just like Lee had done back in Savannah as Sarah groaned in disgust behind me. She reached into the walker pulling it's guts out. 

Clementine: I'll go first.

She said as she began smearing the walker guts all over her arms. 

Sarah: You're gonna put that on yourself?

Sarah asked shaking. 

Clementine: We have to if we want to live. Sarah, remember what I told you. Don't be a liability, you have to be strong or you'll die or get us killed. You don't want that do you?

Clementine questioned as she rubbed walker guts on her neck and face. 

Sarah shook her head taking a few deep breaths before standing up straight.

Sarah: O..okay, I'm ready.

She said trying to sound confident. I could tell she was still scared, But that's a good start. 

Clementine: Turn around.

She instructed standing up after grabbing more walker guts. 

Sarah turned around shuttering as She smeared the guts all over her back and the back of her arms. I even put some in her hair causing her to squeal lowly in disgust. 

Carlos walked over to her to put walker guts on the front part of her body.

Carlos: It's gonna be alright sweetie, just stay still. 

He said smearing the guts on her shoulders.

Sarah: I.. I'm okay dad. Clems been teaching me to protect myself.

She admitted causing Carlos to look at her. Clementine glanced over at Lee and Yhwach who were attentively watching us. she's sure they could hear their conversation. 

Sam was next to them, walker guts smeared on his fur and paws. Clementine looked back at Carlos and he nodded before pulling away. 

We finished covering Sarah and Carlos asked me to turn around so he could smear some on my back. Jane rushed us causing me to roll my eyes as Carlos covered my back. 

Carlos: Thanks Clem.. I feel better now that she's feeling more confident. She's been learning a lot since you came. Thank you.

He said.

Clementine Pov

Troy: What in the actual fuck is going on here?! What is this sick shit? Someone say something before I start..

Troy snapped from behind us. He didn't get to finish his sentence as Lee stepped towards him. 

Lee's eyes burned with rage as he swung his gun, slapping him across the face with it, before shooting him in the side causing him to scream dropping his gun alerting the walkers. 

Lee: Let's go, Stay quiet, Stay calm and move slowly,

He said before walking away motioning for me to follow him. 

Sarah was in front of me, I could see her shaking as we walked so I placed my free hand on her shoulder. 

Clementine: If any one of these walkers so much as looks your way, I'll burry this hatchet in it's skull.

I whispered.

Sarah took a deep breath and nodded as we continued through the walkers. Suddenly, a stray bullet went through Carlos' neck causing him to stumble over. 

Sarah: Dad!

Sarah yelled as a Walker grabbed a hold of him sinking it's teeth into the back of it's neck. Others near by piled on top of him taking chunks out of him.

Clementine: Sarah! He would want you to be safe please!

I pleaded as Sarah cried watching her father be eaten. 

I looked around making sure no walkers were approaching her as the group began to fire their weapons and kill the walkers.

Clementine: Sarah! Run! Now!

I screamed looking back watching her run, dipping passed walkers and into the woods. 

Lee shot his gun passed the back of my head causing me to whip around seeing a walker drop to the ground behind me.

Sam began to growl causing more to come in. I swung my hatchet killing one letting Sam go in the process. He latched his teeth onto one of the walkers legs causing it to fall allowing me to easily kill it. 

Clementine: Good boy Sam!

I praised him. The sound of a scream caught our attention as we looked over seeing Sarita trying to pull her arm away from a walker as it bit into her wrist. 

Lee aimed his gun pulling the trigger, hitting the walker directly in the head. Sarita looked down at her arm in disbelief. 

Sarita: I..I'm bit... Ohh God

She cried in shock.

Sarita: Clementine, I'm bit, I'm dead.

Clementine: You're not dead yet! We'll figure something out. Lee was bit and he's still here. There's still hope for you too.

I said before Kenny came running over. 

Kenny: God no, Sarita!

He called as he rushed to Saritas side. 

Mike: Oh shit, shes-

Mike started looking over at Kenny but Kenny didn't want to hear it. 

Kenny: She's gonna be okay! You're gonna be okay. Come on, we have to move, we have to.

He said as He, Sarita and Mike ran off into the woods. 

Lee grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as he began to run. 

Sam rushed ahead of us, I knew he wouldn't go far and he would eventually find me so I wasn't worried when he disappeared from my sight. 

Rebecca: Clem!

Someone called out grabbing onto my arm and pulling me to the side. I look over and sighed realizing it was just Rebecca. 

Lee: Rebecca, you okay?

Lee asked. 

Rebecca: I'm fine... The baby's... Fine... I think. I can't find anyone.

She rambled. 

Lee: They all ran into the woods, Carlos is dead, and Sarita got bit. Come on, we gotta get out of here.

Lee explained. 

Rebecca looked hesitant as she turned looking behind her.

Rebecca: Look. The walkers are still moving towards the hardware store. We can make it out if we stick together-

she groaned in pain. 

I looked around for a clear path until I spotted one. As we got up to take the path, the walkers blocked it again causing Rebecca to Panic. 

Rebecca: Dammit! Go back, go back.

