
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime et bandes dessinées
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133 Chs

Bound by Fate: Yhwach's Vision for a New World

Yhwach woke up from his slumber.

Yhwach: Yet another mundane day I must endure.

He said as he got up.

Yhwach: Is there anything of interest to occupy my time?

He mused, his hand resting on his chin.

As Yhwach pondered the monotony of another day, Zaegar's voice resonated within his mind, breaking the silence.

Zaegar: Yhwach. Those brats you encountered yesterday mentioned something interesting. They said they're Devils. You know what that means, right?

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Yhwach: Devils? What relevance do they hold in this world?

Zaegar: Well, they've got some interesting powers, and where there's power, there's always something to gain. These Devils might have something that could be useful to us. Don't you want to explore what they have to offer?

Yhwach: I will consider it, Zaegar.

Zaegar's laughter echoed in Yhwach's mind, but the Quincy king chose to ignore it for now. Locking his apartment, he opened his book, a source of both knowledge and distraction, and started walking towards the school.

He came to the same crosswalk and stopped. He flipped his page and kept on reading.

Yumma: Hey, there dummy.

Yuuma said.

Yhwach: What the hell do you want, brat?

He asked her as he was still looking at his book.

Yumma: Ok first, why don't you stop looking at that book and look at me when I am talking to you.

She said.

Yhwach: I'll get right on that.

Yhwach said as he walked away from Yuuma and ignored her.

Yuuma was a little shocked to see him ignoring her.

Yumma: HEY! don't just walk away like that.

She caught up to him and snatched the book away from him.

Yhwach looked up at her. Yuuma was a bit surprised that he didn't whine like a baby over it. 

Yhwach: Hand over that book.

He said casually.

Yuuma: No, I will not.

She said with a smile.

Yhwach: Very well then.

Yhwach grabbed her throat and raised her in the air.

As Yhwach held Yuuma effortlessly, her feet dangling above the ground, Zaegar's voice echoed within his mind, a dark amusement evident in his tone.

Zaegar: Well, well, Yhwach. Looks like the brat's got some spunk. I like it.

Yhwach's grip tightened ever so slightly, and Yuuma struggled to maintain her composure.

Yumma: I c-cc-ca...be...

Yuuma tried to say something but his grip tightened.

Yhwach: Return my book, and I might consider it.

He said. Yuuma handed the book to him and he grabbed it. He threw her aside and he opened up his book and started to read again.

Yhwach: Learn your place, brat.

Yuuma coughed a little. She took a big breath and exhaled slowly.


She yelled.

But Yhwach kept on ignoring her.

Yhwach reached his destination and he opened up the door to the classroom.

Yhwach: Good morning, you little brats, open your books and grab your notebooks.

He said as he closed his book.

The students did as they were told. Issei was thinking about tits and ass not hearing what he was told.

Yhwach walked over to his desk and hit his desk.

Yhwach: Issei, what's occupying your mind? Does it involve women?

He asked.

Issei stood up fast.

Issei: NO SIR!

He yelled.

Yhwach: Well then, enlighten me. What was occupying your thoughts?


He yelled again.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh, Yhwach! This boy is a masterpiece of distraction! I haven't had this much fun in centuries!

Yhwach's stoic demeanor persisted, but his eyes betrayed a subtle irritation. He cast a stern glance at Issei, who was still attempting to maintain his facade of admiration for his teacher.

Yhwach: (Under his breath) Your amusement is unwarranted, Zaegar. This is a place of discipline.

Zaegar: (Chortling) Discipline? More like a theater of absurdity! Look at him squirm!

Yhwach sighed inwardly, attempting to redirect his attention to the lesson at hand. Issei, however, continued to bask in the perceived glory of his exaggerated praise.

Yhwach just stared at him for a couple of seconds.

Yhwach: Shut the hell up, brat. I know you weren't thinking such things.

He said as he smacked him in the back of the head.

Issei grabbed his head and sat down.

Issei: I am sorry sir.

He said. Yhwach turned around and went to his desk.

Yhwach: Let us begin.


Rias was sitting down at her desk.

Rias: Akeno, soon we will have to confront that Fallen after Issei's date.

She said.

Akeno smiled.

Akeno: Well, I can't wait to punish them.

She said with a sadistic smile.

Rias was looking through some papers until she heard a knock on the door.

Rias: Come in.

She said.

The doors opened up and Sona walked in.

Rias: Hello Sona, what can I do for you?

She asked.

Sona: Rias are you going to deal with the Fallen Angel or will I have to?

She said.

Rias: Well straight to the point then huh?

Rias said.

Rias: Well, we will soon right after the date Issei is having.

She said.

Sona: I see, very well then.

Sona said as she turned around and started to walk away but stopped and she turned around.

Sona: What will we do about the new teacher?

She said. Rias put her hand on her chin.

Akeno: Why don't we get your brother Rias?

Akeno said.

Rias: No Akeno, This is not a matter that my brother should deal with.

Rias said as she stood up from her seat.

Akeno: Then what should we do then?

Akeno asked.

Rias: I do not know but we will have to wait till that time comes. 

She said.

Akeno: Very well then Rias.

Akeno said as she went to go make tea.

Rias: Sona, we better hope that new teacher isn't a threat.

Rias said.

Sona: Well, we must do something then.

Sona said.

Rias looked over to Koneko.

Rias: Koneko can you go follow the new teacher and report back in.

She said.

Koneko nodded and she stood up and left the clubroom.


Yhwach was walking back home while reading the book he had.

Yhwach: Those insufferable brats are truly irritating.

He said.

As he was walking he came across a park with he stopped and looked over to see that girl that was annoying him and the failure of his class.

Yuuma walked up to Issei and whispered into his ear.

Yumma: Will you die for me?

She said.

Issei: Can you repeat that?

Issei said.

Yuuma transformed and she was wearing an SM outfit.

Yumma: The date was nice but you are too dangerous to keep alive.

She said as she formed a light spear and threw it at him.

Issei fell to his knees holding his stomach trying to hold back the bleeding.

Issei: W-Why?

Was all he said before he fell to the ground lifeless.

