
episode 2

(The episode opens with Kanisha appearing in a dark room)

A male voice: Welcome, guys turn on the lights that bit is over

(The lights turn on)

(Kai is revealed to be 12-year-old boy has short red hair, white skin, wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes; has a messaged bag around him)

Kai: Sup, I'm Kai, this is my team, Sophie

(Sophie is typing on the computer, she is 8-year-old girl who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, blue skirt, and red heels)

Kai: She is our tech specialist, he's Jack

(Jack has long black hair, light brown skin, wearing a pure black outfit, has a jacket on that has pockets which holds two guns)

(Jack doesn't respond)

Kai: He is a strong fighter, and last Alex

(Alex is 5-year-old girl who has curly blue hair, white skin, wearing a pink shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes )

Kanisha: Pleased to meet you all

Kai: So, why did you come to this town?

Kanisha: I have been traveling through time and I wanted to explore this timeline next

Kai (shocked): You mean you are a time traveler?

Sophie (typing on the computer): I have heard stories about people that used to be like that, openly being able to travel outside of this timeline

Alex: That isn't allowed anymore

Kanisha: I'm guessing because of those collars

Kai: Bingo, those collars control people's minds, so the government surveillance us all the time, we have no free will; well except us technically, Sophie hacked into the collars, so we aren't affected

Sophie: Ma'am, could you be Kanisha from the legend, the defender of Earth?

Kanisha: That is me, but if you are going to ask, I am no killer, it was just a one time thing

(Jack held up his guns)

Kanisha: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I said I am not a killer

Kai: Jack, we do not treat our guest like that, unless it's the government officials

(Jack puts his guns away)

Kai: So, we were going to offer you stay here because I am going to assume you don't want a collar on you like those people

Kanisha: As if those idiots could catch me, but I do admire your hospitality, I have no home and I don't feel like turning into an animal and becoming somebody's pet

Sophie: So, you can transform

Kanisha: Yes, let me give a demonstration

(Kanisha turns into a German shepherd)

Kai: Impressive

Sophie (scanning Kanisha with her watch): Fascinating, her whole body transformed even her tail

Kai: Can you change sexes?

(Kanisha turns into a 13-year-old boy who has black hair, brown skin, wearing a red cap, yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes; has long python tail)

Kanisha: Yup

Sophie: How cute (scans Kanisha again)

Alex (eyes sparkling): Wow! Can you turn into a cat?

(Kanisha transform into a black cat)

Alex: Aww (pets Kanisha) can you meow or do you only speak human?

(Kanisha meows)

Kanisha: I can speak like a human too

(Jack is completely silent)

(Kanisha turns back into her normal self)

Kanisha: So, you really will let me crash here?

Kai: Yes, don't mind Jack he is just being cautious, let me show you where you can sleep

(Kai leads Kanisha to an empty weapon's room)

Kai: Sorry, I couldn't pick something more roomy, but we had to pick a place that is less suspicious

Kanisha: I can work with this, thanks leader

Kai: Oh no, just call me Kai unless you want to join our resistance

Kanisha: I don't know I wouldn't want Jack to feel uncomfortable or useless, I am a very powerful being

Kai: How powerful

Kanisha: Let's just say if I wanted to I could blow up the Earth and then make a new Earth in it's place

(Kai laughs)

(Kanisha has a straight face)

(Kai stops laughing)

Kai: Oh, you weren't kidding

Kanisha: Nope, if you think I will be too much trouble, kick me out anytime

Kai: No, we don't kick out our kind, and besides you could prove useful to us

Kanisha: Okay, just don't fall in love with me

Kai: Not likely, romance isn't my forte

Kanisha: Oh, lone wolf in the romance department, (winks) got it

Kai: No, I am aromatic

Kanisha: Oh, even better

Sophie: Kanisha, I need you for a moment, sorry leader

Kai: It's okay, our discussion is over

Kanisha: Okay, sure Sophie

(Kanisha walks out with Sophie)

(The screen shows Kanisha in the surveillance room with Sophie and Jack)

Sophie: Okay, ready

Kanisha (smiles): Ready

(Sophie pushes a button that releases a laser that comes behind her)

(Kanisha's tail goes up, then she avoids the laser with her shield that her tail turned into)

Sophie (typing on the computer): Interesting, your tail respond when there is danger and it can transform to defend her. Alright, next time

(Sophie pulls Jack towards Kanisha)

Kanisha: What test could you include with him?

Sophie: Not much, Kanisha close your eyes

(Kanisha closes her eyes)

Sophie (whispers to Jack): Sorry, Jack

Jack: Why are you acting weird?

(Sophie puts Jack's foot on Kanisha's tail)

(Kanisha opens her eyes, eyes turn red, growls, and tackles Jack)

Sophie (typing on the computer): So, that rumor is true and she responds like an animal

Kanisha (eyes turn back to normal) (face turn red): Oh my gosh, I am so sorry

Jack: So, you are part beast

Sophie: Sorry, Kanisha, Jack

Kanisha: Sophie, please don't try that unless it's emergency because normally I rip the person to shred, it's not pretty

Sophie: Okay, Jack did you bring what you need?

(Jack dropped off a dumbbell on Kanisha's foot)

Kanisha: Ouch!

Sophie: (rolls her eyes) Next time, put it next to her, Kanisha can you please lift this?

