
Nazarick’s Monster Summoner

With the birth of Neuro Nano-Interface tecnology, the era VRMMORPG has begun. Kaiba Corporation, a massive technological empire launched a new Duel Monsters game called “Shadow Realms”. A new VRMMORPG based on the popular Duel Monsters game. The Year is 2138, nearing the end of the “Pharaoh’s Dimension” event. In about 30 minutes the server is going to shutdown for maintenance, but a single player has yet to give up on his quest to obtain the Millennium Puzzle. **** This is a Yu-gi-oh/Overlord Fanfic. I do not own Yu-gi-oh or Overlord ****

Ricky_Stalker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 — Another player

A bit of a shorter chapter, as the next one will be a longer one. Thank you for reading and enjoying the story!!


The sun sets in the new world, but even as the last rays of light leave the horizon, a tragic scene takes place, a lone soldier standing against an army o flying creatures that called themselves "angels".

With the Millennium Eye equipped , Yuhan could use one of it's ability, "Remote Vision" with this Yuhan could control the vision on his left eye could extend and shift the position from top view to dynamic vision.

Anyone else would probably be dizzy from it, but as his test showed, his body seems to be adapted to it, almost feels like watching a video on the phone while walking, it's only mildly distracting.

It was almost a scene from a showmen anime, a single soldier, against an army of angels, his moves were powerful, but the angels onslaught were merciless, no matter how much of them he defeated, more angels took their place.

The warriors mouth moved, although "Remote Vision" allows for long distance surveillance, it does not transmit audio, so Yuhan could not undestand what he just said, but at this moment, right before everyone's eyes, the warrior disappears and in his place two strange figures appears.

One in a black full body armor, holding a black halberd, it felt like a dangerous weapon, but nothing close to the figure right beside her.

The Millennium Eye other function is to appraise rarity, from other items and monsters, giving players an estimate of the drops a monster could give based on a shine the monster emites, the rarest was Realm Box glow, which only Realm Boxes emites, a multicolor shine, but the second rarest was the platinum shine, the same emites by the black warrior's Halbert.

The figure beside her was shining from head to toe in platinum shine, and the golden staff wielded by him, to the complete bewilderment of Yuhan, had the Realm Box iridescent shine.

As the sun sets on the horizon, both sides seems to be having a discussion, maybe they were trying to end this conflict in a peaceful matter, until suddenly the angels rushed at the man.

The attacks pierced at him, right on the chest, but to everyone's surprise, including Yuhan, the mysterious figure was unharmed, and slammed the angels on the ground destroying both.

— Physical Damage Negation, the same as me…

All the remaining angels attacked at once, the figures were flying from all directions, with their white armor shining in the sunset, time seemed to slow down, right before the attackers connnected, an explosive energy swiped the field and all angels disappeared, not like the destruction before, this time they just vanished.

— When they attacked, the whole field got cleaned, but there were no signs of destruction, is it, Drowning Mirror Force?! He's a player?!

Yuhan stopped his movement and removed his Millennium Eye, he's now close enough to watch the battle unfold in person.

Still too far to hear clearly why was being said, Yuhan could still faintly hear the shouts of the other side, a rain of spells and particles flew over to the cloaked man, who seemed unbothered by it, until a man shot an arrow, the other warrior seemed to finally have lost her patience and killed the man instantly, so fast even Yuhan had a hard following her movements.

One of the higher level angels semmed to make it's move, rushing to it's target and swinging down it's mace against him, only to be stopped with only one hand, the angel went up in dark flames and got destroyed as well, at this point Yuhan could already see the outcome, but the man unwilling to give up, took out a crystal from his clothes.

— A crystal? He's not using a card?

As the crystal shines, a brand new "angel" is summoned, with shining long wings, a golden staff on it's and, a light emitting from its body.

— That thing barely qualifies as an angel, honestly just tribute it and summon a Neo-Parshath or something, you would have more luck with something like that…

A destructive ray of light shines down from the sky, right in top of the masked man, it was a long attack animation, which made Yuhan kinda cringe, flashy and explosive attacks from weak monsters were honestly a waste of good animations.

The man was laughing loudly and Yuhan could hear it, as he exclaimed one of the most well known spell cards in Shadow Realms "Black Hole", a simple and elegant animation played out, and the "angel" got destroyed, that just confirmed the boy's suspicions, that man was indeed a player.

From the Shadow Realm, Yuhan pulled a long staff with a millennium eye with wings on top, one of the rewards he got from the Pharaoh's Realm.

Yuhan followed both of them, behind the mask was an Zombie-type avatar, bold choice for a player character, as a portal appeared, Yuhan rushed his action, pointing his wand at the man before he stepped into it.

"Did the GM call function stopped for you as well?"

The man clearly stopped, and seemed a bit shocked by the situation, looked around for a while until the woman right by his side called his attention.

— Is something wrong Momonga-sama?

Recomposing himself, Momonga looked back at the portal and stepped foward.

— Do not concern yourself with it Albedo.

"How did you get in contact with me, I have not received the 'Message' alert, and yes the GM call and all other system functions have stopped working."

Albedo found it strange, on their way back to Nazarick, Momonga seemed to be lost in thought, as their walk became awfully silent, but as not to disturb the Superme One's thoughts, she chose to remain silent.