
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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158 Chs

Chapter no.11

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Ace wore knee-length black shorts with an orange eyelet-studded belt, and a button up pale yellow shirt. He also wore an orange cowboy hat with two smileys a smiling and a frowning face that were connected by red beads Two long side strps came down from his hat and met at a medallion of a bulls skull on his chest. He wore a red beaded necklace around his neck.

His attire was far different from the dress of the other Otsutsukis who usually wore traditional robes.

Ace of course had his trademark tattoos. The first vertically read ASCE with the 'S' crossed out on his left bicep. He got this one in memory of his best friend Sabo who died after standing up against Kaguya, telling her that she was abusing her power and should use it to help bring peace towards of the world. He was killed by her not long after, but news of his actions had already reached the ears of many and started a rebellion.

The second was a purple skull with crossbones shaped in a cross-like pattern behind it. The skull had white eyes and a large crescent shaped mustache. This was a tribute to his father, Otsutsuki-Newgate Edward. He was the first person to ever show Ace that someone was happy that he was born.

They were similar in more than just appearance as well. Ace was more intelligent than even his brothers and was rather polite when the situation called for it but out of those times he was often rude and aloof, especially to people who tried to order him around or demand something from him. However he was always in the shadow of his mother and even his brothers.

Ace's mother was the ruler of this era and was often referred to as the Rabbit Goddess for bringing peace to the world with her unrivaled power. However, after she gave birth to triplets, her power began to cloud her judgement and soon resorted to trying to control mankind by force and people began to see her as a demon rather than a benevolent goddess.

Because of what his mother was becoming, he often questioned his own right to exist. He believed that, with what his mother was doing and how she ruled over humans like a tyrant, if he were to die nobody in the world would care as nobody wanted the son of the devil to live.

He never sought after true peace like Hagoromo did or to lead his clan towards a better future like Hamura did. No, all he ever sought after was the answer to his lifelong question of whether he had truly been born.

Ace never really cared about world peace or anything like that. Is was too much of a naive dream for someone like him. He knew that any kind of peace wouldn't last and that there would be war with or without chakra for any reason that humans could possibly think of.

Ace may not have believed in peace but there were a few things that he did believe in. Freedom and Family. He would do whatever it took to help his brothers achieve their dreams. That is what family is for right? And Kaguya was a tyrant who was slowly taking freedom away from the people of the world. These were two things that Ace would willingly fight and die for.

He knew that Kaguya that was close to finding them, but he was going somewhere where he knew that he would find answers, the Shinju Tree, where his mother attained this power. He had read a legend recently that only once every millennium would the tree bear a true chakra fruit. However this legend also stated that two decades after the first chakra fruit would be eaten five more would be formed. Though these five wouldn't be as strong or as versatile.

The five fruits each contained a specific element, and once eaten could even give the user the power to turn into that element. Only one person would be able to eat each fruit though. The fruits were supposed to make the user intangible, which would make any person seem like they were invincible, but he knew that wouldn't be enough to stop his mother he would need the help of others along with his brothers.

He had finally made it to the tree and saw the five strange looking fruits hanging from several different branches. She had always been extremely protective of that tree, so he had to hurry. She never wanted anyone to have that kind of power besides her. He climbed up it and reached for an orange fruit with flame like markings covering the outside. He gulped and took a bite.

Naruto watched vividly as Ace's entire life depicted the defeat and sealing of Otsutsuki Kaguya, the creation of the Bijuu, how chakra was passed on to humans, how after going off on his own to travel changed his name from Otsutsuki Ace to Portgas D. Ace, and finally where Ace planned to have his chakra fruit reincarnate when he died.

At Ace's eventual death Naruto was ejected out of his mind.