
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.12

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[ Naruto's Hospital Room - Natsuki POV ]

Natsuki was watching Naruto like she usually did whenever she had time. It had been four months since he had fell into a coma. Natsuki had felt so guilt ridden all those months ago when she woke up and found out that she caused her brother so much pain and suffering. She cried for the better part of the day when she found out that he may never wake up. She had refused to even leave his room for a week. It was only when her parents had gotten on their knees and begged her to come home that she finally listened. Though she does come back everyday to visit him for hours on end. After spending so much time with him in the hospital room she became even more attached.

Natsuki had met a lot of the people that Naruto could say was his family. She had met Inuzuka Hana, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Satsuki. She grew immediately jealous that HER 'onii-sama' knew girls besides her, and such pretty ones at that.

The ones that came to visit the most were Satsuki, Hana, and Mikoto. Itachi was an ANBU and Shisui was always being sent on ANBU missions and had his duties in the Uchiha Police Force as well.

Kushina and Minato had only come to visit a handful of times and that was either when they had come with Natsuki or when they came to drag her back home. They stopped coming after the first few weeks.

Hana and her became friends after a few months, while Mikoto didn't want anything to do with her at first because of how Naruto's family treated him. But Mikoto decided to give the girl a chance and they could now hold a civil conversation. Her and Satsuki did not get along at all, mostly because Satsuki had decided that Natsuki didn't deserve HER Naruto-nii's forgiveness or love.

For anyone watching the two they would just see a cat fight between two little girls with huge brother complexes.

Natsuki brought herself out of her thoughts and stared at the motionless form of her brother.

She had a sad smile onher face,"Onii-sama...I hope you wake up soon."

[ Hokage Tower ]

Minato was sitting on his desk finishing up all of the paperwork that had accumulated over the week due to spending so many hours training his children

They had really focused more on using the Kyuubi's chakra, so that they wouldn't lose control, should it ever try to take them over like what happened to Natsuki. Even Nawaki had actually trained a little more. A little, he was still lazy and refused to do much hard work, but it was better than nothing.

Minato had noticed that Natsuki was getting even more depressed as the days went on. She still blamed herself for what happened to Naruto and would spend most of her time in his hospital room.

At first he was concerned with Nawaki's and Narumi's lack of concern about Naruto, but he later put off the thought, thinking that they were probably greatly disturbed with the amount of blood they saw and didn't went to see their brother in that condition. He was half right their minds were scarred from the amount of blood, but they wouldn't ever really put any thought into Naruto's condition.

He had been busy the last few months, he could barely make any time to spend with his children. Tensions were rising within Konaha and is something wasn't done it could spell the end of Konoha as he knew it.

From the spies that he had in the Uchiha clan, he had found out that they were planning a coup d'etat. If they went through with it could cause a civil war within Konoha which would give other nations a chance to invade and overtake the village. It was the worst case scenario. Minato knew he had to do something but for now he would be patient and see if they could come to a peaceful negotiation.

The Uchiha were one of the founding clans of Konoha, but over the years they had lost power and influence. One of the causes was that night over eleven years ago when the Kyuubi escaped from its seal. There were many eyewitnesses who claimed that they had seen the design of the sharingan eye in the eyes of the Kyuubi, suggesting that sometime after its escape it was caught under the control of an Uchiha and used to cause mass destruction and death before it was resealed.

If it really was the Uchiha who were responsible for that act of terrorism on the leaf and they would be dealt with accordingly, but Minato's spies denied all knowledge of any Uchiha wielding an eye strong enough to control a biju. The last person to be able to fully subdue a Bijuu with visual prowess alone was Madara Uchiha and he was killed by the Shodaime Hokage after his betrayal.

However it cannot either be confirmed nor denied that the Kyuubi was being controlled, and yet the Uchiha slowly lost all of their political power and were segregated to the outskirts of Konoha.

It didn't help the village's cause that every Hokage up to date has led the village according to the Senju's ideals. The Shodaime and Nidaime hokages were both Senju by blood and helped to found the village and make it into what it is today. The Sandaime Hokage was the student of Senju Tobirama, the Nidaime Hokage, and was also trained by Senju Hashirama, the Shodaime Hokage. After being directly trained by two of the previous Hokages, Sarutobi Hiruzen adopted many of their principles and beliefs. The Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, was trained by Jiraiya, one of Sarutobi's prized students and one of the Sannin. All of the Hokages had led the village with the beliefs of the Senju, always trusting their judgement.

After years of being oppressed the had finally reached their breaking point and there would be no going back.

Minato was broken out of his thoughts as he sensed someone land on the roof just outside of the office and climbed through the window.