
Chapter 3


[Masumi is six years old]


"It's been six years since I found myself in this world. So far, there are no signs of the destruction of the village. Mom still works in her little shop. A year ago, I finally accepted this world as my own. It was hard at first. Because this is not my world. But my mom was there. I only talked to her. Of course I played with other kids. But children are children. When they grow up, they form their own personal opinions. That's why I didn't have any friends. Even if the Uzumaki clan loves its own people, children are not like that. And bullying among children is a common phenomenon. And when the children formed their personal opinions, many shunned me because of my black hair. Others called me a foundling. That's why I only talked to my mother. But there was a moment when our relationship with her also almost collapsed. It was when I was two months away from being five. I was trying to create my own fuin.

When I turned four, I found out that I couldn't form seals like others. I had no talent for kanji. It really upset me. Every Uzumaki has a talent for fuinjutsu. But I didn't have one. Then I was depressed for a week. No, I was crying. My mother didn't know what had happened. But even if she didn't know, she gave me advice.

"If one path is closed, another will open. Remember this Masumi, losing doesn't mean giving up forever. Losing is part of your experience. Only with perseverance can something be achieved."

Then I was stunned. I almost forgot this very famous quote. From his own world. But my mother, even without knowing herself, set me on the right path. My mom is right. I can't draw fuin correctly in kanji. But I've learned a lot about Fuin. So will I be able to create my own unique fuin? In English. When I was learning the language of this world, I noticed that there are English letters in this world. But if I want to create my own unique fuin, then I have to learn all the basics of fuin of this world. How fuin was created, how it is formed, and so on.

So I started studying. Two months have passed. But I only learned a small part. And I tried to experiment with them. But then I forgot the simplest truth. If the seal is applied to the seal, the seals will become chaotic which will lead to several results. And one of them is an explosion. But I don't know. It seems that it was my first experiment that my luck left me. Because there was almost an explosion of huge force, it seems I invested a large amount of chakra. This is only half the reason. It was when the explosion almost happened that my mother came into my room.

When my mother came into my room, she noticed something was wrong. She looked at me and screamed.

"What are you doing, MASUMI?"

My mom was able to avoid the explosion. I was able to avoid it too. But looking at my mom I couldn't avoid. Then she scolded me very much.


"What were you doing, Masumi?" You almost killed yourself. I forbade you to create seals. Why did you disobey me? Do you also want to leave like your father? If I wasn't here, you'd be dead by now.

Masumi was stunned. Aiko was yelling at her son. It was the first time she yelled at her son and scolded. But that wasn't what stunned Masumi. Weeping. Aiko was crying. It was the first time she had cried. No, it was the first time Masumi had ever seen his mom cry. Even when his father abandoned them, she didn't cry. Even when it was hard for her to raise Masumi alone, she didn't cry. But now, when Masumi almost lost his life, his mother started crying. Masumi felt pain in his chest. It really hurts. Masumi himself did not realize that his heart could ache from the sight in front of him. There was no such feeling in his memories. Even when Masumi was a baby, he didn't feel such pain when he saw his mother working. He felt cared for by his mother when she raised him. He attributed all this to maternal feelings. But not now. Masumi felt his mother's emotional love, as if it seemed to him that if he died, she would commit suicide.

Tears began to appear in Masumi's eyes. He forgot. I forgot that this world is real. I forgot that it's not murderers who live in this world, but people. He was so afraid of being killed that he forgot about his surroundings and began to prepare for the worst. He sometimes even forgot to eat while creating his own unique fuin. I forgot myself so much that I forgot the basic rules.

Masumi ran quickly and hugged his mother tightly. Very strong, and spoke slowly in a whisper: - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't do it again.

Aiko, who was crying, was surprised by his sudden hug, a very strong hug. Her son of course hugged her. But not too much. And Aiko heard her son talking in a whisper. Because Masumi was small, he hugged Aiko's legs. Aiko herself sat down and wrapped her son in her bear hug.

- Don't do that again. If you're gone, how will I live? You're the only thing I have in this world.

Aiko spoke through tears. She wanted to throw out all her frustration, resentment, pain and all the negative feelings that she experienced after her husband left her, to throw out through these tears. On this day, both son and mother cried. But also this day was when they stopped hiding secrets from each other. Masumi stopped secretly experimenting. And Aiko stopped holding back her feelings.