
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

025: Show of strength and S rank mission


Hokage office:

Naruto teleports himself and both of her girlfriends inside the Hokage office.

Tsunade: You come back on time brat or i will come to find you.

Naruto: Come on, nobody said anything when Kakashi sensei came late for a meeting but I came only five minutes late and you started whooping my ass.

Tsunade: Language Naruto.

Naruto: Sorry, so who is my opponent again.

Tsunade: Well all of them are.

Naruto: Are you Granny, hey what all of you do so granny put you against me.

Anko: What do you mean brat.

Naruto: What I mean Mrs. Umino is that all of you do something to make granny angry or mad .

Anko: No.

Naruto: Then why.

Tsunade: because they are best in the leaf village.

Naruto: Then we have to increase the number of shinobis like them because they are not enough if we have to fight a war .

Every jonin takes it as an insult and they want to beat Naruto.


Training ground 56:

Naruto and everyone reach the training ground to test Naruto's progress.

Tsunade: Are you ready brat.

Naruto: Sure Granny, hey Granny how about a bet, if I win you will go on a date with pervy sage and If they win I will do whatever you want.

Tsunade: Deal.

Naruto: Then ready to lose Granny because you forget I never lose a bet.

Jiraya: Kid you are an angel.

Naruto: Yeah yeah , so who want go first.

All of them take stance and ready to attack Naruto.

Naruto: "Naruto special: Haram viewing technique ".

All jonin get stun except Guy who didn't look in the eyes of Naruto.

Tsunade: What the hell happened here.

Jiraya: hahahah..., he will tell you later.

Tsunade: You know something.

Jiraya: Naruto create a genjutsu from which nobody wants to come out.

Tsunade: What the hell, I lost a bet again that brat.

Everyone start laughing and Tsunade cursing her luck.

With Naruto and Guy:

Naruto turn off his sharingan and look at Guy.

Naruto: So Guy sensei , how about a tijutsu battle.

Guy: What a Youthful idea Naruto let's fight.

Guy and Naruto both take there stance and start to go all out.

Guy: let's take this on another level, Gate of opening, healing, life , pain, limit , view and wonder release.

Guy open seven gates and a stream of chakra cover his whole body and his skin colour change.

Naruto: So be it.

Naruto also opens seven gates and starts fighting Guy.

Guy: Well done Naruto but it's end here

"Daytime tiger".

Naruto: I also created a move for the seventh gate " Roaring Dragon".

Both moves collide which cause other jonins to come out of their genjutsu.

Naruto and Guy both fell on the ground.

Guy: You did well Naruto and created your own move for the seventh gate , so youthful you pass.

Naruto: Thanks Guy sensei, this is the toughest tijutsu fight I ever had after serious pervy sage.

Kakashi: What happened here who wake me from my beautiful dream.

Naruto: So you guys break the genjutsu.

Anko: That was genjutsu that look so real.

Anko and other look at Naruto with a stream of blood flowing from their noses.

Naruto: Now you guys are ready to fight me or not.

Kurenai: Yes we are ready.

Asuma : So are we going to fight one on one because one against six looks overkill.

Naruto: Good now ''shadow clone'' .

Naruto creates thirty six clones .

Naruto: Six against one but you guys are Elite jonins right so tell me you want me to use Sage mode or not.

Yugao: What the hell.

Everyone was looking at Naruto with shock.

Tsunade : When did he start talking like an Uchiha.

Jiraya: He only talks like this when he has to intimate someone.

Shikamaru: So what is going to happen to Asuma and others.

Jiraya: They are going to get the worst beating of their life.

Hinata: Poor kurenai sensei.

In five minutes naruto's Shadow clones engrave all of them in the ground and none of them have a scratch on them .

Naruto: Done, you lose the bet granny.

Tsunade: Fine i go on a date with this pervert but tell me what did you show them in the genjutsu.

Naruto: Oh nothing much, I show naked kurenai to Asuma and opposite to kurenai, same with Yugao and Hayate, show naked iruka sensei to Anko and Show prevy comics characters to Kakashi sensei.

Shikamaru: That ingenious.

Naruto: I know.

Hinata: Naked Naruto.

Hinata goes all red and got fainted, after hearing Hinata Ino's face is also heat up.


With Tsunade:

Tsunade wears a black mini back less dress and waits for jiraya who appears in front of her in a three piece suit and flowers in his hands.

Jiraya: For a beautiful like you.

Jiraya gives flowers to Tsunade who accept them.

Tsunade: Thank you can we go on a date now.

Jiraya: Sure I why not, I book the best restaurant of the land of fire.

Tsunade: Ok let's go.

