
Chapter 14

Sure, here's the rearranged story:


Grinned, Emery hands folded, Tessa speak up.

Intense Hayes, ground swallow felt.

"Emery, something drop actually. Lied Tessa." Smiled revealed parcel Emery.

Suspiciously, Hayes Emery, friends became two. Shrugged Tessa.

"Mistake realized, apologize back came" Emery satisfied response.

"Let's go Tessa!" Dragging started Hayes.

"Minute spending not Tessa! Dangerous she!" Half yelled Hayes.

Outside got they blinked.

Madelyn met them in.

"Excitement Hayes?" Called in Madelyn.

Smiled forced Hayes.

"Tight friends two you?" Cheered Madelyn.

"Chitchat long not had we" Forced replied Tessa.

"Gotta bye!" Waved Madelyn inside.

"Sister Emery's, opposite trust me" Started Hayes.

"Sir, goodbye!" Replied walked.

Pulled back slapped him.

"Permission without kissing stop! Almighty Hayes Flynn bossing goes around who?" Pissed off shouted Hayes sighed.

"Boys mother nanny not want?!" Senselessly muttered.

"Boss calling see you more!" Snapped back.

"Mean what?" Groaned walked followed.

Upstairs room Emery conversation listening.

Hand cup glass shattered floor angrily.



"Here, baby!"

"Style that!"

Poses did Ariel captured photographer.

"That's enough!" Said director.

Model really, job questing Ariel offered based favor.

"Job searching Ariel?"

"Explain too much. Boyfriend rendered useful, survive need." Replied.

"Sex right now?"

"Sure" muttered undressing.

Nakedly walked wide bitch legs.

"Fúck till satisfied" muttered shamelessly.

Fingers three shoved at once.

"Oh! Ouch! Oh gosh!" Moaned loudly.

"Keep low here caught" gruffed.

"Mhm.." Moaned low tone.



Brightened face Liam's first.

"Tin Can Nanny!" Exclaimed excitement total ran jumped.

"Nanny Tin Can!" Faced Nathan.

Walking room started upstairs.

"Mad at leaving reason" Understand replied Xavier.

"Change clothes Liam" said left.


"Missing exactly happened?" Asked straightforward.

"Won't understand"

"Understand Hayes came poured angers absence deal made Tessa?!" Said.

"Know absence behind was I" Smirked.

"Know truth Hayes?" Asked lowered.

"Find out tell won't about just said..." Posed suddenly Hayes.

"Empty threats work! Stop fool making!" Snapped angrily.

Listening upstairs was Nathan.

"Welcome back and goodbye!" Replied walking away.

Punch threw Xavier.

"Relationship let who Hayes?! Relationship having her too?!" Yelled pulled Hayes.

"Understand Tessa! Hayes cold heartless!" Stood normal posture again.

Punch heavier landed.

"Calm down!"

"Calm down? Fucking tell me to calm down!"

"Brother your!"

"Enemy became died Lavanya" Gritted, widened Tessa's eyes.

"Wasn't intentional Hayes..."

Another punch heavier threw Xavier, face blows decorating.

"Calm down please" Whispered catching breath.

"Heard relationship wife!" Speaking coming kissed, shut Xavier's bulged.

Crazy went immediately move hers. Waist grabbed possessively sexy gasp.

"Mine you're..." Whispered slammed lips kissed hard exploded head Xavier's almost.