
Nazarick’s Monster Summoner

With the birth of Neuro Nano-Interface tecnology, the era VRMMORPG has begun. Kaiba Corporation, a massive technological empire launched a new Duel Monsters game called “Shadow Realms”. A new VRMMORPG based on the popular Duel Monsters game. The Year is 2138, nearing the end of the “Pharaoh’s Dimension” event. In about 30 minutes the server is going to shutdown for maintenance, but a single player has yet to give up on his quest to obtain the Millennium Puzzle. **** This is a Yu-gi-oh/Overlord Fanfic. I do not own Yu-gi-oh or Overlord ****

Ricky_Stalker · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7 — The Realm Collector

After his visit to Carne village, Momonga returned to his quarters and instructed his subjects to be left alone until further notice.

"I'm alone now, are you sure this communication channel is safe? There could be other players eavesdropping, we have no way to be sure of their intentions."

After a short while a voice sounded again in Momonga's mind, while he made his way to bed, as usual his sheets had a pleasant sweet smell on them.

"You're right, we can't be sure other of other players intentions, after finding you I'm sure others might have found their way to this Realm as well, but the Millennium Rod only allows it's holder and the target to communicate, it's the safest communication artifact to this day."

A little puzzled, Momonga puts his hand on his bony chin, and then asked.

"Millennium Rod? I don't remember an Item like that on Yggdrasil, is it a custom player made item?"


Yuhan said.


This time, Yuhan was the one confused, he was sure Momonga-san was a player from Shadow Realms, but he talked about "Yggdrasil" another game developed by a different company.

"Momonga-san? You're not a Shadow Realms player, right?"

"N-no I was playing, Yggdrasil when the servers were shut down, Shadow Realms.. isn't it that card game from Kaiba Corporation? One of my friends took a voice acting job from them."

With a hint of excitement in his voice Yuhan asked.

"Really?! I wish I had cool friends like that Momonga-san, do you know what character they voiced?"

Thinking a little bit, Momonga replied a little uncertain of his memory.

"Something called, Magician Girl? I think is a generic background character of sorts."


Yuhan yelled making Momonga's head spin.

"She's a fan favorite of the community, when her questline dropped the PG of the game went from 10 to 15 Momonga-san!!! She's a celebrity!!!"

Momonga was a bit happy with the enthusiasm, but both of them couldn't afford to keep having fun, as their situation was quite serious.

"Now, I think it's time we discuss a more serious issue, if you came from the Shadow Realms game, and I came from Yggdrasil, who knows what other players from what other games we could find in this world.

With a bit of a serious tone, Yuhan interjected.

"Also how did we end up in this situation, what happend to make this game "real" all of a sudden."

Momonga started to recall what happened in that day, and Yuhan spotted some similarities.

"Momonga-san it might seem a bit of a stretch, but we were in a similar situation, I was in an event map, that got deleted from the game during maintenance, at that time I was holding a "Realm Box" it's the strongest Item obtainable from the game at the moment, you were also holding the Staff of Ainz Ool Gown at the moment, an both items seem to have the same data value."

It made sense, but how does a virtual item makes them cross over to another reality.

"I agree both our cases are similar, but how did we end up in a completely new reality?"

With a sigh Yuhan just said.

"Who knows? Maybe we were all wrong about virtual reality and it's been real this whole time, that's a scary thought."

"Don't even joke about that, the number of war crimes I have committed then, if everything was real I would be in jail by now"

Both of them laughed.

"I would still need a reasonable explanation to the NPCs of Nazarick, according to their settings, I'm an all-knowing supreme being who holds the answer to everything, I can't just say to them 'idk lol' that would be a disaster"

Cringing a bit about the lore behind Momonga's character setting, Yuhan as a lore and role play specialist, started to think.

"Why don't we make a new lore, we mix up some of the Shadow Realms lore with the Yggdrasil lore so the guardians believe it, and make a reasonable explanation."

Thinking about it for a moment, Momonga was inclined to agree.

"Then how we go about it?"

"It's all about presentation and timing Momonga-san"

Some time later…

As a gathering was ordered by the supreme being, the servants of Nazarick, The Pleiades, The Floor Guardians, Albedo, Demiurge, Cocytus, Shalltear, Aura and Mare, all kneeling down before the throne, where the figure of the Overlord Momonga was sitting.

"First, I apologize for moving on my own. Albedo will tell you all that happend later."

At this moment, after a small pause, he proceeds in a dignified voice.

"However, there is something I must say immediately… Greater Break Item"

He said pointing his finger foward, as the flags in the hall all burned down to the surprise of all the subjects present in the throne room, in the midst of their distraction, a figure undetectable to everyone's senses arrives right behind all the servants kneeling down in front of the throne.

"I have changed my name, from now on, my name is Ainz Ool Gown!"

Using the Staff of Ainz Ool Gown to stand up, and raising his voice in a imposing manner, Ainz continued.

"If you have any objections, stand and voice them now!"

As the guardians started to sing their praises to their lord, Ainz firmly tapped his staff to the ground, gathering the attention and silencing all the voices on the throne room.

"It's about time we start Ainz-san~"

"Stop joking around Yuhan-san, I'm already embarrassed enough with all of this."

"Ok ok, I'm already in position."

