
Naruto: The Wandering Blacksmith

Ryu lives with his father, Haru, in a small village in the land of water where he helps his father with their blacksmithing business. However, the father and son pair are not as they seem. When Shinobi appear on their doorsteps looking to kill them, Ryu is forced to venture into the harsh world of Shinobi with only the Transformation Jutsu that his father taught him for blacksmithing. Watch Ryu as he hones his skill and becomes a legend the likes of which have never been seen in the multiverse. (By the way, the tag says OP for a reason, Ryu will end up so broken. Like OAA level. And there won't be any cheats, Ryu will discover the multiverse and explore it all with his own power. If you're wondering how such heresy is possible, especially in a Naruto fic, go read the fanfic. Honestly, I made it my personal mission to torment all the power scalers that will read this.) I don't own the image, I can barely write my name in an understandable way much less draw something like that, so if the original artist (TorinoGT from what I found on Wallpaper Abyss) wants it taken down message me. I also don't own Naruto, but I think that's obvious. I mean, if I did own it, I sure as hell wouldn't write fanfictions about it... I'd also be rich :-( One last thing, as of writing this, I'm on what's called in my country "Year of Service" where we go volunteer for a year around the country before going to the military. The workdays are 13~ hours and I live with like 7 other people in a tiny apartment so that's fun. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that my upload schedule will be awful and one chapter a week will be lucky, so be warned.

what_if_3574 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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149 Chs

Chapter 101 - Port city adventures

As they stepped onto the sun-soaked streets of the city, Ryu and Yoruichi found themselves surrounded by a stunning array of Middle Eastern and Moorish-inspired architecture. The buildings featured gracefully arched doorways, ornate latticework windows, and beautiful domes that gleamed in the golden desert sun. The houses, built with sun-baked sandstone, seemed to glow with their rich, warm hues, evoking a sense of warmth and welcome.

They began their journey by sauntering through the bustling port, where they observed the intricate craftsmanship of the wooden boats and ships that rested on the dock. They admired the sturdy dhows and elegant galleons with their billowing sails, and the shimmering sea that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon.

Sailors shouted and bartered, unloading their exotic wares from faraway lands, while fishermen hauled in their nets teeming with fresh catch.

Venturing further into the city, the pair discovered a labyrinth of narrow, winding streets, the cobblestones worn smooth by the passage of time. They wandered through these ancient alleys, with walls adorned by vibrant murals that told stories of the city's rich history.

The streets opened into hidden courtyards, where elegant fountains danced to the melodies of trickling water, and fragrant gardens bloomed with jasmine and roses. The city seemed to come alive as the streets filled with the harmonious sounds of laughter and conversation, and children played games of tag in the shadows of towering date palms.

Ryu and Yoruichi soon found themselves in a market that was teeming with activity. The lively atmosphere was intoxicating, with vendors passionately hawking their wares from vibrantly colored stalls that lined the bustling pathways.

The scents of exotic spices, fragrant incense, and sizzling kebabs hung heavy in the air, as they excitedly explored the market. They tried haggling with merchants using money Ryu kept conjuring, immersing themselves in the spirited banter that filled the air.

They marveled at the exquisite fabrics, the silks and velvets shimmering in the sun, and handwoven carpets with intricate patterns that seemed to hold ancient secrets. They admired the delicate ceramics, each piece a testament worthy of the king's palace.

Yoruichi's eyes sparkled as she examined the delicate gold and silver jewelry on display, trying on ornate bangles and necklaces, while Ryu eagerly sampled the local delicacies that enticed his taste buds. He savored the flavors of warm flatbreads, tangy olives, and honey-soaked pastries.

After leaving the market, the pair found themselves in a lively square where musicians played spirited tunes on their ouds and tambourines, inviting locals and visitors alike to join in the dance. Ryu and Yoruichi laughed as they swayed to the rhythm, enjoying the moment.

As Ryu and Yoruichi danced to the lively tunes, they couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging in the vibrant atmosphere. The joyous laughter and camaraderie that filled the square created a feeling of warmth and connection, as if they were part of an extended family.

As the musicians played their final song, the crowd erupted into applause, and the pair couldn't help but smile at the new experience.

