
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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Bambietta's Trial and Zaegar's Absurd ideas: Ginjo's suffering

Scene Break - Yhwach's Dorm Room

Yhwach sat on his bed in a state of deep meditation, his mind focused and his senses attuned to the flow of energy around him. His room was bathed in a soft, ethereal light as he delved into the depths of his consciousness.

But his peaceful meditation was abruptly interrupted by the raucous laughter of Zaegar, who was engaged in a rather peculiar activity. The hollow was standing near the window, giggling mischievously as he attempted to coax a chicken into giving him its eggs.

Yhwach's eyes snapped open, his serene expression replaced by one of mild annoyance as he glanced over at Zaegar.

Yhwach: Zaegar, enough.

His voice was calm but firm, cutting through Zaegar's laughter with a quiet authority.

Zaegar paused for a moment, turning to look at Yhwach with a sheepish grin.

Zaegar: But Yhwach, I just wanted some eggs for breakfast. You know how much I love eggs!

His voice was tinged with innocence, but Yhwach could see through the facade. He sighed softly, shaking his head in amusement.

Yhwach: There are other ways to obtain eggs, Zaegar. We don't need to disturb the chickens.

Zaegar pouted for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly.

Zaegar: Fine, fine. I'll find another way.

Yhwach's eyes widened in shock at Zaegar's sudden outburst and violent actions. Ginjo, who resided within Yhwach's mind, recoiled in horror at the sight unfolding before them.

Yhwach: Zaegar, stop!

His voice was urgent, filled with a mixture of concern and disbelief as he rushed forward to intervene. But before he could reach Zaegar, the hollow had already grabbed the chicken and hurled it into the room with savage force.

The chicken squawked in terror as it crashed against the wall, feathers flying in all directions. Zaegar lunged at it with a ferocity that sent chills down Yhwach's spine, his actions driven by a manic frenzy.


Zaegar's words were filled with crazed desperation as he tore into the helpless bird, his hands and claws covered in blood as he ripped it limb from limb.

Ginjo, who resided within Yhwach's mind, watched in shock and horror as Zaegar's behavior unfolded before him. The usually composed visored couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sight of such raw brutality.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) What in the world... Zaegar, what are you doing?!

Yhwach, his expression a mix of concern and dismay, moved swiftly to restrain Zaegar, his hands reaching out to pull him away from the now lifeless chicken.

Yhwach: Zaegar, enough! This is not the way. We do not resort to violence against innocent creatures.

Yhwach could only watch in horror as Zaegar snapped the chicken's neck in half, ending its life in an instant. The room fell silent, the only sound the soft rustle of feathers as they drifted to the ground.

Zaegar turned to Yhwach with an innocent expression, his eyes wide and innocent as if he hadn't just committed a gruesome act of violence.

Zaegar: I just wanted some eggs, Yhwach. I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

His voice was soft and pleading, his demeanor that of a child caught in the act of mischief.

Yhwach stared at Zaegar, his mind reeling from the sudden shift in the hollow's behavior. He couldn't comprehend how Zaegar could switch from playful antics to brutal violence in the blink of an eye.

Yhwach: Zaegar... This is not acceptable. We cannot harm others to fulfill our desires. It goes against everything we stand for.

His voice was stern, his gaze unwavering as he addressed Zaegar with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

Zaegar's expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of remorse crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a forced smile.

Zaegar: I'm sorry, Yhwach. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted some eggs for breakfast.

His words were laced with feigned innocence, but Yhwach could see through the facade. He sighed softly, shaking his head in resignation.

Yhwach: We will find another way to obtain eggs, Zaegar. But violence is never the answer.

Zaegar nodded, his smile faltering slightly as he looked down at the lifeless chicken at his feet.

Zaegar: I understand, Yhwach. I won't do it again.

Yhwach sighed, a heavy weight settling in his chest as he realized the depth of Zaegar's innocence and ignorance. He knew that he would need to guide Zaegar carefully, teaching him the difference between right and wrong.

Yhwach: Let's clean this up, Zaegar. And remember, violence is never the solution.

With a sigh, Yhwach returned to his meditation position, closing his eyes as he focused his mind and spirit. In the depths of his consciousness, he found himself once again standing before Ginjo's bar in the tropical paradise of his inner world.

The warm breeze caressed his skin as he took in the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling bar. Ginjo stood behind the counter, polishing a glass with a practiced hand as he glanced up at Yhwach with a knowing smile.

Ginjo: Welcome back, Yhwach. What can I get for you today?

Yhwach returned the smile, his shoulders relaxing as he settled onto a barstool and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the polished surface of the bar.