She exclaimed. I turned around running right into Jane. I looked up at her wondering why she hadn't left yet. Everyone else had already gone, I assumed she'd be the first one gone. 

Rebecca: Jane! Thank God

Rebecca said causing Jane to shush her telling her to be quiet and relax.

Jane: You need to walk... SLOWLY. You'll be fine.

She said walking past us moving through the walkers. 

Lee: Rebecca, you need to calm down. Your covered in walker guts, you'll be okay, just stay close to me, okay?

Lee said trying to comfort Rebecca. 

She looked up at him and nodded standing up. She held onto Lee's arm tightly as we made our way through the walkers and into the woods. Once we were in the woods we began to run trying to put some distance between us and the hardware store. 

Once we were far enough from the walkers, we stopped to catch our breath when the sound of a Dog barking caught my attention. 

Clementine: Sam!

I smiled bending down as he ran right into my arms.

Clementine: You're okay, I knew you would come back.

I chuckled scratching the top of his head as he licked my cheek. 

Jane: We need to keep moving.

Jane mumbled. As we continued to walk, I noticed Rebecca seemed like she was in a lot of pain.

Clementine: Is everything all right?

I questioned looking up at her. 

Rebecca shook her head.

Rebecca: No. I'm not all right, but I'll be a lot better once we get with the others.

She sighed.

Lee: Don't worry Rebecca, we will find them soon. I won't let anything happen to you or that baby."

Lee reassured.

Rebecca: I just need to know everyone else made it out. Luke...Yhwach...Sarah... Kenny.... God damn it, what if they aren't there?

She said with a worried expression. 

Lee: I'm sure their fine. We got a tough group here. You're tough, the way you talked to me when we met shows that, don't choose now of all moments to turn weak.

Lee replied shaking his head. 

Rebecca: I'm not being weak, I just lost my husband. I'm gonna be raising a baby on my own. I don't think I can handle losing someone else.

Rebecca argued. 

Lee sighed.

Jane: If they aren't there, it's nothing we can do about it.

Jane shrugged. 

Rebecca: Don't even say things like that!

Rebecca snapped. 

Clementine: Rebecca, it's fine, She doesn't know anything about us or our group. We don't abandon each other, We make sure everyone's safe.

I added not liking the way Jane was acting. 

Jane: Okay..sorry.

Jane sighed turning around. 

Rebecca: This was a stupid idea.

Rebecca mumbled after a moment of silence. 

Lee: No, it was the best idea. Who knows what Carver would have done if we stayed.

Lee disagreed.

Clementine: Yeah, we did the right thing. That man was crazy and you know it. He probably would have taken your baby and killed you if you tried to stop him.

I added. 

Rebecca: I know we all agreed to use the herd but... Idk maybe we should have been more patient, thought of another plan.

Rebecca sighed looking down. 

Lee: The plan worked, we got out. People got hurt along the way, but it could have been worse if we stayed.

Lee replied.

Jane: Look, I know some of your people didn't make it, but Carver was crazy. Staying would've only prolonged the inevitable. I'm just saying, if people hadn't panicked, things might have turned out better.

Jane explained. 

She and Rebecca went back and forwards for a second before Rebecca stopped and groaned in pain. 

Rebecca: I have to stop. I'm sorry, I don't want to slow us down. Can I just have a minute?

She asked holding her stomach. 

Lee: It's fine Rebecca, take a minute.

Lee nodded. 

Rebecca lowered her head and began to cry.

Rebecca: Alvin was supposed to be here for this.

She said through tears. 

Jane: Is Alvin...

Jane trailed off. 

Rebecca: He's dead that's what he is. Thanks to that fucking madman back there.

Rebecca shot a mean look at Jane. 

Clementine: Kenny might know what to do. He had a family.If not, Lee and Yhwach helped our friend, Christa, have her baby. they could help

I suggested. 

Jane: Let's just hope they made it to the meet up point then. But it is good to have a backup plan.

Jane said not sounding very hopeful. 

She looked at Rebecca and then down at her stomach. 

Jane: Um.. so what are you going to do with it?

She questioned causing Rebecca's eyes to widen as she looked over at her with a glare. 

Rebecca: What do you mean by that?

Jane: Uhh, sorry. Just making conversation. It was nothing. 

Jane tried to recover but Rebecca wasn't hearing that. 

Rebecca: No, what do you mean by that? Do with what? My baby?!

Rebecca argued.

Jane: I'm just looking at the worst case scenario. You guys won't be able to raise a baby by yourselves. Not out here.

Jane explained.

Lee: Stop! That baby's coming whether we want it to or not. And when it gets here, we are gonna do what we can.. together. You can go and be alone if that's what you want, but we gotta get back to our group. Rebecca's gonna be having that baby soon, we need to get her somewhere safe now.

Lee intervened after hearing enough of their arguing. 

Rebecca glared at Jane once more before walking ahead of us. Lee sighed and shook his head as we continued on to the meet up point. 

When we finally arrived, we spotted Bonnie and Mike talking under what use to be an archway.

Mike: We can't just sit here doing nothing.

Mike stated.

Bonnie: I know, I know. They'll be here soon.

Bonnie replied trying to calm him. They both looked up once they noticed us coming. 