In the restaurant:

Jiraya: What would you like to have princess.

Tsunade: I don't know if you can become such a gentleman jiraya.

Jiraya: It's only for you Princess.

Tsunade: You know , you should thank Naruto for this .

Jiraya: I know and I already did that.

Tsunade: He is a good kid and he told me that you love me.

Jiraya: And you don't know for how long.

Tsunade: Then tell me.

Jiraya: I love you from the day I met you but I didn't know how to express it then, when I saw you with Dan then I realised how much I love you, but never got the courage to tell you on your face.

Tsunade: You already told me that now.

Jiraya: I did but what is your answer.

Tsunade: I also think about that after Naruto told me that you love me , My answer is I love you too.

(A/N: Lemon started , if you want to leave just scroll down, but I know nobody will going to scroll so enjoy)

Tsunade kisses Jiraya and Jiraya kisses back and after that they go inside the room , as they go inside the room Tsunade's lips were on his and she was pinning him onto the floor, smirk wavering. Amused and aroused by her irresistible manner, Jiraiya lay on the floor, allowing the blond woman to straddle him as her breasts hung over him; simply too tempting with her nipple jutting out the way they were.

He lifted himself up, crashing into Tsunade and turning the tables on her, pinning her against the floor and quickly removing his shirt. This was a night he was going to enjoy.

Running his fingers up her stomach, Jiraiya walked them up her buxom chest, making her twinge between his legs in a way that he would've liked to feel repeatedly for an eternity. He dipped his fingers into her cleavage, scissoring between them and making Tsunade shiver with eagerness, eyes glazed with a hungering yearning.

Tsunade purred playfully.

Tsunade: Oh, Jiraiya!

Tackling her lips with his own, Jiraiya pummeled himself into her, creating an erotic thrill that was like no other. He kissed her eagerly, obtaining a tingle that made shivers course throughout him to liven up every part of his body, particularly his length, which went rigid.

Breathless, Tsunade placed her hands between his bare chest and hers, feeling his heart pound against his ribcage hard and loud enough for her to both feel and hear. She quivered with excitement as he kissed her fervidly, endlessly, his mouth moving across her face to nibble at her earlobe. She stole a gasp of air, inhaling sharply.

The sensations were almost enough to drag her back to her senses.

Jiraya: You like that, eh?

Jiraiya chuckled. He moved his lips lower, hands reaching to tug open the front of her shirt.

Jiraya: But you'll like this even better, won't you?

Unhesitant, Jiraiya opened the front of Tsunade's shirt to reveal her breasts bulging against her bra. He kissed each of them, hands straying to grasp her thighs in an attempt to make her groan, wanting her hot breath to lather his ears in moans; his attempt was successful.

Tsunade: Jiraiya

Tsunade whined.

Tsunade : Don't take so long…do it…

Resisting his own hormones, Jiraiya found it a tiresome task and while his hands were at her hips, drew her pants down far enough so that she could kick it off the rest of the way. She bucked her hips up, cramming them against his as she locked her ankles around his back, smirking at the way he breathed so shallowly, breaths slipping into pants.

He was overwhelmed by all of her.

Each of her movements, each of her noises, each of her licks, each of her hesitations, each of her lingering breaths; he could feel, hear, taste, see and smell her as if she were intoxicating him from within. She obliterated his senses until they were invalid, replaced by her entirety. Jiraya found his hands sneaking beneath her shirt to pull it over her head, his breath shallow against her hammering heart as he kissed her chest, making her writhe.

Tsunade:Damn it! Stop making me wait!

Tsunade held tighter to him.

Jiraya: Heh, you're so feisty .

Jiraiya laughed weakly.

Jiraya: And I love that about you.

Before Tsunade could say another word, her bra unhitched from behind her and her breasts were falling free before Jiraiya's scrutinized eyes, making her shudder from the inside out with unbearable apprehension. He stared hungrily at them for a minute, eyes raking over his newfound treasure; they were gorgeous.

Jiraya: So large.

he huskily managed,

Jiraya: so soft.

he ran a finger around one of them, making Tsunade's eyelids flutter, groaning with each of his words,

Jiraya: so…round…

Tsunade: Stop…teasing me…!

Tsunade squeezed her eyelids shut.

Giving in to temptation, Jiraiya finally seized her breasts with one of his hands, kneading slowly at first, but then going faster and squeezing harder. Tsunade gasped, panting against his ear, her tongue brushing against his chest. The more he felt her, the harder he got; his pants ready to burst as she moaned his name loudly.

Tsunade: Jiraiya!