Yhwach: Just the usual, Ginjo. And perhaps a moment of peace and quiet.

Ginjo nodded understandingly, pouring a glass of Yhwach's favorite drink before retreating to the other end of the bar, allowing Yhwach to enjoy the tranquility of the moment.

Just as Yhwach began to find solace in the peaceful surroundings of his inner world, Zaegar's sudden appearance shattered the tranquility like a thunderclap in the night. The hollow materialized beside Yhwach with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he addressed Ginjo behind the bar.

Zaegar: Ginjo, my bestio friendo! I've been craving those new drinks you were telling me about. You know, the ones with the extra kick? I'll take one of each!

His voice was filled with eager anticipation, his tail wagging excitedly as he awaited Ginjo's response.

Ginjo glanced up from his work, a bemused expression crossing his features as he regarded Zaegar with amusement.

Ginjo: Ah, Zaegar! Always eager to try something new, aren't you? Coming right up!

With a deft motion, Ginjo began to prepare the requested drinks, expertly mixing together a concoction of exotic ingredients with a flourish. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of tropical fruits and spices as he worked, his movements graceful and precise.

Yhwach watched the exchange with a mixture of amusement and resignation, knowing all too well the chaos that often accompanied Zaegar's presence. Despite the hollow's unpredictable nature, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fondness for his eccentric companion, recognizing the unique bond that had formed between them.

As Ginjo finished preparing the drinks, he set them down on the bar with a smile, gesturing for Zaegar to enjoy.

Ginjo: Here you go, Zaegar. Enjoy!

Zaegar's eyes lit up with delight as he eagerly reached for the drinks, his tail wagging furiously behind him.

Zaegar: Thanks, Ginjo! You're the best!

As Zaegar eagerly grabbed the drinks, his enthusiasm contagious, Yhwach couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the tension from earlier had dissipated, at least for the moment. Yet, his mind still lingered on the unsettling events that had unfolded in their dorm room.

Before Yhwach could delve further into his thoughts, Zaegar turned to him with a wide grin, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Zaegar: Hey, Yhwach! Guess what? I did something cool!

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Zaegar's sudden declaration. He gestured for the hollow to continue, his curiosity piqued.

Yhwach: What did you do, Zaegar?

Zaegar beamed proudly, his tail wagging excitedly as he pointed toward a cluster of shimmering cocoons nestled amidst the lush foliage of Ginjo's island.

Zaegar: I moved some of the Sternritter's cocoons here! Look!

Yhwach's eyes widened in surprise as he followed Zaegar's gaze, taking in the sight of the cocoons swaying gently in the breeze. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the unexpected development, his mind racing with questions.

Yhwach: You moved the Sternritter's cocoons here?

Zaegar nodded enthusiastically, oblivious to Yhwach's growing concern.

Zaegar: Yep! I thought it would be fun to have them here on the island. Plus, I figured it might help them relax a bit, you know?

Yhwach's expression remained guarded as he considered Zaegar's words. While he appreciated the hollow's intentions, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind.

Zaegar's excitement was palpable as he awaited Yhwach's response, his tail wagging eagerly behind him. Yet, Yhwach's mind raced with apprehension, realizing the potential consequences of Zaegar's impulsive actions.

Yhwach: Zaegar, wait! 

But before Yhwach could finish his sentence, Zaegar's tail swelled in size, wrapping around Yhwach's waist with surprising strength. With a swift motion, Zaegar hoisted Yhwach off his feet and flung him towards the cluster of cocoons with alarming force.

In the tranquil surroundings of Ginjo's bar, the sudden commotion caught the fullbringer off guard once again. He watched in disbelief as Zaegar hurled Yhwach towards the cocoons with reckless abandon, his expression a mixture of surprise and exasperation.

Ginjo: Seriously, Zaegar? When will you learn to control yourself?

But Zaegar simply grinned mischievously, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he watched Yhwach's form disappear into the depths of the trial.

Zaegar: Never!

Scene Break - Bambietta Basterbine's Trial

As Yhwach emerged from the swirling vortex of energy, he found himself standing in the midst of a desolate landscape, the air thick with tension and unease. Before him stood Bambietta Basterbine, her expression twisted in a mixture of anger and resentment as she glared at him.

Bambietta: Your Majesty... Why didn't you save me from Giselle?

Her words cut through the silence like a knife, each syllable laced with bitterness and accusation. Yhwach's heart sank at the reminder of Bambietta's fate, his mind clouded with regret and sorrow.

Yhwach: Bambietta, I...

But before Yhwach could offer an explanation, Bambietta's demeanor softened, her eyes filling with tears as she spoke.