Bonnie: It had been so long, we were starting to worry no one else would make it.

Bonnie sighed with relief.

Mike: Well, besides...

Mike said trailing off as he turned around looking towards where Kenny sat with Sarita laying her head in his lap with yhwach next to him talking with him

Clementine: Everything happened so fast. I looked up and the Walker was already on her. I thought about cutting her arm off, but Lee shot the walker first. It... Might be too late now.

I sighed looking down. 

Lee: It was nothing we could do in that moment, Clem. We don't have anything to clean and bandage the wound with. She would have been dead regardless.

Lee said placing his hand on my shoulder. 

Mike: I tried to talk to him and he flipped out on me. Started yelling. Scary shit.

Mike told us. 

Bonnie: We know he probably didn't mean it... But it was scary.

Bonnie added. 

Mike: I've been nervous even going near him, so we asked yhwach once he arrvied to talk with Kenny.

Mike shook his head. 

Jane: What? You think he's gonna shoot you?

Jane teased.

Mike: The way he is right now? I dunno. Maybe. He's not acting rationally.

Mike shrugged. 

Lee: Clem and I will talk to him. I've always had his back, I'm gonna be here for him even if he flips out on me.

Lee spoke up nudging me to follow him. 

As we walked over to Kenny and Yhwach, We began to hear him talking to Sarita.

Kenny: Sarita... God.. please don't leave me... I can't be alone again...

Yhwach Pov

Yhwach observed Kenny's emotional turmoil as he sat beside Sarita, whose life hung in the balance. He approached Kenny with a measured stride, acknowledging the pain etched across his face.

Yhwach: Kenny, I understand the agony you're going through. Loss is a heavy burden, one that can threaten to consume us. But in these moments, we must find strength, not only for ourselves but for those who depend on us.

Kenny's eyes were filled with a mixture of grief and desperation. Yhwach continued, his voice carrying a soothing resonance.

Yhwach: Sarita wouldn't want you to crumble under the weight of despair. She'd want you to carry on, to survive and face the challenges that lie ahead. In my own experiences, I've come to realize that survival isn't just about enduring the physical trials but navigating the emotional ones as well.

Yhwach took a moment, his gaze steady and empathetic.

Yhwach: I, too, have lost loved ones. Children, even. It's a pain that never truly fades, but we must find a way to move forward, embracing the reality before us. Your strength, Kenny, lies not just in the battles you fight but in your ability to endure, to find purpose beyond the pain.

Kenny's grip on Sarita's hand tightened as he listened, the struggle within him evident.

Yhwach: Katjaa and Duck, they would want you to honor their memory by living, by continuing to fight for a better future. It's okay to mourn, but don't let the grief define you. Rise above it, for your sake and for the sake of those who still rely on you.

Yhwach placed a comforting hand on Kenny's shoulder, his presence a source of solace in the midst of anguish.

Yhwach: We're all facing challenges, carrying burdens that seem insurmountable. But in unity, in supporting one another, we can find the strength to endure. Let's face this together, Kenny. You're not alone.

Kenny, his eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and gratitude, nodded silently. The weight of his grief remained, but Yhwach's words planted seeds of resilience, encouraging Kenny to confront the harsh realities of their world and find a way to carry on.

As Yhwach stood beside Kenny, offering support and understanding, kenny sighed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Sarita tried to speak but it just came out in gasps of air.

Lee: Kenny? Man I'm so sorry.

Lee said looking down at Sarita who was already pale. 

Kenny: It's okay, Lee. I know you tried to help. Sarita told me once we got away.... But then it got worse...

The forest enveloped them in a somber silence, broken only by the distant moans of walkers and the rustling of leaves. Kenny, still holding Sarita's limp hand, took a deep breath, trying to internalize Yhwach's words. Yhwach remained beside him, a steadfast presence in the face of adversity.

Yhwach: We're a group now kenny, a group of people who share the same struggles. Lean on them, Kenny. Lean on those who understand the pain, for they too carry burdens that can only be lightened through shared strength.

Kenny glanced at Yhwach, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty in his eyes. Yhwach continued, his tone compassionate yet firm.

Yhwach: It's not about forgetting or moving on—it's about finding a way to live with the pain. To use it as a reminder of what's worth fighting for. Your journey doesn't end here; it transforms into something new. We carry the past, but we don't let it shackle our potential for the future.

Kenny nodded slowly, absorbing Yhwach's wisdom. Yhwach, drawing from his own experiences, shared more of his past to forge a deeper connection with Kenny.

Yhwach: I've witnessed the passing of countless loved ones. Friends, allies, even family. Each loss carved a scar into my existence. But I refuse to let those scars dictate my path. I carry the weight of their memories, not as a burden, but as a testament to the strength we find in enduring.

Kenny, his eyes fixed on Yhwach, began to open up, the barriers of grief slowly giving way to the understanding that he wasn't alone in this struggle.

Yhwach: The world we live in demands resilience beyond measure. It challenges our very essence, but in facing that challenge, we discover the depths of our own strength. Sarita wouldn't want you to succumb to despair. She'd want you to carry her memory forward, to find purpose even in the face of loss.