Yhwach closed his book and walked out behind the tree.

As Yhwach observed the scene, Zaegar's voice echoed within his mind.

Zaegar: (Fake crying) Oh, Yhwach, we'll miss that fool. What a tragic loss!

Yhwach shot a cold glare towards Zaegar within his mind.

Yhwach: Shut up, Zaegar. There's no need for your melodrama.

Zaegar continued his fake sobbing, enjoying the dark humor of the situation.

Zaegar: (Still fake crying) Farewell, sweet Issei, you were such a valuable asset to the world.

Yhwach sighed, both annoyed and intrigued by Zaegar's peculiar sense of amusement.

Raynare: Oh, look what the cat dragged in the worthless human who nearly killed me. I am going to enjoy seeing you bleed out in front of me.

Raynare said.

Yhwach: Why bother killing him? You know he's utterly worthless.

Yhwach said.

Raynare: Well as you can see, I killed him because he had a Sacred Gear. He was too dangerous to keep alive.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, slightly intrigued by Raynare's words. However, Zaegar's voice echoed within his mind, dripping with sarcasm.

Zaegar: Oh, Yhwach, the Lord's chosen one! Priceless, I tell you. We'll mourn the loss of such a gem.

Yhwach shot a stern look at the imaginary Zaegar within his mind.

Yhwach: Shut up, Zaegar. Your sense of humor is wearing thin.

Zaegar continued his sarcastic commentary, finding amusement in the situation.

Zaegar: Truly, we're blessed to witness the demise of this invaluable human.

Yhwach sighed, ignoring Zaegar's remarks as he turned his attention back to Raynare.

Yhwach: First off, what is a Sacred Gear? And second of all, no one harms my students and gets away with it.

he said.

Raynare: And what can a pitiful human like yourself do?

She said as she formed a light spear.

Yhwach calmly placed his book on the ground, his gaze unwavering.

Yhwach: A pitiful human, you say? There's more to me than meets the eye.

Raynare: You talk big for a human. Well dodge this then.

She said as she threw her light spear at him.

Yhwach moved to the side. Raynare spread her wings and took flight.

Yhwach: Now you want to dance? Before, you didn't want to.

He said.

Raynare made another light spear and threw it at him. Yhwach jumped back this time. Raynare gritted her teeth and formed a light sword and flew straight at him.

He moved out the way and Raynare immediately turned around to cut him but she realized that he was gone.

Raynare: Where did he go?

She asked herself.

Yhwach: Behind you, brat.

He said. Raynare turned around, and Yhwach grabbed her throat with one hand.

Yhwach: It seems like you can't dance any longer. What a boring partner.

He said.

He let her go and started to walk over to Issei's body until Raynare spoke up.

Raynare: Is that it? Just a little scare tactic? I find that pretty lame from a human who ca-

She halted mid-sentence as Yhwach turned around, and she found herself under the piercing gaze of his eyes.

She couldn't speak nor move. She was shaking in fear. He started to move towards her slowly.

Yhwach stood directly before her, locking eyes with her intensely.

Yhwach: Scared, are we? I thought you could dance longer, but it seems I overestimated you.

He said, a hint of disdain in his voice

Raynare, trembling in fear, struggled to find her voice. Yhwach raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by her lack of composure.

Yhwach: If you don't want your pathetic existence to end right here, answer my questions honestly.

Raynare, still shaking, managed to nod weakly, her voice barely a whisper.

Raynare: Y-Yes, please... Please spare my life.

Yhwach: Good. Now, tell me, who sent you?

Raynare: Lord Azazel ordered me to monitor the boy, ensuring he didn't awaken his Sacred Gear prematurely.

She stammered.

Yhwach: I see, then where can I find this Azazel?

Raynare: He is located here in kuoh, he is the Governor General of the Grigori.

Yhwach: Now, enlighten me about these Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels I keep hearing about.

Yhwach crossed his arms, awaiting her response.

Raynare: The three factions engaged in a war, resulting in significant losses and severe damage.

She explained.

Yhwach: A war, you say? It appears we share a commonality.

He remarked. Suddenly, a magic circle materialized, revealing Rias and her peerage.

Rias looked over and saw the teacher with the fallen.

Rias: Hey, you, what do you think you're doing?

She asked.

Yhwach turned to face her, his gaze meeting hers.

Yhwach: Do you wish to join the dance as well?

He inquired, a hint of challenge in his voice.

Rias: Did you do this?

Yhwach just stood there for a bit before replying.

Yhwach: Let's dance.

Was all he said.

Yhwach charged at them and punched Koneko in the gut. Rias ran back and used her Power of Destruction on him.

Anticipating her move, Yhwach sidestepped the attack effortlessly. Koneko retaliated, but Yhwach skillfully evaded her assault.

Yhwach: Not bad, but let's see if you can avoid this.

Yhwach focused his spiritual energy.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1

Intense flames erupted from his fingertips, forming a fiery projectile aimed straight at Koneko.

The flames shot towards Koneko with incredible speed, but just before impact, Akeno intervened. A surge of lightning burst forth from her hands, colliding with the flames and creating a spectacular clash of elements.

Zaegar's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone dripping with amusement.

Zaegar: Ah, the classic clash of fire and lightning. Reminds me of the good old days with General Budo and his electrifying techniques. Quite a show, isn't it?

Yhwach, without breaking his focus on the battle, responded in agreement within his mind.

Yhwach: Indeed, Zaegar. These Devils seem to enjoy their flashy displays of power. Let them revel in it.

Akeno: Ara ara, it seems like you aren't human after all.

Akeno said with a smile.

Yhwach swiftly incapacitated Raynare, who crumpled to the ground unconscious.

Yhwach: Let me make one thing clear to you Devils. I am unmistakably human.

Rias: Really now? What you did there doesn't look like a human could do.

Rias said. 

Yhwach: Believe what you will, but understand this—I have the power to obliterate this town, this city, and even you, should I choose to.

Yhwach declared, picking up his book from the ground.

Yhwach: I'm leaving. Dealing with brats like you is a waste of my time.

Yhwach said as he walked away, fading into the night.

