
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 31 The Bad News

He and Uchiha Suzuki have been standing on the periphery of Chengye, and when Chiju Hirako first issued an order, he had already recognized: This Anbu with a rabbit face mask is his mother!

He knew earlier that every mission performed by a mother with elite jounin strength was very important to the village.

But he never imagined that his mother, who was always gentle with others, turned out to be a dark unit commander directly under Hokage, and also served as the commander of the Konoha Ninja Unit on the Battlefield of the Land of Waves.

Uchiha Suzuki looked at Cheng Ye in a daze and smiled.

His originally handsome face was now gray, and there were a few shallow scars scratched by the gravel.

Suzuki just wanted to lift his little hand to wipe the dust on Chengye's face, but the next second, Chengye disappeared.

Looking up, he found that he had climbed up the big tree where the rabbit-faced Anbu was located three times and two times, and quickly walked in front of him.

Cheng Ye raised his cat-like face, and there were faint waves in his reddish eyes.

"Mom..." Cheng Ye said softly, his voice was small, but full of thoughts.

In the final analysis, Chengye is only eleven years old now. Because of her mother's busy schedule, in the last month, Chengye has not been able to see her mother at all, not even once.

Qianshou Hirako looked at his lovely son, but did not reach out to stroke his slightly curled cyan bangs and pinch his soft cheeks as before.

"Chengye, this is the battlefield. We are all ninjas now. If you have anything to say, we will go back and talk about it. Now you call me the commander-in-chief, not the mother. Do you understand?" The voice that arrived said, without a trace of emotion.

The identity of Hokage directly under Anbu, except for the senior management of Konoha Village, can not be known by the rest, including close relatives.

It is an exception for Qianju Hirako to take the initiative to recognize her son this time.

Hearing her mother's cold and serious voice, Cheng Ye couldn't help but silently took a few steps back.

Having been a ninja for more than a year, he can understand the difficulties of his mother at this time, but he is unavoidably very disappointed because he has nowhere to express his thoughts.

"Okay, Qianshou Chengye, get ready to go. You are in the middle and rear of the entire team. Don't act without authorization, understand?" The line is still so cold and cold.

"Yes! Commander... I have another question to ask you, in this forest, have you seen Mr. Ma Watanabe, the captain of our eighth squadron, may I ask if he was dispatched by you to execute the task? Do you have any other tasks?" Hearing that his mother was going to drive him away, Chengye hurriedly asked the question that he cared about most.

The next moment, a Qingyingying ring flew out of Qianshou Pingzi's hand, Chengye subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it, and the two green leaves were still lying quietly in it.

"Isn't this... the ring of our eighth class? Why are you here..." As he spoke, Cheng Ye suddenly stopped, his originally bright eyes were like blown out candles Like, suddenly dim.

He looked up with sluggish eyes, and the unbelievable expression stabbed Qianshou Heizi a little harder to remain so indifferent.

"This ring was discovered during the investigation just now. When we arrived, he was already dead..." Qianshou Hirako spoke, and he couldn't help but tremble a little.

She didn't even dare to describe the tragic scene at the scene in detail.

When they went to the battlefield where Watanabe died in battle based on the smell of blood, they found that his body had been broken into countless pieces, and it was impossible to put the body back together again.

She had already fully realized how painful and angry it was to lose a teacher she loved, in the war between the Senju family and the Uchiha family.

And now, the same pain has befallen his son again.

This is war, it means endless blood and sacrifice, it is a feast of death, and it is a hell of life.

In it, no matter if you are righteous or evil, the pain of losing someone important will always penetrate deep into the human body, making you unavoidable. When you want to feel happy, hit hard without mercy.

As soon as Pingzi's words fell, Chengye's body seemed to be drained of all his strength, and his knees fell to the ground weakly.

At this moment, his neck seemed to be tightly grasped by a pair of big hands, unable to cry or even make a sound. His originally full of anticipation seemed to be involved in a vortex, rolling up and down continuously.

Seeing his son like this, Qianshou Hirako subconsciously reached out his hand, but then he desperately held back and turned away.

There are countless combat missions waiting for her arrangement, and there is no time to delay here.

Uchiha Suzuki, who had been watching from a distance, saw Cheng Ye suddenly kneeling on the ground without any warning, his black jade-like eyes panicked, and ran to Cheng Ye's side at his fastest speed.

She put her fair and slender hands on Chengye's shoulders, shaking it gently, and at the same time she asked anxiously: "Chengye! Chengye! What's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly like this?"

There was not a single tear in Cheng Ye's eyes, but it was like a dry lake.

Hearing Suzuki's concerned words, he shuddered and spread his tightly clenched palms, and the eighth shift exclusive leaf ring appeared.

"Watanabe-sensei, in the battle to cover us just now, you have already died..." Cheng Ye used all his strength to speak, but only muttered to himself in a low voice.

Hearing this, Uchiha Suzuki stood up slowly and looked around aimlessly. Everyone stood quietly, and the dark trees were silent.

Tears had already flowed out at the moment of parting, and she thought she was already mentally prepared, but at the moment when the bad news came, every inch of reason, and even every inch of skin, seemed to be torn and kneaded.

A few minutes later--

The Forest of the Country of Waves——

After Hirako Qianshou arranged the formation of the team, he issued an order to everyone: "Everyone should stop resting, our investigators have already learned that the enemy has begun to gather, and the location is the country of waves - Montenegro Town."

After a pause, she continued: "We must start immediately. Before the enemy has completed the assembly, we will rush to Heishan Town and give them a blow by surprise! Now, start!"

"Yes" The answers of the Konoha ninjas were neither loud nor passionate, but concise and short. For a time, a faint murderous aura pervaded the bodies of the forty or so Konoha ninjas.

Qianju Chengye and his companions are in the middle and rear of the entire team, which is a heavily protected position.