As Yhwach spoke, a subtle shift occurred in Kenny's demeanor. The raw, unbridled grief began to transform into a quieter resolve. The journey ahead remained uncertain, but Yhwach's words acted as a beacon of hope, a reminder that even amidst the darkness, they could find a path forward.

Kenny: (softly) I appreciate your words, Yhwach. It's just... it hurts, you know?

Yhwach: Pain is inevitable, Kenny. But so is the potential for healing. Together, as a group, we'll face the challenges ahead. You're not alone in this.

Lee: Kenny, we're here for you. Whatever you need, we've got your back.

Lee's reassuring words were met with a nod from Kenny. The group, bound by shared experiences and the indomitable will to survive, The air was charged with unspoken sentiments as they settled into an uneasy silence.

Clementine, feeling the need to break the tension, approached Kenny and Yhwach, accompanied by Sam, who nudged Kenny's hand with his snout.

Clementine: Kenny, I know it hurts, but we're all still here. We're your family now.

Kenny managed a faint smile, appreciating the sincerity in Clementine's words. Yhwach, standing beside them, observed the dynamics of the group, understanding the fragile balance between grief and the resilience needed to move forward.

Kenny: Thanks for tryin' to make me feel better, Clem. But I think I just want to be alone with Sarita for her last moments.

He said before looking back down at Sarita.

Clementine Pov

Lee: No problem, Kenny. Take your time.

Lee said before we walked off towards where Bonnie, Mike, and Rebecca were sitting.

Rebecca: How'd it go?

Rebecca asked curiously.

Clementine: He... He just wants to be alone with Sarita.

I explained. 

Lee: Kenny's a tough man. He's been through a lot. So just give him some time with Sarita. He'll be alright.

 Lee added looking over at him.

Mike: He didn't flip out on you. You two must be really close.

Mike pointed out causing Lee to nod.

Lee: We met Kenny back when it all started. He had a family, a wife, Katjaa, and a son, Duck. He was forced to watch his son dying and his wife getting eaten by walkers right in front of him not able to handle her injuries she died. Yhwach and I helped him through it all... Up untill we got separated, he was like my bestfriend. 

Lee explained.

Mike: Man... That must've been tough. And now... He has to watch his new woman die as well... This apocalypse is merciless.

Mike shook his head. 

Mike: So what now? We've got no food, no water, it's getting damn cold, and we're losing daylight fast.

He said after a moment of silence.

Bonnie: When the others get back, they'll know what to do. Luke will have a plan.

Bonnie replied. 

Mike crossed his arms giving her a weird look.

Mike: We thought Kenny would have a plan.

He shrugged. 

Lee: Give him a break, Man. His lady was just bit. 

Lee argued taking up for Kenny. 

Jane: Mike's got a point. We can't just keep sitting around waiting. Things are difficult enough right now and soon you'll have a baby on your hands, too.

Jane chimed in from her spot. 

I hadn't even noticed she was there.

Rebecca: What, suddenly you're pretending to be concerned?

Rebecca snarkly replied. 

Jane: Seeing you people floundering the minute things don't go according to plan has just got me on edge , all right?

Jane argued. 

Lee: Then leave... no one's stopping you. We should look for Luke, Sarah, and Nick. All this arguing isn't helping anything.

Lee suggested.

Rebecca: Lee's right. After everything...after all this. If there's any chance they're still alive, we need to take it.

Rebecca agreed. 

Jane: I'll go, Lee can come with me.

Jane offered nodding to Lee. 

Clementine: I'll come too. If we find Sarah, I can talk to her. She'll listen to me.

I nodded. In the back of my head, I wondered why Jane even wanted to help if she had so much doubt. I decided against speaking on it, since everything we said fell on deaf ears with these people.

Lee: Good idea. You guys watch Kenny. He's tough, but if Sarita turns...

Lee paused looking over at Kenny. 

Mike: Yeah.. we will handle it, if he doesn't.

Mike agreed. 

Rebecca thanked us as we walked away, setting off to find Luke, Sarah, and Nick.

Jane: Look, I'm gonna level with you. You should know that finding your friends.... That's a shot in the dark.

Jane said as she looked over at Lee. 

Yhwach observed as Jane, Lee, and Clementine ventured into the woods, their footsteps muffled by the fallen leaves. His keen perception allowed him to sense the unspoken tension within the group. As they moved through the dense forest, Yhwach considered the delicate balance between hope and uncertainty that permeated their journey.

Yhwach: (inwardly) In this world, hope can be a fleeting light, easily extinguished by the harsh winds of reality. Yet, it is often the driving force that propels us forward.

Following behind, Yhwach's thoughts turned to the events that had unfolded thus far. The loss of Sarita weighed heavily on Kenny, and the group faced an uphill battle in their quest to reunite with their missing friends. Yhwach's gaze shifted to Clementine, a symbol of resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, Yhwach noticed a change in Jane's demeanor. The guarded, cynical exterior seemed to soften, revealing glimpses of vulnerability. Yhwach, perceptive as ever, recognized the intricate layers that composed the survivor known as Jane.