Kiba: What was that Rias?

Kiba asked.

Rias: I don't know. But I think I need to tell my brother about him.

She said.

Rias: But first let us get my new servant.

She said as she put pawn pieces on top of him.

Kiba: What should we do about the Fallen?

Kiba asked. Rias turned around and saw that the Fallen was gone.

Koneko: It seems like her allies got to her before we did.

Koneko said.

Rias: Indeed.

Rias said.


Yhwach sat on his bed, contemplating recent events.

Yhwach: Those irritating brats interfered.

He muttered.

Yhwach: The failure is gone, the prostitute is out cold, and those Devils now question my humanity.

Zaegar's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, feigning a tone of sympathy.

Zaegar: Oh, Yhwach, your favorite student just bit the dust. Shouldn't you show a little humanity? Shed a tear, perhaps?

Yhwach shot a cold glare at the imaginary Zaegar.

Yhwach: I don't care about that failure. Sentimentality is a weakness.

Zaegar continued his fake expressions of sorrow.

Zaegar: But Yhwach, he admired you so much! What a tragic loss for the world!

Yhwach stood up, ignoring Zaegar's remarks. He walked to his fridge, seemingly unfazed by the recent events.

Yhwach: I need something to snack on.

As he opened the fridge, Zaegar persisted.

Zaegar: You know, you could at least pretend to care. It's good for appearances.

Yhwach grabbed an apple and closed the fridge, his expression unchanged.

Yhwach: I don't need to pretend anything. I have no interest in emotions.

He took a bite of the apple, the sound crisp in the quiet room.

Zaegar seized the opportunity.

Zaegar: By the way, Yhwach, you never asked what a Sacred Gear is.

Yhwach stopped eating, clenching his fist. The apple in his hand crumbled into pieces.

Yhwach: I'll ask them tomorrow.

Zaegar chuckled within Yhwach's mind.

Zaegar: Your curiosity is showing, Yhwach. Perhaps there's more to you than you'd like to admit.

Yhwach, without responding, went to his bed and laid down.

Yhwach: I don't care about their world or its complexities. I just want something to entertain me.

With that, Yhwach closed his eyes and drifted into sleep, leaving behind the events of the day and the echoes of Zaegar's voice within the confines of his mind.


Yhwach entered the classroom and set down his books down on his desk. He looked around the classroom and saw Issei sitting in his seat.

Yhwach: (In thought ) How is this possible? Do these Devils possess some form of reanimation ability?

Yhwach crossed his arms and started to walk back and forth.

As Yhwach paced around the classroom, Zaegar's voice resonated within his mind, filled with dark amusement.

Zaegar: (Cheering) Well, well, Yhwach! It seems our dear failure has risen from the dead! I told you he wouldn't die so easily.

Yhwach shot a stern look within his mind.

Yhwach: Shut up, Zaegar. This is nothing to celebrate.

Zaegar: (Laughing) What did I tell you, Yhwach? These Devils are full of surprises!

Student: Mr. Quincy, can we start class please.

A student said.

Yhwach: be a quiet brat.

The student didn't say anything after that.

Yhwach: Class is dismissed.

He said as he walked out and headed straight towards the ORC.

The whole class was shocked to hear that.

Yhwach reached his destination and opened it without knocking. Rias and the others were a bit surprised to see him here.

All of them got ready to attack him.

Yhwach: Relax, I'm not here for a another dance. I seek answers.

He stated calmly.

Rias didn't say anything as she just waited for him to continue.

Yhwach: How is that failure still alive? Do you have some type of Reanimation Ability?

Rias was standing there confused.

Rias: Reanimation what? all I did was make him a devil and now he is my servant.

She said.

Yhwach crossed his arms, a disdainful expression on his face.

Yhwach: Disgusting. And these, are they all your so-called "servants"?

Rias: Yes, they are.

She said.

Zaegar's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone filled with disdain.

Zaegar: (Scoffing) Servants? More like a pathetic gathering of misfits. What kind of self-respecting being willingly serves someone else?

Yhwach: (Agreeing) Indeed, the concept of servitude is repulsive. These creatures lack the strength to stand on their own.

Rias: Let us properly introduce ourselves first before we go any further. My name is Rias Gremory

She said as she started to point to the others.

Rias: That is Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, and Yuuto Kiba.

She said with a smile.

Yhwach: My name is Yhwach Quincy.

Rias cleared her throat.

Rias: Well, would you like to join my peerage?

Rias asked.

Yhwach burst into laughter.

Yhwach: HAHAHAHA, I'll never be a servant to anyone, be it in this world, hell, or heaven.

He declared firmly.

Yhwach's laughter echoed within the confines of the room, drawing the attention of Rias and her peerage. Zaegar, sharing Yhwach's sentiment, chimed in within his mind.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Well said, Yhwach! The idea of becoming a servant is utterly preposterous.

Yhwach: (Nodding) Exactly. I have no intention of bending my knee to anyone.

Rias: Well, what do you want to ask then?

She said as Akeno went to go make tea.

Yhwach: What is a Sacred Gear?

He asked.

Rias: Well, why do you ask?

She said.

Yhwach: Just answer the question.

He retorted with a touch of annoyance.

Rias: Alright then, a Sacred Gear is a weapon that has been created by God. There are eighteen Longinus Sacred Gears that can kill God. And only human's are able to get a Sacred Gear.

She explained.

Akeno brought out the tea and served both Rias and Yhwach.

Yhwach: Boring.

Yhwach remarked.

Rias: What do you mean, boring?

She inquired, puzzled.

Yhwach: I was expecting something more significant. This was a waste of my time.

Yhwach stood up and left.

Scene Break

Issei was walking back home thinking about his dream he had. 

Isse: (In thought ) Who was that girl.

He kept thinking and thinking but he couldn't get it down.

Issei: I don't know.

He said.

Man: Well, look at what we got here. A stray without it's Master. How pitiful.

A man said he was wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora.

Issei: Who are you?

Issei asked.

Dohnaseek: The name is Dohnaseek and I am your killer.

He said as he made a light spear and threw it at him.

