
Naruto:Weaving The Future

Traveling through the world of Naruto,Gray gains access to the ‘undercover creation system’. As long as the undercover gets enough influence, he can get rewards. Ever since. Gray creates a light curtain and begins to weave the future. Let the big guys in the Naruto world think that they finally understand the truth about the world. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Who is Kaido and why can he replace Kakashi and become the teacher of Class 7?" Orochimaru: "What? I founded Academy City?" Zetsu: "It turns out that the biggest culprit that prevented me from resurrecting my mother was the Pirate King Roger!" Pain: " I didn;'t know that our Akatsuki organization would have so many undercover agents!" The Fourth Ninja War. Reanimated Uchiha Madara looked at the allied ninja army and felt numb. Is this still the ninja world I know? ***patreon:https://patreon.com/void667? get more chapter here

writer_in_disguise · Anime et bandes dessinées
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43 Chs

Chapter 36 Small Is Also Very Cute

[Aburame Shino observed the situation in the Forest of Death with a calm demeanor, assessing the combat capabilities of both sides. After a moment of thoughtful analysis, he addressed Ash, his tone measured, "What scroll do you seek? Perhaps there's no need for us to engage in combat."]

["As for the scrolls, we've already obtained them," Ash responded, displaying the Earth Coiling scroll he held in his hand. Like the class eight, they had also secured all the necessary scrolls in advance.]

[With the scrolls in hand, there was no immediate need for confrontation. However, Ash felt a desire to engage in battle, to face different opponents and gain valuable experience.]

[Despite his initial expectations of Inuzuka Kiba as a formidable adversary, Ash found himself disappointed by his opponent's vulnerability.]

[Raising his arm, Ash signaled to Pikachu, who promptly understood and leaped onto Ash's shoulder, ready for whatever lay ahead.]

["Wait a moment!"]

Inuzuka Kiba, panting heavily, addressed Ash, who was preparing to depart. With determination, albeit unconvincing, he took a step forward and exclaimed, "I haven't lost yet! I... I can still keep fighting!"]

Ash paused upon hearing this, turning around with a lowered hat brim. Speaking in a deep voice, he conveyed his purpose: "My goal is to become a Pokémon Master! Therefore, I will be participating in the Quartz Conference hosted by the Cloud Shinobi Village soon. If you wish to challenge me, you can sign up for the conference."

"However," he continued, "to participate, you must first challenge our eight gym leaders and earn their respective badges."

"I hope you have the strength for it."

With that, Ash turned to leave, taking a few steps forward. But before fully departing, he paused as if recalling something, and without looking back, he added a reminder: "By the way, after the exam concludes, you can send your Pokémon to the Celia Hotel. Cloud Shinobi Village has partnered with the owner, Celia, who has placed a Pokémon healing machine inside."

"It can swiftly mend any injuries your Pokémon may have."

[Exterior of the Forest of Death.]


"Eating meatballs is best paired with Anko soup!"

Mitarashi Anko, the examiner of the second exam, took a sip from her can of Anko soup and lifted her head with satisfaction.

"Wait until you're done eating."

"It's time for me to head to the tower and wait for them."

"In the exam, those who move quickly can reach the tower in a day."

Mitarashi Anko casually tossed the bamboo skewer away after finishing her meatballs.


The bamboo stick lodged firmly into a nearby tree.

"All done!"

"The symbol of Konoha!"

Mitarashi Anko gazed at the pattern she had made with the bamboo stick and smiled.

"Lord Anko!"

"No! Something big has happened!"

A Chūnin suddenly appeared in front of Anko, urgency in his voice: "Three corpses have been found, and their cause of death is very strange. Please come and see!"

"The cause of death is strange?"

Mitarashi Anko followed the Chūnin to the scene, wearing a puzzled expression.

["Judging from the items and documents they carried with them, they are Kusagakure ninjas who came to take the exam."]


"Their faces are gone, as if they have been dissolved!"

You can't go wrong! This is his ninjutsu!

Why is he here?

Mitarashi Anko realized who the murderer was the moment she saw the deceased.

She shouted to the Chūnin beside her: "We're in trouble. Go and inform Lord Hokage and request support from at least two teams of Anbu troops!"

Orochimaru: "..."

Fourth Raikage: "Orochimaru, why do you keep coming back here? Are you enjoying bullying a group of Genin at the Chūnin exam?"

Tsunade: "Exactly!"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and scanned the area: "Anko, you underestimate me, sensei. You only requested two teams of Anbu troops to deliver food to me, even though you knew it was me."

Mitarashi Anko accepted the criticism gracefully: "Yes, noted for next time."

Next time...

I'll gather Kaido, Aokiji, Kakashi, and the Anbu to see how you handle it!

In the light curtain, the camera switches to the perspective of Team 7.

[Outer circle of the Forest of Death. ]

[Team 7 encountered a Genin team who happened to possess the Earth Scroll, which they needed. However, Sasuke swiftly defeated them, securing the scroll for their team.]

Naruto raised his hands triumphantly, exclaiming, "Now we can head straight to the tower!"

Suddenly, a sinister voice echoed around them, "Ah, rushing ahead too quickly isn't wise for a man!"

From beneath the earth emerged a tall, slender figure—Orochimaru. He fixed his gaze on the Earth Scroll in Sasuke's hands and proposed, "I happen to lack an Earth Scroll. How about giving me the one you have?"

As Orochimaru spoke, he raised his head slightly, his narrow eyes glaring at Team 7. A chilling aura emanated from him, sending shivers down their spines, as if forewarning of impending doom.


Team 7 exchanged glances, puzzled by Orochimaru's intentions. After a moment of silence, Sasuke voiced his uncertainty, "He appears to be, maybe 80%... trying to intimidate us with his aura?"

"Eh?" Naruto exclaimed, unimpressed, "His aura is barely a fraction of Kaido-sensei's! I thought he was just saying hi!"

Sakura, ever compassionate, interjected, "But Kaido-sensei used Conqueror's Haki with his aura, amplifying its power. So his aura is much stronger than normal."

With an encouraging glance at Orochimaru, she seemed to convey, "It's alright, even if it's not as intense, it's still cute!"

Jiraiya: "Pfft!!"

Jiraiya: "Hahaha, I can't believe it! Orochimaru, getting dissed by Genin!"

Fourth Raikage: "Orochimaru, what were you thinking? You went to the Fish Pond Bureau to fry fish, why start a fight with the fish?"

Orochimaru: "..."


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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