
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Starting Anew

The next morning Naruto woke up early feeling fresh as a daisy, despite having been up late last night helping deal with a traitor and the shocking revelations that followed.

He stood up and stretched out, making some satisfying cracks in the process. And after that he started to get ready for the day, getting showered, getting dressed, eating his breakfast and then heading for the library.

Before he left he looked at his home. Naruto was living in a new apartment now. This apartment was located in the so called 'Shinobi District' of Konoha.

Most of Konoha's Shinobi live here with very few civilians living among them. Naruto got the cheapest apartment with help from Hiruzen. Even though it was the cheapest one, it was a thousand times better than his old one.

It was much more spacious and had a more home vibe to it. Naruto closed the front door and did a hand seal.

A sealing formation spread across the wooden door. It was Naruto's personal Fūinjutsu creation called Chakra Binding Trap.

If the target tried breaking into his house,

the target will be secured by red chakra threads, binding them in place. The technique can last for days on its own. Ever since one burglar got caught in it, no one tried breaking into Naruto's house ever again.

As he walked down the street Naruto ignored the glares and mutterings sent his way. While they still kind of bothered him, he refused to let it get to him in anyway. Now that he knew why he was hated, he was more determined to make them see that he wasn't some demon and that he was a proud citizen and shinobi of Konoha.

He would start by following his grandfather figure's advice and start getting stronger and smarter. Hence the reason he was heading to the library to study.

He still didn't much like the idea of studying except studying Fūinjutsu and Ninjutsu, but he had promised Hiruzen as a future Hokage so he had to go through with it. And if there was one thing Naruto would never do, it was going back on his word. That is his ninja way after all.

Konoha Library is a public library in Konohagakure. It is centrally located and is accessible by all members of the village. It contains books referring to many subjects ranging from advanced medical textbooks to self help books about social interaction.

Naruto entered the library and looked around, feeling his eyes widen at the sight before him. He had never been to the library before and was amazed at how large the place was.

There were about four stories in the library all together, and all along the walls and in isles going down the library were books, loads and loads of books. It was giving him a minor headache just looking at them.

Naruto made his way to the ninja section of the library. He created five Shadow Clones and ordered them to grab some books on chakra control, taijutsu styles and books on politics.

The real Naruto would be doing intense training while his Clone buddies will he focusing on the information side of things.

In a clearing, Naruto looked at his wrists and legs. He didn't have the chance to do it before but now he could. He created a Shadow Clone and handed him a bottle of ink and a brush.

Naruto sat down on a large rock as the clone began to drawing some seals on him. The clone then repeated the process with his legs. A few hand seals later, Naruto began to feel the effects of the seal.

Aside from creating the Chakra Binding Trap technique, Naruto also created his own weight and resistance seals and now face more resistance to his movements than before. He no longer needed physical weights wrapped around his limbs. While the weight seals will increase his strength, the resistance seals are specifically designed to help boost his speed.

"Bushy Brows sensei could actually use this." Naruto whispered. Each seal on him weighed exactly 150kg.

"Satsuki and Sakura could use these too. I'll draw it on them when I get the chance." Naruto decided before he started training intensely.

While he was exercising, he paused for a moment and his eyes glazed over as the memories of one of his clones hit him.

The memories contained information about basic taijutsu styles and how to perform them. After that he just continued exercising.




The next day.....

Naruto created a group of Clones to start working on chakra control. Currently, they were working on a basic chakra control exercise called the leaf floating exercise.

It was basically floating a leaf over the palm of their hands and making it spin. It was just in one hand at the moment, but Naruto eventually planned on increasing the amount of leaves that he could spin, figuring that the more leaves he could float at the same time, the better his control would be.

He also made plans on using heavier objects like shuriken with this exercise some time in the future. These were not in the scroll his Shadow Clone had read, but Naruto had always been innovative when coming up with pranks, and that ability was easily carried on into other aspects of his life and career if he actually set his mind to it.

He wanted to at some point be able to spin a leaf(or even heavier objects) on each finger at the same time rather than using his palms, just to see what it held of course.