Issei was too scared to move. He closed his eyes and waited for the spear to pierce him.

After a while, he opened up his eyes and realized he isn't dead yet.

Yhwach: You know, Attacking my student isn't the wisest decision you've made.

Yhwach remarked.

Issei: Mr. Quincy.

Issei said relieved that he is here.

Dohnaseek: Who the hell are you? Are you his Master?

Dohnaseek asked.

Yhwach: No, I would never stoop to being the master of such a failure.

He said.

Yhwach: And as for who I am. I am Yhwach.

Dohnaseek raised his hand up and made a light spear.

Yhwach: Do you honestly think that little twig of a spear can harm me?

Yhwach scoffed.

Dohnaseek: Of course because a human like yourself is nothing compared to me. NOW DIE!

Dohnaseek threw the light spear.

Yhwach jumped over it and ran straight to him. 

Dohnaseek: Don't get cocky now human.

Dohnaseek made another light spear and threw it again at him.

Yhwach gracefully evaded the spear, then lunged forward, aiming a punch at Dohnaseek's face. However, Dohnaseek agilely leaped backward to avoid the attack.

Dohnaseek started to get mad. 

Dohnaseek: Why won't you just die?

He asked.

Yhwach: You think those weapons of yours can do anything to me?

Yhwach swiftly closed the distance, launching himself at Dohnaseek and delivering a powerful kick to the gut.

Dohnaseek was sent flying a few feet, colliding with his back against a tree. He coughed up blood, visibly weakened.

Yhwach: Boring, utterly boring. You bring nothing to the table, so I'll put an end to your miserable life.

Yhwach approached Dohnaseek with deliberate slowness, his expression unwavering.

Zaegar's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, sharing in his amusement.

Zaegar: (Chuckles) Indeed, Yhwach. This fool is nothing more than a pest. Dispose of him, and let's move on to more entertaining matters.

Yhwach raised his hand, forming a small reishi blade in his palm. He approached the weakened Dohnaseek, who was struggling to stand.

Dohnaseek: Y-You... you're just a human!

Yhwach's expression remained cold as he swung the reishi blade, swiftly ending Dohnaseek's life. The fallen assailant crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Yhwach turned away from the scene and glanced at Issei, who was still standing there, wide-eyed.

Yhwach: Pathetic. Don't let these weaklings bother you, failure.

Issei: (In thought) Mr. Quincy... he's... terrifying.

Issei got up and slowly walked towards his teacher.

Issei: Mr. Quincy are you alright?

He asked.

Yhwach turned, fixing a stern gaze on Issei.

Yhwach: What is it, failure?

Issei: Mr. Quincy, c-can you explain who that was?

He asked, a hint of fear in his voice. Yhwach approached Issei and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Yhwach: Go to that Gremory girl she will provide you with answers.

Yhwach removed his hand from Issei's shoulder and began walking back home.

Yhwach: Is this the best the world has to offer? A prostitute and a pedophile? How utterly unimpressive.

As Yhwach walked back to his apartment, Zaegar's voice echoed within his mind, sharing in his sentiments.

Zaegar: (Agreeing) Truly, Yhwach. These beings are nothing more than a pitiful display of power. It seems this world has lost its touch.

Yhwach sighed, unlocking his apartment door.


Issei was sitting down in class not paying attention. The reason why is because he was thinking about what happened last night.

When that strange man attacked him and his teacher having strange powers. He couldn't think straight.

Yhwach was writing on the board and explaining the lesson to them at the same time.

Issei's friend Matsuda whispered to Issei to pay attention.

Matsuda: Psssst, Issei pay attention before you-

Yhwach: How about you shut up when I'm teaching before I shove this book down your throat.

Yhwach's interruption silenced Matsuda, who returned to his own book.

Matsuda: Yes, sir.

Yhwach then turned his piercing gaze towards Issei.

Yhwach: Hey, failure, if you don't start paying attention, get ready to hold buckets of water outside this classroom.

Issei looked over to his teacher and apologized.

Issei: I am sorry sir.

Issei started to write down the notes on the board but there was a knock on the door.

Yhwach: Enter.

Yhwach spoke, his gaze fixed on the door. The entrance swung open, revealing Kiba's presence.

The girls erupted into a chorus of screams and blushes at the sight of Kiba entering.

Female: Oh my God, Kiba is in our classroom.

One of the females couldn't help but express her excitement.

Yhwach closed his book, casting a stern look across the classroom.

Yhwach: If all of you women like to chase men, kindly refrain from doing so while I'm teaching the class.

Yhwach: If this is a daily occurrence, what's the purpose of teaching in a school filled with perverts and lustful females?

Yhwach commented, taking a seat at his desk.

Zaegar's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, filled with amusement.

Zaegar: (Chuckles) Oh, Yhwach, your disdain for the trivialities of these humans is truly a sight to behold. They squabble over the simplest of things while you seek greater entertainment.

Yhwach sighed, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Yhwach: Their obsession with such meaningless pursuits is beyond my understanding. What purpose does it serve?

Zaegar: (Smirking) Perhaps, Yhwach, their world is simply too mundane for someone of your caliber. But fear not, there's still potential for chaos and entertainment.

Yhwach: (Raising an eyebrow) Potential?

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh yes, Yhwach. Power struggles, conflicts, and the unraveling of their feeble society. The potential for chaos is endless.

The whole class didn't say anything. They were too scared to say anything because if they did say anything then Yhwach would do something to them.

Kiba: Hello Mr. Quincy, can I have Issei for a bit? My President wants to see him.

Kiba said with a smile.

Yhwach: Take the failure, and keep him.

Yhwach replied with indifference.

Kiba nodded, and Issei stood up, leaving the classroom.

Yhwach: Class is dismissed.

Yhwach declared, leaning back in his chair.

Aika: What do you mean the class is dismissed?

Aika asked.

Yhwach: You heard me, brat. The class is dismissed. I can't teach a class that can't pay attention.

He stated.

Yhwach: Now get out, and don't bother coming back until tomorrow.

The entire class rose from their seats and exited the classroom.