Bambietta: I trusted you, Your Majesty. I followed you faithfully, believing that you would protect us. But when I needed you the most, you abandoned me.

Her words struck a chord deep within Yhwach, his chest tightening with a sense of guilt and remorse. He had failed Bambietta, just as he had failed so many others.

Yhwach: Bambietta, I...

But before he could utter another word, the ground beneath them began to tremble, signaling the beginning of the trial. Bambietta's expression hardened once again, her resolve firm as she prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Bambietta: Enough talk, Your Majesty. If you wish to obtain my Schrift, you must prove yourself worthy. Prepare yourself.

As Yhwach braced himself for the impending onslaught, Bambietta's eyes narrowed With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed her schrift, causing the very air around them to crackle with reishi 

Bambietta: Let's see how well you fare against my explosions, Your Majesty.

The landscape erupted into chaos as explosions rippled through the air, each blast sending shockwaves reverberating through the ground. Yhwach's instincts kicked in, and he quickly activated Blut Vene, enhancing his defenses to withstand the onslaught of Bambietta's explosive attacks.

As Yhwach braced himself against the onslaught of explosions, he sensed Bambietta's swift movement. With a blur of motion, she appeared before him, her reishi sword gleaming in the dim light of the desolate landscape.

Bambietta: You'll pay for your betrayal, Your Majesty.

Her words were laced with venom as she swung her sword with deadly precision. Yhwach reacted instinctively, manifesting a reishi sword of his own to parry Bambietta's attack, the clash of their blades ringing out across the landscape.

With a surge of reishi energy, Bambietta generated explosive energy around her, causing it to radiate outward in a large globe.

The shockwave rippled through the surroundings, causing the very ground to tremble beneath their feet. Yhwach's eyes widened in surprise as he braced himself against the force of the explosion.

As the dust began to settle, Yhwach emerged from the wreckage, his form battered but unbroken. Bambietta stood before him, her expression unreadable as she regarded him with a mixture of respect and disbelief.

Bambietta: Impressive, Your Majesty. But the trial is far from over.

Bambietta said.

Bambietta: Vollständig: Zofiel (Blaze of God)

( Picture )

As Bambietta uttered the incantation, a towering column of red energy erupted from the ground, stretching toward the heavens. Within moments, the energy coalesced into a Quincy Cross, from which Bambietta emerged in her Quincy: Vollständig form.

Yhwach watched in awe as Bambietta's appearance underwent a dramatic transformation. Large wings unfurled from her back, bathed in the crimson glow of her enhanced Reiatsu. Above her head, a Heiligenschein in the shape of a star-like Quincy Zeichen floated, casting an ethereal light upon her form.

Suddenly, orbs of Reishi began to form underneath Bambietta's wings, pulsating with Reishi. With a swift motion, she released these Reishi spheres into the surroundings, sending them hurtling toward Yhwach with deadly precision.

The orbs of Reishi detonated upon impact, unleashing devastating explosions that tore through the landscape with ferocious force. Yhwach moved with lightning speed, dodging and weaving through the explosions with calculated precision.

With a burst of Hirenkyaku, he vanished from Bambietta's line of sight, reappearing behind her in a blur of motion.

Bambietta's eyes widened in surprise as she sensed Yhwach's sudden movement. Before she could react, Yhwach's foot connected with her back, sending her crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

The impact knocked the wind out of Bambietta's lungs, momentarily stunning her as she struggled to regain her bearings. Yhwach wasted no time, his movements swift and precise as he unleashed a barrage of Heilig Pfeil, forming spiritual arrows with just an outstretched finger.

The arrows streaked toward Bambietta with deadly accuracy, each one poised to strike true. But Bambietta's instincts kicked in, and she quickly activated Blut Vene, enhancing her defenses to withstand Yhwach's onslaught.

The arrows collided with Bambietta's reinforced defenses, creating a series of dazzling explosions that illuminated the battlefield with blinding light. The shockwaves rippled through the air, sending debris flying in all directions.

As the smoke cleared, Bambietta emerged from the wreckage, her expression determined despite the injuries she had sustained. She glared at Yhwach with defiance, her resolve unbroken despite the odds stacked against her.

Bambietta: Is that all you've got, Your Majesty?

Yhwach's gaze narrowed as he locked eyes with Bambietta.

Yhwach: No, Bambietta. This is far from over.

With those words, Yhwach raised his hand.

Yhwach: Qualkreis!

