
Naruto The Untouchable (Completed)

In Naruto I have Dragon Ball system but I am not a Saiyan ??? Means no super saiyan no super saiyan god no zenkai boost there is more in dragon ball beside saiyans any ways . I am gonna rule the world. One minute I dont even have chakra ???? I do not own Naruto, Fairy Tail or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime et bandes dessinées
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160 Chs


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As the barrier was broken, Orochimaru could not complete his plan and had to run away.

Both Jin and Hiruzen did not want to stop him as both of them already knew that they are currently not in shape to fight Orochimaru.

Jin had to first completely master Ultra Instincts Sign before asking for a rematch and Hiruzen is already too old to challenge, Orochimaru and the pass two Hokage's reanimated forms.

"Jin kun, how did you do that" Hiruzen ask, really wanting to know how Jin was able to fight a tail beast and was able to break the barrier.

"It's a special technique called Ultra Instincts Sign which I was using," said Jin.

"I have not mastered it completely yet but it worked against the Sand monster." continued Jin.

Hiruzen was very interested in this technique. He already knew that Jin already have created a very similar technique to Guy's 8 inner gate technique.

But right now he had more important things to do and thus he had to get moving.

After this, most of the time was spent on recovering and rebuilding.

The streets were littered with debris, and the once vibrant buildings bore the marks of destruction. But amidst the devastation, the spirit of Konoha remained unbroken.

With the threat of Orochimaru extinguished the people of Konoha rallied together to rebuild their beloved village. The shinobi and civilians worked tirelessly side by side, clearing rubble, repairing infrastructure, and restoring the once-thriving community. It was a testament to their resilience and unwavering determination.

The village's leaders, including the remaining members of the Konoha Council, stepped forward to guide the recovery efforts. They organized work teams, allocated resources, and ensured that aid reached those who needed it most. Temporary shelters were set up for those whose homes had been destroyed, and provisions were distributed to alleviate the hardships caused by the attack.

Under the watchful eye of Hiruzen, the village was gradually restored. The shinobi forces, though diminished from the battle, patrolled the village diligently, assuring its inhabitants that they were safe.

With each passing day, the village regained its strength. Buildings were reconstructed, gardens bloomed with renewed life, and the streets buzzed with activity once again. Konoha's people refused to let the scars of the past define their future, choosing instead to embrace hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

The shinobi academy reopened its doors, determined to train a new generation of shinobi who would carry on the legacy of their predecessors. The lessons of the past were not forgotten but served as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and the need to protect what they held dear.

As Konoha's recovery progressed, the village held a grand ceremony to honour the fallen heroes who had sacrificed their lives for the sake of their homes. The names of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, and those who had fought alongside him were inscribed on a memorial, their memories forever etched in the hearts of the village's inhabitants.

After a few days, Jin was ordered to come to the Hokage Office.

He had no idea why the Hokage has ask for him but he had to go none the rest.

When he reached there he found out that Hiruzen for some reason had to attend the meeting directly ask him to meet him in the meeting.

He meet the meeting hall he found that all the Hokage and the elders were there.

Jin again become more and more confused about what the hell was happening but at the same time, he also had some doubt about what this could be for.

"Ah Jin kun, you came good," Hiruzen said and pointed him to stand near him.

"So this is the boy who fought the one tail" ask Danzo.

"Hiruzen what guarantee you have that his boy is not a spy himself," asks Konharu.

"Hiruzen there is a possibility that this boy is the spy planted by the sand Shinobi" said Hamura.

"Enough, I have full trust in Jin Kun here. Stop talking about pointless things and talk about why you bring him here" said the Old Hokage.

"Very well, Boy I heard that you have created many techniques. I being an elder of the village would like you to give them to the village" Said Koharu.

This shocked both Hiruzen and Jin. There were not expecting this outcome.

Jin is usually a pretty chilled person but even he gets angry about his open robbery which was happening.

But he already know how the elder of the village could be and thus he remain calm and did not let his anger take over.

"I see, but isn't the self-made technique something Konoha give its creator the option to deliver to the village? If I am not wrong then the person if so wants to, then on his wish does not have to share the technique with the village. Like how most of the clan don't share their clan special techniques." Jin said remaining calm.

Koharu could have expected this reply from any clan leader even a person who understands Konoha rules and law better but not from JIn.

"Yes, usually that is what happens but considering how useful your technique could be when facing a Biju. We have decided that the village is in dire need of all of your techniques" said Danzo.

This further anger Jin.

"I see, then I don't have any problem giving my technique to the village but I do have one condition," said Jin.

This made Danzo and others except for Hiruzen frown.

"Boy you are not allowed suppose to make any demands here" said Haruma.

"I am sorry but this is important, all the techniques which I use are dangerous to someone who does not have a strong body," said Jin.

"The technique will be lethal if the body can't handle it and thus I only agree to give this technique if the person who is learning this technique is strong physically. If you have anyone who can defeat me in Taijutsu then I will give the technique to the village, that's my only demand" said Jin.

Although from the outside he was showing concern from the inside, he was griming for the poor soul who challenge him in the Taijutsu.


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