With the music fading into the background, they decided to continue their adventure by exploring a different side of the city. As night fell, the cityscape transformed, with lanterns and candles casting a soft, enchanting glow on the cobblestone streets. The warm light flickered and danced, casting playful shadows on the walls of the ancient buildings.

They wandered through the quieter streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the city by night. The bustling daytime energy had given way to a more serene atmosphere, with the hum of conversation and laughter from nearby homes carrying through the gentle evening breeze.

Ryu and Yoruichi stumbled upon a hidden gem—an out-of-date rooftop balcony overlooking the city. Climbing the worn stone steps, they found themselves surrounded by a stunning view of the cityscape, the flickering lights below casting a magical aura on the ancient sandstone buildings. They ordered a pot of sweet, steaming mint tea and a plate of local pastries, and as they sat there, they soaked in the beauty of the city and the night sky above.

As they walked back to their ship through the moonlit streets, hand in hand, Yoruichi had a nostalgic smile on her face.

"You know," Yoruichi suddenly spoke, catching Ryu's attention. "This place reminds me of my childhood. There were entire countries in the world of the living that looked like this. It really takes me back," Yoruichi said with a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

"I bet it does, you Grandma," Ryu teased Yoruichi with a smirk.

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Oh, I didn't know you were suicidal. I'll give you three seconds to run for your life," she said with a mock-threatening tone, as a surge of Riatsu began to gather around her limbs.

"Ha, I don't even need one, you slowpoke!" Ryu taunted as he swiftly vanished from his spot.

"Run all you want. At the end of the day, you'll come back to the ship," Yoruichi said with a mischievous grin spreading across her face before she too vanished from her spot.


"Ow..." Ryu groaned as he woke up, covered in bruises from head to toe. Yoruichi had ambushed him at the entrance to their room, ensuring there was no way for him to escape. The result, as they say, was quite evident.

"What happened, Grandpa? Too much for your old bones?" Yoruichi chuckled, clearly enjoying Ryu's plight.

"You can't say that, you're older than me," Ryu protested as he healed himself.

"Please, you're about 150 years old, right? How long did people live in your home world?" Yoruichi inquired.

"About 80 years..." Ryu admitted reluctantly.

Yoruichi flashed a victorious grin. "I rest my case, Grandpa. In my world, I'm not even that old, while you're practically a fossil in yours. Don't lecture me about age," she teased.

Ryu mumbled under his breath, "Darn Grandma," unable to hide his frustration.

"PIRATES!" A sudden, booming shout echoed through the ship's wooden hull, followed by a cacophony of chaotic sounds from outside.

"Well, I suppose we've rested enough. See you outside?" Yoruichi winked at Ryu before disappearing from her spot, Zanpakuto in hand.

"So much for a vacation," Ryu grumbled as he trailed after Yoruichi.

When Ryu reached the ship's deck, he spotted a group of five individuals wreaking havoc on the city.

The first one that caught Ryu's eye seemed to be the most formidable member of the group, likely their captain.

She was a tall, statuesque woman with a commanding presence that demanded respect. Her long, flowing red hair tumbled down her back in unruly waves, giving her a fierce and untamed appearance. Her piercing red eyes gleamed with a fiery intensity that could instill fear in her enemies, while her shapely form was highlighted by her form-fitting black leather attire adorned with gold accents.

The woman's outfit struck a balance between practicality and style. Her jacket hugged her figure, accentuating her curves while allowing for ease of movement during battle. Gold buttons and trim embellished the jacket, adding a touch of elegance to her overall look. She wore black leather pants that clung to her legs, and a pair of sturdy black knee-high boots that exuded power and authority.

However, the most eye-catching aspect of the woman's appearance was a pair of custom-made pistols. They boasted ornate designs etched into the metal, and she wielded them with astonishing precision. Ryu noticed a set of golden holsters situated on her hips.

"Well, she certainly has style, can't deny that," Yoruichi remarked, rubbing her chin.

"True, but I'm still gonna take her down," Ryu shrugged.

"No way, I'll handle her. I've always wanted a standoff with a pirate," Yoruichi interjected with an enthusiastic grin.

"She's not even worth the effort, though. At least find someone who can challenge you," Ryu countered.