Jane: (looking over at Yhwach) You're quiet. Got any wise words for this situation?

Yhwach: (smirking) Wisdom often comes from experience. In my long existence, I've witnessed the ebb and flow of hope. It is a fragile flame, easily extinguished, yet capable of illuminating the darkest paths.

Jane: (raising an eyebrow) So, what's your take on this? Do you think we'll find them?

Yhwach: (gazing ahead) The future is an unpredictable tapestry. Our actions weave the threads, and though the outcome is uncertain, we press forward. Hope, tempered with realism, can be a powerful guide.

As they continued their journey, Yhwach's senses heightened. A distant rustle in the underbrush caught his attention, prompting him to gesture subtly for the others to halt. In the stillness of the woods, the faint sound of movement grew louder, and soon enough, As Luke emerged from the shadows

his eyes widened in recognition upon seeing Yhwach.

Luke: Yhwach? You're here too?

Yhwach: (smirking) Indeed, Luke. Fate has a peculiar way of intertwining our paths.

Luke approached Yhwach with a mix of respect and camaraderie.

Luke: If it weren't for Yhwach, I wouldn't have made it this far. He's been like a mentor to me.

Clementine: (nodding) Yhwach helped us all. We wouldn't be here without him.

Jane, still unaware of Yhwach's otherworldly origins, observed the interaction with a raised eyebrow.

Jane: Well, aren't we lucky to have a mentor in our midst.

Yhwach acknowledged Luke with a nod, appreciating the bond forged through shared experiences.

Yhwach: (to Luke) We've weathered many storms together. Now, we face a new challenge.

Luke: (looking determined) We'll get through it, just like before.

With their newfound understanding, the group continued through the forest. The dynamic between Yhwach and Luke, resembling that of a mentor and student, added a layer of strength to their unity.

As they reached the place where Nick and Sarah had become separated from the group, relief washed over them as they found the pair alive and relatively unharmed.

Clementine: (hugging Sarah) I was so worried!

Sarah: (smiling) Clem, you found us!

Luke: (grinning) Looks like our luck's turning around.

Nick, offering a nod of gratitude, spoke up.

Nick: Thanks for coming back. I thought we were done for.

Yhwach: (nodding) In unity, there is strength. We press forward together.

With the group reunited, they retraced their steps, heading back toward the others. Luke filled in the gaps in their journey, sharing the challenges they faced and the resilience that kept them going.

As they approached the meeting point, Yhwach's perceptive gaze took in the silent exchanges among the survivors. The delicate balance of hope and uncertainty continued to guide their journey in this unforgiving world, where bonds forged in adversity held the promise of a future yet to unfold.

The group, now reunited, made their way back to where Bonnie, Mike, and Rebecca were waiting. The atmosphere was a mix of relief and uncertainty, a reflection of the tumultuous nature of their journey.

Bonnie: (standing up) You found them! Thank God.

Bonnie's expression shifted from worry to relief as she embraced Sarah, who returned the hug with equal fervor.

Rebecca: (smiling) I'm so glad you're all okay.

Mike, too, looked visibly relieved at the sight of his friends returning unscathed.

Mike: (grinning) I was starting to think you guys got eaten by walkers or something.

Luke: (chuckling) Almost, but we made it. Thanks to Yhwach here.

Luke gestured towards Yhwach, acknowledging the role he played in their survival. Bonnie and Mike exchanged curious glances, still unsure of Yhwach's backstory.

Bonnie: Yhwach, huh? You're like the guardian angel of this group?

Jane, who had been relatively quiet during the reunion, chimed in with a smirk.

Jane: Guardian angel? More like the guy who always has a plan, even when it seems like all hope is lost.

Yhwach: (smirking) Plans are valuable, but so is adaptability. Survival often demands a combination of both.

Rebecca, looking at Jane with a hint of skepticism, spoke up.

Rebecca: So, you all just happened to run into each other in the woods?

Clementine: (nodding) We were looking for you guys. Kenny's back in the tent with Sarita.

Rebecca's eyes widened at the mention of Kenny and Sarita.

Rebecca: How is she? What happened?

Clementine briefly explained the heartbreaking situation with Sarita, and the somber mood returned to the group.

Mike: (grimacing) Damn, that's rough. Kenny's been through so much already.

Bonnie: I ain't gonna sugarcoat this. That baby's coming even faster than Rebecca's letting on. I was hoping you might know

Bonnie questioned.

Lee: I don't know about that. I've helped deliver a baby before , but I'm not expert. Kenny had a family. I'm sure he knows what to do,... Where is he anyway?

Lee asked looking around not seeing him anywhere.

Bonnie turned looking at a tent behind her.

Bonnie: He took Sarita in there after you left. I don't know if he's ... done it yet.

Bonnie shrugged. 

Yhwach observed the dynamics among the survivors. Each had faced their own trials, and the threads of their lives had woven into a resilient tapestry of shared experiences.

Lee Pov

Arriving at the tent, they found Kenny sitting inside, his eyes red from tears. The weight of grief hung in the air as the group gathered around him.