The other group was working on his taijutsu. They were performing several different styles at the same time.

His clones had found several other styles that they felt would be useful, he planned to learn them all so that he could eventually combine the styles into something that he could call his own style, which would be totally awesome.

He could not wait for Satsuki's reaction when fighting him and his new taijutsu style. But there was only really one problem with using Shadow Clones to train in a physical activity like taijutsu.

They could learn the kata's of a style due to the fact that muscle memory was a mental faculty, but without a proper sparring partner it would only do so much. He could completely master all of the kata's in a style, yet even then, if he were faced with an opponent with more experience than him, he would lose.

Sparring with Satsuki and Sakura would do wonders. His last group was divided into two. One group was reading, most of it was on trap making, Fūinjutsu and various other shinobi aspects. All of them were beginner books written to teach the basics except for the Fūinjutsu and Trap Making books.

Naruto had decided that he was going to be better than all the Hokage's, and had figured that surpassing the Fourth Hokage in what he was best known for would be the best way to show how just how awesome he really was.

Naruto himself was working on the physical aspects of his training. Training with Guy really helps him push past his limits. A thousand laps in an hour, a thousand pushups, a thousand squats, a thousand situps, a thousand punches and lastly, a thousand kicks.

And that was his morning routine.

Naruto found himself laying on the ground as he panted, exhaustion actually setting in. It was an odd feeling, he reflected.

Naruto had never really felt this tired before, something he was beginning to suspect he got from the Kyuubi. Oh sure, sometimes he could get sleepy but never from lack of energy. Right now he was really exhausted.

With a sigh Naruto sat up, he was done with his morning workout but he still had half a day left. Turning to his clones Naruto gave the order to dispel.

Unfortunately they all decided to dispel at once, even with his enhanced healing factor Naruto could not withstand 20 clones dispelling at the same time, which when combined with his exhaustion from his new morning routine, ended up knocking the blonde unconscious.

He definitely needed to make his clones dispel in groups to avoid the pounding headache next time.



[Leaf Concentration Practice: Lvl Max

A way to teach students how to control their chakra more effectively. Jutsu uses 5% less chakra.]

[Leaf Floating Exercise: Lvl 10

Jutsu uses 5% less chakra.

[Tree Walking: Lvl 10

Jutsu uses 5% less chakra.]

[Full control over 10% of your chakra]

It was the next morning and it saw Naruto doing much the same as he did yesterday. His clones had split off into four groups of five, they would again work on chakra control, taijutsu, Fūinjutsu and reading on politics and economics.

Meanwhile Naruto would do his physical work out. It was a little harder than before, Naruto had decided to increase the weights by 20kg, so he was having a few problems.

But he still managed to pull through his routine and this time, he was not quite as exhausted, since his body was already adjusting due to the Kyuubi.

After Lunch Naruto created another batch of one hundred clones and had them restart everything they had previously been doing.

Meanwhile Naruto attempted to meditate. In the book on the basics of chakra theory he had read that by meditating a ninja could sharpen their senses, as well as their mind and familiarize themselves with their chakra.

So Naruto sat down and began feeling the chakra in his body. It wasn't hard, Naruto had always had a lot of chakra, in fact finding his chakra had been the one thing he had been able to do before the other academy students. He simply had so much that he did not need to actually spend time looking for it, it was already right there.

Once he felt it, he began to channel chakra to his ears. At first he winced, having channeled too much chakra and hurting his ear drums as the various sounds of the world invaded them. But after a while he managed to find an appropriate balance of chakra.

He listened to the different sounds of the forest, or training ground. He could hear several birds chirping and some animals that were scurrying around on the ground. He heard running water, so there was a pond or stream not too far from him.

He sighed as he stopped meditating for a second. He knew that despite training this hard, he still had a long way to go before he could even match the strength and skill of the elite level Shinobi out there.

"But hey, you get what you work for, not what you wish for. Successful people ain't gifted, they work hard and then they succeed on purpose!! So I should stop thinking and start working!!"

To be continued...