Scene Break

Issei and Kiba arrived at the clubroom, with Kiba opening the door for Issei. They both walked in.

Rias: Hello, Issei. My name is Rias Gremory, and I am the president of the Occult Research Club. Please take a seat.

Issei complied and took a seat.

Rias: I bet you're wondering about that girl, Yuuma. Forget about her, Issei she is not to be trusted.

Rias warned.

Issei: What do you mean? And how do you know her?

Issei was confused about their knowledge of Yuuma.

Rias: She is a Fallen Angel, and she killed you. After that, I revived you, and now you are a Devil.

She explained.

Issei: Wait, what? Am I a Devil? That sounds stupid.

He exclaimed.

Rias: Well, let me show you.

Rias and her peerage all stood in front of him and spread their wings.

Issei's wings spread as well.

Issei: What the hell? So it's true?

He realized.

Rias: Yes, and you are my servant.

She declared.

Issei: What? I am a servant, so that means I have to be beaten up if I don't listen?

He inquired.

Rias: Oh no, no. I treat my servants like family; I won't do such things.

She assured.

Issei: I see. But explain to me about Mr. Quincy then?

He questioned.

Rias: What is there to talk about? He is a person of mystery.

Rias stated.

Issei: Well, when I was walking home, I was attacked by a man. He had black feathered wings, and when I thought I was going to die, Mr. Quincy saved my life.

Rias: Wait, a Fallen Angel attacked you?

Rias inquired.

Issei: What is a Fallen Angel?

Issei asked.

Rias: Fallen Angels are Angels who fell from heaven because of their lust.

Rias continued explaining the three factions: Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. Devil's have four leaders of the Underworld, and the Fallen Angels have Azazel as their leader. Rias also mentioned that God is the leader of Heaven.

Issei: I see. Then who is the leader of Heaven?

Rias: That would be God, of course.

She replied as she sat down in her chair.

Rias: The war broke all three factions, and now there is only a handful of Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels.

Rias explained.

Issei nodded.

Issei: Then what do I do now?

He inquired.

Rias: Well, you can do whatever; just don't go alone when it's dark because you are likely to be attacked.

Rias advised.

Issei: Alright then, may I go back to class?

Rias nodded, and Issei walked out.

Akeno: Do you think he will be alright, Rias?

Akeno asked.

Rias: We will have to see, Akeno.

Scene Break

Issei walked back to class. As he reached his classroom he opened the door and was surprised to see that the whole class was gone.

Issei: Where is everyone?

Yhwach didn't bother looking at him.

Yhwach: They left.

He uttered dismissively.

Issei: And why would they leave?

Issei asked as he was trying to figure out why they all left.

Yhwach: I dismissed class, that's why.

Yhwach said, his attention still focused on the book.

Issei: I see.

Issei made his way to his desk and sat down. The room fell into silence for a few minutes.

Yhwach: Why don't you go indulge in your usual perverted activities?

Yhwach asked without lifting his gaze from the book.

Issei: Well, if I did, you would just interfere with it.

Issei remarked.

Yhwach: At least you've learned a lesson or two.

Issei smiled nervously.

Issei: So why do you always read that book? What's so special about it?

Yhwach: This book contains interesting details about Japan.

Yhwach explained.

Issei: Why don't you do something fun instead of reading that boring book?

Issei suggested.

Yhwach: No, there's nothing in this world that is fun. Mostly everything is either perversion or something called video games.

He stated.

Yhwach: I prefer to read it relaxes the mind and imparts knowledge.

Issei: Then why don't you try falling in love? I'm sure you can find a woman.

Issei said with a smile.

Yhwach looked up at him and narrowed his eyes.

Yhwach: Love is not necessary.

Issei: But without love, you are empty.

Issei remarked.

Yhwach stood up from his desk and walked to the door.

Yhwach: Remember this. The longer you live, the more you realize reality is just made of pain, suffering, and emptiness.

Yhwach: When you are in love, you must accept the fact that there will be pain, hatred, and most of all, despair.

He said.

Yhwach: Love is something I lost a long time ago, and I will not be dragged down by it.

Yhwach walked out of the classroom and left the campus.

Issei: Well whatever you went through, I will not become like you, Mr. Quincy.

Issei reached for his bag and started to pack up his notes and pencils. As he was doing this there was a knock on the door.

Issei: Come in.

Sona: Excuse me? Do you know where Mr. Quincy went?

She asked.

Issei: He just left.

Issei said as he stood up and left the classroom.

Sona turned around and left the classroom.


Yhwach was sitting on top of a hill with one knee up and his left one laying down. He had his right arm resting on his knee that was up while his left hand was supporting him.

The wind blew and his hair was moving with the wind.

Yhwach: What a peaceful night.

Yhwach looked up at the moon.

Raynare: IT'S YOU!

Yhwach turned around, narrowing his eyes.

Yhwach: I swear I can't enjoy even ten minutes of peace.

He muttered, glancing towards the city below.

Raynare: I am gonna kill you this time but I brought some help this time.

The girl said.

Yhwach: Listen here prostitute I don't have time.

Raynare: My name is Raynare and I am not a prostitute I am a being far above you human. I will enjoy killing you.

She said as she made a light spear.

The other two females did the same.

Yhwach stood up and turned around looking at the three females. 

Yhwach: It appears I must reshape this world too. Let the dance recommence.

Yhwach lunged forward, aiming a punch at Raynare, but she narrowly evaded by moving her head in the nick of time. Reacting swiftly, she conjured a light sword, attempting to stab him in the chest, but he agilely leaped over the weapon.

Yhwach: Too slow.

He remarked as he executed a leg sweep, but Raynare took flight to evade. Meanwhile, Kalawarner struggled against Yhwach's onslaught.

Yhwach: Is this all you can do?

He delivered a powerful punch to her face and followed it up with a roundhouse kick, forcing her to kneel.

Yhwach: You're an eyesore.

He disdainfully commented, seizing her by the hair and lifting her.

Yhwach: Why is it that everyone I face is either a pedophile or a prostitute? Answer me that.

Kalawarner gritted her teeth, attempting to strike him, but he caught her fist.

