
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst... ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Anime et bandes dessinées
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106 Chs

Hana's Pursuit

"Looks like I'll have to get serious. You guys give me some time. Support Tsume as much as you can." Jiraiya said as he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

"You heard the man. Let's go!" Anko shouted as they rushed off the building.

Meanwhile, Tsume touched her cheek in surprise. She...hadn't even seen Hana move. When...did she get so powerful? This wasn't something that any of the data previously had recorded. Suddenly, the Inuzuka matriarch and her canine companion noticed the entire killing intent of Hana directed at them.

"Tsume! Stop sitting there! We gotta go!" Kuromaru shouted. His partner seemed to regain her sense and they both began dashing into the southwest corridor of the village. Hana watched them go before she stood on all-fours. With a deafening roar, she charged after them at a speed that crushed the ground beneath her feet.

Hana charged through the streets of Konoha like a demon seeking its contract. She couldn't see the other shinobi around her. She could only see Tsume running away like the damn coward she thought her former mother to be. To those unlucky ants that stood in front of her to protect her mother, she didn't remember what happened to them. They were gone by the time she even made contact with them.

For a brief moment, she wondered why Anko appeared in front of her. "Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)," Anko called out. Too many damn slithering reptiles to count shot out of Anko's sleeves ranging from big to small.

"Katon: Haisekishō (Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning)," Asuma called out as a wave of chakra-infused gunpowder obstructed Hana's vision of her target. The former Inuzuka snarled in frustration before the snakes struck from the cloud and began constricting her body. It wasn't long before she cried as the gunpowder ignited and a heavy explode rocked the village square.

"She seems...weaker," Asuma said.

"I'm not surprised. Anger is a powerful motivator, but it runs out eventually. Plus...whatever's happening to her all that chakra releasing has to put a strain on the body. Not only has she been firing all these blasts at us for over an hour, but she's been tanking technique after technique from over a hundred shinobi. I bet even the Kyuubi would feel at least some aftereffects," Anko said.

Asuma slowly nodded, but both were instantly blown away by a gust of wind as Hana broke away from them both. Both screamed as harsh blades of wind cut them both as they were thrown out of Hana's path.

As Hana kept running after Tsume, her world began to morph into an endless desert with enough heat to drain the very stamina from her body. A deep growl from within, Hana exploded a pulse of chakra from her body. The pulse of chakra bashed into the body of Kurenai Yuhi as she was sent flying into the debris as well.

Run, you fuckin' bitch! Hana would chase you into the middle of the Kami-forsaken earth if she needed to. There would be NOWHERE that you could hide from her! Hana would make Kuromaru fuck your lifeless corpse! How would that be for an interspecies experiment, you BITCH?!

Hana was not sure how many ants she had crushed. Hyuuga, Akimichi, Aburame, Nara, Yamanaka, and all the worms in-between that stood before her, clan or otherwise, fell at her feet as she ran after her mother. Tsume and Kuromaru landed into a rather open park. In under twenty seconds, Hana crashed behind them.

"So powerful…," Kuromaru praised as the dust settled. Hana stood before her former mother and her canine companion. Glob after glob of blood stained the ground. Her chest beat so fast that it was painful. Kunai and shuriken lodged themselves around her body. Her white fur glowed with the same luminescence as before. The chakra continued to roll off her form like an endless fountain.

"Look at her. She's even grander than we ever envisioned, Hokage-sama. Even if, in the end, we have to put her down, there might never be another experiment like her," Tsume said.

Hana's ears picked up on Tsume's words and anger in her body flared, but the injuries sustained were too heavy to keep it this way for long. The former Inuzuka roared and charged her mother. She was ready to take her head off, but a punch crushed the side of her cheek with a force that not even Maito Gai had been capable of pushing out. Out of the corner of her eye, she stared at Jiraiya of the Sannin. The Sannin's eyes had changed. They seemed to resemble...those of a toad. He sent her flying into a nearby wall. The building crumbled on top of her.

"Sorry to need you like this Ma, Pa. Hopefully, this won't take too long," Jiraiya said.

"So late as well, Jiraiya-chan. I sense such mighty chakra as well. You have truly put us in the middle of something insane once again," A green toad spoke from atop his right shoulder.

"There is no question about that. I could use a late-night snack when we're done here. I'll make some of my good home-cooking," a purple toad with a more feminine voice spoke.

Jiraiya laughed to himself as Kakashi landed next to him. "I'll aid you, Jiraiya-sama. She seems to be slowing down. It looks like the backlash is too great for her. We can handle her," Kakashi said.

"Remember, Kakashi. Gai said not to trade blows with her. Make sure you don't get hit. If you do, nothing short of Tsunade is gonna heal you,"


Both finished their conversation just in time to see Hana destroy the house that had fallen onto her. Hana snarled as she stared at Jiraiya and Kakashi standing between her and Tsume. Each and every single last one of them! They all just lined up to die! Fine! Hana would crush them both first!

Hana charged at Jiraiya first, but her vision blurred for a moment. It was a moment too long as Jiraiya punched her once again. A ripple of pain flew through her body which stumbled her legs. The wolf hybrid roared as she swung at him, but the Sannin was too quick. He dodged her strike as fireballs blasted into her backside courtesy of Kakashi. She bore her teeth at him as well, but then a kick crashed into her stomach. More pain flew through her body.

Why? Why was this happening? What happened to her power? It...suddenly became too hard to breathe. How long had she been fighting? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? She wasn't sure.

Hana tried to stand to her feet, but three punches sent her crashing into the southeast Konoha walls. A gasp of air fell from her mouth. She could feel her power draining. She could feel her consciousness threatening to slip away. Why? Why now?! The bestial animal that dominated her mind was slowly receding. Her rational mind was coming after the influx of chakra that fueled her transformation.

No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

So close. She was so close. Would she not get anyone that she wanted tonight? Was Fate playing some kind of sick, cruel game with her?


Hana opened her mouth and a blast of chakra expelled from her lips. Jiraiya and Kakashi jumped away from the blast as it collided with more broken and fallen debris.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu," Kakashi called as a ball of fire slipped from his mouth. The fire crashed into Hana's body as Jiraiya landed next to him.

"Katon: Dai Endan (Fire Release: Great Flame Bullet)," Jiraiya called out as those flames grew even larger. Through the flames, they could all hear Hana scream in pain. Soon, it wasn't long before more shinobi arrived on the scene. Each threw more shuriken and more kunai into the fanning flames. Jutsu of the earth, wind, and fire came down upon Hana as her screams grew louder! A resounding explosion shook the earth under their feet.

"Time to put this dog down for good," Jiraiya said. He held out his hand and a swirling blue ball of chakra began to spiral in his palm. At the same time, Kakashi held down his right hand. Chakra so strong that it became visible turned into a thunderous clap of birds. Through the flames, both could see Hana emerging.


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