
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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77 Chs

Chapter 6 - Mira’s Great Fireball

Whoosh! Pow! Ahh!

In the former Senju training ground, an old man sat off to the side as two children fought. The two were naturally Kagami and Mira. Which has become a very common thing since their first spar months ago.

In a simple but quick sweep, Kagami attempted to sweep Mira off her feet. Only for her to jump back while flashing through a small series of hand seals. Then as she took a deep breath as her chest puffed out, a fireball was shot out of her lips.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu."

Blinking at the fireball, Kagami didn't have any jutsu to counter it. He had yet to train any element releases since his arsenal only consisted of Rasengan and simple Fuinjutsu. So in a blink he kicked the ground and used chakra to boost his speed. He shot off to the side dodging the incoming attack. Only to see Mira dropping from the sky above him with a heel drop.

In a reflex to save himself, Kagami grabbed the foot and used chakra to support himself. He pulled hard as he slammed Mira into the ground.

"Ahh!" Mira cried before she hit the ground. "Ow!"

Covered in dirt and grass, Mira huffed as she glared up at him. Which made Kagami just smile awkwardly as he slammed her harder than he ment. Since she is now covered in dirt and grass.

"It's Kagami's win. Go clean up you two and we can go out for lunch." Taiyō called out from the side.

Kagami held out a helping hand for Mira to take. After getting up the two returned to Kagami and Taiyō house and quickly cleaned up.


After lunch and sending Mira home, Taiyō and Kagami returned home. Sitting in the living room, Kagami began tinkering with his metal pile. However as his hands moved, his mind was on another subject.

Mira's fireball.

It had surprised him earlier when she used it. Which led to him to decide on beginning his journey to learn nature transformations. He just didn't know what his nature affinity was.

"Grandfather, can you teach me a couple jutsus?"

Clearly not surprised by the request, Taiyō pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. Feeling the paper that wasn't rough, but also not smooth. Kagami became slightly interested in the properties of the paper.

"This is chakra paper. Inject your chakra into it and it shall show you your chakra affinity. In this world everyone is aligned to one basic nature element. While a few will have two elements which is considered good as it usually means they hold a kekkei genkai." Taiyō began to explain.

"I thought everyone can use all basic elements after training." Kagami asked childishly.

He knew many couldn't as only the true heavy hitters would learn all five elemental releases. Which wasn't to say one couldn't be a true heavy hitter without learning the five as Fourth Raikage and Tsunade are such examples. However they were much rarer than those that did learn all five.

To pull out a few examples who learned all five basics, Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Indra Otsutsuki, Asura Otsutsuki, Kakashi Hatake, Orochimaru, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Tobirama Senju.

While there are a few more who can also use all five elements, but any who mastered the five basics were considered elites among elites. For many had the power to stand at the top of five major villages or were considered one of the most dangerous missing-nin.

Taiyō paused for a moment. "Yes, one can learn all the basic elements, however it is tiring and boring as it takes a long time to master an element. Hence many tend only to learn two elements."

"But I don't want to be like many." Kagami blinked at Taiyō who coughed at his words.

"Brat, just hurry up and inject your chakra into the paper. If you want to master all the basic releases, then that's up to you." Taiyō moved on.

Smiling, Kagami injected his chakra into the paper which reacted strangely. Instead of showing the strongest affinity, the paper just shook violently before going dormented. Blinking as he hadn't heard of this happening before, Kagami just looked up at Taiyō who shared his look of confusion.

"Try again." Taiyō passed another slip to him.

After injecting his chakra once more, the same responde happened. Which just served to confuse the both of them.

"Well, it seems the few I picked up were defective. Well no matter what, we will just have to do it the old fashion way. Try each element until we find it." Taiyō stated.

Nodding, Kagami agreed but his mind began to wander. A project popped up in his head and he wondered if he could create a chakra reader. Which could serve to display one chakra nature from strongest to weakest.

Once the thought popped up in his head, Kagami was excited as it was a challenging idea. It would push his skills with his Science Space and Mechanical Affinity. However, first he would need to delve into researching chakra paper and the five elements to a small degree first. So he could create a baseline to measure them.

"How do we begin?" Kagami asked, slightly excited.

"Just try changing your chakra into one of each chakra nature and find the easiest one to convert." Taiyō spoke. "It is slightly time consuming as it can take from a week if one is lucky or a month if one is unlucky."

Kagami quickly realized why the old fashion way wasn't used much as this really was inefficient. However, since the paper didn't want to work and Taiyō doesn't seem to have the intention of buying more. Kagami decided just to roll with it and record his progress for later when he builds the chakra reader.

So the next morning under Taiyō's guidance, Kagami went to work on studying nature transformation. Which as it turned out to be much like the first step Naruto did in learning Wind Nature. Just without the leaf and an army of clones as he only had to gain a small understanding and not fully master it for the time being.

Thanks for Reading.

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