

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantaisie
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137 Chs

CH 77.1

"I want all the perimeters of the academy to be surrounded wisely, from all the four sides, the demons are coming from all the directions from the forest.", Said a young looking elven woman seriously, she was wearing a green armor while holding her green helmet between her right arm and her right side, her green hair was rolled in a bun and her beautiful yellow eyes were actually showing a great military sharpness.

She was walking fast in a long hall with several soldiers, at the end of this hall was the exit from the academy, the growls of the incoming demons are increasing gradually as the time passes.

"What's your specific orders for the distribution, lieutenant Arathel?", Asked a brown haired soldier elf walking close to lieutenant Arathel, the one leading the soldiers out and obviously the one in control here.

"How many do we have, officer Alvin?", Asked Arathel impatiently while walking closer to the exit, the tension in the air is obvious on both of them as well as the soldiers following them.

"Putting aside the 20 divine casters, a total of 490 saint knights are getting ready, 90 archers, 140 beast riders and finally 260 infantrymen.", Said officer Alvin while focusing on the documents he's holding.

"That won't be enough to hold the demons swarms if they continued marching and I expect them to do, there are definitely at least a dark caster or two are hiding in the forest, they won't stop until they get what they want.", Said lieutenant Arathel while looking a bit worried.

"I really don't understand how the dark energy sensors didn't notice them earlier, and what's the reason behind such a sudden attack?", Said officer Alvin while looking worried too.

"It's a well planned attack, most of the academy professors are out doing researches during this time of the year so we only have 20 divine casters now, as well as the Cragmoore zealots definitely found a way to cover a long distance towards the academy with the summoned demons without being detected by the dark energy sensors, they need something, we must protect the academy, they shouldn't enter by any means.", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously before they finally reached the end of the hall and now they are outside the academy on the green wide grounds, the sound of the feet stomping the grounds are increasing, the demons are about to reach the academy!

"They are close now, twenty minutes at max, the scarlet giants must be what's causing them to move slow.", Said lieutenant Arathel anxiously while looking towards the forest far away, the silhouettes of the incoming small army is visible.

"Your orders, lieutenant.", Said officer Alvin politely while looking at Arathel.

"First of all, the divine casters and the archers should stay on the defensive wall surrounding the academy, they should be separated all over the wall and cover us from above while we hold the demon hords in the field, we can't just depend on the radiating towers, we have 10 of them, right?", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously while eyeing the surroundings.

"Yes, each of them is positioned along the wall with equal distance between each one, they take 15 minutes before they are completely charged and become ready again for their fatal destructive shots.", Said Alvin seriously, Arathel was looking at one of those towers above her, they are built over the defensive wall itself that's surrounding the academy buildings (the academy buildings aren't equipped for battles they are mainly for researches and training, the defensive wall on the other hand is the military part, it completely surrounds all academy campus, it has quite good space on the top for the soldiers or the divine casters to move in as well as for the radiating towers built in this space), there is a large glowing blue crystal at the top of each tower which is clearly the source of those fatal destructive shots that Alvin mentioned.

"As I said, we can't just depend on the radiating towers, each shot is capable of taking a scarlet giant or a group of smaller demons, but that high recharge time doesn't make them reliable enough to depend alone on them for covering us, the divine casters and the archers should make it sufficient for the covering part.", Said lieutenant Arathel calmly before looking at officer Alvin.

"Tell professor Claus to start activating the divine barrier of defensive wall, it will need time to get active too, without it the wall will be easily damaged by the scarlet giants fireballs or even the higher ones might destroy a radiating tower or even reach one of the facilities inside, it's important to activate the divine barrier right now.", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously.

"At once, lieutenant.", Said officer Alvin before calling one of the soldiers.

"Professor Claus is on the top of the defensive wall now, inform him that he should start activating the divine barrier at once, that's an order from the officer in command here at the academy, lieutenant Arathel Gelminghar, FAST!", Said officer Alvin seriously and immediately the soldier started running inside, Alvin looked at another soldier.

"You, inform the archers captain to gather all his men on the defensive wall and be under the command of professor Claus, lieutenant Arathel will be on contact with him, the same shall be done with the divine casters, all of them should be on the defensive wall for covering us down here, now go.", Said officer Alvin seriously before the soldiers started running too after hearing what he should do.

"That leaves us for the trickest part, how should we behave on the field, lieutenant?", Said officer Alvin while looking back at lieutenant Arathel who was now looking at a geometrical drawing in her hands.

"The academy is rectangular, we can't divide ourselves equally on each side while surrounding the academy, this will make the longer sides more vulnerable and easier to penetrate our infantry and reach the barrier easily.", Said lieutenant Arathel while focusing hard.

"So the longer sides will have more men.", Said officer Alvin.

"Exactly, now listen carefully.", Said lieutenant Arathel while looking seriously at officer Alvin.