

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantaisie
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137 Chs

CH 77.2

"I want 100 infantrymen and 50 beast riders in front of each of the two long sides of the defensive wall, 30 infantrymen and 20 beast riders in front of each of the two shorter sides of the defensive wall, I want the beast riders to be equipped with the charging bows and enchanted swords while the infantrymen should be equipped with the enchanted column shields and enchanted spears.", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously.

"I'll take care of that by myself, the tactic that we should use?", Said officer Alvin.

"We will depend on the shield wall formation, the infantrymen shall stand shoulder by shoulder while activating their enchanted column shields and putting their enchanted spears at the ready towards the incoming enemies, the beast riders will stand behind the shield wall of the infantrymen and they will be using their charging bows from behind to push the demon hords backwards beside the archers, the divine casters and the radiating towers on the top of the defensive wall, the beast riders will play an important part when the demons gets closer as they will switch to using their enchanted swords and move from behind the shield wall and start engaging in the battle, the beast riders will be our only dynamic and locomotive units in this battle and will have diverse roles.", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously, officer Alvin was looking surprised while hearing Arathel talk intensely, it's obvious that she has a well planned tactic, although there was something that doesn't add up.

"Of course, lieutenant, but excuse me, I have a question.", Said officer Alvin politely.

"Go on, officer.", Said lieutenant Arathel.

"Why didn't you choose for all of us to stay safely on the top of the defensive wall and activate the divine barrier, all of the saint knights would depend on shooting the demons from above, wouldn't that have been safer than engaging in a battle against enemies that we don't know how many of them are there?", Asked officer Alvin while looking worried.

"Of course I thought of it, but by this move we will easily lose the ground and will be mainly depending on the divine barrier for defense, and it won't stand for long time under such a situation because all the demons will be directly hitting it and once the divine energy of the barrier depletes it will mean the end of this battle, the defensive wall won't stand much against the scarlet giants, no need to mention the demons that will try ascending the defensive wall, we will have no time or space to arrange our lines and that will mean our destruction easily, so our best option will be stalling them on the field, of course I know it's a risk and that's why I depended on the shield wall formation by the infantrymen, I want them hold the demons as long as they could so the divine barrier should only take damage from the scarlet giants fireballs, the beast riders will be doing the manipulative role out there, of course I can't put all the pressure on the infantrymen or I will lose them easily under the feet of the scarlet giants.", Said lieutenant Arathel before raising her right hand and showing number 4 by four fingers.

"During the time when the beast riders will be battling the demons and the infantrymen will be holding the demons away, there will be times when the pressure will increase on the infantrymen as the numbers of the demons trying to penetrate the shield wall formation will increase because the beast riders will be occupied by doing their simple skirmishes between the lines of the demons to confuse them, at that exact time quarter of the beast riders at the side where the pressure has increased on the infantrymen (she put down there fingers so there's only one left) will switch back to the infantrymen but instead of getting behind the infantrymen, they will trap the group of demons between them and the infantrymen who in turn will start charging forward to eliminate the threat before going back to their formation again, the units on the defensive wall above will switch their focus on the demons forward that now only three quarters of the beast riders are fighting, this will allow for trapping a good number of demons each now and then to eliminate them without exposing our units to great threat at the same time, it will just need an organized rotation method between the roles of our units, the quarter of the beast riders who will perform the trap plan at each side will be called the marksmen, choose them wisely to be ready when I call for switching plan.", Said lieutenant Arathel intensely, officer Alvin was speechless, he couldn't believe what he just heard, lieutenant Arathel was just above 30 by a few years.

"Are you sure this is your first battle, lieutenant?", Asked officer Alvin while smiling intensely.

"Why? Is something wrong with it? Please if you see a problem just tell me, there are innocent students inside that we can't let them get harmed.", Said lieutenant Arathel while looking afraid.

"No no, I'm actually impressed, your plan is well thought that I couldn't believe it's your first battle, don't doubt yourself, all of us are trusting you.", Said officer Alvin politely while smiling, lieutenant Arathel was mesmerized for a moment before smiling back then looking at the silhouettes of the demons far away.

"They're getting closer, get the men ready at the places I told you about and tell them their roles, we don't have much time.", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously, she is back to her serious tone again.

"At once, lieutenant.", Said officer Alvin seriously before turning back and started running inside.

"Soldier.", Said lieutenant Arathel to one of the soldiers around her.

"Yes, lieutenant.", Replied the elven soldier.

"I want you to give the officer in charge of the distress room an order to send a distress signal to Velheilm camp, colonel Gelminghar is there and he must know about what is happening, he will surely send back up.", Said lieutenant Arathel formally.

"Yes, sir!", Said the soldier formally before running too.