"You know patience isn't one of my virtues. Just deal with the rest, alright?" Yoruichi said before vanishing from sight.

"Well, I guess I'm stuck with underling duty," Ryu sighed in annoyance, sizing up his target—a pirate who seemed to specialize in stealth.

"I'll handle this fool; the rest of you take care of the others," Ryu instructed his Shinobi as he scrutinized his target more closely.

He was a slender, lithe man with a lean physique and piercing blue eyes that sparkled with hidden intelligence. His jet-black hair was slicked back into a tidy ponytail, and he donned a black cloak that billowed around him as he moved, enhancing his already impressive air of mystique.

He sported black mid-calf boots that allowed him to move with stealth and grace, and a pair of fitted black pants that showcased the lean muscles of his legs. A black leather vest with silver accents clung to his torso, while his arms were covered by fingerless black gloves.

What made the man truly deadly were his twin daggers. They were sleek and razor-sharp, with black blades that shimmered menacingly in the light. The silver hilts were engraved with intricate designs, giving them an almost otherworldly allure.

"Good grief, they're pirates, not models! What's with the getup?" Ryu facepalmed at the man's attire. But enough with his complaints; Ryu had a job to do.

The pirate spotted a fleeing civilian and decided to make a move. Just as the pirate was about to strike, Ryu appeared before him in a flash, blocking the incoming daggers with his bare hands. A look of surprise and fear washed over the pirate's face, but he quickly retreated, attempting to find another victim.

Ryu, however, effortlessly shadowed him, frustrating the pirate with every move. The agile pirate knew he had to lose his pursuer, so he turned to the rooftops, hoping his speed and acrobatic skills would give him the advantage. He sprinted and leaped from rooftop to rooftop, navigating the city's maze of buildings with expert precision.

But while the pirate thought he'd lose Ryu that way, all he did was give Ryu an opportunity to have a little fun with freerunning.

With a casual grace, Ryu pursued the pirate across the city's rooftops. As they approached a wide gap between two buildings, Ryu took a few powerful strides and launched himself into the air, his legs tucked beneath him as he cleared the chasm effortlessly. His landing was silent and controlled, a testament to his skill.

Ryu's relentless pursuit continued as he spotted a wooden crate blocking his path. He sprinted toward it, planting his foot on the side of the crate and pushing off with immense strength. His body arced over the obstacle, legs extended and arms outstretched, before he landed smoothly on the other side, rolling forward to maintain his momentum.

The chase led them to a tall, brick wall blocking their way. Ryu didn't hesitate, leaping towards it and placing his foot against the rough surface. He pushed off, propelling himself upwards as he alternated feet, rapidly scaling the wall as if it were a mere staircase. Reaching the top, Ryu hoisted himself over the edge with a burst of strength and continued his pursuit.

The pirate, sensing he was losing ground, dashed across a narrow ledge, hoping to find refuge in a hidden alley. Ryu, however, was right behind him. With perfect balance, he navigated the precarious ledge, each footfall landing with precision on the slim surface. Not a single misstep betrayed his confidence, and his gaze remained locked on the fleeing pirate.

In a last-ditch effort to shake Ryu, the pirate leaped from the ledge, attempting to cross a considerable gap between buildings. Ryu responded in kind, his powerful legs propelling him into the air. Mid-flight, he executed a breathtaking somersault before landing at the other side of the gap, not a bead of sweat on his head.

With each daring move, Ryu showcased his incredible strength, balance, and dexterity, leaving the pirate dumbfounded and terrified.

As the chase continued, the pirate grew more desperate, attempting increasingly dangerous maneuvers in a last-ditch effort to evade capture. He bounded across rooftops, slid down slanted surfaces, and swung from pipes, but Ryu matched him step for step, his movements fluid and effortless.

Finally, the pirate's stamina began to wane, and he misjudged a jump, barely managing to catch hold of a ledge. As he struggled to pull himself up, Ryu appeared before him, standing tall and unfazed by the pursuit.

"Well, That was kinda fun, I need to have a competition with Yoruichi sometime," Ryu said as he stared into the distance. "Oh, right. I need to kill you," Ryu remembered as he cut off the pirate's head with a swift, fluid, motion.