
Chapter 13

"He craves the truth.

"Murmurings escaped her lips as they delved deeper into one another. Their embrace endured, tongues battling for supremacy within their mouths.

A sharp cough disrupted them, compelling them to cease their kiss and identify the source.

Natalie and Kingsley stood there, knowingly smiling.

"K-Kingsley?" Tessa faltered, and he grinned, sharing a knowing glance with her.

"Sir Hayes!" Natalie exclaimed, and Hayes attempted to maintain composure. Their eyes met once more before he averted his gaze.

"Um... Are you Sir Hayes Flynn?" Kingsley inquired, to which he nodded. Kingsley's grin widened instantly.

"Then you're my brother-in-law!" He declared, causing Hayes's eyes to widen. "What on earth is this guy saying?!"

"Um...alright, I must depart now, farewell," he responded, slowly smiling. His eyes connected with Tessa's teary ones, and he strode toward his parked car, swiftly driving away.

"Don't tell me what I suspect, Tessa! My best friend has a beau!" Natalie exclaimed as soon as they entered the house.

Kingsley flopped onto the couch upon entering, seizing the remote to change TV channels.

"It's not as you presume, Nat; there's no romantic involvement between us," Tessa explained, removing her shoes.

"But Kingsley and I witnessed it... You were kissing, and you even emitted sweet moans," Natalie argued, glaring at her.

"My brother-in-law is quite dashing, Tessa; you indeed have good taste," Kingsley interjected, prompting Tessa to hurl a pillow at him, which he dodged, chuckling.

"Goodness! I'm exhausted and sleepy! Please refrain from discussing him!" she half-yelled, causing Natalie to notice the marks on her arms and face.

"Wait, what are these marks, Tessa? What happened? Were you assaulted? Who did this to you?!" Natalie inquired, her tone laced with concern, but Tessa evaded her gaze.

"Um... it's nothing," she lied, swallowing hard. Kingsley faced her, sensing her discomfort and recognizing her falsehood.

"Who did this to you, sis? The Tessa I know avoids conflict, so who harmed you?" he demanded, and she dabbed at her eyes.

"I said it's nothing, guys!" she shouted.

"Goodnight!" she added before retreating to her room.

"Ugh, she's such a nuisance," Natalie groaned, heading to the kitchen to prepare noodles, but Kingsley sneaked up behind her, clasping her waist.

"Kingsley!" she whispered sharply, to which he chuckled.

"We shouldn't be doing this! What if Tessa catches us?" she mouthed.

"Who cares if she finds out! All that matters is that I've fallen for you, and I won't let you go," he replied, leaning away as she turned to face him.

He leaned against the counter, emitting a soft groan that made her giggle at his adorableness, though she couldn't deny his allure.

Goodness! How can someone be so attractive..?!

"What if I'm willing to give us a chance?" she queried, prompting him to roll his eyes.

"Quit lying; I know you still love that Dexter," he retorted, but she chuckled.

"I no longer love him, Kings; he's my past now, and my past has no bearing on us. What if I say I'm willing to give us a chance despite our age difference?" she murmured.

"Prove it," he challenged, and in an instant, she rose on her tiptoes, planting a peck on his lips. She intended to pull away, but he drew her closer, deepening the passionate kiss.


Tessa emerged from the bathroom once more, attempting to rid her lips of the lingering sensation of their kiss, but it persisted in her mind.

"Goodness! Why can't I stop feeling his delectable lips on mine?" she groaned, collapsing onto her bed in frustration.

Her hands gravitated to her lips, tracing them fervently, and she licked her bottom lip slowly as excitement surged through her.

"Stop thinking about him, Tessa! He's just your boss! Nothing more than your boss! You can't fall for your boss!" she muttered to herself fervently.

Her thoughts wandered to the intimate dream she had with Hayes Flynn the other night, and she felt a surge of moisture between her legs.

"Darn it! I should just go to sleep!" she grunted, pulling the duvet over herself. She closed her eyes, hoping sleep would claim her, but it remained elusive.

She sat up once more, scrolling through her contacts on her phone. She came across his number and was tempted to tap on it.

She dialed it, and when Hayes answered, she promptly hung up.

"You're going mad over this guy, Tessa!" she berated herself, raking her fingers through her hair frantically.



Nathan was arranging his lunchbox after their lunch break when Baby, Ian's best friend, approached him with a mischievous grin.

"Heard you were hospitalized for days, Nathaniel? What happened?" he mocked. Nathan ignored him, continuing his task, pretending not to hear.

"Where's your mom? Didn't she come to school today? You said you'd bring her," Baby taunted again, and Nathan ignored him once more.

Imelda entered the classroom just then and witnessed the scene.

"You and Liam are motherless! Accept it, Nathan! You both don't have a mom!" Baby shouted, and Nathan delivered a heavy blow to his jaw, unable to tolerate the hurtful comments any longer.

"I detest it when people speak harshly to me, Baby! Mind your own business and stop prying into mine!" Nathan yelled, and Imelda hurried to his side, attempting to calm him.

Baby stood upright, laughing as he returned to his seat, while Nathan continued to glare at him.

"Nathan, are you..."

"Get away from me!" he snapped, standing and storming out of the class angrily.

"What just happened?" some students whispered in confusion.

Tears welled up in Nathan's eyes as he wandered aimlessly, eventually bumping into Liam on his way.

"Nathan! Where are you going?" Liam asked, and Nathan shoved him away fiercely, causing Liam to fall to the ground in surprise.

"You're all the same! A bunch of mockers! Is it a sin not to have a mom? At least I have a caring, wealthy dad who's always there for me!" he cried, and Liam approached him.

"No one is mocking you, Nathaniel; please calm down. Who upset you? Tell me?" Liam urged, and Nathan hugged him tightly.

"I just need Nanny Tessa, please... Bring her back," he sniffled, and Liam patted his back.

Imelda watched them from a distance with a somber expression before returning to the classroom.



"Where do you think you're going?" Mrs. Lee suddenly appeared behind Dexter as he attempted to leave the house.

"What's all this, Mom? I'm not a child anymore, for heaven's sake! Let me live my own life!" he shouted,