
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

024: Returning to the village



Username: Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto(Age : 16 years old

Title: Kurama's jinchuriki (+40,000 chakra,-20 reputation among civilian,+20 reputation among shinobi,-50% chakra control); Ashura incarnation ( mokuton kekkei genkai,+50% nature chakra,+50% nature chakra control); Child of prophecy (???),User of Sharingan ( Learn any jutsu +50% efficiency), Toad summoner ( -40% chakra usage when Summoning toads), Toad sage appreciate (learning senjutsu +50% faster), toad sage ( decrease the timing by 40% of geather nature energy, increase the timing by 40% to be in sage mode); true sage ( Always in sage mode)


Chakra:100,000/100,000(+20,000)( equal to Datara [ Ten tails])

Nature chakra: Infinite ( Always in sage mode)

Chakra control:100/100

STR: 3500 ( God level)

DEX:3500 ( God level)

INT:3500 (God level)

VIT:3500 (God level)

STAT POINTS: 400( host use these points to update str,dex,int,vit)

Chakra nature:

Primary: Wind,lighting,water,earth, Fire ,yin-yang


1. Uzumaki bloodline: (passive)

( superior stamina,high healing factor,adamentine chakra chain, fuinjutsu mastery speed increases by 200%).

[A/N:basically Uzumaki are known for fuinjutsu and here Naruto is full blood uzumaki.]

2. Ashura incarnation:(passive)

(friendly with all tail beasts, reputation among tail beasts +30%)

3. Gamers mind:(passive)

(The host mind is always calm in every tough and unsuitable condition)

4. Son of Yellow Flesh:(passive)

(photo graphic memory, easily able to learn any ninjutsu and flying thunder god)

5.Bloodlust: able to put fear in any person who's will is less than you.

6. Sharingan: (passive)

(Elemental chakra control+50%)

7: Rinnesharingan:(passive) Ability to change space and reality, Control space and time , use all six paths, Can use outer path without any panelty.

Skill (active):Shadow clone jutsu,Body replacement jutsu,True transformation jutsu,Body Flicker Technique, element skin,clone technique , Rasengan

Wind style: Wind Clone,great breakthrough,Armor of Wind,Gale Wolf,Faithful Wind Blade,Grand Slashing Wind Skill,Wind Dragon,Assassin's Rush,Severing Pressure,Geyser Creation.

Water style: water clone,Water Shuriken Technique,mud ball,hidden mist jutsu,Water Chains Technique,Water Cannon Technique,Water Torrent Technique,Water Prison Technique,Great Waterfall Technique,Water Dragon Blast,body control(forbidden technique).

Earth style:earth clone,Stone Shuriken Skill,Inner Decapitation Skill,Volcanic Earth Clone Skill,Earth Dragon Blast,stone spear,Alive Burial Technique,Volcanic Dragon Blast,Swamp of the Underworld,Body of the Stone Warrior,Lava Dragon Explosion Technique,Mountain Creation.

Lightening style:Lightning clone,Cloud Wisp Technique,Electric Overdose Technique,Electric Needle Spread Technique,Piercing Arrows,Electric Snake Technique,Chain Lightning Technique,Hands of Torture,Heaven's Judgement,Lightning Dragon Attack.

Fire style:Mythical Fire Flower,Flash Fan,Flame Spread,Jutsu, Dragon Fire, Bed of Fire, Powerful Fireball,Hydra Technique,Blazing Column,Fire Dragon Blast,Hellfire Clap,Fierce Flame Fist,Raging Storm of the Dragon, Pandemonium.

Mokuton kekkei genkai: Wood clone technique; Tree Limb Technique ; Dense Woodland Wall ; Great Forest Technique;

Four Pillar Home Techniques; Birth of a Sea of Trees; Smothering Binding Technique; Four Pillar Prison Technique;

Wood Locking Wall ; Nativity of a World of Tree ; Advent of a World of Flowering Trees ; Entering Society with Bliss Bringing Hands ; Unbreakable dome ; Laughing Buddha ; Tenth Edict On Enlightenment ; Deep Forest Bloom ; Quintuple Rashomon ; Wood Golem Jutsu ; 1,000 Armed Kannon

Fuinjutsu: Complete level 10 of 10

able to make basic ,mid and advance scroll; basic ,mid and advance paper bombs;Flying thunder god level 1, 2, 3(instant transmission); impure world reincarnation; etc...

