
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 58: Gates

Naruto had spent the remainder of the day celebrating their promotion at various restaurants through Konoha, he had also invited the rest of his team to eat his special chakra-enhanced cooking, which, if Naruto was to be honest, tasted absolutely heavenly

They celebrated until late in the night with a little bit of alcohol which neither Shino nor Sasuke could take which basically knocked them out and eventually retired to bed at around 3 in the night.

Naruto got out of meditation at his usual time and quickly cleaned his house before leaving for training ground 9 where he planned to train with Guy.

Naruto arrived at training ground 9 but only saw Guy already working out, since he had gotten Shino and Sasuke drunk they would most likely only arrive later, chakra worked wonders on getting foreign substances out of your body, and being a Jinchuriki basically negated any effect that alcohol had, Gamer's body only made it easier for Naruto to ignore the effects of alcohol.

"Yo Guy-sensei!" Naruto waved at Guy and joined him in training.

"Hello there my youthful student! It is certainly nice to see you here so early, I actually have something important to discuss with you today." Guy said and stopped training.

Naruto quirked an eyebrow but didn't interrupt as Guy continued talking "I have decided that you and my other students are worthy of learning my special technique, the 8 Gates."

Naruto's eyes widened slightly, he still remembered Guy using it against Kisame but seeing the state that it had put Guy in he could see why it had taken so long for Guy to decide whether they were qualified to learn the technique or not.

Seeing Naruto's expression Guy laughed out loud and started explaining what the technique was "The 8 Gates is essentially unlocking 8 specific tenketsu, each gate unlocks a certain percentage of chakra that your body subconsciously suppresses so that it doesn't overexert itself, now you must promise me that you will only use the 8 gates to protect things that are important to you, if you do otherwise I will not stop until I have defeated you, no matter the cost, if you cannot promise me that then I will not teach you the technique." Guy said in full seriousness.

Naruto nodded "Of course, I will Guy-sensei, I promise." Naruto said.

Guy then grinned, sat down on the ground, and pulled out a small scroll "Now, I will give you this scroll to study, it contains all the information needed to perform the 8 gates, after you've memorized that scroll you must burn it, after that, I will test you on your knowledge of the 8 gates and then I will allow you to start practicing using them." Guy said and returned to his training after he finished.

Naruto observed the scroll but didn't notice anything weird with it, there were no seals on it or any traps so he opened it, and one word to describe Naruto's reaction would be amazed.

The little scroll held more anatomical information than anatomy books did, mainly focusing on the chakra aspect of anatomy, which included all the locations of the tenketsu and the location of the 8 gates, Naruto read through it quickly and realized that the 8 Gates technique was like a double-edged sword, it made you incredibly dangerous and strong but it made you just as vulnerable if Naruto didn't have the system he'd doubt whether he would use the technique, it was just that dangerous.

By utilizing the 8 gates you were basically burning yourself inside out, by using the final gate, The Gate of Death, it would cause your heart to pump an insane amount of blood, combined with earlier gates it would cause your blood, bones, muscles, and organs to burn themselves until nothing but ashes remained, luckily for Naruto he held the greatest cheat of all time, the gamer system, which would make it so as long that he healed more hp than he lost he would never die.

Naruto grabbed the scroll again and clicked on the option to learn it as a skill, he wanted to read it first so that he had a sense of connection with his teacher, not just his teacher handing him a skill scroll and him learning it immediately, it helped him stay connected with his friends and it was a good way to pass time.

Naruto stood up and looked at the skill he had gained, currently, it allowed him to open up to two gates, the higher level he got it the more gates it would allow him to unlock, so Naruto called out to Guy and had Guy test him on his knowledge of the scroll, safe to say that he passed with flying colors.

Naruto started training in using the 8 Gates and after a few hours he saw Shino and Sasuke turn up.

They looked completely normal other than an angry expression on Sasuke's face and a more menacing aura around Shino, Naruto guessed it was most likely because he got them drunk but before they could do anything they were stopped by Guy who told them pretty much the same thing, they agreed to only use the 8 gates on those who deserved it and only to protect things that were important to them, of course they were unable to memorize it as quickly as Naruto could even Sasuke struggled as he had to learn the more specialized meanings and terminologies used in the scroll but he was able to memorize it using his Sharingan, but he struggled to understand it so he went to the library to study about anatomy and chakra.

Shino had the opposite problem, he didn't have a cheat like ability to memorize everything, he understood the things that were said in the scroll he just couldn't memorize them, it would take the both of them days, perhaps weeks to understand and memorize the book, Naruto made this known by acting high and mighty, of course only as a joke, which served to piss Sasuke and even Shino off.

Competition was always nice to have, even if you were the best out of everyone, especially as a ninja.


You can read 9 chapters ahead on my Pat reon!

https://www.pat reon.com/Washuru

My life is way too busy bro, i got three weeks of school and they giving us like 20 tests, so updates may be slow af, but in summer imma be writing a lot (hopefully)

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