Yhwach: Not so fast.

He tossed her hand aside, raising his own fist. As he moved to thrust it toward her neck, he abruptly released her, leaping back to dodge a light spear.

Yhwach: You almost got me there, you little Devil.

Raynare clenched her fist.

Raynare: I am not a Devil.

Yhwach: Burner Finger 1

Yhwach's fingertips ignited, and a massive torrent of flames surged towards the three females. Mittelt, one of the females, warned Raynare.

Mittelt: What are you doing, Raynare? Get out of the way!

Raynare swiftly flew upward to dodge the flames, but Mittelt, unaware that the flames were targeted at her, failed to react in time. The intense heat made contact with Mittelt, reducing her to nothing but a pile of ashes.

Yhwach walked towards Raynare and Kalawarner.

Yhwach: Pathetic. You all failed to meet even my lowest expectations.

Yhwach: You're both pitiful. None of you lived up to even the lowest of my expectations.

Raynare and Kalawarner looked up at him with a mix of defiance and confusion.

Raynare: Why the disappointment?

Yhwach: You couldn't keep up the dance. It seems you're all just dull partners.

Raynare, angered, attempted to summon a light spear, but Yhwach swiftly kicked her hand away.

Yhwach: This ends now.

He raised his fist, ready to deliver a decisive blow. Just before the punch connected, Raynare pleaded desperately.

Raynare: WAIT!

She yelled. Yhwach was a centimeter away from delivering the killing blow. Raynare was shaking in fear, something she had never experienced from a human before.

For the first time in her life, she was trembling in fear.

Raynare got on both knees and lowered her head in front of him.

Raynare: Please don't kill us. I beg of you. Let us serve you. You will be our Master, and we will listen to anything you say. So please don't kill us.

Yhwach stared at her for a moment before replying.

Yhwach: No.

Raynare's eyes went wide at what he said.

Raynare: WE WILL DO ANYTHING! If you wish for someone to be killed, it will be done. If you wish to rule the world, we will help you. If you wish to use our bodies in any way you like, we will let you.

She said, tears streaming down her face.

Kalawarner was shocked to hear her say this. Raynare becoming a slave to a human was something she couldn't believe.

Yhwach: Raise your head.

Raynare did as she was told, slowly lifting her head and looking up at him.

Yhwach: I will let you serve me, but if I desire to kill the Devil king or rule the world, you will obey my every wish. Am I clear?

Raynare was lost in his eyes but snapped back to reality when he raised his voice.

Yhwach: Am I clear?

Raynare nodded, looking at Kalawarner, indicating for her to bow down before him.

Kalawarner went beside Raynare and bowed before him.

Kalawarner: What should we call you then?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: My name is Yhwach.

He said.

Yhwach: And as for my first order, we are heading back to my place.

Raynare and Kalawarner: Yes Master

the both them said.

Yhwach: Just Lord Yhwach will suffice.

Scene Break

Issei was walking home and thinking on what Yhwach said to him the other day.

Yhwach: When you are in love you must accept the fact that there will be pain, hatred and most of all despair.

Issei: Should I fall in love? If I don't there won't be any despair or pain, I would be fine. Ahhhh forget it. That is why I am the ultimate pervert who needs one girl where I can just peep on millons.

He said with a smile.

Issei frowned at the thought of someone important in his life dying in front of him. 

Yhwach: The longer you live the more you realize Reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness.

Issei: Why am I thinking of this? I need to think of something else. I will never become like him and be swallowed by the dark.

Issei looked up in the sky.

Issei: Maybe he is right. Maybe this world and it's people are filled with pain, suffering and emptiness.

As Issei was walking back home he bumped into someone.

Girl: Ahhhh

the girl yelped.

Issei looked down to see a nun.

Issei: I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.

He said as he lowered his hand so he could help her up.

Girl: No, I'm sorry.

She said as she grabbed his hand. Issei helped her up.

Girl: I'm sorry but can you help me out?

She asked.

Issei: Yeah sure I can do that.

He said.

Girl: Well you see i'm lost and I don't know where to go.

She said.

Issei: Where are you trying to go?

Girl: I'm looking for a church on top of a hill?

She said.

Issei: Ohhh I see, just follow me then.

He said as he started to walk towards the church.

Girl: Thank you so much.

She said with a smile.

As they were walking Issei finally spoke up.

Issei: So what's your name?

Issei asked.

Asia: My name is Asia Argento. What's yours?

Issei: My name is Issei Hyoudou.

Issei couldn't believe how pretty she looked. As they were nearing the church a boy ran by them and fell to the ground crying.

Asia ran up to the boy.

Asia: Don't cry i'm gonna heal you up.

She said as she started to heal his wound.

Boy: Thank you.

The boy said as he stood up and ran.

Issei: (In thought ) This must be a Sacred Gear I keep hearing from Rias.

Issei: Well just go straight you can't miss it.

He said.

Asia: Thank you so much Issei.

Issei: It's no problem.

He said as he turned around and started to walk back home. Issei put one of his hands in his pockets and looked back up in the sky.

Issei: I guess we'll just see if you're right, Mr. Quincy

Issei looked back down and narrowed his eyes.

Scene Break

Yhwach sat down on his chair looking at his two servants.

Yhwach: Now, if you will be serving me you will remove those pathetic clothings of yours and dress more properly.

Raynare and Kalawarner both nodded and they stood up removing there clothes.

Yhwach: Not in front of me. There is a bathroom over there use it.

Yhwach: And one more thing. There are clothes provided for you in there so just put them on. 

He said as he closed his eyes.

The two Fallen's went over to the bathroom and started to change.

Kalawarner: Hey Raynare? Do you think this was the best choice?

She asked with a frown.

Raynare: What do you mean?

Kalawarner looked at her with a serious expression.

Kalawarner: I mean do you think making this decision of making us slaves to a human?

Raynare frowned for a second before making a small smile.

Raynare: We will just have to see.

She said as she started putting on the clothes they were provided.

Raynare and Kalawarner changed into the clothes provided for them and walked out of the bathroom, now dressed more appropriately.

