
Naruto the everything god

naruto gets the power of everything (check out my friends fanfic too) fanfic:With my system in the omnivers (ended)

GodKiller_086 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Tower weaklings

Northern Gangbuk no.2 Daniel appeared Blocking naruto punch that would have knock out jeongdu.

Daneil: jeongdu look like you've become weak leave the battlefield and report back to choyun.

Naruto:So he sends you for backup.he should of come himself but whatever you still won't be able to stop me.

(Western gangbuk no.2 Daniel vs Naruto)

Naruto ran at Daniel throwing a punch to his face but after Daniel put his hand up to block it naruto punch he turned around catching Daniel with a sweeping kick after Daniel fell naruto followed up that sweeping kick with a flipping axe kick to the stomach of daneil. Daniel rolled out of the way getting to his feet but as soon as he did naruto was infront of him hitting him with a backhand so daneil twisted around throwing a spinning kick at naruto but he duck with Daniel foot hitting a wall destroying it daneil lung toward naruto lower body catching naruto and hitting him with a suplex with naruto landing on his head.Daniel thinking he knocked out naruto started to get up and was going to grab until Naruto suddenly put Daniel in a triangle choke making Daniel pass out.

Naruto:Next up choyun but I'll fight him tomorrow.

Naruto then went home looking forward to his fight with choyun.

News then went around about naruto defeating Western gangbuk no.2.

Kim then heard about this and thought (he would be a perfect asset to unify gangbuk. But no matter what he could find naruto anywhere he asked his crew and even god dog but no one have seen him.

Naruto was walking in northern gangbuk territory going towards were choyun lived but before he could reach choyun home about three hundred men try to stop him but he just kept walking activating his conquerors haki knocking all of them naruto proceeded to walk over their bodies to get to choyun at the front gate seeing choyun there waiting he was ready to charge at naruto but he said.

Naruto:Wait you don't have to be in such a hurry to lose

Choyun said in calm tone:What makes you think I would lose.

Naruto:simply I am just more powerful than you could ever be and you can't see my stats with your system.

Choyun:How do you know about the system!

Naruto:simple I created it or technically I'm the second creator

Choyun:What how

Naruto:let's just say it was given to me but never mind that to give you atleast a fair fight you can pick any power and I'm going to limit myself to your level and giving myself the power of 'multiply'.

Choyun:I would like to think first

Naruto:Sure I'll give you some time to think.

(5 minutes later).

Choyun:I have decided to go with the power of 'adaptability'

Naruto:Alright *snap* there you go now let's battle

Choyun:Let the best man win

Battle starts

Naruto ran at choyun throwing a roundhouse kick but choyun dodge grabbing naruto from out of the air suplexing him through a concrete wall but naruto just just rolled up looking calm and excited

Naruto:Very good now let's go faster

Naruto blitzed behind choyun kicking choyun knee breaking it turning choyun around grabbing his arms hitting him with a judo throw making choyun land on his back.Choyun injuries immediately healed because of his adapting ability choyun got up and immediately ran up to naruto throwing a brick at naruto head making him duck giving choyun the opportunity to uppercut naruto in the air and following up with a powerbomb but naruto rolled out of it bleeding from his mouth a little.naruto the multiply his speed by two times making him faster blitzing choyun he say that naruto was going to throw a left hook so he ducked just to get hit with a knee to his head followed up by a spinning elbow to the chin knocking him out on the but naruto know he was fully out because the ability that he has would make him heel very quickly while naruto was thinking choyun appeared behind naruto with equal or maybe more speed than him he chop naruto neck knocking him out but choyun knew he be up in three seconds so he took out a knife and was going to stab naruto through the heart but he felt something through his chest a large sword choyun looked around feeling alot of seeing that it was him that pushed the sword through his chest but before he could pull it out and his injuries could heel he felt someone touching him looking at who was touching him he saw it was naruto.

Naruto:Choyun that was a good fight but you have been pu to rest.

And with a snap of his fingers he disappeared.