
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs


"So that's what happened, Lord Third." Iruka finished reporting to Hiruzen who nodded back at him.

"Alright, you can go now Iruka." Hiruzen replied. Iruka bowed before using Body Flicker to exit the office. Naruto grinned at Hiruzen, immediately sitting in front of him.

Hiruzen smiled proudly at him. Naruto was like his grandson and Naruto thought of him as his surrogate grandfather, which made him extremely happy.

"Congratulations on graduating, Naruto." Hiruzen congratulated Naruto who grinned at him.

"Thanks gramps! This is just the start! I'm one step away from wearing that hat! Believe it!" Naruto shouted while pointing at Hiruzen's customary hat which is apart of his official uniform.

"I believe you will one day be wearing this hat and sitting on this seat if you keep on working harder, Naruto. But for now, let's get back to business. " Hiruzen's immediately got serious. Naruto did too.

"Let's talk about what Mizuki revealed to you, Naruto." Hiruzen started the discussion. Naruto looked down with a sad expression.

"I can't believe it..... I'm the demon who destroyed Konoha." He whispered. Hiruzen shook his head. He grabbed Naruto by the shoulders, making the blond look up at him.

"Naruto, I want you to listen carefully. You are not a demon. When the Fourth Hokage sealed the Kyuubi into you, he had made it his dying wish for you to be seen as a hero." Hiruzen revealed, surprising Naruto.

"A hero?" Naruto questioned, getting a nod from Sarutobi. "Why?" He continued asking.

"Because Naruto, it is only thanks to you that the Kyuubi is safely locked away. You are the entire reason that Konoha is still standing today," Sarutobi replied.

"Really?" Naruto asked, his voice a little hopeful.

"Yes Naruto. You are the very reason Konoha still exists. You are a hero, son. "

"Then, how come every one hates me?" Naruto asked, remembering those glares he received whenever he walked through the streets of Konoha. Hiruzen sighed.

"They don't hate you Naruto. They just don't understand Fūinjutsu. After all, it is one of the most obscure ninja arts there is, and the hardest to master. Very few people understand this, and so when something like a demon gets sealed into somebody, they are unsure whether the seal can really hold something like that, a being of such power in."

" You have to understand that when the Kyuubi attacked, many good ninja died that day, and because of that they are unwilling to accept you, fearing that you are really just the Kyuubi in human form." Hiruzen explained, making Naruto frown. That made sense, in some sick and twisted way.

But now that he knew why he was hated, he had to wonder what he should do. Would people be able to accept him? Could he get people to see past the Kyuubi and look at him as Naruto?

At the moment it didn't seem all that likely. After all, the people of Konoha had twelve years to get over their loss and see Naruto for himself.

Then again he had not really helped in that regard. He had been so desperate for attention that he had turned to pranks, since even bad attention was better then no attention.

'But maybe if I show them that how good a ninja I am, and that I'm willing to protect the village, maybe I can change their minds!' Naruto thought to himself. He looked at Hiruzen with fiery determination in his bright blue eyes.

"I'll show them that I'm not the Kyuubi, that I'm Uzumaki Naruto! Future Hokage of Konoha! I won't let this get to me, ever! Believe it!!" Naruto declared confidently.

Hiruzen smiled at seeing the boy's Will of fire returning. "That's good Naruto. I have no doubt you will eventually get there. However, it will require a lot more hard work then what you are used to. "

" Now that you're a Genin, you need to actually take the time to learn about being a shinobi. After all, a Hokage is not just the most powerful ninja in the village, he is the smartest and most cunning as well." Hiruzen explained. Naruto scratched his head.

"So then you're pretty smart, huh gramps?"

Sarutobi chuckled at the blonde's words. "Naruto, do you know why I earned my nickname ' The Professor?'" Hiruzen asked. Naruto tilted his head to the side.

" Uh.... Because you're smart? "

"Well essentially yes." Sarutobi admitted before continuing to speak.

"However, it is much more then that. I earned the title of 'The Professor' because of my ability to read people and react to any given situation both on and off the battlefield."

" In the many years that I have lived, I have amassed much knowledge from reading books. Things that taught me about Shinobi basics, to the more advanced ninja abilities and theories, as well as knowledge on civilian practices like politics, which has become essential for every Hokage to know now."

He took a minute to curse the Second Hokage's decision to create the council, the whole reason a Hokage needed to know politics. He had been told by his sensei, Tobirama Senju before the Second Shinobi War started that the he was 100% positive he had been drunk when he came up with the idea.

It looked good on paper, having a group of people dedicated to helping the Hokage deal with the everyday affairs of Konoha's civilians. However the reality was far different.

Hiruzen had spent more time fighting with the council then anything, and many of the people in it, especially on the civilian side were extraordinarily greedy, always wanting more money and to line their pockets with more coin.