Kenny: She didn't want me to wait... But I had to. In case by some crazy chance she didn't come back. That beautiful face...so I waited,I thought maybe she'd be different, But nothing's changed. Duck... Katjaa... Sarita...no peace.. no rest..the punches just keep coming. I wish Carver would have killed me back at the lodge. Obviously I ain't helping nothin' by being here.

 He vented.

Lee: That's not true. You helped me... All the time. Rebecca's about to have her baby... She need you, I helped Christa deliver her baby... But I'm no expert... Clem needs you... I need you everyone needs you kenny. 

Kenny: Hmph. I've seen you and Clem take care of yourselves more than any of these people put together. But thanks for sayin' that.

Yhwach: (softly) Kenny, we're here for you. In times of loss, leaning on each other is what keeps us going.

Kenny: (grateful) Thanks, Yhwach. I... I appreciate it.

Luke: Oh shit! Does that mean what I think it does?

We heard Luke shout from outside the tent.

Lee: Kenny... We should go see what's happening. You're the only one of us who has already had a child. 

Lee said. 

Kenny nodded and we exited the tent.

Mike: Are you okay? How does it feel?

Mike asked as we walked up. 

Rebecca: It feels wet. That's how it feels!

Rebecca snapped. 

Lee: What's going on?

Sarah: Rebecca's about to have her baby.

Bonnie looked at Kenny and sighed with relief.

Bonnie: Kenny. Thank God, I think the baby's coming. What do we do?

She questioned. 

Kenny sighed.

Kenny: Alright, alright, gimme a second.

He said. 

Luke: No way can Rebecca travel like this.

Luke pointed out. 

Jane: He's right, she's gonna make a lot of noise. They'll be able to smell her, too.

Jane agreed. 

Clementine: This place doesn't seem safe for a baby being born.

Clementine shrugged. 

Mike pointed out a map of the area saying there were buildings near by that we could check out. Bonnie stepped away looking at the signs to the different paths.

Bonnie: The museum seems like it could be a good start. I'll go.

She said looking back at us. 

Luke: Good idea. Mike, think you could go with her?

Luke suggested and Mike agreed. Jane agreed to check the building by the river. Luke said he would check the perimeter for walkers and asked Kenny to stay behind to look after Rebecca. 

Everyone had agreed on what they were going to do when Bonnie called Clem over to her. I followed with Sam. 

Bonnie: I just wanted to say, I'd love for you to give me and Mike a hand looking at the museum, but I was thinking...how do we know Jane ain't just gonna take off? Maybe you should go with her, Make sure she comes back. 

She said.

Lee: Yeah I was thinking the same thing. She's so worried about the baby and Kenny. But what's the point in following her? If she wants to leave, let her. She'll only sneak and do it if we try to stop her.

I shrugged. 

Bonnie: I... I don't know, I mean. We could use her in the group?

Bonnie stated but it sounded more like a question. 

Lee: I think you've just been around Carver so long that your attached to his ways. We aren't forcing anyone to stay in the group.

I shook my head.

Nick: Okay guys, we're looking for warm blankets, clean water, and disinfectant...

Nick called out. 

Rebecca looked up at Kenny for reassurance.

Rebecca: That all sound right?

She questioned. Kenny nodded.

Kenny: Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. 

He replied. 

Lee: Clem, You go with Bonnie and Mike to the museum. I'll make sure Jane's alright. I'll try to catch up to you once I'm sure Jane's good.

I instructed.

Clem nodded.

Bonnie: Thanks Lee...

Bonnie sighed. 

Lee: I'm not going to force her to stay. If she wants to leave, she can leave. I'm just going to check in her.

I explained causing her to sigh.

Luke: Alright everyone, you know what to do. Let's be fast, and let's be careful.

Luke advised.

Sarah: Can.. can I come too?

Sarah asked as she walked up to Clem. 

Clementine: Sure, come on.

Clem smiled as she and Sarah followed Mike down the path to the museum. 

I watched untill they were gone before I made my way in the direction I saw Jane go. I found her sitting alone on a bench near the building from the sign. 

Jane: Hey, Lee.

She said once she noticed me coming. 

Lee: Hey, I just came to see if you were okay. 

I replied. 

Jane: Yeah .. yeah I'm okay.. it's just... A lots happened today. And I don't know if..

she paused looking away for a second before turning back to me. 

Jane: Well.. it's sometimes good to have someone watching your back.

She said standing up and facing me. 

Lee: It's kinda hard to have someone watching your back when you're alone.

I pointed out causing her to chuckle. 

Jane: Let's go check out that deck. I like the height.

She smiled walking past me. 

I followed shaking my head.

Lee: You said you're okay... But you don't seem okay. You seem... Lost?... Distant maybe?" 

Jane: Yeah? Well who's okay these days?

She shrugged.

Jane: Let's just... focus on this right now.

She replied. 

We walked up the steps to the deck finding a locked gate leading to a gift shop. The inside looked safe enough for Rebecca to have her baby, But we had to figure out how to get the lock off. 

Jane: I'll try to pick it. You see if you can find something bigger.. heavier to use.

Jane instructed as she pulled out the nail file she found earlier.

I didn't ask any questions as I looked around for something to unlock the gate. I didn't find anything useful, but there were two Telescopes overlooking the water. 