Smirking weakly, Jiraiya replaced his caressing hand with his mouth, prodding at her tightening peak with his tongue. She squirmed, hot thrills flooding her veins as her entire body stiffened against his, waiting. He lathered her taut, pink nipple with his goading tongue, breathing on it afterwards to send chills riveting up and down her quivering spine.

Jiraya: Beautiful .

Jiraiya breathed, causing Tsunade to shiver again.

Tsunade: S-stop it!

Tsunade pinched her eyes shut.

Tsunade: Stop holding back!

Jiraya: What do you want me to do?

Tsunade: I…I don't know! Something!

Jiraya: Like what?

Tsunade's face was red.

Tsunade: I…just…suck on them or something…

Amused by her flustered state, Jiraiya heeded her request, lips closing over her firm peak as he took it into his mouth and began suckling. Tsunade flinched against him, throwing her breasts against his face, urging him to suck harder; he did this, sucking harder to make her breast heave, nipple tightening. He switched breasts, continuing to suckle, Tsunade winded from her continuous moans and movements.

But the thing she enjoyed about it the most was that she loved every moment of it.

Enwrapped in a blissful eternity, Tsunade breathed against him as Jiraiya lowered his pants, eyes raking over her saturated panties. She waited for him to strip her down to her last article of clothing, yearning for him. Sweat poured down her forehead, mind secured in a slight fog as he positioned himself on top of her, her hands locking around his muscled forearm as he delicately lifted the top of her panties and dragged them down.

Tsunade: Jiraiya!

Tsunade gasped, eyes tearing open.

Jiraya: Shh.

he smiled, kissing her lips as he began his thrusts slowly.

Jiraya: I'll be gentle.

Without another understandable word from Tsunade, Jiraiya began driving into her, forcing her to take in his entire length as her nether lips spread apart. He lifted and lowered himself, member throbbing with need as he went in and out repeatedly, Tsunade crying out his name, body cringing and lurching about with her spasms.

Tsunade: Jiraiya!

Jiraya: Unh…ohh…Tsunade…Tsunade…

Tsunade: Faster! Jiraiya! Faster! More!

Jiraya : Nnn…Princess...Tsunade…"

Shuddering and releasing within the blonde, cock going rigid and then limp, Jiraiya grasped her thighs firmly and slowly pulled himself out, perspiration dripping down his brow. When he turned to Tsunade, she was lying on her back, naked, eyes struggling to remain open. Looking at her and admiring her well-endowed figure, Jiraiya collapsed at her side, panting like a dog.

Tsunade nestled herself beside him.

______________Lemon ends_____________

Next day :

Temari leave the leaf village to back to her village, Naruto go on his daily Ninshu training and Kakashi was reading icha icha paradise for the second time.

Hokage tower:

Naruto Sakura and Kakashi was moving towards Mission room for taking a misson together after Two and a half year.

A shinobi is running and got collide by Naruto.

Naruto: Carefully man you may hurt yourself.

After seeing that shinobi Kakashi look concerned but he moves with Naruto and Sakura and enters the mission room .

Tsunade, Hiruzen and iruka was sitting there.

Naruto: You look happy granny, Long time no see Oldman, how are you iruka sensei when are you going to marry.

Hiruzen: How are you my boy.

Iruka: It's good to see you back Naruto.

Tsunade was going to talk then suddenly a toad appear in front of Naruto which have a scroll on his back.

Naruto: You come to me which means either Gramps was sleeping or doing his research.

Naruto take the from the back of the toad and start reading in between his chakra flaired up and his eyes switch into EMS .

Tsunade: What happened Naruto why are you angry.

Naruto : Akatsuki on the move they kidnapped Gaara last night and Sand send a Rank one massage for leaf to help them, Granny i am taking that mission.

Tsunade: Are you sure about that Naruto because I cannot stop you that's for sure.

Naruto: I am , sensei Sakura you have half an hour collect all the essentials we are leaving.

They nodded and left , Naruto start Maditation to find Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.

Sakura and Kakashi come in the mission room with the sealing scroll on there back.

Tsunade: Naruto I am ranking that mission as a S class so be carefull.

Naruto: Sakura did you have your medical equipments because we need them.

Sakura: Yes, Naruto I have everything that needed on a mission.

Naruto: Good we are leaving now, grab my shoulder.

Sakura and Kakashi grab Naruto's Shoulder and Naruto teleports with them.

Tsunade: Good luck Brat come back safe.

A cypher class shinobi come inside the room with a paper.

Shinobi: Lady Tsunade bad news form Sand.

Tsunade: I know I already dispatched a team to help them .

Shinobi: How??

Tsunade: Jiraya's spy network.

Shinobi nodded them bow and left the room.


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.