The old Hokage shook his head and banished the dark thoughts. "Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that to be a good shinobi requires you to be not just strong, but also smart." He added.

" I guess that makes sense…" Naruto stayed silent for a moment before remembering something. "Oh yeah! Speaking of being strong you know that awesome jutsu I learned?" Naruto asked Hiruzen who nodded at him.

" The Shadow Clone Jutsu? Yes I know it." Sarutobi replied, wondering where Naruto was going with this.

"The scroll said that when I dispell a clone, it's memories return back to me. I was wondering if it cam be used for training." Naruto asked Hiruzen. Hiruzen smiled. Hiding behind Naruto boisterous nature of was the mind of a shinobi.

"Yes, the Jutsu is a powerful technique that way," Sarutobi replied. Naruto tilted his head in curiosity "How so?" He asked him.

Hiruzen smiled, here comes the fun part. "That jutsu is an excellent method to learn new things with. You can learn just about anything from your clones, from chakra control and jutsu, to the books you read, writing and even taijutsu since muscle memory is a mental faculty."

" So it can be used for training!! " Naruto declared happily. Hiruzen nodded.

" Indeed it can. Though I suspect, that only you will be able to use this jutsu to it's full potential."

"Why is that?" Naruto asked while he was excited at the prospect that there was something only he could do.

"Because you're the only one who has enough chakra to summon enough clones to really make the training worth it. Most ninja, even Jonin, can only make five maybe ten clones if there lucky," Sarutobi answered. Naruto smirked.

"Ha! I made nearly a thousand in the clearing when I beat the crap out of that bastard Mizuki!!" Naruto replied confidently.

" That you did," Sarutobi chuckled at the boy's enthusiasm before returning back to business mode with a smile on his face.

"But it will take more then spamming out clones to become a great ninja. You will have to train hard and actually be serious about your profession. I can tell you are serious now, but you don't know everything about this world yet, Naruto." Hiruzen advised him.

Naruto thumped his chest. "Don't you worry gramps! I'll train harder then everybody in Konoha! I'll become not only the most powerful Hokage ever, but the strongest shinobi in the elemental nations! That's my promise of a lifetime and you better believe it!! "

Hiruzen chuckled. "I'm sure you will Naruto. And to help, I have some advice for you. But before I tell you what it is I want you to promise me you will listen to everything I have to say and follow the advice I give you to the letter."

Naruto grinned broadly at him." Don't worry gramps, I promise on my honor as the future Hokage of Konoha that I will listen to what you have to say and follow your advice!"

" Very well then, son. Now since you are a shinobi you will have access to the ninja section of the library. Exploit that resource as much as you possibly can. You can find scrolls on chakra theory and control. They even have a few books of Fūinjutsu.

You told me you found out about your elemental affinities, there are Jutsu there that you can learn and master. Though I would suggest you start from the low level ones. Even low ranking Jutsu can be an S-rank in the right hands.

I would also suggest reading books on things like politics and other civilian practices, if you're going to be Hokage you will need to know these things."

" I also want you to find some more taijutsu style that you can combine with your main taijutsu style, the Strong Fist. The basic principles are the most important aspects of being a shinobi, without them you can not grow because you do not have the essential steps necessary to advance in skill. "

Naruto nodded, gaining a new sense of motivation and discipline." You got it! I promise, first thing tomorrow morning I will go to the library and look up that information!" Naruto frowned for a moment.

"Though, I don't know if they'll let me in." Naruto added. Hiruzen shook his head.

" There are those in Konoha that know what Fūinjutsu is. The librarians there are those kinds of people and they are old friends of mine. So don't worry about it, Naruto. " Hiruzen assured while patting Naruto's shoulder. Naruto nodded back, excited to start his new chapter in life.

"Good." Sarutobi smiled.

"Now you have a whole week to get stronger before you get your Jonin sensei assigned. I suggest you get started quickly and get used to your new Jutsu. But don't create too much Shadow Clones or your head will explode from information overload." Hiruzen warned bluntly. Naruto nodded, taking his advice to heart.

"Now it's getting late, so why don't you get to bed. That way you can start getting stronger early tomorrow." Hiruzen suggested. Naruto got up and grinned at him.

"Right! I'll be off now!! I'll see you later gramps!!" Naruto saluted Hiruzen before disappearing in a blur with the Body Flicker Jutsu.

"With the knowledge of that jutsu he should be able to grow strong in a tremendous pace." He whispered before looking at the picture of Minato hanging on the wall.

"Your son is on the path to being a great shinobi, Minato. I hope you and Kushina are watching over him. "

To be continued.....

(I always hated how they didn't talk about it after the whole thing with Mizuki. This couldn't been a good time to expand the world building in the original story. Also did Kishimoto really expected Naruto, a literal child to get over it on his own?)