Reishi constructs materialized around Bambietta. Initially resembling lightning, these constructs quickly solidified into large Heilig Bogen, forming a circle around the Stenritter. In a synchronized fashion, the bows released equally large Heilig Pfeil from all sides, creating a relentless barrage aimed at Bambietta.

As the barrage of Heilig Pfeil closed in on Bambietta from all sides, she braced herself for the onslaught. With swift reflexes, she activated Blut Vene once again, reinforcing her defenses against Yhwach's relentless assault.

The explosive arrows collided with the protective barrier surrounding Bambietta, creating a dazzling display of light and energy as they detonated upon impact. The shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Meanwhile, Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he observed Bambietta's impressive display of skill. Without hesitation, he summoned five orbs of energy in the air around Bambietta.

Yhwach: Sankt Altar!

The orbs released concentrated beams of energy, forming the pattern of a large Quincy Zeichen. The beams surged toward Bambietta with incredible speed, seeking to rob her of her power and channel it directly to Yhwach.

Bambietta's eyes widened in alarm as she realized the danger she faced. With a burst of reishi energy, she summoned a protective barrier around herself, attempting to shield herself against the onslaught of beams.

But it was too late.


she screamed as a substantial chunk of her Reishi and her Schrift were transferred to Yhwach.

With gritted teeth and trembling limbs, she forced herself to rise once more, defiance burning in her eyes despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her.

Bambietta: I... I won't... give up... I don't want to... be... treated.. like a.. toy...

Her voice was a mere whisper, but it resonated with resolve. Though battered and broken, she couldn't maintain her stance and fell to the ground.

As the energies of the Sankt Altar completed their transfer, empowering Yhwach and leaving Bambietta drained, he approached her fallen form. With deliberate steps, he closed the distance between them, his expression unreadable yet tinged with a hint of solemnity.

Bambietta's gaze drifted upward, her eyes fixating on the darkening sky as if searching for answers amidst the swirling clouds. A heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves and the distant echoes of their battle.

With a resigned sigh, Bambietta turned her gaze back to Yhwach, her expression weary. She mustered the strength to speak, her voice barely above a whisper yet filled with quiet resolve.

Bambietta: Your majesty... Can you promise me something?

Yhwach's expression softened as he regarded Bambietta with a mixture of curiosity and compassion. He nodded solemnly, silently urging her to continue.

Yhwach: What is it, Bambietta? You have my ear.

Bambietta's voice was quiet yet resolute as she spoke, her words weighed down by the burden of her past and the scars of her betrayal.

Bambietta: If... If you enter Giselle's trial... If you face her... Promise me that you'll make her suffer. Promise me that you'll make her pay for what she did to me.

Yhwach's brow furrowed in contemplation as he absorbed Bambietta's request. He understood the depth of her pain, the anguish of being betrayed by one she once called friend. And though his nature was not one of vengeance, he recognized the importance of granting Bambietta closure.

Yhwach: I understand, Bambietta. I will do what must be done.

His voice was steady, his tone tinged with a hint of solemnity as he made his promise to her. Bambietta nodded in appreciation, a flicker of gratitude shining in her eyes despite the pain that lingered in her heart.

Bambietta: Thank you, Father. That's all I ask.

Scene Break

Zaegar: So like I was saying Ginjo did you know that slavery is actually legal? we could own a lot of sheep and put them inside canons and throw them against our enemies isn't that just awesome?

Yhwach reappeared in Ginjo's bar, his mind still reeling from the intense battle with Bambietta. As he settled onto a barstool, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings of his inner world, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Zaegar's rambling.

Zaegar's absurd suggestion about slavery and launching sheep from cannons against their enemies caught Yhwach off guard, his eyes widening in disbelief at the hollow's bizarre musings. Beside him, Ginjo looked on with a traumatized expression, clearly familiar with Zaegar's penchant for outlandish ideas.

Yhwach's gaze flickered between Zaegar and Ginjo, a mixture of amusement and exasperation coloring his features as he addressed them both.

Yhwach: Zaegar, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but launching sheep from cannons is hardly a viable strategy. And Ginjo, I trust you've heard enough of Zaegar's wild ideas to know when to intervene.

Ginjo nodded solemnly, his expression a mix of weariness and resignation as he glanced at Zaegar.

Ginjo: Believe me, Yhwach, I've heard more than enough of Zaegar's crazy schemes to last a lifetime. But somehow, he always manages to come up with something even more absurd.

Zaegar grinned mischievously, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he leaned in closer to Yhwach.

Zaegar: Come on, Yhwach! You have to admit, it would be pretty epic to see a flock of sheep raining down on our enemies from the sky. Imagine the chaos it would cause!