I looked in the first one seeing past the water. 

Lee: I see buildings on the other side of the river. It looks like... A church.

I called to Jane as I looked around more not seeing anything better. 

Jane: Rebecca can't make it that far. Not in her condition.

She replied. 

Lee: Yeah, but after... We cant stay here forever. It's not safe.

I said turning to see a man limping towards the deck with a bag in his hand. 

Lee: Jane.. someone's coming.

I whispered. Jane stopped what she was doing and crouched down next to me near the top of the stairs to get a better look. 

Jane: Shit.. he's coming this way. And who knows if he has friends nearby. I don't like having some stranger sneaking around.

Jane said watching as the man got closer to the stairs. 

Lee: He's limping. And it's us against him, I think we can take him.

I stated confidently. 

Jane: It could be risky. Let's just hide and see what he's up to first.

She suggested. 

Lee: I'll talk to him. See if he's trouble.

I nodded. Jane agreed and rushed off to hide as the man neared the top of the stairs. 

I crouched down behind the cannon that sat in the middle of the deck, as the man stepped on, limping his way towards the trashcan. 

I slowly stood up as he tried to stuff the bag he was carrying ,into the trashcan.

Lee: Hey.

I spoke causing him to turn around pointing a gun at me. 

I held my hand up in defense.

Lee: Wait. I don't want any trouble.

I said as he looked me over, his eyes lingering on my missing arm. 

He didn't say anything as his hands shook and he stared at me. He was afraid.

Lee: Can you... Understand me?

I asked. 

He nodded.

Arvo: I am Arvo. I'm going to go, I don't want to shoot anyone.

He said his voice quivering with fear and his hand trembling violently. 

Lee: Okay, Arvo. You don't have to shoot anyone. Just put the gun down.

I said still holding my hand out. 

Jane snuck up behind him, covering his mouth and grabbing his gun from him.

Jane: Back up.

She demanded turning the gun on him. Jane looked down at the bag and then back at him.

Jane: Put the bag down.

Arvo glared at her before dropping the bag.

Jane: Lee, make sure he doesn't have any other weapons in there.

I opened the bag as Arvo tried to convince Jane that he had no guns and that he just wanted to leave. 

I stared down at the bag in shock. Jane looked down at me and gasped.

Jane: Holy shit.

She mumbled looking down at all the medicine In the bag. 

Arvo: Take whatever you want. But don't take the medicine. It's for my sister. My older sister. She is sick. The pain makes her cry and that makes those things come. Please. This medicine is all she has.

Arvo pleaded looking from Jane to me.

Lee: Is it just you and your sister?

I questioned looking up at him. He shook his head. 

Arvo: No, I have many friends... In the woods.

He explained. 

Lee: We can't take this... Just..let him go.

I said closing the bag and standing up. Jane looked at me with confusion. 

Jane: Lee! Are you crazy?? We have people who could use that medicine. Sister or not, we could use that stuff!

Jane said pointing the gun at Arvo. 

Arvo: No! You are not a nice person. You have already left me defenseless, and now you want to take my sister's medicine? You are-

the man began to speak in Russian. 

Jane: Hey! We have people who are suffering, who need this medicine . Luke's still a mess after Carver's, and Rebecca's in pain... Look at all of it, Lee , we need that stuff!

She yelled. 

Lee: But it's wrong. What if his sisters really sick!

I questioned. 

Jane: He's lying! Lee, think about Rebecca. Think about the group.

She pushed. 

I stared down at the bag as Arvo and Jane argued over who's group was suffering. Jane had a point. Rebecca's about to have that baby any time now. And Luke is still messed up from Carvers. But on the other hand, taking this medicine would be wrong right? 

I could help my my group with this medicine... Or I could let them suffer to keep another group from suffering.

Jane: Lee, we don't have much time.

Jane stated causing me to sigh. 

Lee: I'm sorry, I can't take his medicine.

I sighed about to close the bag when Jane snatched the bag. 

Jane: If you won't take it.. I will.

Jane sneered at me .His scared face suddenly left as he glared at jane. 

Arvo: You will wish you hadn't done this

He threatened. 

Jane paused as she the bag. She suddenly grabbed him slamming him against the railing of the deck. 

Arvo: No! What are you doing?You.. You don't have to do this!Just let me go.

Arvo cried as she held the gun to his head. 

Lee: Jane! You already took his medicine. Do you really need to kill him?

I asked slowly stepping towards her. 

Jane: We let him go, and he could come back with his group. It's too risky.

She argued pressing the gun more to his head. I sighed shaking my head in disappointment. 

Arvo: No.. no I won't.. I won't come back. I promise!

He pleaded. 

Jane stared at him for a second before she frowned.

Jane: Don't you EVER come around here again. I don't care if you do have some sick sister. The next time I see you...you won't just be walking away.

She said pushing him towards the stairs and telling him to go. 

Arvo walked away with his head down as Jane dropped the gun and leaned on the railing.

Jane: I can't believe I've gotten myself into this mess. Taking some stupid kids stuff.. like a bandit.

She sighed. 

