
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Chapter 32 Heishan Town

At this time, Chengye, in the eyes of others, had a calm expression like water, as if the bad news of the teacher's death just now did not affect him much.

However, only he knows that he is in a state of perception, but he is not fully outputting his chakra.

In such an emergency situation as a war, the only way to temporarily relieve the endless pain in his heart and let him be Able to keep fighting at any time.

The entire Konoha team moved forward in a fan-shaped search for the enemy.

The movement of a ninja team of this size is naturally different from the movement produced by a four-person team march. Wherever the team passes, birds take off and all animals flee.

During the march, there were even a few Kirigaze ninjas who were going to Heishan Town, and strayed into the Konoha unit's search range.

Senju Hirako's silver armor was almost dyed red with blood.

after an hour--

Konoha's troops arrived at a distance of one thousand meters from Heishan Town, and stopped slowly, everyone silently watching the front.

At the town entrance of Heishan Town, the Kirigakushi ninjas of more than 60 people slowly turned their heads, and also kept silent, just staring at Konoha.

At this moment, the troops on both sides seemed to have a substantial murderous aura, killing and colliding with each other in the air.

The cold wind blows, and the black clouds overwhelm the city!

Ghost Killer naturally took over Li Shanyu's command and stood at the front of the entire team. He was dressed in black and white clothes, carrying a long knife and needles, frowning coldly, and squinting his eyes as he looked at Konoha in front of him. The team seemed to be thinking about something.

Just now, he saw Konoha's smoke bomb signal. According to the intelligence of the spy, he understood that the three green signal bombs represented the team's immediate assembly!

In this regard, he was happy to see it. Previously, Konoha's ninjas were hiding everywhere like mice, forcing him to disperse the team to find and kill them one by one.

This greatly delayed the rhythm of their attack, disrupted Mizukage's chance for a quick battle, and made Ghost Kill a little upset.

But now, the enemy took the initiative to gather to come, the number and physical strength are not as good as their own, it is like sending death.

Previously, I thought that the opponent's commander had good tactical awareness and was a difficult, fox-like opponent, but now it looks like a stupid pig.

However, just when Ghost Killer wanted to gather all the troops and wipe out all the dregs of Konoha, Mizukage's Flying Eagle came to him with the latest order.

"Yunyin violently attacked the northern port of our country, and led all the troops to return quickly! Return quickly!"

It turned out that the name of the Kingdom of Thunder took advantage of the fact that the Kingdom of Water was at war with the Kingdom of Fire, and ordered Yunyin to send a large number of elites to immediately attack the northern border of the Kingdom of Waves, intending to occupy the most important and richest port in the northwest of the Kingdom of Water— - Haibo Port!

Once this port is lost, the water country will lose most of its trade revenue and tax revenue from the sea, and the already barren water country will fall into a serious financial crisis.

What's more serious is that the country of thunder can use this port to pose a direct threat to any part of the country of water, and Yunyin's ninja troops can walk freely in the country of water like walking on the ground.

Therefore, the security of Haibo Port is a hundred times more important than the possession of the Land of Waves!

The Land of Waves is just a springboard for Konoha's outer mirror, while Haibo Port is the lifeblood of life and death within the country!

"Hmph, these despicable idiots, Yun Yin, do their best to do some despicable deeds!" Seeing the order of Ghost Kill, he gritted his teeth secretly in anger.

As a result, the situation he faced became very bad. Once the Konoha ninja team on the opposite side refused to let them go and chose to entangle the death battle to the end, the victory or defeat would not be said, but it would definitely delay their return to aid. The time in Haibo Harbor.

"If the troops I led could not arrive in time, resulting in the loss of Haibo Port, the evaluation of me in the village would definitely be extremely low!"

His goal has never been just to get the name of the seven people of Kirigen Ninja Sword.

He also hopes to go a step further, break through the barrier of elite johnin, reach the strength of the penumbra level, and finally enter the high-level village, control his own destiny, and control the fate of others!

On Konoha's side, Hirako didn't know Commander Kirigakura's hesitation and dilemma.

Qianshou Hirako looked at the opponent's battle formation far away, and his heart was a little heavy.

The opponent has an advantage in numbers, has a powerful giant wolf psychic beast, and is waiting for it.

No matter from which point of view, the winning rate on Konoha's side will not be too high, but when she thinks of the order from the top of Konoha Village, she has no second option at this time.

He raised his right hand, and then quickly waved it down, Qianshou Hirako spit out two cold words: "Attack!"

As soon as the order came out, all the Konoha ninjas pulled out all kinds of weapons, stared at the enemy, and began to take steps.

Cheng Ye, who was in the team, only felt a strong murderous aura that was invisible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the whole team, and then slowly gathered in one place, like a torch in the dark night, giving every ninja courage and strength to move forward.

Walking slowly, walking fast, running, sprinting, the Konoha ninjas are advancing faster and faster, everyone's eyes are cold, and they can't help but hold their breath.

In a few seconds, the distance between the two sides has been shortened to 500 meters, and many Konoha ninjas have formed the Indian style in the process of running, ready to release their maximum range of attack ninjutsu at any time.

And the Anbu team led by Qianju Hirako became the arrow of the entire team, controlling the speed and rhythm of everyone's progress.

However, although the Kirigakure ninjas on the opposite side looked anxious and murderous, they stood there like wooden stakes, motionless, and Ghost Kill, as the brain of the army, remained silent.

Hirako was suspicious, and slowly slowed down the entire team's forward speed.

In the next moment, Kirigaze Ninja took action, but Qianshou Hirako never thought of it.

All the Kirigaze ninjas gave Konoha ninjas a hard look, then turned around neatly, and sprinted away in the direction of Heizhugang, no one turned back.

Only Ghost Killer, who was standing at the front of the team, had already taken out his long knife and needle in his hand, and after his expression became condensed, he threw it fiercely at Qianshou Hirako.

The silver long knife drew a beautiful arc in the air and pinned it exactly in front of Hirako.

In an instant, Hirako Chitura immediately raised his right hand and informed the entire team to stop advancing.

Cheng Ye, who was marching with the large army for the first time, didn't have time to react, and almost hit the butt of an uncle Chunin in front of him.

Everyone looked closely, but saw a white strip of cloth strung on the long knife and needle, with faint writing on it.

Hatake Izumi, who was wearing a dog-face mask, sped up and came to the long knife sewing needle, tore off the white cloth strip, and turned it over to Qianshou Hirako.