Yhwach sighed softly, shaking his head in amusement at Zaegar's persistent enthusiasm.

Yhwach: While I can appreciate the creativity, Zaegar, I think we'll stick to more conventional methods of warfare. But I admire your ingenuity, nonetheless.

Zaegar's grin widened at Yhwach's words, his tail wagging excitedly as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

Zaegar: Thanks, Yhwach! I knew you'd see the potential in my idea. Maybe we can brainstorm some other ways to use sheep in battle!

Ginjo, who had been silently observing the exchange with a mixture of disbelief and horror, finally found his voice.

Ginjo: Yhwach, please tell me you're not actually considering Zaegar's... unconventional tactics?

His voice was tinged with disbelief, his eyes pleading for reassurance that Yhwach hadn't been swayed by Zaegar's outlandish ideas.

Yhwach chuckled softly, shaking his head as he reassured Ginjo with a reassuring smile.

Yhwach: Don't worry, Ginjo. I think we'll stick to our usual strategies for now.

With a sigh of relief, Ginjo nodded in agreement, grateful that Yhwach hadn't succumbed to Zaegar's eccentricities.

Ginjo: Thank the heavens for that.

As the tension in the bar began to dissipate, Yhwach turned his attention back to Zaegar, his expression filled with a mixture of amusement and fondness.

Yhwach: Zaegar, while your creativity is certainly... unique, I think we'll leave the sheep out of the cannons for now.

Zaegar pouted for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly, his tail wagging with excitement as he moved on to his next wild idea.

Zaegar: Suit yourself, Yhwach. But mark my words, one day you'll thank me for my genius!

Yhwach couldn't help but smile at Zaegar's boundless enthusiasm, grateful for the hollow's loyalty and unpredictable nature.

Yhwach: I have no doubt, Zaegar. I have no doubt.

Timeskip - 1 Month Later.

Jogo was currently sitting by his lonesome in a hot spring. He smoked his own pack after being embarrassed by Satoshi. It appeared to be a human who was transfigured into a smoking pipe by Mahito; the pipe kept screaming. Mahito and Suguru are approaching him.

Mahito: Oh, there you are! Jogo!

Mahito shouts out.

Only to strip himself naked to jump into the springs themselves. Splashing Jogo and his smoking pipe in the process. 

Mahito: Looks like most of your body's back.

Mahito says whilst swimming around.

Jogo: Yeah, this place is relaxing. Humans don't come anywhere near it.

Jogo replies, tossing his pipe away.

Mahito: Lacking a body really is a problem. It makes self-preservation so inefficient.

Mahito responds.

Jogo: Mahito, you're awfully worn down yourself.

Jogo points out.

Mahito: Are you sure I shouldn't have just used a hostage to force him into a pact? Like "Hand your body over to Sukuna if you don't want to see him killed". 

Mahito asked Suguru.

Suguru: No, pacts are only placed by oneself on oneself. It's not easy to forge pacts with others, or due to intervention from others.

Suguru explains.

Mahito: Maybe I should have just given that thing a lethal wound instead of transfiguring it. Then Sukuna might have been able to heal it with his reverse cursed technique. No, not with that personality. I think he would have refused either way.

Mahito thinks.

Mahito: Jogo... Touching Sukuna made me realize that we should probably proceed with Geto's plan for now. Sukuna is that valuable.

Mahito says. The volcano head thinks to himself.

Jogo: Gather all the fingers and offer them to Sukuna, huh? Even if we're all wiped out in the process, eh?

Jogo asks and grins at this.

Jogo: Very well. I don't need to be the one laughing in the wasteland a century from now. As long as curses stand there as people, that's all that matters.

Jogo replied.

Mahito: Oh, you get it!

Mahito cheerfully replies.

Suguru: Then first, let's go retrieve the six fingers Jujutsu Tech has.

Suguru informs.

Jogo: Is that necessary? The sorcerers are only keeping Itadori Yuji around so he can take in Sukuna's fingers, right? He'll still eat them, even if we leave them be.

Jogo questions.

Suguru: The higher-ups at Jujutsu Tech are struggling to measure Itadori Yuji's strength as a vessel, to see how many he can take before he goes berserk. They won't let him take them in until they've gathered all the fingers... there are a couple of exceptions. And we can't wait that long, right? In the worst case, there's also a chance they'll eliminate Itadoru Yuji.

Suguru explains.

Jogo: Into the lion's den, huh? Well, what should we do, then?

Jogo asks in response.

Suguru: I've already taken steps. That's why I allowed Jujutsu Tech to retrieve the fingers we had.

Suguru reveals.

Donate more power stones and help me reach the top!

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