Tijutsu : Gentle fist, strong fist,ninken, interceptor style ,Uzumaki style, hummingbird style, boxing, kickboxing, kung fu, aikido, judo, muay thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu,Frog kumite

Dragon fist style (100% complete) combination of all tijutsu.

Gates: 8 gates out of 8 gates

kenjutsu: Sarutobi style bojutsu; Uzumaki style kenjutsu


Hokage Tower , mission room:

Konohamaru, udon and moegi enter the room with a cat in the hands of Konohamaru.

Konohamaru: Mission complete, we caught tora.

A fat lady takes tora from the hand of konohamaru and starts rubbing his face against tora.

Konohamaru: Now I know why tora runs away, if my owner was like her I would also run away.

Ebisu: Konohamaru.

Ebisu comes near konohamaru to stop him from talking.

The lady gives money for the mission and leaves.

Ebisu: Two hours for catching an animal.

Udon : But it was very fast.

Moegi: and very good at escaping.

Ebisu: No excuses, this type of mission should be done at top speed.

Konohamaru: So what do you want from me to use rasengan on that cat.

I am not going to use my full power on this kind of mission.

Hey, iruka sensei what about more kickass mission this time.

Iruka: Konohamaru

Ibisu: Konohamaru, you all just become genin. What makes you think that you suddenly got a great mission.

Tsunade: Only D-rank mission for you.

Konohamaru: I just can't deal with it and you all are looking at the seventh hokage of the leaf.

Tsunade: Seventh?, what about sixth .

Konohamaru: That spot is already taken by Big brother Naruto.

Everyone was shocked after listening Naruto's name , after that team ebisu left.

Tsunade: Naruto left for his training and Konohamaru is turned into a second Naruto, Calling himself seventh and Naruto sixth hokage.

Iruka: He goes with lord jiraya for serious training.

Shizune: isn't it about time for him to come back?

Tsunade: He better be , it's going to be dangerous out there.

They are talking about Naruto and Naruto and Jiraya appear in front of the main gate of The leaf.

Naruto: Home sweet Home.

Jiraya: Let's go inside kid.

Naruto: Yeah.

Naruto and Jiraya enter the leaf village and both guards look at them.

Kotetsu: Is he..

Izumo: Yeah he is back .

Naruto changed his clothes and town down the shade of orange from kill me orange to brownish orange with black .

( A/N: Take shippuden's cloths of Naruto and tone down orange by two levels).

Naruto: Let's meet granny first then I have to meet my friends.

Jiraya: Yeah, so are you going to teleport us or we are going to walk.

Naruto: Let's teleport near the Hokage tower.

Naruto teleports both himself and jiraya on the gate of hokage tower.

Naruto: From here we walk , i don't want to get beaten by granny on the first day of my return.

Jiraya: Me too.

Jiraya and Naruto go inside the hokage tower and come in front of the Hokage office ans knock on the door.

Tsunade: Come in.

Naruto: Thanks granny.

Tsunade: It's time you showed up, it's nice to see you again brat.

Naruto: Me too granny.

Tsunade: I hope you got stronger than before kiddo.

Jiraya: Did you really think if he did not get stronger then before I brought him here.

Tsunade: Now I look at you Naruto, you almost look like Minato when he was younger.

Naruto: Yeah , i let my hair grow now my bangs are the same length as my father.

Sakura enters the Hokage office after getting the information that Naruto comes back from gate guards.

Sakura: You are back Naruto.

Naruto: Yup, i am back.

Sakura: Look at you you changed completely.

Naruto: thanks i guess.

Tsunade: I choose an opponent for you to see how much you grow in these years.

Naruto: Cool, just bring it.

Tsunade: And your opponent is .