Yhwach: Much better. At least your not wearing those perverted clothings.

He remarked without opening his eyes.

Raynare: So, let me ask you this. How did you perform that peculiar Flame Finger technique? I've never witnessed anyone in the entire world exhibit such a skill.

Raynare asked.

Yhwach: That's a tale for another occasion, but for now, I have a mission for you, blueberry.

Kalawarner took this as an insult.

Kalawarner: I have a name, you kn-

Yhwach opened his eyes, locking onto her with a gaze that could kill.

Kalawarner: What is it you wish Lord Yhwach?

Yhwach regained a calm expression before speaking.

Yhwach: I want you to try and set up a meeting between me and this Azazel guy.

He said. Kalawarner went wide-eyed at that.

Kalawarner: I can't just ask for him; I am a low-class Fallen Angel. I need to be a high-ranking official to try and contact him.

Raynare's eyes were wide as well.

Yhwach: Well, you better hurry and find a way because my patience is running thin.

He said. Kalawarner bowed and left his apartment.

Yhwach: And as for you, we are going to speak with the Devils in school.

Raynare's shock keeps rising by the second.

Raynare: Why would we do such a thing?

She asked.

Yhwach: Simple, so we can stop this little fight between you brats so I can live peacefully.

Raynare sighed and walked over to the kitchen to start making something for dinner.

Scene Break

Rias: Koneko do you got any reports?

Rias asked.

Koneko: No

Akeno: Well Rias, what if he isn't really a threat. What if he is just living here and doing his job?

Akeno asked.

Rias: I highly doubt that. He could be working for a faction Akeno. And plus he could have a Sacred Gear as well.

Rias said as she put a hand to her chin.

Rias couldn't forget the thing she saw when she and her peerage teleported to the park. Those piercing eyes that were glowing in the dark.

Rias: Alright everyone there is a stray nearby so we will soon leave to go deal with it.

Rias said as she was looking around.

Kiba: Where's Issei?

Kiba looked over to her.

Rias: He went home. He said he wasn't feeling good.

Kiba: I see.

Rias: everyone get ready, we are departing soon.

Everyone: Yes President!

They all yelled.

Scene Break

Issei was sleeping peacefully but after a while he started to turn in his bed quickly.

Issei's Dream

Issei: Ahhhhhhhh! What is this?

He asked. 

Voice: [You are dreaming boy] 

A voice said.

Issei: Who's there?

Issei was looking back and forth looking to see where that voice came from.

Voice: [Behind you] 

Issei turned around and looked up to see a big red dragon.


He yelled as he tried to run but he wasn't moving at all.

Ddraig: [Listen to me boy my name is Ddraig and you are my partner so hurry up and summon me]

Dream End

Issei woke up and sat up quickly. He had sweat going down his whole body.

Issei: What the hell was that?

He stood up and went to his bathroom to wash his face.

He bent down and put his hands together so he could get as much water in his hands. Once he had a handful of water he splashed his face.

He looked up at the mirror and saw that same red dragon.

Ddraig: [SUMMON ME]

Issei stumbled back hitting the wall.


He ran out the bathroom and went straight to his living room.

Ddraig: [Why do you run?]

Issei looked around everywhere looking for that voice.

Issei: What do you want?

Issei was spinning around in circles.

Issei: Tell me what do you want?

Ddraig: [Accept your destiny.]

Issei: What destiny? All I want is to live a peaceful life.

Issei sat down on his couch and looked at his hand. He was shaking in fear.

Ddraig: [Live a peaceful life? Don't make me laugh, you are destined to fight. You can't live a peaceful life.]

Issei: What do you mean fight? and where in the hell are you?

Ddraig: [When you summon me I will explain to you why you must fight. But for now I will tell you who I am.]

Issei didn't move and just waited for the strange voice to speak again.

Ddraig: [I am Ddraig, and I am your partner. I am also known as the Red Dragon Of Domination. I am a heavenly dragon.]

Issei: Wait, your telling me that you are a dragon and you are heavenly? How the hell is that suppose to work? Aren't dragons suppose to be creatures that destroy everything?

Ddraig: [I am telling the truth boy. There are some that want to destroy everyone and everything.]

Issei: And if your a dragon then where are you then?

Ddraig: [I am only in your subconscious. Only you can hear me.]

Issei: Oh, then explain to me about my destiny then? What do you mean I must fight?

Ddraig: [You boy have been chosen to become the next Red Dragon Emperor. Every person who has a heavenly dragon as a sacred gear they are destined to fight. There is no escape.]

Issei: Hold up, your telling me that I must fight?

Ddraig: [Yes]

Issei: I have to maybe kill someone?

Ddraig: [Yes]

Issei: And most of all my peace is gone then?

Ddraig: [Yes boy now stop asking so many questions.]

Issei: (In thought ) My life is ruined. My life is FUCKING ruined. No more tits no more ass no more of anything. Stupid fucking dragon.

Ddraig: [You do know I can hear you right?]


Scene Break

Yhwach was sitting in his chair reading his book as usual. It was really quiet; no one said a word until Raynare couldn't take the quietness anymore.

Raynare: Ok, this is really boring. Why is everything so boring in this house? There isn't anything to do; you're always reading that lame book.

Yhwach looked up from his book and gazed at her with a bored expression.

Raynare shut her mouth instantly after he looked at her with those eyes of his.

Raynare: (In thought) When you actually take a moment, he looks pretty hot.

Raynare: (In thought) What the heck is wrong with you, Raynare? Why did I say that, and I said it to a human.

Raynare grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Yhwach: Tell me something, woman. Do you wish to die? Because if so, I can grant your wish.

Yhwach closed his book and set it down on the table.

Raynare: N-No, Lord Yhwach. I didn't mean to say it like that.

She was shaking in fear. She didn't know what he was gonna do to her.

Yhwach sighed and looked out his window.

Yhwach: Do you believe there will be peace at all between the three factions, woman?

Raynare was a little surprised to hear him ask her such a question.

Raynare: Well, maybe. There could be things that could ruin the other factions dearly.

Raynare: The three factions don't want to be extinct, so that's why we are recruiting humans to help out our cause.

