
Chapter 4


Uzushiogakure. A Village Hidden By Whirlpools.


«Hmm? It's been seven years since I've been in this world. And two years have passed since the incident where I almost died. From that day on, my mom forbade me to go near Fuin for a year. But as a reincarnator, I found a way out. I'll be learning the basics. I will not experiment until I am sure of my safety. But I didn't give Fuin much time. From the moment I found out my mom's true feelings, for a whole year I supported her and was by her side. But I couldn't be at home all the time. And my mom saw my interest in fuin, and asked if I wanted to become a shinobi. I agreed without hesitation.

And then my mom took me to a school where they teach Shinobi. I was surprised that there was such a school here as in Konoha. I thought that such a school was only in Konoha. But after a little thought, I realized why there might be a school here.

Mito. Mito Uzumaki. The wife of the first hokage. And also the strongest owner of fuinjutsu of this time. I was sure that she was alive because the Uzumaki clan was not destroyed.

And I was sent to this school. When I first went there, I didn't fit in. A reserved boy with black hair next to sociable children with red hair. I felt like a black bird among the reds. And for me it was an unpleasant feeling. Probably the baby's body influenced me so much. But I didn't communicate with them myself. Because there was no reason to communicate. I am a child with the mind of an adult. I couldn't think about games. But if there were games from my world like PlayStation here, I could play.

They didn't teach us much at school. The subjects were as follows:

History of the Shinobi world

The subject of the study of ninjutsu

Fuinjutsu Study Subject

Taijutsu subject

So I studied at this school for a year. But I didn't learn much. But I learned a lot from fuinjutsu. Due to the fact that we are a clan that specializes in this, there was a lot to study.

I'm going home now. My first year of school is over. I went into our family's store. My mother was sitting at the cash register. Looking at her, I understand that she has hardly changed in seven years. «


- Mom, I'm here. What to eat?

- You came. There will be instant ramen for lunch today.

Mom said. Now Aiko was cleaning up behind the cash register.

- Ramen again? You've only been cooking ramen these days.

Masumi complained. They've only been eating ramen for the last few days. In recent days, for some reason, there have been more customers.

- It's not my fault. There were a lot of customers today too. Oh, I forgot. Your girlfriend is coming today.

Aiko said with a smile while cleaning the cash register. Masumi, who was on the threshold of the stairs, suddenly froze.

- Who's coming?

Masumi asked with a heavy sweat.

- Kushina is coming today with her mother.

Aiko said with a smile. She was happy for her son. For the first time, her son had a real friend. And so cute.

- Tell me I'm not here.

Masumi said and quickly ran upstairs to his room. Going inside, he forcefully closed the door. He heard a voice behind him.

- But she's so cute that I can't say no.


«I'm totally fucked. I completely forgot about her.»


Memories 5 months ago.

Masumi came out of the house when we say goodbye to his mom. Friends of this school, he saw children who were playing in the park. I noticed that one girl did not play with them. She sat and sadly watched the children playing. Masumi wanted to pass by. But I couldn't. Suddenly he remembered a moment from Naruto. As the main character sat on the swing alone while the others were playing. He noticed the similarities between Naruto and this girl. Sighing, he approached the girl.

The girl herself noticed a boy who was walking in her direction. Suddenly, a hope lit up inside her that this boy would not reject her. And he will behave with her as with an ordinary girl. She was tired because of her position. All adults communicate with her with respect. And the kids are trying not to play with her because of their parents. They saw how they treated her with respect. And I thought that this boy would also treat her. But she didn't know that this boy would change everything in her life.

- Hey you, why are you acting weird alone and not playing with these kids?

Masumi asked rudely. The girl was stunned. It was the first time someone had talked to her like that. She was so stunned that she forgot to answer.

- Hey girl, are you all right? Hey,

Masumi waved in front of the girl's eyes. Suddenly the girl's face became like her hair red. The girl was very confused.

Masumi asked the girl again.

- So why don't you play with these kids?

The girl answered this time.

- They don't want to play because in their eyes I'm scary.

«What do you mean?»

Masumi didn't understand. As such a cute girl they considered scary.

The girl clarified the situation.

«It's because of my father.

- Is your father so scary?

Masumi didn't understand yet.

- no. You'll probably run away too after you find out.

The girl said with a sad smile. Masumi didn't like the loneliness in her eyes.

«My father is the head of the clan.

Then Masumi understood the whole situation. He remembered from his memories that in many books and comics there were such situations. But suddenly Masumi had a bad feeling. He looked carefully at the girl. She seemed to be younger than him. And suddenly someone's silhouette appeared in his memories. But I asked.

- What's your name?

The girl answered.

- Kushina. Kushina Uzumaki.