Tsunade said the words , the gate opens and Shikamaru and Temari enter the office.

Naruto: Pineapple head, is that you Shikamaru.

Shikamaru: Naruto you are back ,look at you, you change completely.

Naruto: Are you my opponent, granny did you really think I progressed negatively.

Shikamaru: I am not your opponent, hell i know nobody in the village is your opponent.

Naruto: Then who is my opponent , Temari what are you doing here with Shikamaru. Don't tell me you two start dating, congratulations.

From the date I remember something guys I will meet you later .

Naruto teleports himself where Hinata and ino are.

Tsunade: He didn't change a bit.

Shikamaru: You are wrong lady hokage, he completely changed his eyes are now more calculated and can see through any facade.

Jiraya: Genius Nara, he is correct Tsunade Naruto is more deadly then anyone we ever face.

Tsunade: What do you mean by that jiraya explains.

Jiraya: In the last two years he was trained by the great toad sage, he learned how to become one with nature and learn to be in sage mode without any change in appearance .

Tell you frankly Tsunade he can take on all the jonins of leaf with both of us and beat all of us effortlessly.

Tsunade: That's impossible, Jiraya tell me his level according to you.

Jiraya: I don't know.

Tsunade ( in anger): What do you mean you don't know.

Jiraya: I don't know means I don't know the level above the kage level.

Tsunade: You are kidding Jiraya, i know Naruto is strong but this is ridiculous, a sixteen year old stronger than a kage.

Jiraya: Well what you saw just now is the tip of the iceberg and i tell you that nobody will live after saw the remaining.

Jiraya and Tsunade are talking about Naruto then suddenly seven jonin appear in front of them.

Yugao: Lady hokage , sorry for being late we have to drag Kakashi and Guy from their foolish compilation.

Kakashi: So where is Naruto.

Tsunade: He left to meet his friends and girlfriends.

Jiraya: Don't worry he already senses you guys here, he will come back in two three hours.

Anko: Now we have to wait for that brat, great .

Sakura: Believe me you don't want to meet him as your opponent.

Guy: He is a youthful opponent, right Kakashi.

Kakashi: Did you say something guy.

Guy goes into depression and starts

mutturing hip and cool attitude fo kakashi and everyone starts laughing.


With Naruto:

Naruto teleports and reaches the Flower shop of the Yamanaka Family.

Naruto: Hello, can I get some flowers for my beautiful flower.

Ino saw Naruto and started looking at him for a minute.

Ino: Na...Na..Narutooo.

Ino jumped from the counter and put Naruto into a hug and they both fell on the floor.

Naruto: How are you my princess.

Ino: I am good, look at you, you look so handsome.

Naruto: Thanks, now let's go and meet Hinata first then I take both of you for a date.

Ino : Sure, let's go but we walk i don't want to teleport here and there.

Naruto: Sure.

Ino: Mom i am taking a break.

Naruto and Ino left to reach the Hyuga compound..

Hyuga compound::

Naruto: Hey Ino why don't you go and bring Hinata out here and I surprise him.

Ino: That's a good idea.

Ino goes inside the hyuga compound and brings Hinata out so Naruto can surprise him.

Hinata: Where are we going Ino?

Ino: Oh it's a surprise.

Naruto comes from behind.

Naruto : How are you my Lavender queen.

Hinata turned around and looked at Naruto and jumped to hug him.

Hinata(tears in her eyes): You are back, I miss you a lot.

Naruto: I miss you too my lavender queen.

let's go and have lunch, my treat.

Ino: It's a date .

Naruto: Sure, if you want to call it that.

Naruto takes both Hinata and Ino into a fancy restaurant for Lunch.

Naruto: Let's have some dessert and go back to hokage office before Granny kill me for teleport away with out telling her where I am going.

Both Hinata and Ino go pale from the thought of angry Tsunade.

Ino : Let's go we eat dessert later.

Hinata: Yeah.

Ino grabs the hand of Naruto and leaves the restaurant, Hinata is coming behind them.

Naruto come out of Restaurant after paying the bill and teleport both hinata and Ino with himself.


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.