She said.

Yhwach: You're telling me that the three factions are using humans as pawns in their petty quarrels to avoid extinction?

Yhwach clenched his fist.

Raynare: That's the gist of it.

Yhwach: As I suspected. This world is far from peaceful. Scum like Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels attempting to disrupt the peace of such a world is unforgivable.

Yhwach stood up and walked over to his window. Raynare stared at his back.

Raynare: What are you going to do about it then?

She asked, slightly nervous.

Yhwach: I am going to fix this world, and I will not fail this time. If it takes me years, decades, or centuries, I will rectify this world. I will obliterate anyone who stands in my way.

Raynare: (In thought) Fail this time? What does he mean by that?

Yhwach turned around and walked towards Raynare.

Yhwach: You and Blueberry will assist me. Together, we will create a world of peace—no wars, no hatred between factions, just peace.

Raynare: And how in the hell will we achieve such a thing? You're a human who can shoot fire from his fingertips. That isn't enough to change the world.

Yhwach stared at her for a moment before smiling.

Yhwach: You don't even comprehend the extent of my strength, woman. I have only just begun to showcase my powers.

Raynare: Well, if your power surpasses that, do you believe it's sufficient to contend with the Four Satans or even God himself?

Yhwach continued smiling. After a moment, he burst into laughter.

Yhwach: hahaha...hahahaha...hahahahahahahahaha.

Raynare: What's so amusing?

She asked, a little irritated.

Yhwach immediately stopped laughing and adopted a serious expression.

Yhwach: If you think a Satan can impede me, you must be a greater fool than I thought.

Raynare stood up and narrowed her eyes.

Raynare: I am not a fool. I am a being far above yo-

Raynare realized that if she finished that sentence, her head would be on a pole or even worse. In her eyes, the being known as Yhwach is higher than her.

Raynare: Forgive me, Lord Yhwach.

She lowered her head.

Yhwach went back to his seat and sat down.

Yhwach: Woman. We are going to start by leaving a message.

Raynare looked confused.

Raynare: What's the plan then?

Yhwach: First, we need allies to join our cause, and you will be responsible for that. Blueberry will gather intel on high-class Devils.

He said.

Raynare: Why would she want to gather intel on them?

Yhwach: I need to identify who is high class so I can confront them and send a message to everyone.


She yelled.

Yhwach: There is a way; just call your friend back here first.

Raynare didn't understand what this man is thinking at all.

Raynare made a magic circle to her ear and called Kalawarner to come back.

Yhwach looked up at the ceiling.

Yhwach: Let us commence our journey through endless pain and happiness once more.

Scene Break

Issei was walking down a street thinking about his destiny as the Red Dragon Emperor.

Issei: Why is my luck so bad? First, I die then become a Devil. Second, I have a strict teacher. And third, I have to fight, this is bullshit man.

Issei: All I want is to live a normal life. Is that to much to ask for? Maybe I should go talk to Mr. Quincy about this.

He kept on talking to himself not paying attention where he is going until he bumped into someone.

Issei: Shit my ba-

He stopped when he realized who he bumped into.

Issei: Asia? What are you doing here?

He asked as he gave her a helping hand.

Asia took his hand and she stood up.

Asia: I had free time so I just wanted to go for a walk.

Issei: I see

Asia: So why are you out here Issei?

Issei: I was just taking a walk and thinking about life. Nothing to special.

He said with a smile.

Issei: So Asia? Do you want to hang out?

Asia: Yeah sure I would like that.

Issei: Sweet

Issei motioned for her to follow. He took her to places she never been. Like a fast food restaurant, they walked around town and he bought her a stuffed animal.

After that they were at a park sitting down.

Asia: That was really fun Issei.

She said with a smile. Issei smiled back at her.

Issei: I'm glad you had fun.

Issei: If you want we can hang out again in the future? 

He said.

Asia: Yes definitely.

Raynare: Asia Argento, I have finally found you.

A voice said. Issei looked in front of him and saw his killer.

He immediately stood up.

Issei: Yuuma, what the hell do you want?

He said as he got in front of Asia.

Raynare: Look here kid i'm not here for you i'm here for her. 

She pointed at Asia.

Issei: Why do you want her?

Raynare face palmed herself and slid her hand down in frustration.

Raynare: You see, my Master want's to meet her and if I don't do as he wishes then my life is over.

Issei: Then why don't you just die then? And who is your master?

He said.

Raynare: I can't say, now hand her over.

Issei looked at her with angry eyes.

Issei: Never, after what you did to me you think I will just hand her over to the likes of you?

Raynare: I didn't want to this but I have no choice now.

Raynare made a light spear and threw it at Issei piercing his leg.

He fell the ground holding his leg. Raynare flew down and grabbed Asia.

Raynare: Sorry kid but it's my Master's orders.

She said as she flew off with her.


Issei slammed his fist on the ground.

Issei: Why can't I do anything?

Ddraig: [Do you seek power?]

Yhwach: The longer you live.

Issei grabbed the light spear and started to pull it out.

Ddraig: [Do you seek vengeance?]

Yhwach: the more you realize Reality is just made of pain.

Issei clenched his teeth.

Ddraig: [Do you seek tranquility?]

Yhwach: suffering 

Issei yanked the spear out and threw it. Issei lowered his head.

Issei: Mr. Quincy you are right about this world. It is filled with pain, suffering, and most of all...emptiness.

Issei: And for that reason I want to change the world. I want to protect the ones I love. And most of all I want to save this world from beings like Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils.

Issei: Ddraig, I want you to teach me how to summon this Sacred Gear.

Ddraig: [So your finally in the mood now huh?]

Issei: I have to follow this destiny you speak of. So it's time for me to become the Red Dragon Emperor.

Ddraig: [Very well boy I like your spirit.]

Issei raised his head and he had a angry face.

Issei: Where do we begin?

Ddraig: [First off what do you want in this world the most? What do you desire?]

Issei stayed quiet for a bit before responding.

Issei: I want to become a harem king but I want peace in this world the most.

Ddraig: [I see. Let us begin your training then.]

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