— Now onto other pressing meters, to all the Guardians, stand in your positions on the side of the throne, Sebas, have the maids stand in formation on both sides of the passageway.

The guardians did not understand but complied to their supreme leader's request, at his right side, Albedo, followed by Demiurge and Shalltear, on his left side, Cocytus, followed by Aura and Mare.

On the edge of the red carpet, a line of the battle maids in a bowing position were perfectly positioned on both sides.

— Ainz-sama, we await your orders.

Just as Albedo finished speaking, Ainz sat on the throne and spoke to his subjects.

— I expect nothing but dignity from the people of Nazarick at this moment, it appears a guest has arrived.

At this moment all the throne room became tense, Demiurge was the first run thoughts in overdrive, who was this guest, the defenses of Nazarick could not detect anyone, not a single response from the thousands of detection and spying spells placed on this place, but to his complete shock, a rupture in space appeared, as the figure, of a seemingly human being stepped out of it.

— It seems I have made you wait, Momonga-san… Excuse me, should I say Ainz-san now, right?

The fact that he already knew about Ainz's change of name told everyone that this person had somehow bypassed all of Nazarick's defenses and watched the events that transpired moments before, and another fact, it's impossible to teleport inside Nazarick without a Ring of Ainz Ool Gown, but somehow this stranger just did it, right before their own eyes, and he clearly did not have a ring on his fingers.

All the guardians raised their guards, even the maids on their bowing position had their hands closely grasping for their weapons.

— Realm Collector, if I remember correctly your real name was Yuhan, right?

With a devilish smile on his face, the stranger answered.

— Your memory sure is impressive, Ainz-san…

At this moment, Albedo snapped, but according to her orders, she did not leave her dignified behavior.

— Ainz-sama, how could a lowly being like a human, be possibly allowed to address a Supreme Being like yourself so casually.

At this moment, Mare interjected.

—That's right, he should be showing a little bit of respect.

With a small laugh, Ainz's next words made the guardians silent.

— A human? Is that how you perceive him? That being, is the Realm Collector, I got in contact with him to understand our current situation, he claims to know how we ended up in this strange place.

At this, the gazes of all the beings present at this moment fell on Yuhan.

— It is a pleasure to meet you, people of Nazarick, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Yuhan, the Realm Collector.

Confused by the term, Shalltear was the first one to ask.

— ~We heard, but what is a Realm collector~

With a little snap of his finger, that made most of the guardians, besides Demiurge reach for their weapons, the image of a tree, transparent, and slightly golden appeared before Yuhan.

— So that is the Outer Plane, it changed a lot.

At Ainz's words, confusion spreads through the room, but Albedo and Demiurge seem to be paying close attention.

— Correct, this is the Outer Plane, the branches on this tree are realities, this small leaves are little realms, think about your world, Yggdrasil.

A new branch sprouted from the tree, a very fast zoom is closing in the branch and soon, the map of the Yggdrasil game was displayed.

— Some stable and strogly secured realities are deeply connected to the Outer Plane, that was the case for Yggdrasil, other realities are like leaves, those are short lived, at least in the perspective of someone like Ainz or myself.

The scene zoomed out to the golden tree once again, as the voice from Yuhan continued.

— Leaves on the Outer Planes are called, Realms, as the life of a realm is coming close to the end, the leaf falls of the tree, destroying that reality and everything in it.

The images of different worlds going through apocalyptic scenarios played out on all the leaves for a brief moment.

— As a Realm Collector, I made it my mission to go into these realms, and collect everything before it's destroyed, saving their culture, their lives, even their cities, if it seems useful.

At this moment, Demiurge questioned with a stern voice.

— Then we assume you have experience traveling between different worlds, if so I need to ask, is it possible to send us back to Yggdrasil?

At this moment Ainz sighted, with a hint of sadness in his voice, and that was noticed by all the subjects present.

— Unfortunately no, Yggdrasil was caught in a level 9 calamity, it's entire branch of reality fell of the Outer Plane.

As Yuhan said that, an entire branch of the golden tree projected fell crashing, destroying and breaking some other branches as it fell.

— Usually branches of reality last for what feels like eternity, but something caused the branch of Yggdrasil to fall, damaging a lot of other realities, the fact that Nazarick survived such catastrophic event, means something or someone must have protected this place.

Yuhan said looking directly at Ainz, as he looked away from him, that exchange made the guardians confused, if their supreme ruler had protected them, why didn't he said a word about it.

— Speculation won't help us in our situation, proceed, but only on matters of importance, Yuhan-san.

It almost sounded like a threat, a very subtle one at that.

— Then that takes us to our current situation, during Yggdrasil's fall, one of the damaged branches was a Realm I was in the process of "collecting" and that made the realm and everything in it fall apart quickly, I was strong enough to save myself, but I got cut off from the Outer Plane, and much like Nazarick, I've founded myself in this strange place.

After thinking about it for a while, Albedo questioned.

— And where in the Outer Planes are we?

With a sigh, Yuhan made a small hand gesture, making his golden tree shrink, then tossed it up, as it multiplied becoming like a golden starry sky.

— I seems I was not clear enough, we fell 'out' out the Outer Plane, and crashed into a completely different one, we could be… Anywhere…

And that statement made all the residents of Nazarick understand, just how far they were from Yggdrasil.