Lee: I told you it was wrong to take it. You didn't listen to me. Now you have to live with that.

I argued. 

She sat quietly with her back to me before she spoke again.

Jane: Go bring those meds to the others and bring everyone back here. I'm gonna get this place open and then we need to get moved in ASAP.

She said sadly sounding as if she was going to cry. 

She acted like she wasn't just yelling at me just a second ago,telling me to take the medicine.

Lee: You better pray he and his group don't come back. If your actions put Clem in danger... walkers will be the least of your worries.

I shook my head and walked down the stairs, the bag in my hand. 

Luke: Lee! Any luck with that observation deck. ? I was just checking on Rebecca and Kenny and they said they hadn't heard from you in a while.

Nick: Yeah Lee, Rebecca is about to give birth at any moment. 

Luke and nick called out as they approached me luke carrying gun and nick carrying his rifle. 

Lee: We found somewhere for Rebecca to have her baby..a gift shop... But it's locked.

I nodded as he looked down at the bag I was carrying. 

Nick: What's that?

He asked pointing to the bag.

Lee: Medicine... And disinfectant.

I said simply.

Luke: Woah! Seriously? Where'd you find that?

He questioned. 

I sighed telling them about Arvo. 

Nick: You just let her rob him?

He questioned.

Lee: I didn't want to! I told Jane to just let him go, but she didn't listen. I didn't want you guys to suffer, I know how that feels.. but I just couldn't take it

I said glancing over where my arm use to be.

Luke: Well where is he now?

Lee: Jane took his gun and chased him away. He's gone.

I explained. 

Luke sighed.

Luke: Is she still up there?

I nodded telling him that she was trying to get the gift shop opened. Luke sighed shaking his head.

Luke: You know, I can't figure her out. I mean she really lays it on the line, but at the same time she doesn't show you anything counts . And I'm never quite sure if she just doesn't like people or just plain out don't like me.

Lee: I'm...still not sure what to think about her. She's strong, and she's been helping us. But she's cold. She was just... Instantly willing to take that guys medicine.

I sighed shaking my head. 

Luke shrugged.

Luke: Maybe, but no one's that cold. I'm definitely startin' to think we should branch out.

He suggested. 

Lee: Why do you say that?

I questioned.

Luke: Jane just seems like the kind of person who gets tempered by hardship. You know? But when I look at Kenny now, he seems broken, and broken people get reckless. I know you and Clem, Yhwach have a history with him. I think he's a good guy. At least, started as a good guy. 

Luke's words lingered in the air, and Nick, his expression somber, couldn't help but feel the weight of the conversation. He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

Nick: Luke, I get what you're sayin', I really do. But Kenny ain't like Carver. It's just... (hesitating) After Uncle Pete... after what happened with him, I saw a different side of Kenny. It ain't about bein' broken; it's about survivin'. We're all just tryin' to make it through this mess.

His eyes bore the weariness of someone who had seen too much too soon, and the pain of losing Uncle Pete was etched in the lines on his face.

Nick: Kenny's got his demons, no doubt. We all do now. But he ain't some heartless monster. He's just doin' whatever it takes to keep people alive, even if it means gettin' his hands dirty.

Luke nodded, acknowledging Nick's perspective, a silent understanding passing between them. In this world, where survival often meant confronting the darkest aspects of oneself, judgments became more complex, and the lines between right and wrong blurred with each passing day.

Lee: You're wrong, Kenny's stronger than you think! And he does his best to protect us! I'll tell you like I told Jane, You are more than welcome to leave right along with Her. No one is holding you hostage. 

I replied before walking away. I didn't want to hear anything he was saying after that. If he and Jane wanted to leave, they could. 

Rebecca: I'm not supposed to be in labor yet, Kenny. What if something's wrong.

Rebecca said as I approached them. 

Kenny: Nothing's wrong, babies know how to be born.

Kenny replied with a sigh.

Rebecca looked up once she noticed me.

Rebecca: Lee!

She exclaimed. 

Kenny: What'd you find?

Kenny asked.

Lee: There's a building around back that had an observation deck. There's a gift shop, but it's locked. Jane's working on getting it opened. 

I explained. 

Rebecca: Somewhere the baby will be safer?

Rebecca questioned. 

Lee: It's pretty high so it seems safe. But... I should probably explain this.

I said holding up the bag. 

Rebecca: What's that?

Rebecca asked.

Lee: Medicine.. Jane and I were up on the observation deck trying to get the gift shop open, when someone came from the woods. He was trying to hide this bag in the trashcan... Jane... Said we should take the stuff for the group. I tried to tell her it was a bad idea, but she used Rebecca and Luke's Situation as an excuse and took the medicine anyway." 

I explained. 

Kenny: Fucking stupid bitch! Where is the guy?

Kenny snapped obviously upset by the news.

Lee: Jane took his gun and made him leave. I know it was wrong, I feel bad, but Jane... She just wouldn't listen.

I replied. 

Rebecca: This isn't your fault, Lee. You didn't do anything wrong. Thanks for telling us.

Rebecca reassured me before groaning in pain. 

Kenny got up from his spot and joined Rebecca placing a hand on her shoulder.

To Be Continued.