
episode 3

(The episode opens with Kai, Kanisha, and Jack moving building to building avoiding security)

(They go through an alley, past a gate, and sees an abandoned laundromat)

(A helicopter appears)

(Kanisha takes everybody's hand and they turn invisible)

(Kai on Jack's back, he shoots an arrow that catches the pilot's attention and the helicopter goes away)

(They enter the laundromat)

Kai: We need to make this fast

Kanisha: No need, I will distract them, clean your clothes 

Sophie (over the phone): Be careful, I looked at their security and they are trying new tactics to capture you 

Kanisha: I will be fine (turns into a dog and runs off)

Kai (putting clothes in a washing machine): Why do you hate her, Jack?

Jack (putting clothes in the washing machine): You can't tell me that you trust her, she is way too kind, and not to mention according to Sophie's research she has every superpower 

(Kai is also putting laundry detergent in the washing machine)

(Jack put laundry detergent into his washing machines as well)

(Kanisha's sonic scream makes the helicopter goes in circles)

(Kanisha winks at the camera)

Jack: Leader, why do you trust her, don't tell me you like her

Kai: Absolutely not, she just reminds me of my sister

(The screen shows Kai, Jack, and Kanisha sneak back to headquarters)

(They enter the main room)

Sophie: Made it in record time 

Alex (looking concerned): You didn't run into trouble

Jack: Don't worry, Alex, we were super careful 

Alex (looking concerned): Promise

Jack: Promise

Sophie: Good, Kanisha, can you help put up the clothes?

Kanisha: No problem (her tail grabs the bags of laundry)

(The screen switches to Sophie and Kanisha folding clothes together)

Sophie: Kanisha, I know this may be personal

Kanisha: I was married once and it was with my love

Sophie: Right, mind reading

Kanisha: Yup, she was kind, protective, and strong

Sophie: She sounds lovely

Kanisha: She was (smiles)

Sophie: Do you miss your family and friends?

Kanisha (not looking at Sophie): Everyday

Sophie (hugs Kanisha with little tears): Miss mine too, (pats Kanisha on the back softly) it's okay to cry

Kanisha (thought):I wish I could be vulnerable like that, but that's not possible now

(Episode ends)