(Kanisha lifts the dumbbell with one hand, then with her tail)

Sophie (typing on the computer): Curious, both her arms and tail have super strength

Kanisha: What else?

Sophie: Oh, many

(A montage shows Kanisha releasing a sonic scream, while inside a glass cage, summons fire, water, wind. She makes plants, etc)

(Sophie tries to hypnotize, poison,etc with Jack help, but Kanisha is unaffected)

Sophie: Alright, last test, I discovered something from the past, look at the screen

Kanisha: The screen? (looks at the screen seeing the scarlet moon) oh no

(Kanisha's eyes turn red, her claws out, and her tail has spikes around them)

Jack: Sophie, you seriously done it

Kanisha (growls) (looks at Sophie and Jack): Fresh blood

(Kanisha was about to attack Sophie)

(Sophie shoots a bunch of bullets at Kanisha)

(Kanisha's tail is ripped off by the bullets)

Jack: Sophie, you need to run now

(Sophie tries to run, but Kanisha stops her with an ice wall)

Kanisha (demonic voice): Nobody is going anywhere

Jack (shielding Sophie): You are killing her over my dead body

Sophie: Wait, that's it stike her in the heart

Jack; What, I thought you didn't want kill her

Sophie: She is immortal

(Jack shoots a bunch of arrows)

(Kanisha avoids the arrows)

(Sophie runs to the other side of the room and blows a whistle)

(Kanisha runs to Sophie, then Jack tries to shoot Kanisha in the back)

(Kanisha's tail catches the arrow)

(Jack pushes a red button)

(The arrow extended and stabs Kanisha in the heart)

(Kanisha fainted, her eyes go pure white)

Jack (stopping Sophie from getting to Kanisha): Hang on, she could be faking it (hits Kanisha with another arrow)

(Kanisha didn't move)

Jack: Okay, she is out

Sophie: Okay, lesson no letting her see the scarlet moon unless we want to die

Jack: So, what do we need to do?

Sophie (pushes a yellow button that is under the microphone): Uh, leader, we have a slight problem

Kai: Tell me you didn't poison her

Sophie (looking nervous): I didn't technically poison her

Kai: (sighs) I'm coming

(The screen shows Kai and Jack putting Kanisha in a capsule)

Kai (looks at Sophie): You are lucky, that we have this

Sophie: You don't have to put it on, she can heal herself, look

(Jack, Sophie, and Kai sees Kanisha's chest healing itself)

(Jack and Kai looks shocked)

(Sophie is taking notes with a mini keyboard from her watch)

(Kanisha slowly gets up)

Kai: Sophie, take notes later, you need to apologize to Kanisha

Sophie (puts the keyboard away): Of course

(Kanisha's chest is healed, and she is awake)

Sophie: Kanisha, I am sorry, I shouldn't have tested how the scarlet moon affects you

Kanisha (dryly): Water or juice

Sophie: I got it (runs off)

Jack: If you expect me to apologize, I won't you, you almost killed me and Sophie

Kanisha (dryly): I was going to say thanks, and sorry I can't control myself once I see the scarlet moon

Jack: So, that's why in the past you were known as a killer

Kanisha (dryly): You catch on fast

Kai: I am sorry that Sophie's experiment went that crazy

Kanisha (dryly): No need, many scientists have tested that as well, when they discovered this weakness

(Sophie appears with a cup of orange juice)

Sophie: Will orange juice work?

Kanisha (dryly): Open the capsule first

(Kanisha opens the capsule, then gets the orange juice, and drinks the juice)

Sophie: Are you okay now?

Kanisha: Yeah, thanks (drinks the rest of the orange juice)

Sophie: You don't seem to affected that much

Kanisha: Oh, I bounce back easily

Kai: Well, that's good, we wouldn't want you to be put in a (looks at Sophie and Jack) comma

(Sophie looks apologetic)

(Jack doesn't respond)

Kanisha: Anyway, you have food, I am hungry

Kai: Shoot we need to restock our food supply

Kanisha: Oh, I can help you (body glows)

(A magic circle appears and one mini fridge, mini freezer, and a cabinet appear in the circle)

Sophie (take notes): Cool

Kai: Impressive

(Kanisha's body stops glowing)

(The magic circle disappears)

(Sophie check the fridge)

(Kai check the freezer)

(Kai sees vegetables, fruit, milk, juice, etc)

(Sophie sees ice and frozen foods)

(Jack sees cans, sugar, salt, etc)

Sophie: Alex is going to happy, she has wanted rice,

Kai: But that grocery store is heavily guarded

Kanisha: Yeah.

Jack: So, where did you get this food from?

Kanisha: My mansion

Sophie and Kai (shocked): Mansion?!

(Kanisha jumps and lands on the ceiling)

Sophie: Sorry, so you are rich?

Kanisha (on the ceiling): Technically my aunt was, and I inherited it from her and also earned money from my many jobs I tried

Kai: So, what did your aunt do?

Kanisha (on the ceiling): She was a model

Kai: Oh, did you ever try that?

Kanisha (on the ceiling): Yeah, I tried it with her plenty of times, it was fun

Jack: I'll go get Alex

(The episode ends with Alex eating, Jack drinking soda, while watching Alex, Sophie is scanning the food, Kai and Kanisha are chatting)