
Naruto the everything god

naruto gets the power of everything (check out my friends fanfic too) fanfic:With my system in the omnivers (ended)

GodKiller_086 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Illusion king

Naruto appeared in his dimension thinking about what world he would go next.I think I want to go to this world bleach in the Arrancar: Downfall arc aizen looks like a worthy opponents.

Naruto open a portal stepping out right infront of ichigo and aizen.

Aizen:who are you

Naruto:Someone who is more powerful than the soul king

Aizen:No that's not possible I'm the only one that has the power to defeat the souk King

Ichigo:I'm here too you bustards

Naruto:You too important to be killed here I'll send you to a pocket dimension

Ichigo:No you won't

Ichigo ran and tried to slash Ichigo but naruto snapped his finger sending Ichigo to the pocket dimension.

Naruto:Now that he is gone I would like a dual.

Aizen:you can't defeat me in the First Hogyoku Fusion.

Naruto:we will see if you unbeatable

But before aizen could cut this human in two he saw naruto transform into a vaste lord but it was controlled No It was mastered.aizen also saw naruto eye's turn purple with rings in and 6 tomoe on the rings but he didn't care for his eyes

Aizen:Impossible how do you have mastery of the vaste lord form

'That's non of your business'Naruto said in a demonic voice.

The fight begins

Naruto pulled out a sword out of his pocket dimension it was the sword of lucifer it was a red spiky sharp short sword with the power hell itself.

Naruto flashed step behind aizen doing ten consecutive slashes but aizen dodge going fir a thrust to naruto head but naruto ducked looking behind and seeing that the mountain was cut in half naruto turn around have to dodge a slash thar was mental to cut off his head.Naruto then went into aizen guard using his hands to generate electricity and punching aizen leaving him stund naruto went and cut off aizen head but he saw that aizen body shattered naruto looked around and saw that aizen was behind him with a sword in his stomach.

Aizen:Hmm look like you were all talk as expected

Naruto:Open your eyes and see the truth aizen.

Aizen then open his eyes to see that naruto was totally alright.

Aizen:What how are you not hurt or dead

Naruto:Isn't it obvious you were under my illusion

Aizen:That's not possible my sword would have take me out of all illusion

Naruto:Simple my eye's you looked at them just by staring at my eyes you were put under a illusion

Aizen:You piece of shit

Aizen began transforming into his second Hogyoku Fusion.

Naruto:You have more forms that interesting now let's see if you've gotten any stronger.

Aizen with his new form became ten times faster but naruto could keep up hitting Aizen with lucifer sword killing Aizen because the sword could kill mortal and immortal. But naruto wouldn't let him die naruto revived him erasing Aizen memory and putting it back to normal. Naruto disappeared and appeared in his dimension